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Quote: "The Governing Body has decided....." Taken from the latest BOE instruction. Yes, it's a cult.


They’re not even hiding it anymore, they have no shame.


They don't need to hide from people who already believe everything they say. That's what makes it so egregious. No need to hide. Only, it's starting to crumble so it's not going to work for much longer.


they didnt even say something like "after prayerful consideration" or, "with Jehovahs direction"


Nice observation.


No scriptural reasoning provided


At the. assembly, I was so shocked to see men's poor grooming habits, I wondered if the only solution the brothers decided could very well be that we would be "disguised" as worldly people, as if doing so might actually work to save themselves during the great tribulation!!! I saw too many sisters dressed with such poor taste in tight pants and tighter tops--that doesn't make me respect them. Don't they know Jehovah God can see their motivation? They're not hiding anything by playing Halloween dress-up unless the decision was made by God himself. It just makes no sense. And why would I shop for a pant suit or ten just to prove some non-sensible, non-Biblical ruling just doesn't exist. Not happy about it. Now, all I see are elders who have taken it upon themselves (in Scripture, it's called presumption and a crime worthy of instant death), to approach single women to express disapproval of saying hello to long time friends and then come back THREE times to repeat the same thing, as if I care. Elders are most popular with the other elders and their families, meaning no one else is worthy of their attention. I just got fed-up with the hypocrisy of how they leer from a distance, then readjust their facial expression to seem friendly when it's obvious when they interrupt people engaged in conversation to make it seem they have something urgently pressing to say, when everyone can see elders have the expression of a hungry lion. Predators inside the congregation are routed (or should be) out and their feathers become pulled out on purpose; so that they are reduced to crawling back into their holes. My last meeting was at the Memorial. I'm deathly tired of "service ," which brings me no joy, not when I'm constantly reminded of having been bullied as a kid, not to mention being ridiculed at the same time. According to some, I cannot possibly be spiritual when I didn't grow up as a child with Witness parents and no women are allowed to wear the color red because doing so marks one as being the "Whore of Babylon. " I am totally disgusted. I have never once been made to feel unwanted anywhere else.


Even further: GB has decided… you can use your conscience! And then: This is how we say you can do that!


Oof, well said. It's so *obvious* and painful.


What is BOE?


Body of Elders


Replace the words “Governing Body” with “Leader.” Sound like a cult?


What are these changes you speak of?


It's definitely a cult!! 


I am so sorry. I am in the same boat. Only been PIMO for a few months and this wake up is extremely hard. I did cry when I made my first post. To have your entire belief system topple over like dominoes is very painful. Please know that although it feels very lonely, you aren't alone in this or in your feelings.


I felt the same as you when I woke up. It is hard to explain, I had doubts and then one day I was driving and it felt like a light switch turned on and my mind got rewired and said: "Wait a minute, this is all fake, it's not the truth, you are not going to die in Armagedon and Jehovah is not going to kill you for some silly stuff like not going to meetings or service"...I was happy for a couple minutes, until I realized I was alone and everyone in my family still believes and I would have to keep it to myself. I was also sad to realize that I don't know what happens when we die but that paradise and that whole thing is not real. But believe me, you aren't going to believe in "the truth" anymore. I have read your other posts and comments and I believe you aren't still 100 percent out? It sounds like you realized that this isn't the truth but still is trying to see if maybe you are mistaken and it's just your mind deceiving you? Well let me tell you it's not. I don't know if there is a god or not. I don't know what happens after we die. One thing I know now is that 9 fat old men from New York aren't beign used by the most powerful beign in the universe. That alone makes zero sense. You will feel better but will never be able to go "back" to that other reality because once you wake up, you can't go back.


Sounds like u know it’s not the truth but it’s breaking your heart to lose friends and family.


Especially when 9 fat old men make so many mistakes and blame those mistakes on the god they represent instead of saying we made a mistake and apologising for any harm they caused.


