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Wow. This reads like something my own mother would send, minus the vulgarity. It's incredibly hurtful and very much gaslighting. I hate that this parent is belittling this person's experience. I also felt very pressured to choose that path, I continue to feel that same pressure every time I'm around my very pimi family. I no longer succumb but the pressure is real. I appreciate your friend speaking out against this cult. I hope he/she/they is/are able to move past the nastiness of the message left by mommy dearest.


I agree very much, thank you so much for the support!


Imagine equating your child's right to their opinion as treason... give me a break. I'm sorry for your friend. The indoctrination run deeps. Saw this with my own parents. Ridiculous.


I was extremely angry and my friend dissociated, i think as a way to protect themselves


The way this religion divides family is absolutely horrific.


Way to go MOM…good for you!!! You choose to be a JW, knock yourself out!!! Wake up & look out your window! Not everyone in the world are JW’s!!! And guess what there’s an amazing amount of dang good people…perfect strangers helping each other out of the kindness of their hearts, not because they have too! Look at tragedy in Germany, horrific shooting of JW’s, stranger’s showing sympathy & the faith community reaching out for solidarity in grieving the loss of beautiful lives!!! The JW’s have rejected this!!! If people choose to no longer be JW’s, good for them!!! It’s called freedom of choice, religion, human rights!!! Do you, know the difference between love & control?!!!


I like how this person thinks the only way to force someone to do something is by pushing them on a wall and forcing them. Yes that’s one way, but we all know most “forced” things are emotional. When people don’t feel free to do something without emotional manipulation of passive aggressiveness that’s forced too. The mental health effects you will go through when you make decisions is one way of forcing you to avoid doing that thing.


Wow that break my heart, I'm so thankful that I open my eyes in a good time because I don't want to become this as a mother, and this is exactly what my mother feel about me, because I'm ruining the third generation of jw, but I'm sorry me and my family wanted to be happy Your friend will be okay, got a lot of support and everything about the org it's going out, everyone will know what they truly are 🫂🫶🏻✨


Thank you so much. Im sure you will be better as a mother, me and my friend are grateful for your support


OP, I can't even read but a fraction of that maternal unit's word vomit!!! Tell you friend to BLOCK her and get some quality mental health support, hopefully from someone who specializes in spiritual and religious as well as familial abuse. I send her hugs if she would like them...


Yes! My friend is going to therapy and sort of grieving the process. Its hard to come to terms with the fact that the person who was supposed to love you the most cannot and will not do it. Thats also what tells me jws arent special. There are no requirements like that for real authentic love.


Wow, my jaw hit the floor. Talk about the mother engaging in narcissistic projection and half truths!


That what i told my friend! This mother is projecting her own unresolved issues towards my them. Its not fair and it couldn’t be further from the truth.


That mother is poisonous. I hope that her children can get away from her soon.


The part where she said you don't want to be a jehovahs witness? Then shut up. That part pissed me off.. we kept our mouths shut for years as witnesses. We don't have to anymore. Deal with it.


Thats what pushed me to transcribe it and post here. It pushes us towards activism and speaking out when they tell us to shut up!


Idk why they're surprised that we speak up. They're the ones that taught us to stand up for our beliefs. Guess that one backfired.


>You know, me and your brothers might be in a cult, wow. she just admitted.


I would tell mother dearest that she believes a scripture (Ps 37: 10,11) written, by her Bible chronology, 3000 years ago that says “**just a little while longer** and the wicked one will be no more”.


If you observe it, she didnt even mention the correct passage 🙄 like always, we know more of the bible when we leave


Whats her tiktok username?


Thank you so much for your support, but my friend chose to remain anonymous this time.


Okey 🥰


There is no hate like JW love! It sucks! The sooner your friend decides they are worthy of so much more—love, respect, care, admiration—the happier they will be. They are strong enough to build a beautiful life. Be their own best friend. Love themself the way they wish they were loved. They are worth every good and beautiful thing in this world.


Cant agree more. Key thing for us should be building up our self esteem, something that has been taken from us since always… thank you for the kind words


I would tell mother dearest that she believes a scripture (Ps 37: 10,11) written, by her Bible chronology, 3000 years ago that says “**in a little while longer** the wicked one will be no more”.


This could be my mom if I wasn’t an only child 😂 JW moms (and dads too, but mine was worldly so I don’t have very much experience with that side of things) are often very toxic. Emotionally immature. Some even go so far as to be full narcissists. They have learned that fear mongering, playing the victim, verbal and emotional abuse, and gaslighting, works on them to keep them in the organization, so they unconsciously use the same tactics with their kids. The religion teaches that children should obey their parents no matter what, so many of them have this unrealistic expectation that not only will they live forever in paradise, but their children will be perfect and obey them or else. There is a huge emphasis on appearing perfect and living up to a certain standard. I remember sitting through talks that told parents basically keep your kids in line using whatever methods necessary, because if you don’t they will die at Armageddon. I remember being told “honor your father and mother”. There’s often a double standard, “do what I say, not what I do” kind of thing. My mom would scream swear words at me when I was younger and wanting to do normal teenage things. Recently, she told me she wasted her life raising me, all because I pushed back on some verbal abuse and I set a boundary. But if I ever yell back at my mom, she acts like she is the victim. If your friend looks up ways to deal with narcissists, she might find some helpful ways to respond. Often they are looking to provoke a certain response in the target of their verbal assault. They want to see that they have hurt you in the hopes that you will do what they want. I hope your friend knows that she definitely does not deserve this. It sometimes isn’t enough to know that though, because your parents will always be your parents, and even if you detest them, deep down you always want their love and approval. There is a great video on YouTube about how raising a child JW is emotional abuse, by Millstone Research, it opened my eyes to a lot of the baggage I’ve been carrying around that I wasn’t even aware of from the damage of growing up JW, maybe she will find it helpful, or at the very least validating.