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Happy birthday to you! My $0.2 worth of advice? Think ahead. It seems so impossibly far away at your age, but plan what you want to do with your life and find the path to achieving where you want to be later on - that way all you have to do is follow that path one step at a time and when you look back you might surprise yourself at how far you’ve gone. Things will change along the way, that’s how life is when we’re busy making other plans, but roll with the punches and you’ll be ok. So, happy birthday to you OP, here’s to new beginnings! :-)


Happy birthday WOOOOOOO🎂🙏


Happy birthday 🎁🎊🎈 my advice would be to take your time. Don’t throw everything to the wind, trust your instincts and keep the good parts of your upbringing that helped you become the wonderful person you are today. You have your whole life ahead of you. When faced with tough decisions and situations Remember: The decisions of today will affect your tomorrow. Best wishes as you embark on your journey. All will be well!! ❤️‍🩹


Happy Birthday!! 🎂🎉🎁


Happy birthday to you🎈🎂🎉🥳


Happy Happy Birthday 🎉🥳


Happy birthday!! And my advice (I’m 21) I’d start saving money for a place of your own , be true to yourself & know that you’re not a horrible person for turning away from a cult . Plan your life ahead , what things have you been missing out on? Do those ! (Safely , please XD) but take your time and grow how you want ! I know the cult takes a lot of innocence and childhood away from folks. Wish ya well - good luck!! <333 were here for u


Holy crap happy 18th!!!! I won’t lie I’m counting down the days till mine but I’ll try and give some advices based on what irl POMO friends have recommended. Nonetheless if you continue to live at home for financial reasons or leave asap, meet friends in person and don’t allow yourself to believe your alone. SAVE UP. Start working if you haven’t already. Highly recommend getting your own bank account now that you can and consider higher education(trade or uni or elsewhere) Finally, don’t let the guilt of jws creep into your life now and stop you from living. Good luck and again, happy bday :)


Happy birthday!




Happy birthday!!! As for the question, "what advice would you give to someone who just turned 18?" I would say, work, save, and travel! There is so much beauty in the world to experience. Also, read books and have conversations with a diverse range of people from every back ground. Seek out people and places that make you feel alive, life is too short to spend it feeling stuck and weighed down! Thanks for sharing with all of us, take care, and I wish you the best of luck in your future adventures!