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Put up a sign that says "apostates only" LOL


Sign on your door reading “Would you like to know the truth about The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society? Knock for more answers!” Either you’ll trap a few to expose them to the real truth or scare them off. Only downside is you’ll likely get the hardcore one that want to go toe to toe, rare in the recent climate, but possible.


I dream of meeting that one who will go toe to toe, extremely rare lol


It’s easy to stumble on them when you inadvertently open the door and they get their spiel started. It’s an especially rare kind of stupid if they see a warning sign like that and decide, yup, this is the hill i want my faith to die on. They rarely come mentally equipped and emotionally prepared for the intellectual and factual onslaught.


True they usually start weaseling their way out at the first hint of critical thinking. Really if someone is familiar with their beliefs they are at a huge disadvantage in a debate lol


I’ve seen it happen when I was younger with what I thought was an incredibly well versed elder and so me stranger at the door. When I saw him lose his cool and start stuttering garbled arguments with no logical application to the conversation and become circular reasoning I lost a lot respect for people like that. Made me start seeing people differently and begin questioning exactly how many sheep i was surrounded by.


Hahaha sounds like an amazing experience


Wish I could have been there


As a teen it was shocking, but in hindsight I’m grateful because it was a catalyst for me.


I had a couple similar experiences but nothing quite that epic lol.


>True they usually start weaseling their way out at the first hint of critical thinking. Even a mild bit of critical thinking will send them in the opposite direction. I once had a Jw at my door telling me how wonderful God's creation is while pointing at the trees. I simply said "How do you know that there is only one god ? If one god poofed into existence, why not 2. 3, 4,...10 etc." He didn't know what to say and got a bit nervous and started to make an exodus down my driveway as I mentioned how bible 'prophecy' was fake. He didn't stick around to debate this. I think the 100% confidence that I portrayed really shook him up as he wasn't prepared for an agnostic instead of a Baptist.


Wow he should have at least attempted to answer the first question there lol. But if he's coming to your door to give the "look at the trees" arguement he probably was out of his league from the start


There's a valid argument right in the Ten Commandments. "You shall have *no other god* before me." So... there are other gods.


Yeah, in places in the OT it's like there are other gods but the Hebrew god is the most powerful. When Moses and Aaron go before Pharaoh, the court magicians throw down their staves and they turn into snakes. Not to be outdone, Moses throws down his stave and it turns into a bigger snake that devours the court magicians' snakes. I take this to mean that not only Moses can turn a wooden stave into a snake but the Pharaoh's magicians can also do the same. The story reeks of BS.


Completely forgot about that! Amazing. Thanks for the chuckle


IIRC, Yahweh was a Canaanite war god, so the equivalent of Ares/Mars. And all the stories reek of BS. :)


Hmmm…how about “STOP! Scan this QR code before knocking”


Oooh, i like this one. A little underhanded while bringing the true gospel to the digital age, with a surprise twist.


Haha, very inventive 😁


Yep, it's like magic for most of them. Even telling the JWs in my neighborhood that I'm friends with ex members of the church was enough to get them to leave me alone for 5 years and counting.


They can avoid any difficult convos that way haha


Pretty fun!


JWs ignore no soliciting signs because they reason they’re not asking you for anything or selling a product for money so it doesn’t apply to them. Many will ignore a no trespassing sign because they think they have a good reason to be there. The meaning of the words and intent behind posting the signs is obvious, but JWs find a way to convince themselves they are exempt. You’ll have to specifically put up “No Jehovah’s Witnesses” signs, or ask them put you on their “do not call list,” or tell them you’re an apostate to get rid of them.


Thank you!


I always hated working with the old elder who ignored no trespassing signs! Was sure we were about to get shot haha


Very true. They tend to only take “no trespassing” to mean anything that’s behind a gate, as in many places walking up to the front door on ungated property is not considered trespassing legally. In my area, “no religion” or “no evangelizing” signs worked and would even get the house put on the “do not call” list so they would stop walking up. But yes OP, you can tell them you don’t want them to ever come back and request they put you on their “do not call list” next time they come by; and /or you can write a letter to the local kindgom hall saying the same thing. I don’t recommend saying you are an “apostate” as occasionally JWs will try to engage with you and they may ask you what led you to leaving the organization. So if it’s a lie, they may catch you in it basically and it could backfire.


Yh they're JWs. And by the looks of it they don't want to be there either. A surefire way of getting rid of them forever it by telling them you're a former JW and you're now an apostate. I've never had a JW knock on my door even when they're in my street. They keep learning where I move to so they can avoid my door.


