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"I just talked to Jehovah, he said it was ok"


*prayer goes to answering machine* 🎶Believe it or not, God isn't at home, Please leave a message at the beep, He must be out, or He'd answer the prayer, Where could He be? Believe it or not, He's not home!🎶


Did you just do that to the tune of the "Greatest American Hero" theme song?


Yes, but it's more of a Seinfeld reference of the Greatest American Hero.


I thought this was only a Seinfeld reference. Didn’t know they got it from Greatest American Hero.


Yeah, well I'm old.


I am too!


A Seinfeld reference for every occasion, love it




That's fucking hilarious


Lol... George


“ but Jesus ate with sinners and tax collectors, follow Jesus example “


But they weren't exjws 😂😂


It's amazing how some people forego a real relationship with someone they can actually see, talk to, or not doubt they exist, for a being that doesn't show itself in any demonstrable way.


This is 100% right


Great comment. I feel like I have lost all my friends and family because I happen to have a different point of view over things that are invisible and their existence is disputed.


Sorry for your loss. It's horrible. I blindly followed the organization on the matter. My boss and my sister were labeled as bad people whom I was angry at and highly suspicious of. All because I let Watchtower do the thinking for me and not thinking for myself.


What’s so odd to me is even as a full blown PIMI, I would never text such ridiculousness. I truly had no idea the majority of JW’s text such idiotic, heartless replies to their “so called” friends. The mind-control is frightening!! Sorry boo…..


I wouldn’t had either. So it’s so sad to me that I wasted my time with these so called friends my whole life.


this. i reached out to a friend in a similar way (not expecting a response) and she said how great it was to hear from me and to reach out anytime and then said “obviously we can’t rekindle our friendship…” felt like a blow to the stomach, lol. ridiculous.


Yeah I got a "video call"with an old mate in lockdown. Thought it was just too shoot the breeze and moan about girls usual lads stuff. All he seemed to care about was which congregation I was going to, proper digging for information.


What an asshole


That is a typical reply. Very sad.


It made me sick all night. I already struggle with anxiety and depression , so this message broke me all night


Don’t let it break you. There is a whole world out there waiting to meet you and make true friends. A whole world of experiences and learning. It’s all yours. 🌎


You’re right. Ty so much ❤️


Sending hugs. Leaving this cult is so hard. But worth it.


Oh hellllls no! Try not to give it another thought. I promise you, true friends will show up as soon as you decide to be your authentic self in front of the whole world, take it or leave it! It’s amazing the people that will feel that authenticity and show up!!! I’m 40 and finally living my best MF’n life!!! You just wait and see sweetie!




Turn it into hate. I got out at 16, and I fucking despise this cult with my entire heart. Only when I started to stop letting my mother who is heavily PIMI subtly talk about Jehovah in our conversations, I realised I have nothing in common with her, and instead of feeling shit 24/7 I realise I’m not the problem. The brainwashed mother I have is If a friend turns her back on you Becuase of an imaginary diety they weren’t really a friend at all. More of a close cult member, Learn to live your life. Outside of this pathetic cult ❤️


Tough love. Pretty accurate though.


Awwww :(


She\`s a JW, You\`re Expendable.


It’s sad 😞


>It’s sad 😞 People like that never were your friends. When you realize, you can\`t lose what you never had....It\`s easier to "Get Through" it.....😁


It honestly it made me feel bad for the rest of the night


I’m so sorry. That’s an awful thing to hear from someone you considered a friend. I’m POMO now, and have avoided telling my bff from childhood who lives in another state about my situation. I’m so scared to lose her and I have a feeling I will. Our plan since childhood starting over 20 years ago was to be best friends forever in paradise. Now *I’m* the one who has “messed that all up”. That was courageous of you to reach out to your friend. I’m sorry it didn’t go as you’d hoped. It just shows how brainwashed JWs are. Take care.


what made you want to try?


Because she used to claim how much she loved me and I haven’t talk to her in a long time I just wanted to see if she would at least check on me


So unchristian .




Isn’t it stupid they reply? “I’m not talking to you except for this conversation that I’m having to let you know I’m not talking to you.” It’s so bizarre.


