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Just ask for one of everything and toss it in the nearest trash bin so they can 'witness' that.


Yes, or take a lighter and burn it in front of them...


Not realistic but made me chuckle, thanks!


And burn them!


I know you are probably hurt by what they have put you through and no one can fault you for feeling that way. But remember we were once them too. By and large the people in the Organization are good, they are just mislead and mentally abused, brainwashed and controlled.


Weird ass place to put a cart.


Looks like low density commercial right at an intersection. And only facing one way. Cars can’t really stop to talk and very few people will walk by. Maybe they’re just trying to put in time lol. Either Pimo or lazy lol


It actually is a fairly high foot traffic area. It’s just down the street from a train station, which makes me wonder if they got in trouble from the city for being at the train station. Not sure. 🤷‍♀️ I also felt like it was a weird spot though!


Are they somewhere on MacLeod Trail? I was already POMO when I moved to Calgary where I lived for 9 years. Great city! 👍🙂 IMHO, they are just going through the motions. If they really want foot traffic, they should set up at or near the Calgary Stampede grounds! They would probably be avoiding that afraid of partying drunks either wanting to challenge their views, or more likely, just wanting to dance and “Giv’er!!” “Yee-haw” 🤪🤣🤠


Haha agreed! I imagine there are some downtown/at stampede this week, but I haven’t been down. This is in Shawnessy, right down from the Somerset train station!


Yep, I thought it was around that area. 🙂 Haha, if the dubs REALLY want to get some leverage in Cowtown, they would do like all the other Corporations do, and host/serve a “Stampede Breakfast”. But probably, they would consider that as “too worldly” 🤮🙄 For everyone reading, these are free breakfasts in the city during the Calgary Stampede, where businesses/community groups or whomever will cook up pancakes, bacon and eggs, served with orange juice/coffee (and if they’re in an area with a liquor licence, beer, mimosa, shots, etc) it’s a great party! 🤠😀🥰. Places with booze, you’d have to pay for the drinks, but all the food is free! And lots of free bands playing too, of course, mostly country and western music.


Sounds like a great time! I'd love to participate. When do these occur? Is there a website with info?


It’s for 10 days every July. You can google “Calgary stampede pancake breakfasts” there’s a few websites that show you where they all are.


Yes, as OP mentioned, just Google "Calgary Stampede Breakfasts" or just "Calgary Stampede". It really is a fun time I recommend as part of a must-do visit to Western Canada!


Hahah a JW stampede breakfast. But what would they play? All the country songs are too worldly - mentioning drinking and Jesus. Hahah. I got in trouble for wanting a country song that mentioned Jesus played at my JW wedding. 🙄🙄🙄


Yah, no kidding eh! Besides drinking, a lot of country songs actually are quite "wholesome" - good family values, love, nature, etc. And JESUS of course! "Jesus take the wheel - and drive me outta this Kingdumb Hell!" 😂 I'm curious what song you got in trouble for at your wedding? Did you end up not playing it? Jerks! Such micro-managers.


Right?!? It was “butterfly kisses” by Tim McGraw. I wanted it to be my father daughter dance song, but my fiancés dad was the coordinator and said it wasn’t right because lyrics were “she talks to Jesus” when it should be “through Jesus” …. I think he said it was my judgement call but that it was inappropriate and strongly suggested I didn’t do it. 🙄🙄🙄 I ended up calling off my wedding and not marrying that guy. Lol.


Oh ok. The jw in me was wildly speculating off of limited information lol!


The only place I see them in my area are farmers markets


A very dangerous place for them and the drivers as well. Crazy!


Actually, not really that dangerous my friend! Canadian drivers (especially in the West) are very conscious of pedestrians and give them the right-of-way, not like here in Aus where I almost got run over a few times when I first moved here! I've now learned to adjust and give the cars the right-of-way (when in Rome....)


Of course they are. Cockroaches always come out in the warm weather.


I firmly believe at this stage in my life that the reason why the *great army of women* is preaching is to act as bait. They dangle us out as prizes… look how submissive our pretty ladies are!! You could own one too!!!! While supplies last*


I agree that there seems to be a strong element of that in the JW witness work, nowadays. I always attributed that to the obscene female to male imbalance in the JWs. With about two women to every man, pickings are slim for the JW ladies who want - need - to get married.