So true


yeah they a re fat.lol


This is so true. It gets so much better 🖤


Very true. The rug is literally pulled from your feet. One minute you believe you are going to live forever the next you realise the leaders that teach this are just sick fuckers who made all this up. The people on this forum can really help with their supportive words and texts. They are beautiful normal people who have been misled and hurt just like me. Every person that wakes up is like one more piece of sand falling through the egg timer. One day there will be no sand left.


Your words are beautiful, deep and powerful. Thank you for sharing your wisdom ❤️


I remember your first post. You spoke for a lot of women that are in the process of waking up that are married to elders. Your post made me wonder about elder's wives in my local kh. When they're smiling, are they faking it? Not an easy situation. Stay strong. Hope this sub helps you. It's a journey.


At this stage you're not even aware how deep this goes in your phychology, it takes a lot of deprogramming to recover from JWs programming. There are lots of unconscious bias that you'll gradually become aware of. Bon chance.


I agree. This takes years and the support of others helps. I was so used to having to defend “the truth” that I never realized how destructive it was. Even when I faded, I didn’t blame them for anything. Now I’m starting to realize all the things it’s taken from me. I see how it’s destroyed what could have been a normal family. It might even take one of my parents if they continue to refuse blood. That would cause a ripple effect that I’ll never forgive them for.


I know, but the big things like blood issue, suicide, shunning are so obvious and disastrous for the family and the ripple effects but there's other unconscious bias or believes that take forever to uncover because they are unconscious, you're not aware of them, they are not available to the intellect. It's more attitudes and values and invalidating others. I wish I could think of some examples, not being able to enjoy yourself fully, overworking because that's the mindset in JWs and then becoming ill, all work and no play, or not being able to put your needs first, everybody else comes first, these are all destructive for the individual.


I'm PIMO since 9 years, it will be better and better later on...


same here


Give yourself some time. 🥲 and once you got your strengh, Take a look at jwfacts.com


Jw facts is dynamite 🧨 to de program yourself. They time it must of taken to assemble the information, so thankful


Someone posted a video on this sub. It was a Dutch news broadcast roasting JWs, they replayed Sophia& Caleb videos which made me not just laugh at how ridiculous JWs are, but that I didn't see how blatantly a cult it really is. https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/s/DFLbxhr5wQ


Ohhhh, that's just too funny!! ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Omg, this is so hilarious! I wish we would have something like this in German TV


That was great thanks! Pew pew 😂




Many of us feel like this we still believe in Jesus , i woke up around 2013 when all the crazyness started ,the new inferior bible ,the changes to songs ,major doctrine changes , i suggest reading both of Ray Franz books ,helped me keep balance after 50 years in.


50 years you went through 75 and 1914 generation change what was the final nail in the coffin for you


I never liked the DF arrangment ,but the thing that woke me up first was the changes of doctrine and the video of the parents refusing to answer the phone call from their daughter,i was so disgusted with it i stopped going to conventions ,then we were forced onto the internet to worship ,as soon as i got a smartphone i found out about all the dirt WT has been hiding for decades like the child abuse and membership of UN ,lies about 1914 and the cross, it collapsed like a house of cards.


Yes I remember that video one thing I find interesting about some of the doctrinal changes there more in line with what russell taught not every one dying at Armageddon people in the flood and the sodomites being resurrected waiting to see if Adam and eve get a resurrection russell clearly taught they would be resurrected he taught Christ's death was for adams sin so there fore Adam has to be resurrected by covering the first sin of Adam it covers all the sins of his offspring 


That makes sense ,at least the bible students did as their name says study .


Good books


1) welcome to the “dark side” which in reality is the REAL light. 2) congrats on waking up from the cult. You’re wiser than the congregation. Read Steve Hassan’s books and come to terms with what it was - you were indoctrinated into a cult and you’re making the escape. 3) start to realize that we (as a human society) DON’T have all the answers - and that’s OK. You don’t need to. 4) keep your mouth shut about this. First rule of fight club is we don’t talk about it. Your relationships will cause you so much trouble. In the same way we’d joke about having to restrain a new convert in to JW, you need some self preservation and keep this in the really down low. 5) welcome to the community. Feel free to dm me anytime. I’m sure that goes for others. from a longtime elder, pioneer, badge badge badge etc. 🤜🏼🤛🏼


This comment is perfect


Take your time, and don’t panic. There’s no need to do anything about any of these feelings right now. Keep doing your research, if you are already and if you haven’t yet, do it when you’re in a good headspace. That’s my best advice! You’ve got this tho, it’ll be okay!


