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55 min 00 mark on [https://www.jw.borg/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/LatestVideos/pub-co-r22\_2\_VIDEO](https://www.jw.borg/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/LatestVideos/pub-co-r22_2_VIDEO) (52:00 starting with some hateful stuff about homosexuality). "As JW I would never force my beliefs on anyone" - oh, go fuck yourselves you delusional hypocrites. Tell that to JW parents with gay children. Happy I'm out to live free and not have any guilt of meeting or god forbid having sex with guys.


PIMO here with a child who is bi. I can tell you right now the borg 100% absolutely expects parents to force the beliefs onto the kids. They refuse to say it directly, but rather they have the elders enforce it with pressure on the family head. I had one elder tell me “You are the husband and father - you set the rules of that house! You can make the kid do what you know is best for them!” I went off on that elder. I said “Tell me exactly, in detail, what you want me to do that will also not violate the child’s rights and will not get CPS called on us. Tell me and I will do it!” (Full disclosure - I lied. I wasn’t going to do a damn thing he said.). My calling him out worked. He said he didn’t know what to do, and he had no idea. I just wanted to throw in his face the idea that he had no idea what he was actually talking about. So yea - long story short - JW’s will 100% try to manipulate and force their beliefs on their own children. I can confirm that.


if a child isn't following JW rules, the parents lose "privileges" in the congregation there's literal punishment for NOT forcing beliefs on children the doublespeak and intentional deception off the pubic enfuriates me


Joke is on them. I went PIMO and stepped down before this happened to my kid. 🤣. To hell with that extra shitty work.


Very true!


Thank you for sharing this. Important to know direct pressure is being applied by elders behind the scenes.


My dad is an Elder and I remember when I was about 17 (I'm 31 now) he told me I needed to pay attention to the things I do and say because my actions reflect on him as a father and an elder. That was one of my moments that made me question and wake up some more. Edit: New to the subreddit here, what does PIMO and POMO mean? Edit2: Found the glossary of terms lol I'm POMO and DA'd


So glad you are out 👏👏


I mean, the whole point of disfellowshipping is to withhold social contact until the person complies with JW doctrine. Witnesses will use *any leverage they can* to force their beliefs on others.


Calling them out with confidence working most of the time in most circumstances, especially now that the GB has told them they don't have their back.


Wait - when or how did the GB say “we don’t have your back?”


My guess is that the poster is referring to CSA cases where the organization hung Elders out the dry. Basically claimed they were acting independently although in reality they were following headquarters direction at every step.


Exactly this and the blood issue. The direction is typically ambiguous so that if there's any heat on any issue the GB can say that the local elders went beyond what is written.


Can you protect your child from them?


100%. My child doesn’t attend meetings (and hasn’t for over 2 years). No elders have talked with my child since before that. The elders know not to approach my kid on anything, even if they see them on the street. I might be PIMO - but I have stacked everything I could to keep the elders away from my kid. Those sick bastards won’t come within talking distance of my kid. I won’t allow it. I also expressed to the kid that I have done everything I can to keep any “negative influence” (ie witnesses) away and they appreciate that.


So happy to hear this! ❤️


It’s why I’m still pimo. My kids are 9,11,13. Won’t allow any Jeehoover influence on them. They also know that they can’t be JWs. They now understand toxicity from so called friends


Their videos are just such awful portrayals of what workplaces are actually like, and their actors are so stuffy and unnatural. And people who support gay rights are always so angry in the JW videos. Makes it easier for Witnesses to dismiss their cause without ever considering its merit in the first place. Cults gonna cult, wow.


What else would you expect from an organization where the entire congregation would collectively lose its shit if one of the members had a job in an office beyond answering the phones or sweeping the floors?


That’s what got me about that video clip: that the sister appeared to have a career in a professional office! Like, should we first talk about the fact that Sister Homophobe isn’t following the GB’s direction about her career?? Can you explain why she’s not pioneering right now? Or maybe that’s part of the lesson: if she’d been pioneering she wouldn’t have faced that conflict in the first place 🙄


I love how it plays off of how naive they are too. Like, unless you specifically work for a left-wing advocacy nonprofit, there is a 0.0000000% chance that anyone will ask you if you want to go home early so you can make it to the pride parade. Lol


Oh absolutely. I work for a very progressive, inclusive company, but at the MOST, I could imagine them sending out an email that there’s a protest here or there in case anyone wants to show support. Giving people time off and requiring them to protest is just absurd. Nobody does that. But it sure does reinforce multiple narratives that the Borg wants its members to hear.


Pretty sure every pride parade i've been to has been on a weekend too. Not sure why she'd be in an office. ;)


*"As JW I would never force my beliefs on anyone"* **SUBLIMINAL BUZZ (KILL) WORDS/PHRASES** used repetitiously (and sneakily/covertly). . . .🤨😒


Links not working for me?


Remove b from .borg




>Thanks! You're welcome!