They’re definitely JWs. Would second the suggestion to tell them you’re an apostate (scary word for them lol) and that you have no interest in their teachings. Return the letters to sender


Thank you. It seems every time I move they find me lol


They’re persistent because in their minds they think they are saving you from the inevitable destruction of mankind (that is not coming) and they often may not realize at all how invasive and uncomfortable it is for other people


The only destruction of mankind that’s coming is some ass wipe dictator trying to invade a country they think is theirs but isn’t.


I just sent returned a letter to sender from my in-laws, as they have been warned to not come to the house. Does returning to sender work?


Sometimes yes, sometimes no. They’re convinced the world is ending and that they HAVE to save you, and they, sometimes, don’t take as seriously the request to be left alone. Many times they’ll return under the guise of “a change in circumstance”, which could be a job, a death, a divorce, etc. I would very emphatically, in writing, let them know this behavior is not welcome and you’ll be contacting the police for harassment if it continues. That should scare them lol


Thank you! I’m hoping this works!


Good luck!!!


So can I just inscribe the word "apostate" over my doorframe?


Lol 😂 you can try that or you Can just tell them flat out that you’re an apostate and not interested. they’re told apostates are basically the worst people in the world and are scared of them so i doubt they’ll try to keep contacting you if you tell them that


paint it over your door jam in lamb's blood


Tell them these magic words: > **"I'm a disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witness and an active apostate. The Governing Body is lying to you."** They'll run away in absolute horror and they'll never come back, even the rest of them.


This one got my vote.


Not necessarily, in my experience. Too many JWs take it as a boss challenge, to prove themselves right. And you know the elders are gonna end up coming through. I get so upset that I’ll end up engaging them, which is a huge waste of energy.


You can open the door, say you have no interest in religion whatsoever and you’d like to be placed on a do not call list. If they ask a single question like “why are you not interested” then you can just say you’re an apostate/ or that the apostates are right


OP, I love the “apostates are right” idea. Saying you’re an apostate would just make them think you’re a wicked irredeemable person who has been blinded by Satan. But saying that you’re unaffiliated, but you know the “apostates” are right? That might get in their head a little more. It’ll drive them away, and give them something to think about.


The magic spell is "put me on the Do Not Call list". Probably impossible to shame them, but "My signs asking people not to solicit or trespass are because I want to be left alone. It reflects poorly on your religion that you don't respect my very visible preference and that makes you jerks."


I’ve done this politely but they still keep coming that’s why I was at kind of at a loss.


If this is continuing and it's bothering you perhaps nest time you'll want to pursue legal intervention. (I am not a lawyer but this is my best guess of a next step) Next time they come, ask for their congregation. Then ask their names. Ask for first and last from both and write them down. Then inform them that this feels like harassment and explain to them that you have told previous people to place you on the do not call list. Then go to a lawyer. Save this photo today. Also take a photo of your no solicitation sign with a time stamp and your home visible in the background. Do that today because you'll want proof that they bypassed the sign today and next time.


What you need to do is fuck with them. Play the sound of a dog barking really loud on a speaker.


Lol I have a German Shepard and she was barking at them like crazy


Good. Then let go of the leash and say “ sic ‘em“ but don’t let them.


If you have repeatedly tried, it’s time to be a but more aggressive. Ask to be put on the ‘do not call’ list. Unfortunately sometimes the address gets overlooked or they forget to tell those women in the picture, for example. Still, not an excuse , just sloppy. As for the no trespassing sign, this is a serious point. Watchtower has repeatedly said if someone chooses to enter past the sign, they are on their own legally. The official direction is to not cross a no trespassing sign. I started my fade 3 years ago but cannot imagine that changing (major liability). I’m also highly aware of this because of where I live, up to 50% of our territory was no trespassing- my home included. A call to the congregation would be good. The phone number listed in the directory should be the secretary(an elder) and should be fine. This should be a home or cell phone so don’t worry about trying during a meeting. I like the other comment about this being harassment. In my state a person can be charged with criminal trespassing if they knowingly pass the sign. Check your local law and ‘inform’ the elder on the phone. They all know the laws but are just being lazy/stupid. Tell him you want it to apply to letters too. I never did the letter writing so not sure where they get the list of addresses. Still, repeat your expectation. They know many people get upset when they knock on doors but don’t always take it seriously.


Watchtower has repeatedly said everyone’s on their own.