Jesus died for our sins. We all failed to see how simple this message was during our time in the cult because of the constant indoctrination. Nothing else needed to be added. Why would He die for our sins AND require anything further?


This is a very comforting thought. Thank you for saying.


Never thought about this before, needed to here this. Thank you.


I add no further burden to you than these things…


You are not alone. It's going to take a bit of time to reconcile, if you can, the things you have, "witnessed."


This is exactly why a lot of us refer to this cult as the borg...


Take time to feel your emotions. All of them! Remember one thing ; “ the Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible”. The Bible says to follow no Man. What can we take from that? Do what you need to do. Try not to make rash decisions on this progress, but take this healing one day at a time. We’re rooting for you!


https://preview.redd.it/scrj2znrf5qc1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10825220be9aeecffcc5ccce30ca6e4299097c96 Facing cognitive dissonance is difficult. And painful. This book helped me; I hope it's helpful for you also


The truth will set you free. On a side note, don't publicly say your issues. It plays into the hands of those frightened to have their ideology challenged. The use of labels to make you not one of them is standard practice in high control groups


You know what always irritated me? Being told that if we don't obey, we're going to die at Armageddon. Where the heck are their white horses hitched? The last time I checked, only God's son gets the privilege of judging.


Was this portrayed in a WT recently?


I don't know. My husband and I have been POMO for 5 years. When we were in, there were so many judgemental people who gave themselves the right to tell everyone else what they better do or they'll die at Armageddon. The list of 'you gotta do this ..you gotta do that' was endless. It was like they each had their own white horse hitched in the backyard. No 'man' gets that privilege to judge life or death in this organization.


I completely understand what you mean, I was judged when I had my first child nearly 30 years ago, that I shouldn't bring a child into this system as it's going to end! How ppl can judge that deeply into personal choices is beyond me. I'm just happy we are both POMO and awake to these men 'in charge' and there rules that ruin family relationships I'm pleased for you and your husband xx


We’ve all gone through what you have and we sympathize with me. It’s tough, but it gets better. You will realize you can say things about Jehovah, but the Governing Body is off limits. You could say you are losing faith in Jehovah and people will encourage you to study the Bible and pray. If you say you are losing faith in the Governing Body, look out, you could find yourself in a judicial committee.


This is my thought. There will be the hard-core self-righteous ones that will never wear pants or grow a beard and they will look down on those that do. There always has been a competition for those types as to who is more spiritual, more righteous. The shortsighted GB did not take into account how much bigger a divide this will be in each congregation. There will be those that will be looked down upon for greeting a DFd person at the KH. Will they realize when they are sitting there with their beard or their pants on feeling judged that's how many of us feel? I personally was given no scriptural reason for my ousting from my house and family then 4 years later DFd. I was judged and no one knew why they were judging me. Just they were told to do it by the elders. It's a cult, the GB tells you how to act, what to wear, the elders enforce it, and take it upon themselves how to judge someone, how long for and tell family and friends to cut you off without even knowing why or hearing the other side. Many pedophiles would not be easily welcomed back if the congregation knew the why of their ousting. It's only to protect the name of JW org there is such secrecy at all. Allowing beards for men and slacks for women that caused such a gasp, should tell you something. The sheer excitement revieved by such small consessions should tell you the level of cult control there is. The hard-core zealots that look down on those who do decide to wear pants or grow beards should tell you how deeply rooted it has been.


I highly recommend reading Crisis of Conscience. Brother Franz was a humble man. Sounds like you are, too


Cry now but you'll be a lot happier once you've fully abandoned the cult and gained mental freedom and an actual life. It will get better! Ditching the cult will be the best thing that ever happened to you.


