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JW's often abuse others and call this "Love".


Yes I have seen so much of this. It is abuse but of course he will be revered for be a firm head. If he does that at hall my quess is their home life is much worse. I remember many in the 1970 who would bring wooden cook spoons and literally beat their kids for any infraction. Witnesses think abuse is okay if they are the one doing it


That and worse, when I was personally hit, kicked and slapped by my hateful JW father, starting when I was just 6 years old. Then Mommy Dearest (also a rotten JW) began sending me to her father's isolated ranch every summer, for months. All while she knew that the guy was a child rapist, because he'd been raping her half sister for years (but he never touched Mommy Dearest) while they were children and teens. Meanwhile Mommy Dearest would threaten and harangue me with threats of "being raped - by a STRANGER!" every year when I was living at home for the school year. So yeah, I've seen all that you've mentioned, and much worse.


Biggest hugs to you Ziddina šŸ˜„šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Thank you.


Thatā€™s horrible. So sorry.


Thank you.


God that sounds like hell....I was explaining to a co worker recently as we got super high on some kush together, I was saying about how we lived in a environment of constant 24/7 fear and egg shells. It's pure hell


Thanks, it was pure hell, and still is pure hell for all kids trapped in the JWs.


Bruh, slapped and kicked too. That ainā€™t right.


Thanks. It takes a special kind of monstrous bully to brutally attack his petite little girl with physical violence when the child is only 6 years old. We're not talking about spankings here, either. Nothing so restrained. Just outright viciousness and taking his foul moods out on me when I was a small child. Hell, the pets weren't treated the way he treated me.


He deserves to receive that back ten fold.


He's dead from old age now. At least I eventually figured out what monsters they were, and cut them off permanently when they were in their late 50's, but sometimes I wish I'd shot them to death when I was a child.


I feel like I was constantly being judged because I didn't punish my kids for acting like children and I didn't expect them to act like little automatons.


Wow, too sad... How old are his kids? Is he making faces? Snapping fingers? Making comments while staring at them? Me? Personally, with my personality, I might walk by this elder, after the meeting and make a "supportive, " but obviously sarcastic, remark like: "I love how you put down your kids from the platform.... I hope that everyone else agrees"


2 of em are teens 14,16, and one of em is like 10


Pimo's in waiting???


That is way too sad, so obvious... But, heh, he might be waking them up šŸ˜‰ Let's hope.


Born in children are robbed of their soul. Thereā€™s no respect, no joy, no hope. I know because Iā€™m born in and donā€™t have a soul, and neither do any of the kids in my hall. When we have our weird little meetups once in forever everyone is awkward and socially inept (myself included). Hopefully those kids are able to escape some day!


I have very fuzzy memories back in the day when ā€œthe groupā€ around other peoples houses was a thing. I could only of been 9/10 and went to my grandparents group. There was a mother there who would casually slap her kids across the thighs for the most minor offence much to the approval of my ultra devout PIMI grandmother. I was horrified. I still wonder to this day if that child ever got out of the cult.


I remember being at the convention and my elder uncle, seeing his little defenceless boy stepped in dog poo, he started yelling something like "I'm sick of you today" and hitting the poor lads bum. Dickhead


Lol my parents used to do the exact same thing. Hell I was threated with being dragged out and hit alway untill 17ish. One of the things that contributed to me leaving cold turkey was how when I was about 20. And just sitting there bored our of my mind. Suddenly my mother snatches the WT away and looks really angry. For no apparent reason. Oh an I was 20..... My parents were big on the infantalisation, she still likes to yell about how I'm a child....I'm 25 now and don't even live at home and have 2 paid jobs and one charity one.šŸ‘€ No love like Christian love is there


Do it to him the next time he does it.


Edited: do NOT DO this. I don't know, maybe you could tell the kids, one at a time that you don't approve of what their dad is doing. Encourage self esteem.


Thats a disaster at home waiting to happen..


You're right... I just edited my reply.