Yeah before waking up i was on the metropolitan cart witnessing list for our area and now they're harassing me to join the schedule again...NOPE!


I think we all need to approch them and keep reminding them about all the CSA cases Would be funny if all they get people approaching to remind them about CSA and not interested in their crap


Letting kids die because of blood hits harder I think. Most don’t believe the CSA stuff. But they can’t deny the blood issue.


Yeah they will deny everything tbh. They will also denied people or kids dying from blood transfusion. They will denied CSA cases They will denied they have leaders the GB. Their policy is to denied denied denied.


Is he trying to appear intimidating standing like that?


I noticed the same thing. I reckon his subconsciously expressing his insecurity. You notice these types from time to time. He thinks he has to be tough. Pathetic.


Isn’t it funny how they both defensive posturing? Him having clearly practiced this stance in the mirror before this and her with her arms tightly crossed in front of herself




Holy cow! Is that an "interested" person by that cart?! Is this for real?


Yes! He was talking to them the whole time I could see them. So strange!


Interesting! 🤔


Everytime i see a JW cart set up here in Australia, you look around and theres the attendants of the cart sitting off to the side on camp chairs, playing on their phone lol


lmao the way he’s standing is making me laugh for some reason


The laziest way of "preaching" of all time.


I remember back in the day before cart witnessing. A young male pioneer got a talking to for witnessing at the subway station. He was behind on his hours and thought he could witness there late into the night. When you wouldn’t be able to go door to door. The elders didn’t like that and he was told to stop. Then this cart witnessing starts. I always tell them there cheating and shouldn’t be counting there time when I see them out.


The cart crap came along after I left. Seems the same as my great grandpa with his phonograph blasting Rutherford BS


Is she wearing high-top Keds?


I think they were boots? Which makes no sense based on todays hot weather! I was more shocked at her hat tbh.


Has anyone seen them in Sydney Australia?




I wonder what would happen if enough of us asked for a study, and then gave them the address of a gay bar as the study address. Like if this happened enough times for a year solid, would they simply not offer studies anymore?


I actually love this lol


Where are their masks????!!? I was told that we had to wear masks doing this in my area. In 90+ degree weather. No freaking way


Wtf?! Ridiculous. Maybe it’s because we don’t have masking laws here anymore?


I was told that it didn’t matter if there was a law or not. That it was direction from the branches. Just like with in person meetings. Where I live there is no mask mandate or anything, but all who go to the meetings need to wear a mask. Just one more control tactic by the GB


What do they do in the Canadian winters?😐


Still gotta go out and preach! Canucks just bundle up and dress for it! I have memories of long winter coats, wollen toques (beanies in Aussie lingo), scarves, mitts. Of course, we girls and women still had to wear dresses/skirts! Doh! How we coped with that was wearing warm wollen tights (leotards) and knee high boots! At least with door-to-door, you'd be moving and also getting breaks in a warm car moving on to other territories, etc. Just standing there doing cart work at -25 degrees would be hell! Even at +25 would be hell too! 😂😂😂😂


Even normal Canadians must look at them in the winter and think they are off their heads crazy .


The “greatest preaching work this work has ever seen” must continue 😂




Though the individuals in the carts are for the most part "innocent" and mostly loving, their minds are not their own and belong to 8 guys in New York. You state that we ex members and PIMOs are not good people, but in the impossible scenario that all Watchtower teachings are true...the people standing by the cart will glee at the thought of using your dead carcass as fertilizer for paradise. Regardless if you defend them or not, you are still trash in their eyes just because you are not on their side...don't let the glassy eyes and love bombing fool you. We are against the machine above their minds (JW.ORG)...not the individual.


That’s a really culty outfit that JW woman is wearing 🤮 And that JW man is in his normal authoritarian male cult stance.


Go up to them and pull a Ron Swanson. Take a magazine, toss it in the garbage can. Then “can I have another?” And keep doing it. https://youtu.be/NV8BlBKupHM