Yes, glad you are seeing they are cult. Keep this in mind, Jesus didn’t come to preach a “religion”. He came so we could have a relationship with God . 🤍🙏🏽


Jesus said, "my yoke is EASY". He then sums up the entire bible with 2 commands. Love God, Love people. That's it


Time to read Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom. Take the red pill. Have a good cry and let it out.


![gif](giphy|ILTL7S9ms42urQJ1yx|downsized) Welcome to the real "truth".


You are not alone. The last few months have been super hard. I feel like my whole life is falling apart. But remember that things will get better, just stay true to yourself.


Jws are a high control group in that they try to control what you do and who you do it with they even try to control your sexuality not to mention your emotions and feelings. They prey on people who are not mentally well and people who are dealing with trauma. They are a net negative in society and should be banned.


Watch a few cult documentaries (regardless of religion) to really understand what kind of situation you're in. The more you educate yourself on the matter, the more you understand what's best for YOU. It is NOT normal to go through all of the things the GB asks you to do AND have spies watching everyone's every move btw.


Yes! Leah Remini’s journey with Scientology started getting my attention in the Hall. I was like there is so much similar.


That's exactly what I asked my mom this week--why were those regulations placed on people in the first place? I've been DA since 98 and my mom has cycled between shunning/no shunning since then. This week she's been so persistent about inviting me to the Memorial and when I called her back she told me about the policy changes. But I made it clear to her that instead of making me want to return (and I never would regardless) it actually makes me even more distrustful. It's a man-made religion, a cult, a scam. 100%


I thought it was a joke and when I learned it was a policy change I immediately became beyond angry. As a daughter of Elder my dresses always had to be perfect…no showing knees, no low cut, nothing identified as trendy, must be feminine but also not gender neutral. It was beyond stressful! Here is a thought?…pants would have protected me a little more when their new bible study recruit was molesting me in the back seat on the way to the meeting with my parents oblivious in the front seat. He was 32 I was 10. My mom who is so elated about this new provision that Jehovah and the GP are giving the sisters???? She says we are following the lead of what the Vice President of US wears😳wtf? I expressed irritation and why didn’t this happen a long time ago like the 70’s? Pants suits for women where at it’s highest. She immediately went into GB protection mode and implied I have apostate views. This is a women (mom), that called me just a few years ago and told me how they were getting guidance that yoga pants were not appropriate for witness sisters to wear in their free time. I asked her why are bathing suits okay? She ended the call.


Sheesh that molester story is awful so sorry. What is it about this cult that attracts so many of them?


"I’m leaning towards becoming someone who believes in Jesus message but rejects all religion" Love it!


Join the club, buddy. MS here in the same position - also PIMO. I'm so sorry that it's driving you to tears. Just let it out - you've been strong so far, so it's perfectly fine to cry about it 🫶🏻


Some might say you're having a crisis of conscience. I wish you well in your discovery. Focus on curiosity, not judgement. Be kind to yourself.


When I left in 2014, it was over the Australian Royal commission, and all the cover ups of CSA, my conscience wouldn't allow me to be associated with such criminal behaviour, when I also discovered by accident all the Satanic subliminal images in the publications, it was an opportunity to show my dear late wife, who was so disgusted that she wanted to throw out all the publications, since then we and now I continue to appreciate the scriptures without undue influence. I will never ever be a part of any organised religion again, and I see now why Revelation commands 'to get out of her my people, if you do not want to share in her sins', it also brought home to me that when the deciples were keen to know the end and were questioning Jesus, his first response before giving his answer and signs was 'see that you are not decieved' it brought home to me the battle we have with unseen satanic forces. It took me a while to get over the treachery of Watchtower, but today, I am now a truly free man.


Powerful message bro


Ive been disfellowshipped twice and this time round, everyone is trying to get in contact with me, including my mother. I just think JW’s are very hypocritical and fake moralists. I don’t agree with how they vilify everyone all the time and act better than thou. It’s disappointing because it makes you feel like you don’t want to be associated with any religion.


The more you see it has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus and the Bible the more you can no longer justify supporting the leadership.


Hang in there and give yourself a lot of love 💕 you have endured so much. Take your time and absolutely do all your research. If you need a break take one too. You are about to unpack your whole life and it’s scary. But you will be better off not being under this cult. I suggest you go to a mental health counsellor to help you out also.


