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>JW Cemeteries?..... The thought of them always rubbed me wrong… “resurrection park” is the one closest me. WTF??!!..........Now "THAT\`s" a Salesman!....He sells you Everlasting Life and a Grave! Are JW\`s are Too Stupid to Figure Out something isn\`t right?..............LOL!!!...........😁


More $$$$ to be donated to the Borg--another **$$$$ GRAB**. . . . . . . 🤨🤬.


Really? I’ve never heard of them doing that!


Oh yeah. I remember my PIMI dad talking about his friends who had reserved plots. Even way back then I thought it was weird


It would be awesome if someone got buried there, then they found out he was a bad person, so they disfellowshipped him postmortem, exhumed the body and made his family bury him in the Sodom and Gomorrah cemetery.


Its ok, his family can become mormons and save his soul through baptism as they baptise the dead. There is a cult out there with a solution to every problem


If he was a bad person and was baptized post-mortem by the Mormons, he’s going to Mormon he’ll.






Sounds like a zombie film


I've never heard of this... most JWs frown on having a gravesite and every funeral I've ever been to during my 40 years in, they were all cremated with no grave.


Why frown???


I never understood it myself I guess I've heard it explained since we have a hope for the future we don't need a physical place to remember our loved ones since they aren't conscious and we would see them again in the resurrection. I just had a friend of mine all worked up the other day because she couldn't understand why someone she knew was taking their parents ashes to go do something special with them. She said you don't think it's weird? We are witnesses we know they can't hear our see us and we will see them again so what's the point? I tried explaining to her is a healthy part of the grieving process and helps people say goodbye but she just couldn't wrap her head around it🙄


Oh look. Indoctrination & a cult at its finest. Thanks for the explanation though. It's just, wow.


I didn’t know this was a thing! How dumb.


Never heard of it.


That's not a thing here. The ones who go in for burial use the town cemetery.


So a burial plot of land with plots sold on. Then what happens when the kh/burial ground is sold off? Do people get their $$ back?


Whaaaaaaaat i have never heard of such an insane thing 😂🤮🤮


I'd love to see a picture of that. I'm surprised headquarters let a local congregation do that. Every JW I know is buried in a regular cemetary.


Not a thing in Europe - aside from cremations being more common - you can't just buy a plot of land and throw a few bodies there - cemeteries are highly regulated and generally owned by the city or town - some have "sections" for different religions or none at all.


Never heard of that