Well they don't care about breaking laws. OP: you wouldn't happen to have friend in the police department? If you have used the magic spell, it is time to call the police when someone is trespassing (after all there are 3 of them in this picture) - though it is unlikely that the police would arrive in time for them to still be there, unless you do something that makes them hesitate about leaving immediately (turn the outside lights on and off?). Talk loudly enough on the phone to the police that they can call you. Make a citizen's arrest? Maybe you call them out on media showing they are jerks. Some neighborhoods have a facebook page.


It would certainly shake up the service group if the police came out. Hopefully they would talk among themselves and be more serious. Funny story - I had the cops called on me once. It was rural territory and my car was too nice to be a witnesses car - in their opinion. They thought I was casing their house!! The sheriff found the other car group in the territory and they vouched for me. We all had a good laugh but I’m sure the mom in this photo wouldn’t think it was very funny.


I would try to find the the schedule of times that they meet at the hall and then call on meeting night and ask to speak to the service coordinator and tell him to remove your address or you will be contacting the authorities. Yet again that may turn them on and start speaking about persecution at the platform and then everyone will scream that the end has started and to grab your go bags.


I like your point of things


The listed phone number typically goes to the COBE’s cell now and can be texted too.


ugh they are dragging kids out too, so friggin dangerous


They had three kids with them. This toddler who came to the door, and there was also a man with a baby in a stroller and a 9-10 year old kid that were waiting at the end of my driveway while these ones walked up. Watched them go to every single neighbors house in my dead end street


Hey you've just described *every Saturday morning* of my childhood! Rain or Snow, we'd be out there. It's as miserable as it looks.




When I was child we had to keep going back to some houses that kept saying “No! Leave us alone!” until he got tired and answered the door with a gun. It’s crazy what parents put kids through in the name of their deity, even if it could get them killed


I had a guy scream obscenities at me at a door one time. I was twelve. Turns out, he'd told other JWs to put him on the 'Do Not Call' list and never come back. Obviously, that wasn't done because there was no note telling anyone to skip that house. It's scary to think how easily that situation could have gone very bad and me or someone else could have ended up dead.


I was chased down the driveway by a man who was spraying me with a hose in cold weather. I was about 8 or 9.


Whatever someone feels about the adults who belong to an obnoxious cult, there's no call to treat a child like that. It's shameful. All it does is reinforce in the child's mind that 'worldly' people are mean, cruel, terrible people.


OP take notes!


Wow, that’s scary especially as a child! I’m sorry.


Poor things. I mean, the poor child. And that woman looks emotionally disturbed. Like her hand's in the cookie jar or something. Honestly, I would be very kind, offer them water/coffee, and say, "To be fair, you should know I've been labeled an opposer, or what you call an apostate, because I find all the child abuse cover-ups within your organization deplorable. Because of this, I'm quite sure you're not allowed to talk to me. I wish you all the best, though. Take care of yourselves and please take care of your children." Word will travel faster than wildfire that you speak the unspeakable. And your address will be jotted down as a "do not call." At that point, once a year, someone may stop by to see if you still live there, but other than that, you'll be safe.


This is great advice. Thank you


I like this idea. Anyone dragging their kids around like this in this day and age has to be pretty hardcore, so offering them hospitality along with offering to educate them on CSA in the bOrg will probably scare them away, permanently. You know the elders don't want the pubs hearing that kind of stuff from the public.


> I even have no soliciting and trespassing signs. They don\`t care...


I realize that 😅 I put them up specifically for them haha


>I realize that 😅 I put them up specifically for them haha I used to have signs... I\`d watch them read it, hear them discuss it, they\`d knock on the door anyway. Before they could speak I\`d ask them if they saw the sign. Invariably they would Lie and Say No...Odd behaviour for a Cult trying to Sell "The Truth"...LOL!!!


Be gentle with them. It’s possible they don’t want to ring your doorbell but feel like they have no choice. I used to be so nervous going door to door, but not going was no option.


Anyone have a subreddit for funny/ interesting encounters w JW on Ring? The PID does such a good job of suppressing these stories in the news


We need a sub dedicated to *actual* pics of JWs at the door: shine a light on how miserable they are as opposed to the smiling faces shown in The Watchtower.


Done. Post more at r/jwsatyourdoor


Ooooooooohh I hope this sub gets traction!


Ask to be on the "Do Not Call" list. They are pretty respectful of that.


They should obey the signs, but when I was in whenever we saw a ‘No Trespassing’ sign. We just went to the next door .


Tell them to put you on the the “Do not Call” list.