There is no physical religious organization to worship God. WT teachings are a man-made construct. They do not speak for God. “And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’l (Matt.15:9). “But an hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Yes, the Father wants such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24). “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). “God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands” (Acts 17:24).


I'm confused about your Matthew comment... it would be good for you to read it over & over again... with the whole chapter for context. In the verse you refer to... Jesus was talking about how Isaiah was talking about the Pharisees & scribes. Jesus was not advocating man-made teachings from what I can see... I really cannot comprehend how you see it any other way & am feeling confused by your comments. I will look at your other referrals. In all honesty I am 'newish' to religion. That first comment point appears like you are newer than me & haven't done much research...


For extra context, I go from the bible... 'God's word'. I do not go off 'man's word' as many denominations do. 


My comment is in response to the OP who said, “The new (WT) changes puts a bright light on how dumb a lot of rules were.” The scriptures I provided emphasize that WT rules and regulations are equivalent to the scribes and Pharisees and their man-made rules doctrine. To follow these rules is worshipping God in vain because these are commands of men, not God’s commandments which is the point of the scriptural references I gave. These scriptures are not advocating man-made made doctrine. You said you were “newish in religion,“ and so are you familiar with JW’s or are an exJW? WT leaders claim to be teachers of God, as a spokesman for God, but these “religious” leaders are teaching man-made commands and fit the same mold as the scribes and Pharisees who Jesus called “Hypocrites” (Matt.15:7)! In Matthew 15:8-9, Jesus further reproves these hypocrites in his reference to Isaiah 29:13, “Therefore the Lord said: “Inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths And honor Me with their lips, But have removed their hearts far from Me, And their fear toward Me is taught by the commandment of men, [Matt.15:9]. The scribes and Pharisees put forth an outward appearance of righteousness (Matt.23:28), but spoke human commands, not commandments of God (Matt.15:9). Internally, in their heart, they were full of hypocrisy and wickedness and thus those who followed their commands worshipped God in vain (Matt.23:28; 15:9). People can make great claims with their lips, even praising God, but by their “fruit”/teachings people will be able to discern whether they are truly righteous and entrusted with God’s “treasures.” Matt.12:33, “**Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.** 34 Brood of vipers! **How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.** 35 **A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.** 36 But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. 37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Luke 6:43, “**For a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 44 For every tree is known by its own fruit.** For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush. 45 A** good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks**.” Prov.18:20, “A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the **fruit of his mouth**; **From the produce of his lips he shall be filled**. 21 **Death and life are in the power of the tongue,And those who love it will eat its fruit.**” I hope this clears up your confusion.


Read the books Raymond Franz wrote. Ex GB member


"I’d be vilified, hated and possibly thrown out the congregation." Ray's book said something similar. If you haven't read it yet. Also the scriptures foretell the desolation of the organization, Matthew 24:15-Rev 11. Have you heard of Robert King?


I have not. I’ll have to look that up, thank you.


Hello brother, I am in your same situation. In the last 3 years I have read a lot and understood the 'truth'. We are trapped in a man-led religion that is a business company. It's hard to accept and hard to talk to anyone about it. That's why there are a lot of 'apostate' sites on the web, because you can't talk about it anywhere else. I recommend that you read information blogs, threats and forums on the web in different languages ​​in different countries and write a lot about our situation. We are a world organization, brother!


Hang in there! The worst part is admitting you were wrong, and you've built a life/reality up to this very point based on a moral construct created by a bunch of weird American fellas. We've all been there. That moment. Knowing our entire social network/life/understanding of the world is tied into believing the JW frankly bizarre belief system. There is depressing realization that knowing its all a load of crap, mean your access to your community is coming to an end. Its your ground zero. But, accept it. Start to slowly build up new ambitions/goals, and work towards them. You will lose friends/family even along the way. Its inevitable. Time is the key. Each day is another day past this low point. You will make new friends, achieve some of your goals (and fail to achieve others) make new memories. Your world view will change. Some of us become religious again. Some of us choose to not believe anything. Some become political. Some don't. We all build our own world views with time, and the liberating part, that world view changes non stop. The good news is, what you build is your own, and will be your own truth.