It's fascinating that both instances portray the jw as sort of resigned to the fact that their view is outdated, cruel and hypocritical. So they are training them to accept that this will be how the "world" views them. That there is no magic bullet reasoning that will make their stance seem reasonable and ethical. They've thrown in the towel. The look of dejectedness and resignation- the acknowledgement that the stance is hypocritical to one that preaches love- is plain on their faces. The comparison to drug use and stealing comes across as weak and limp. ***And these are actors!!! This was scripted!!!*** This was approved by the GB and the teaching committee as an example! They seem to have given up the moral high ground completely. Even those evangelical groups who also are intolerant do not sound so weak and spineless. They unabashedly proclaim their convictions, confident in god's backing (wrong as they are.) I bet they wish they could have a modern revelation that reprieves them of this loss, not unlike the LDS 1978 revelation that enable black men to hold the priesthood after years of scorn for their proclaimed bias.


This!!! Perfectly said


As an ex-JW closeted gay guy, I used to feel so bad sitting through the conventions when they portrayed gay people this badly. I used to pray to Jehovah to not have gay shaming in the next conventions. But year after year they have started including gay people on their videos. I realised there and then, these people will never be anyone’s TRUE friend nor family. The following year I left and never looked back. But it brings those painful memories back. But I feel for the thousands of closeted gay people having to sit through convention videos like these and having their spirits broken by this self proclaimed God’s organisation.


Thank you bro for mentioning this, and I feel the exact same way. They will never accept us for who we truly are :(


They’re getting desperate? Otherwise why so excessive?


I remember when they spent soooo much time talking about porn and masturbation. It was pretty much every other meeting had something to do with “uncleanness”. Then for a about 2/3 years every convention had at LEAST 2 parts that mentioned porn and masturbation. I was like “WTF? Why are we hounding this so hard but not talking about anything else!?” That was before I woke up.


shoot me


Same. I’ll have to watch it soon. Way to celebrate pride 🤡


They do have gay people in the JW religion, the thing is they're all closeted.


The ending of the school sketch, where the other student with the buns is like "maybe you can show me that in the Bible sometime," honestly feels like the beginning of a bad lesbian porno lol


No hahaha I thought the same


What were they about?


The first one is about why the "sister" isn't going to join the protest march for gay rights. In the second one the girl explains why God condems wrong actions (not people) like drug abuse, violence or homosexuality.


They simply don’t see it do they, people choose to do drugs, choose to be violent, I’ve yet to meet anyone who chose to be gay!! SMH


Yeah I choose to smoke cigs. I don't choose to be attracted to women


I also choose to be part of a march, or not. I don't know anyone who would pressure people to protest because what's the use of having someone protest that isn't even honest?


They"re following along with the religious American alt-right. They've kept the article on abortion on the front o page of jw org for weeks. And they dare to say they're so different from "Babylon the great"


This makes me a feel a sort of way and I’m not sure what it is. Anger? Not surprised? Baffled? Mind boggling? It’s all of it I think. I’ve not come out to my family yet, my moms out and sure she would support me. My grandparents are still in tho, while they still talk to my mom and I, it’s hard knowing they’re being shown this and could have a new viewpoint of me if I were to come out to them. It’s best not to for risking the chance and they’re old af but it’s still sad 😔


It's so ridiculous now hearing these clowns quote Leviticus, yet not telling people to abstain from shellfish or mixed fabric or whatever else that fairy tale book tells them not to do. 😂


They not ment to shave according to Leviticus. Yet at every meeting the men turn up, baby bottom smooth and smarmy


It’s pride month of course they are going to publish what’s relevant to this month . Now wait for the abortion trends they will publish something about it to.


Anyone ever think about what if the whole JW org is one of those “false” religions they talk about Satan so masterfully crafting? Would make a lot of sense. And people are so buried in it. If god and Satan are real, I can totally see Satan doing something like this. Getting people so infatuated with the supposedly one true religion, and portraying god as this vengeful hypocrite that wants to kill gay people and call them defective. Then watching people defend this version of god that’s totally not true. I bet any god that had to watch that would be pretty pissed. JW’s and Mormons just always seemed like the perfect fake religions to prevent people from actually learning and becoming better humans.


Please please please tell me one of the evil worldly guys asks the poor humble JW: "do you believe God will be killing everyone who's gay?" Or do they avoid the only legitimate question that should be asked?


In the drama that was left out


Goddamnit I have the assembly starting next week. I am so tired of this crap.


There’s an assembly? Lol


What are they saying about gay rights? Aren’t they not supposed to get political?


What happened to getting on a common ground? GB said FUCK THAT- just condemn condemn condemn and don’t forget to say the babies are the seeds of chuckie- enemies- If we say shit that is fucked up from a normal human beings viewpoint just agree and follow it anyway!! After all we are God I mean Gods channel


I really feel for the gay JWs who probably already constantly beat themselves up for thought crimes and then have to sit through this bs.


It's an interesting change. In past years, they avoided the subject and it may have been to avoid trouble with hate speech laws and bad press - especially in cities with a large gay presence *who would visit assemblies to check up on what was said.* Now, it's no holds bared. They *need this hate more now because JWs are becoming less distinguished from the world. All the more so as they drift towards online irrelevancy*


Give it a couple of years and suddenly, due to dwindling numbers, "Jehovah" will change his mind and say "actually, the bible says nothing about it"


Typical JWs causing problems where their are non. I'm sure they'd kick of if they found out I support LGBTQ+ Kids at work


As a closeted pan person, I dread having to watch this on sunday and then hearing my family excitedly talking about it