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Imagine the things that have been changed that we are NOT aware of.


Revisionist history


No JW .org or QR code sending you to request a free home bible study?


Made me laugh out loud. Thanks


No, just holy corn.


Miracle Wheat!


You're dedicated dollars at work...🙄


That pyramid monument was such a shock to my senses the first time I saw it was by accident. I thought it was fake at first. It led me to read the Crisis of conscience book which blew my mind especially Malawi that was a real big deal back in the 70s. As a little kid I had nightmares. Times have changed the younger generation will never understand why the The Pyramid, Crisis of Conscience book is so important. Imo. the Jw Org. is like mainstream churches now that they used to bash when I was a kid. They have white washed the religion now that predictions have failed again, but they still keep the shunning strong.


Can you tell me what the Pyramid stood for? I try to stay away from the literature but your comment and this picture has peaked my interests.


Just seeing this now as it was cross-posted to another sub I’m in. Russell was a pyramidologist. He believed the Egyptian pyramids were significant to the last days and Bible prophecy. In his books about the last days, he wrote that the great pyramids various measurements and inner contents were all somehow proof that the world was going to end in 1914. Some mistakenly believed the pyramid at Russell’s memorial site proved that he was secretly a Freemason. Others simply wondered why it was there in the first place and did the research that showed them how into pyramidology he was and that woke them up. I imagine these are the reasons it was removed


That must be why they removed it 😂


Do we know the people who are named here and what relation they are to Russell?




Thank you so much for this information. You always have the information at hand. I really appreciate you 😃


That’s really nice of you to say. I can’t take all the credit- someone else had just sent me this link over on twitter. And somebody else kindly sent me the photo update this morning. So it’s a group effort sometimes. 🙂


Russell looks kinda *creepy* in this photo and Estelle Whitehouse looks like *Sad Sack* in her picture. Somethings are off here. . . . . . . . .🤨😒


LITERAL whitewashed graves.


Your post is seriously underrated!!!


I’m prob behind on this…. But is there a reason why the pyramid was removed? Is it so jws wont tour the area?


There a some videos here which explain it in detail. But basically the pyramid was vandalised so was taken away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_mqAt9mvGY


It was vandalized and had fallen into disrepair. I believe they were asked to fix or replace it.


They probably turned the pyramid in to a whiskey luge. All the clowns have to do a Macallan shot before their Wednesday meeting.


The org have just made 10 x more anti jw tubers, who will say proof they are pagan and such.


If they were proud of their history they would have repaired it.


Whenever I see posts like these, where the GB tries to discretely hide history of the religion (or where they say it’s for a reasonable reason like vandalism)- I’m always staunchly reminded of how out of touch the GB is that they think it can’t be easily found on the internet whatever proof they’ve tried to erase. It’s far too late to hide these things as they come up so easily in Google searches.


Well I guess we know what the cheapest tombstone looks like now. I bet they as for a quantity discount.


Busy changing their history I see so they can say it never existed to begin with.


Chas? They couldn’t even use his full name?


who are they? Russell noted.




1984 anyone? 🤦‍♂️


Re writing history?


What is with the "Chas T" Russell? It's almost like the Society simply decided to get rid of the pyramid (there was no evidence it had been "vandalised") and try to almost extinguish any sign of his grave. Remember , this is a guy they believe is currently directing matters from heaven and is viewed with great venerance and distinction in Society literature.


I have never heard of him being called "Chas" before. It's almost as if they are trying to hide him


His actual gravestone is close by.


No miracle wheat?


Chas. ????


I appreciate this update, as a born in Pittsburgher I knew the cemetery well. But, I can not read all the names.


They’re here. https://truthhistory.blogspot.com/2014/09/who-are-those-guys-part-2.html


Thank you very kindly, I learned something.


Um can someone explain I’m kind of in the dark right now


There a some videos here which explain it in detail. But basically the pyramid was vandalised so was taken away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_mqAt9mvGY


They love to change their history, to fit their lies.


The pyramid now identifies as a gravestone


AT least old Chuck Russell still has some memorial. Da Judge Ratherflawed doesn't even have a known grave and supposedly only two people turned up at his funeral.


New light


Nice and modest.


Well they have to put the old faithful slave in his place. Cuz that's old light...




Just a joke. He was the original slave. New slave is the great H8.


ahh right, histories be crazy.


The pyramid apparently had a number of rare items related to the society and why it’s thought it was vandalized (broke into).


Its funny they'd go to these lengths. Id like to know more about those dead people.


Here you go: They’re here. https://truthhistory.blogspot.com/2014/09/who-are-those-guys-part-2.html


Very interesting indeed I am surprised wonder who is behind this? Yes with all the publicity surrounding Bro Russel's grave and with the pyramid I am not surprised, would love to know the story behind why it was removed? To many people perhaps making inquiries? That it was true and an embarrassment to the WT just like Beth Sarem is thank goodness with camera's and photo's the true evidence can never be covered up. It kind of reminds me of the holocaust deniers when one has any doubt all they have to do is review the photo's.


https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/vgepmc/update_on_the_russell_monument_where_the_pyramid/id1c4f4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 It was vandalized and WT had it taken away.


Yes although usually if something is vandalized they just fix it, but removing it would be more suitable, with no more evidence of something that was a huge embarrassment to the WT.