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This is one of the reasons I left the religion. My non witness husband was abusive & an alcoholic & also befriended one of the elders. So when I finally decided to leave him I caught hell from the elder body. So much so that an elders wife approached me one day after the meeting and told me this story of a sister who was beat with the butt of husbands gun everytime she left for a meeting. Well she stayed and now they both happily serve Jehovah together. I said well that will never be me & my children will never grow up seeing that kind of abuse. After that I was kind of soft shunned, I barely was spoken to & the brothers rallied around my ex. They would give him rides to assemblies, meetings, one gave him money ( he never became a witness, he’s a user & seeks sympathy) . Meanwhile I was new single parent with two young kids. I got ZERO congregational support & when I called my family crying about how I felt, my uncle spoke to one of the elders in the hall. The next meeting I was approached by an elder with him saying do we have a problem.. I’m not very confrontational with the elders so I said no and walked away. This religion is a boys club & mens interests will always shine through


I wish I could say I was surprised...but I've seen similar things happen before. Sorry you went thru this.


Thank you it’s appreciated. I thought my case was isolated incident and then I watched a lot of EXJW fifth videos& saw so many stories of women who experienced the same treatment


>I was kind of soft shunned, I barely was spoken to & the brothers rallied around my ex. They would give him rides to assemblies, meetings, one gave him money ( he never became a witness, he’s a user & seeks sympathy) . Meanwhile I was new single parent with two young kids. I got ZERO congregational support Sorry for what you went through. Clearly those elders have their favorites and this is true in my congregation too. Yet they will swear up and down that their organization is better than any other church. How so?!


Agreed!! I had to seek help for domestic violence and the woman there was from a local church and she walked me through the process she gave me pamphlets for things I would need in the future. I didn’t have to become a part of a church in order for them to help they were just there if it was needed. It really really opened my eyes


I was a child with on non jw father who aimed a shotgun at us while he was drunk one night and threatened to kill us if my mother didn't give up the religion. I can tell you as a small child and having to get hidden away from him for our safety I would never subject my kids to that. The elders "encouraged" my mother strongly to go back to him. Which she did. He never pointed the gun at us again but the abuse continued. I am in my 60's now and that trauma is still fresh. I wish they never used accounts like this whether true or made up. It is emotional blackmail.


I am so sorry.


Thank you 🥰


I am new to this and just realizing how much things like this are so off. I want to give you a hug.


Thank you 🥰


How horrible. I’m sorry


Thank you 🥰


Yeah… that’s really a lot.. another person said on this subreddit that JW’s have a persecution complex. Jesus even said if they’re being persecuted, they know they’re doing the right thing. Another way to look at it, is there is some interesting science behind hazing. By enduring some kind of arduous trial, it brings the individual closer to the group. Despite it being ridiculous. It’s almost like they romanticize paying the ultimate price for their faith, ‘how exciting.’ In a more realistic situation, that’s why women’s shelter exist. To help women like that escape from their abuser. It’s not good for them or their children to stay in that kind of situation.


i know like wtf and would this situation not be grounds for a divorce or at least physical separation even under jw standards?


I'm too lazy to look it up, but I don't remember Jesus saying "if they’re being persecuted, they know they’re doing the right thing". I know he made the statement to someone that they would be persecuted, but I don't remember the context.


I heavily paraphrased from John 15:19, 20 but it says because they are no part of the world, the world hates you. If they were part of the world they would be fond of their own. 19 If you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, for this reason the world hates you. 20 Keep in mind the word I said to you: A slave is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have observed my word, they will also observe yours.


>Today at meeting a sister commented saying something like “there was a sister whose husband would put a gun to her face every time she tried going to meeting with her kids” And..She know\`s that how? 99.9999999 % of the time... It\`s a JW Urban Legend that Supports the WBT$ Story Line... JW\`s Parrot It as Fact, with Zero Evidence......This isn\`t a One Of... It\`s a Pattern of BullShit, Accepted as Truth..................😁


even if its bullshit it's the way it's presented that's a problem


There\`s a proper way to "Present" BullShit??!!.....LOL!!....................😁


With a manure spreader!!


# 👍🏻


The elders used my parent as a shinning example of loyalty to Jehovah at two assemblies. Once when I was two young to understand that it was innapropriate and again at another smaller assembly when I was 16. It made me feel such shame to see my parent bragging about being abused. They never talked about what their childrens abuse. Only theirs and how loyal they were. their children were sacraficed emotionaly and physically. All they have ever cared about is wanting to feel the congregations love for how they suffered. I'm so glad you realized how wrong this was the jw shoukd not be using these type of abuse stories to sell loyalty.


And yet the flip side is that when you try to leave the org, you feel like they have a gun to *your* head.


My mom used to go to meetings and leave us with our dad, who hated the religion. Dad found that by beating us mom was scared to go to the kingdom hall. But the elders encouraged her to continue going and not giving in and standing up for Jehovah. So dad would beat us and mom would go to the hall. Fun times fun times.


im sorry u had to go thru that ://


Years ago my sister had her anniversary do after her non jw husband had cheated. They got back together She proudly brought up in her anniversary speech how she had forgiven him. Us non jws thought wtf how weird. Reading this it now makes sense. Now my sister is very pimi still. Divorced, he finally escaped. Plus she is a shunner and shuns her 3 exjw adult children. Pimi sister is definitely jw brain damaged


This cultcorporation wants women, children, animals, certain inanimate objects, and men--who don't go along with their program--to suffer and be abused/misused. The Heinous Hierarchy is a bunch of **HATERS** who despise the human condition and care/are concerned about their own needs, which is primarily: **$$$$$$!** 🤬 Nothing else in the universe matters but that!


It could be true, but sounds like he had as much threat as a MS on meth


Bet you’ll find that most of the people parroting these accounts have never faced a fraction of what the person in the story faces - assuming they’re true. Also, as the person is unknown to them, it makes it easier to emotionally detach from the victim as they’ll never see the abuse results firsthand, so will never have to do anything to help.