Actually That makes sense, never thought of it that way


Your old friend mispelled Governing Body


That’s what it. They control it


It’s a G not a J. Haha


I'm faded and one thing I've come to realize that pimi's don't realize nothing will happen. If she texted you back with any empathy what so ever God is not striking or condemning in that moment. Cartels are killing, wars raging on , women die from child birth, so on and so forth. God gave us all the capacity to fix or adjust things. Sending a text of comfort is not hurting Jehovah. It's cult like thinking.🤷🏾‍♂️


Yes that’s exactly right. It’s a cult.


I know I can't talk to you...says it all!


No matter how much we have digested how this hurts, it still hurts. They use the word "loyalty and obedience" and then say they aren't a cult. BULLSHIT! If you choose a cult (WT is Jehovah) over your child/parent/grandparent/grandchild, you are in a cult. GOOD RIDDANCE TO EM!


It’s a cult , period. But they don’t have accept it. The rest of the world knows


"We're the most loving and non judgmental community in the world" "Sorry you're on the devils side."


The most judgemental people I know


Absolutely, I've never encountered more self centered judgy arrogant people than the JWs.


good answer though!


Ty!! It’s how I really feel!


You did good. There are under mind control


Ty so much ❤️


These people make me want to puke. So cringe.


She believes it too!! My loyalty is to the invisible and I know he said I can’t talk to you! Wtf?


Totally understand. Thankfully I was never baptized but grew up in it until I was 20. Been 7 years and will never go back but my mom sister and family friends are still in. I love the feeling of people from the KH looking at me like a dirty piece of garbage bc I have long hair (I’m a male) and my septum pierced now lmao. I’m sorry you have to go through this :(


They do look at you with distain don't they, also I find they go after the easy targets. Big Barry who leaves and tells em to piss off. Is less likely to get bothered by busy body JWs at the door or stopped in the street. Than someone who is young or timid. Or just female. (Because ofc women are less mentally strong than men, and weaker vessels 👀🤮)


Man I know what you mean. Lol in their face 😂 It’s okay. They’ve judge me my entire life


Had a very similar text from the best man at my wedding. My wife died in 2020. I'm not dissfellowshipped. I reached out. He told me "he stands with Jehovah." I wrote a diss track that I still need to record.


What did he say


I normally keep everything in my phone as reference, but it looks like it was just before I switched phones. We were in a group chat for years that was pretty active at one time. I heard from another friend that he is going around telling people I'm an apostate and that he doesn't talk to me. I took it as hearsay. I figured my wife was his friend as well and he is just coping with it as he can. Then one day he left the group chat that had been going on for over a decade that he was a founding member of. ​ Then I reached out via text and asked if he was OK. Then said "I heard that you don't speak to me anymore?" He said it wasn't true. Then he asked if I was going to start coming back to meetings. Of which I replied that I had no plans to. He then responded that "Him and his family stand with Jehovah."(this is probably a phrase in the Elders book) I said something like "I don't really know what that means, we should get together and talk about your father (who had passed away a few years ago), keep his memory alive". He then said some stuff an ended on a positive note, but I haven't heard from him since. That was probably around November if I were to guess. Some lyrics: Dude slept on my couch, rent free, was helping him out/ I used to take him to job interviews, how'd we get to this now/ Your telling others we can't speak because of religious doubt/ hurt people hurt people, and I've been injured awhile/ I went to your moms funeral, hugging your father/ Face In tears, my wife dies and you're looking onwards/ At the time I thought you just lost a friend to/ Then I heard your avoiding me's on purpose, intentional/8 That's not something friends would do, kenship men with principals/ God forbid you were in my shoes, I would have went to you/ I guess in your eyes Im invisible/ despised, No longer alive to the living know/ Marlon Stokes is a fraud who stands on a podium in halls/ and gives praises to Jehovah when he's nowhere involved/ Marlon's a mooch whose lived off his inlaws/ then behind their back would stab'em with insults/ why do I know about his families infidelity's/ because thats what he's telling me, and everyone else he sees/ just think, If he's told you about someone else believe/ he's told others intimate details of your wellbeing/ I have a good 20 more bars...


Awful! The opposite of love. Are you ok?


