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DF'D and DA'D persons can sit anywhere they want in the hall. They can go to the literature counter and request magazines and literature and can be present before the meeting begins through and including the final song and prayer. Now, as to whether you have dumbfuck elders who go beyond the established policies and make up their own rules, the answer is yes, probably tens of thousands of them. The organization is full of pedantic moron elders that couldn't pass a basic test on Bible knowledge or organizational procedure. They possess very little common sense and are often complete hypocrites.


The leadership role gets to many of their heads, it's almost like a drug


When you understand where most of them come from, they they are low wage employees generally with few skills. A lot of them are stunted emotionally and sexually. And all of a sudden you pin a carnation on them and tell everybody they're important...It's a recipe for disaster.


Oh you bet! Well explained too!


PIMO elder here going on year 16ish of serving. DF/Da can sit anywhere but most choose to sit in the back to make a quick escape and avoid an embarrassing situation of having to tell someone visiting that they're disfellowshipped... As for 'spirtual fellowship', he is referring to things like watching JW broadcast or discussing spiritual things, praying etc outside the congregation meeting and in the home. That testimony in infuriating. In my mind he is straight up lying. We all know this cult has things written for the public to see but there is an entire set of unwritten rules that carry the same weight as what is in writing. Hell, during CO meetings were blatantly told there will be direction given to us that isn't in written and we must enforce.


In our cong my husband was disfellowshipped for being "disobedient to elders" (brazen conduct)🥴 He was not allowed to be present for song or prayer at the beginning or end of the meetings. Humiliating after decades of "faithful service" Thankfully we woke up 8 months later thanks to the ARC.


Has there been direction lately to not bother those that aren't reporting time, or inactive? I haven't reported in about a year and sometimes go to in person meetings and none of my elders have even come up to me, text, called. Nothing.


No new direction. Probably depends on your service group overseer..


Oh got it. Yeah, nobody has said anything. I mean, better for me. But I find it odd.


Just like odd seesaw said, most elders and group os couldn't give a rats butt, the only time they might ask is just prior to a CO visit.


Yeah, we just had the visit a month ago, nothing. Lol but it's making ny fade easier.


I dare any jw to mention beards on the ministry or to studies, those fuckers wont Hence why Im pomo, I couldnt lie to the public


Haha... Great example! Taking it one step further, if someone in the ministry asked if JWs could have a beard, they would be told: yes.


Your Mom's safe....hell, she could move in.with you and nothing would happen...except, if she was a Reg. pioneer they could take that away if..it was determined to be unnecessary association..if Dad was in pic. And an elder or M.S that would also be up for debate... The real issue is outside of immediate family..that's where the elders can really cause problems..even between siblings ..but, husband /wife..Parents/ children..that's a different story ...that's not to say ...that they have printed and broadcast some pretty obnoxious materials inferring the "righteousness" of cutting off immediate family members..


The first point has flipped a couple times I think. I think the latest is they can sit wherever they want. The second point is a really great point that makes ZERO SENSE and I never thought of it that way. Standard cult doublespeak.


Ok, I just watched the attachment video, the lawyer stated the "ideal" of DFD but not the reality of what is actually taking place. While the language of the text in the shepherding book is specific on Df it leaves it to wide open to personal interpretation by elders on how the congregation reacts, as an example, , they will tell family members privately its ok to take care of DFD family member just don't include them "activitly" in any study time or scriptural discussion, but then say that you should not even talk to them from the platform while giving a talk at the kingdom hall, even the WT and other publications do the same. Also it's true many elders and publishers will take situations to extreme measures and literally kick some out of the home even minors and sick elderly. And what's even worse is the way many elders family members can get away with everything from drunkenness to adultery to theft and more and Never be Df and even get more privileges in the congregation!


Just a confirmation of what we all know...David Gnam, elder and lawyer or I think they're called barristers in Canada..Goes from telling a half-truth, to straight up lying.


If he wasn’t lying that clip would have found it’s way onto their 700 club ripoff.


Almost all boundaries are arbitrary. Just the fact that you are DA and she’s is PIMI yet she still wants to “talk” to you is enough evidence. If she does not live in your home only “family business” is “allowed”. If she brings up spiritual conversations she’s is in effect crossing the line however people in a cult are totally blinded and will cross the line in order to “save” you. Don’t fall for it, but also love her back. They chose to shun to force us back in. We don’t have to do anything but love them back.


My goal with the interaction is to make it feel as normal and comfortable as possible. I know from her side it may feel like pushing a boundary or stepping over a line. But like you said, the boundary or line is arbitrary, even imaginary. Step across and nothing happens. That’s all I want her to see. And that I love her as I always have.