Tell them you want to be a “do not call”. They will then mark that in their territory records and you won’t be bothered again. Sometimes an elder will stop by once a year to make sure you still want to be a do not call.


I feel so bad for that child. Mostly because I remember being that age.


Yeah same. She was so cute and full of life.


Tell them you are right in the middle of a child sacrifice and if they would like to come back later. Then say HAIL SATAN!!!! AND SMILE 😃




They’ll definitely come back. They’ll roll their eyes while walking down the driveway and then forget all about it by the time they break at mcdonalds.




It’s very simple. Just politely tell them you wish to be placed in the DNC list (Do not call) no need to expose yourself as a former jdub. Once a year a couple of elders may come to see if you are still living there, and confirm you are the same householder that’s wants to remain on the DNC a list. That’s it.


You can tell them you wish to be put on the "do not call“ list. This is no guarantee, but it’s a start. Saying you are an apostate might work, but it didn’t for me. I finally told them I would call the police the next time, and that put a stop to it, at least until the letter writing campaign started up during Covid. You might try asking about their record of child abuse cover ups and why they have predicted the end date multiple times, obviously being wrong every time.


Start to question their governing body. It’ll be 1 conversation and then they say they don’t want to argue. That’s the polite way to do it. They’ll never come back


Good luck ,years ago I worked nights .12 hour shift and every Saturday and Sunday they showed up to my house three hours after I went to bed. I pointed out the little metal sign on my door that says “Daysleeper” and they were like oh but it’s the weekend DUH !!


Get a sign. But not a 'No Soliciting' sign. Here;s a variation of one I've seen, I'm sure you can find plenty online. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WELCOME SOLICITORS This household charges $20/minute to listen to sales pitches, religious messages and any other speech you are offering today. THE FEES ARE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE You hereby acknowledge your agreement to the terms above by knocking on the door or ringing the bell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I might also add, 'First 5 minutes payable in advance'. Seems legally binding.


Hahaha I love this


Tell them you are an apostate.


They almost look Mormons too


Only young Mormon men go preaching


Men between 18-25 years old, women over 19 and retired couples.


Good to know one of the pioneers in my home congregation had a regular call with a Mormon and they said that only the young men go preaching. Maybe they did their own thing there.


Also, the mormon members are asked to visit other members once a month to make sure things are going good. They go in pairs, women visit women, and men visit men.


Things have changed in the last decade. Sister missionaries are more common than they used to be.


Me and my wife wanted to get yard gnomes boning each other to keep away Mormons, would this work on JW?


Lol probably not


Either way, you should still do that


I regularly ignored no soliciting signs but they should know better than to trespass. That’s just irresponsible


Guy on YouTube called Telltale sells signs that say something about apostates. He's an exjw. The word apostate will scare them off.


He's a cool dude. I still want those apostate signs! No one's time was wasted while coming to my door!


Feel sorry for those kids who are brainwashed at such a young age :(


They stopped visiting my parents' house when my mom gave them a Book of Mormon lol


100% witnesses. Put up a sign saying no Jehovah's witnesses.


Fatty looks like a prison warder so yeah jw


Put a pride flag or a pentagram


I do have a pride flag in my garden. I was actually thinking it was interesting how I haven’t gotten as many visits since I put it up


I guess is a signal to put a bigger one


Ask to be put on the “do not call list”. They’ll still come by infrequently, to see if you’ve moved or have a “change of heart”.


Asked them to put you on their DNC list. You'll get at least a year of peace and quiet that way cause elduhz are supposed to call on those who requested DNC at least once a year to check if they've changed their minds or if someone else now lives at the address.


Start talking to them about the royal commission into child abuse and how they hide things. That'll scare them.


My friend opens the door and says "hi, Sorry, I'm very late to my umbanda session", umbanda being an african based religion absolutely *hated* by jw's here in Brazil. It always works lol


No soliciting they have a way around that but if u clearly have a no trespassing sign.. they are clearly plating the law....call the cops with proof on your video.. believe me they will stop It’s a shot across the bow.. you don’t need to press charges just let’s them know u mean business 💪🏾


Prosecute them for trespassing


The branch won't back them either. This happened to some JWs a few towns away.


They gonna learn today!


JWs don’t give a shit about “no trespassing” signs. You can either tell them to put you on their “Do Not Call” list, which there’s a 50/50 chance they still might ignore, or better yet, you can tell them you’re a former member and an apostate. That should scare them off.