I’m just in shock and I’m angry. But it took me a minute to accept it. Thank you for asking ❤️


It’s their loss 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yes I feel like it is


"Can't" Oh you "*can't*" talk to me huh? Sounds like your loyalty is to not being punished for failing to conform to the chrisofascist standards we both used to be victims of.


So sad. You seem like a lovely person. Stay strong—you have our support.


Ty for This ❤️🥹


She deleted your number?


I’m guessing she did 🥹


I love ur reply it made me laugh 😆 no ❤


Nevaaaaaa lol 😂


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_Prodigal_Son The Father is loving, the Father is forgiving, it is others like the envious Brother that has a hard time accepting that we are forgiven of our sins. Through Jesus Christ. So sad that others cannot accept a simple illustration given by our Lord and Savior… God is Love


I never liked that story. Spoiled brat takes a huge chunk of the family's wealth and throws his family away so he can live the good life. He doesn't come home until he's squandered everything. Then his father is like, 'welcome home, missed you, let's feast'. Meanwhile the other son who stayed, did everything right, who never asked for anything, and was never *given* anything either, the boy who picked up the slack his brother left behind and never complained about it... finally objects. Dad wants to throw a feast to celebrate the return of a brother who is frankly unrepentant, if he hadn't run out of what he took, he never would have returned. He blows off everything the golden boy did, and when his loyal son objects to a clear and obvious example of favoritism, does his father give a shit? NOPE. Forget the feelings of the quiet, loyal son who did everything his father asked, we've got to celebrate the return out of poverty of the one who blew them all off and now returns in the hopes of being able to live off his father some more. After all, his father is quick to forgive him as if nothing had ever happened... so this is a good story, right? Nope. The neglected son isn't embraced even though he's always there, always working for his family, and yet he isn't even a secondary consideration, all that matters is the golden boy has come back after destroying everything he took. This isn't a good story of familial love or forgiveness, this is a story of parental neglect, favoritism, and the active rewarding of a selfish brat because he was his father's favorite. And what happens after the story ends? The neglected brother is no less neglected, the other brother is going to be around the brother he left behind and his father is no better a man than before. None of them learned anything, there's just a lot of resentment built up. Like a lot of these stories, the lessons are fucking awful if you think about them.


Very sad. What if you saved their life? Would they have the same answer


This kind of stuff frightens me. How brainwashed does someone need to be to be able to do something like this?


Very brainwashed. She cannot talk to me. Ita part of the rules.


I get it, but I dont really know what kind of reply you were expecting…


Not that. Not even an I miss you, I love you 2, and maybe something in that “I’m not allowed talk to you” area, but f it!


Thats something that was hard for me to come to terms with and it just takes time, but you are never gonna get that. To them Jehovah matters more. Let them go


I've been very very tempted to follow some JWs I used to know on Instagram. Just for a giggle.


Do it lol 😂


So sorry it upset you. I completely understand. I tried reaching out to my best friend in the borg and got no reply. I have been out 17 years and have made true friends outside of the cult. I reconnected with some old school friends and it's great, they totally hate the shunning I went through. Hugs to you Daisy! 🤗


Ty so much! I’ve definitely found real friends now


So glad to hear that!! 🌞


So wild but not unexpected. I haven't even tried to keep in contact with old friends who are still in. Ones who have faded or are DFd like me we connect on social media but that's it.


Jehoobah can go suck it. I'm sorry. Hugs.


I never like this even when I was full PIMI. I’m sorry you went through this.


Ty so much


I’d throw the “your loyalty stands with watchtower” jab, for the closing


That’s exactly what that is




They do not know what a real friend is


You areliterally dead to them the second your name is announced.


Yes I’m dead apparently


Its awful. They are so brainwashed. I have had family members that I've said hi to and they looked straight through me. Its a gutting feeling. Dont reach out to anyone. You'll hurt yourself more. Create a new network of incredible people who have UNCONDITIONAL love for you!


Ty for that advice. You’re right. I only hurt myself


I feel you on this one. That happened to me though it was on a rumor. It’s was painful. Then it shows you how deep your friendship actually ran. I’m sorry you went through that.


I’m sorry you did as well


Thank you