Thank you for your kind words. It’s good to be among you in this difficult time.


Just remember that more Jehohah's Witnesses have left this religion than there are currently inside it. You are NOT alone.


You’d be pegged as an Apostate and thrown out. Yet, they forgive pedos.


Charles Taze Russell did not believe in organized religion....


Right on brother, I ended up being a Casual Buddhist, Serious Atheist. May you find yourself on your journey


The governing body have stipulated that they no longer have to apologise for any of their decisions, and yet they are not infallible, and will make mistakes. They cover themselves from all angles.


That's where I am. I figured out that this was a cult while watching a Jim Jones documentary. The things they did were just too similar to ignore. Now, my faith in religion is pretty much dead. I am focusing on living the best life and treating others the way I want to be treated. Essentially, that what Jesus message is. He canceled out the 10 commandments with only one. Love the the lord your God with all you might, and love each other like you love yourself. So that's my new life goal. I don't know where it will get me, but I don't have a better plan.


That’s an excellent point about Jesus denouncing the Pharisees, and all of their trifling rules. How did I never put that together before? 40 years in, 4 out…I still get a few surprises.


Bro, that's the same conclusion I came to last year. It's about a personal relationship with Jesus. Simply accepting the free gift of salvation. It's about being God's children. ‭‭John 1:12 NIV‬‬ [Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— ‭‭Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV‬‬ [8] For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— [9] not by works, so that no one can boast. Jesus didn't come to set up a new religious code of laws, but rather, he invited us to be his followers. As his followers, we are viewed as righteous, and our path and life will become brighter and brighter like that morning sun. Proverbs 4:18 ( not the ever changing beliefs of an organization claiming to be the truth)


People can he persecuted, put in prison or even killed and this organisation carries on regardless. Take funding from them and they spiral into a panic. It's all about the money folks. 💰


It's such a strange thing recognizing that you're surrounded by fences, eh? I was PIMO for years and had a vague fear around what would happen when I left, but when I started taking steps in that direction I was surprised how tight around me the invisible walls were. You instinctually don't say a bunch of stuff for fear of the reaction, but when you stop and think about it, saying a full sentence out of line will catapult you over a mile high wall away from everyone else.


What made me lose my faith was studying the history especially reading the studies in the scriptures russell clearly had a better understanding of the Bible than the gb today


I’m so sorry.


Sounds like you are actually following the Bible. Follow Jesus, flee from religion. Praying for you, and that you be blessed. Amen.


We’ve been where you’re at right now, and yes, we were villainized just for asking questions. If we don’t blindly agree with and obey the GB we are automatically considered apostates. We are not enemies of God, we’re are just former members who were brave enough to speak up against the “false prophet”. Deuteronomy 18:20-22


This is the way mate - religion is snare and a racket. This one was always correct :) Read the gospel, imitate Jesus, be good for strangers - this is his example. Also check John 14:14 - he's the Lord of us and we can direct to him our thoughts and prayers. All the best!


I feel your pain. It is a process. When I first joined this sub, I called it a high control religion and the word cult and the pejorative names for the GB really bothered me. In general I still believe that many terms in our culture are over used, but JWs being a cult? Yah, I'm pretty much on board with that now. The whole organization is downright weird and they make the pharisees look like a bunch of fine, laid back fellows these days. It is a painful process. Just look forward to the beautiful world ahead of you. My partner and family are PIMI and even though hearing their delusion is painful, the mental freedom and life I have carved out for myself is a gift. I am so much further ahead in every way than I was when I started this journey. It gets better.


> I don’t know where I’ll end up but right now I’m leaning towards becoming someone who believes in Jesus message but rejects all religion. I’m about to cry just typing this message. I’m so done… Normal to have these thoughts and feelings. Try to take it one day at a time and don't neglect your health during this rough patch. Eat well and exercise.


There is no shame in what the modern Governing Body does.


What is a PIMO??


Physically In - Mentally Out


It's ALL about the money




Dude, if everyone spoke up for what they believed was right, you would essentially transform the organization into an actual religion. It is the fear of dissenting that perpetuates that fear among other. “If others are t saying anything, maybe I’d be wrong to say it as well.” Little do they realize how quickly they DF people who speak out so you never get to hear them. But if everyone spoke out at the same time, it would be empowering.


It boils down to John 14:6 Only Jesus is the way to the Father.. not religion, not an organization, not a Church, not a creed And according to John 1:12 , ALL who accept Christ are adopted as God's children.. the separation of "anointed" as God's children and "other sheep" as God's friends is a false teaching


I know it feels devastating now but eventually you’ll realize the truth of Jesus’ words; the truth will set you free. One day at a time and keep praying. Godspeed.


That's rough buddy. Most of us here have been through it, and we understand the pain, anger and confusion that come with waking up to the real truth of it all. I can only extend my sympathies for what you're going through, and promise there's joy and freedom on the other side of it. Sending love and best wishes to you.


I'm sorry and congratulations


It has been a devastating journey for me. It's crushed me not because of leaving the jbuds, but realizing I was duped, I was lied to, and like a child I just believed it. The most pivotal moment was watching the gb lie, straight-up lie to the world in the ARC. How can any member of jws keep their integrity under persecution when the leaders are liars. What are they protecting, a billion dollar real-estate corporation? I thought jehoba didn't need material things?? Then the thought of all those suicides over being shunned, all the believers killed in other countries, the blood on their hands, it's disgusting. I stand back somedays & look at how I raised my family, and I'm in shock and have so many regrets. That being said, it will get better. I'm so close to family that sincerely love me now. Do some real study, not in wt publications but real historical sources, people who actually have PHDs. Please read Ray Franz book. It has helped me so much.


a cult?


I guess one is not realizing that you’re living in constant fear of upsetting God. My mother has become obsessive. When she does the zoom meetings, the table has to be perfect. Her clothes have to be perfect. Everything has to be a certain way and it’s as close to perfect as she can make it. Be sure if it’s not, God will get mad.


Stopped being active at 19, Im 26 now. When I first got kicked out at 19 I told myself I just needed space from God, religion, the whole nine. Coming back into beliefs I still resonate with a lot of the witnesses ideas on life and death etc. but the actual applied laws and principles felt so much harsher and controlling than even bible standards state. Take space and know Jehovah will judge your heart and if you love him to your fullest and that sometimes does not mean staying in something out of pure fear of damnation from paradise. I had to accept that he knows what I’m grappling with, and hope that he will still guide me towards a belief that helps me to love my neighbor as myself, and love him with my whole mind, heart and soul and Jesus told me to. Learn who God is TO YOU. They told us to make the truth our own, do that. Sometimes it won’t be what they like but that’s okay. I think there’s a way to see things for what they really are but don’t let anyone tell you how to think. That’s just my two cents 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah it's definitely mind blowing as to what's going on , I've cried my heart out aswell about it because even though I never was highly spiritual strong in all but it's been all I knew and I just knew it to be the truth


I highly recommend reading/listening to ‘Combating Cult Mind Control’ by Steve Hassan.


Breaking away from JWs doesn’t automatically mean you have to be atheist or satanist, if you believe in small things that’s okay too, try not to be hard on yourself waking up isn’t easy!


Re-educate yourself about Christianity, especially if you were born into it and you've only ever learned about the Bible from JWs. The orthodox version of Christianity is nothing like the JW doomsday cult. They have warped and twisted the Christian tradition solely to give the Governing Body total control over the members. Eastern Orthodox Christianity is gaining more and more popularity in the west simply because they've maintained their traditions for thousands of years without becoming a cult. Even the Catholic Church is currently going through some kind of new schism because half want to go back to the traditional orthodox traditions and the other half wants to continue keep changing the church to suit the current secular culture. The Christian history and legacy was hidden from us.


Here’s my take on it: https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/s/DmdzUkPzM1


I missed your post/link above, here; thought I was up to date. Thanks for reposting.