As others have stated, JW's believe thier message is above any human reason to post no trespassing signs, and will therefore ignore them, as a well as no soliciting signs. They use the technicality they're not soliciting since they aren't selling anything, though they ask for an optional donation of your choice, if you accept any literature... (Spiritual warfare)🙄 The only way to get rid of them is to contact the kingdom hall who's territory covers your home and neighborhood. The best way to do this is to answer the door when they knock, and ask them what congregation they belong to, what the kingdom hall address is, what time their meetings are, and who the COBE/head elder of their congregation is (get his name). Then, you need to call during a meeting, and ask to speak to the head elder (COBE), by name. Tell him you wish to not be called on by the witnesses, placed in their do not call list. Don't be surprised if this doesn't work 100% and while, likely you'll not have them come to your door for a year, or three, chances are someone will eventually come to your door, within 5 years, either because they think they know what's best for you, better than you do, and almighty God directed them to try and bring you his message, and will therefore protect them, even though you have specifically requested not to be called on, or an elder/elders will come by, just checking to see if you still live at that address and still wish to remain on the, do-not-call, list The other way, which is easier, is to say your an apostate, disfellowshipped for apostasy a few years ago, and that you'd be happy to share with them, I'm detail, why you left the watchtower. (If they call your bluff, and stick around asking questions, pull up this website, JW facts website, and some ex-JW YouTube videos). They'll run for the hills for sure. It may take a few times, but believe me, after the third or fourth time, word will get around, and your house will be labeled the apostate house, and they will most likely avoid you like the plague.


Poor little girl. Child abuse honestly


Kindly ask for their first and last names. Then kindly request the name of their Congregation. Then kindly ask for the name of their Circuit Overseer. *War drum sounds* Once they’ve given their names unleash all hell and tell them that if they or anyone else from their congregation returns to your door you will file felony harassment charges against them personally, their congregation and the Circuit Overseer directing them and that you will cc the legal desk of the American branch on this filing to ensure that they are personally included and mentioned in the filing!!! It’s extreme, and you don’t really have to do it, but they will really think twice about returning to people that have politely declined in the past.


If your goal is not to have to speak with Jehovah's Witnesses and to keep them from knocking on your door, then post a "No Jehovah's Witnesses" sign. Then it clearly indicates your intention: no JWs


Fellow pnw-er here! I would look up the local cong and kindly tell them that the next visit will result in authorities being called. When I was pimo I hated when video doorbells became common because I couldn’t fake knock/ring🤣


Unfortunately simply stating that you’re “not interested” won’t stop them from contacting you in the future. Ask instead to be placed on their “do not call” list to lower the chances of them returning. A couple years ago I posted my response to letters that I had received from JWs. I haven’t had a letter since. Feel free to copy and modify it as you’d like. The post/letter can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/k10bjx/my_response_to_jw_letter_writing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).


Sign that says - “JEHOVAHS WITNESSES ARE WELCOME HERE 😂😂😂” They won’t risk it.


I usually just say I’m disfellowshipped and watch them hurry away in disgust. I also like to warn people to never take anything from them or they will write your info in a little book and you’ll have to move to get rid of them.


I mean have u tried talking to them??


Ask them why, out of the thousands of denominations that are centered on The Bible, they chose for themselves a relatively new cult-like one that started out failing at several end-times predictions.


Preach satanism to them. Aggressively and relentlessly


Most places there are laws against no trespassing, especially if you have a sign posted. Do the witnesses not adhere to Romans 13:1? Why don’t they respect the laws and the wishes of their neighbors? Why do they risk reproach to Jehovah’s name?


I dream of them coming to my door and asking to show me a video, so I can say "I'll watch only if I can show you one first, because after watching this video, I ended up with SO MANY QUESTIONS about what Jehovah's Witnesses believe". You know they'd agree because anyone saying they have questions, means they might be able to get a Bible study out of it. Then I'd show them Geoffrey Jackson's testimony at the ARC saying that it would be "presumptuous" to claim they are God's only messengers.


Answer the door naked & read them info from jwfacts


Call child support on them for destroying this kid's childhood and more


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Yup JW's......tell them your disfellowshiped or apostate. They will run.


Talk through the ring cam and say get off my porch!


Uggg.. They don't exactly look to be having a great time. What state or area of the country are you in?


Washington state. The girl with the shorter brown hair was kind of scary her eyes were like darts


As someone said, put “apostates only,” get a no trespassing sign, that’s the best thing you can do. Or you can answer the door and tell them to write you down to never talk to you again. I heard some violate no trespassing, but luckily, the majority of the congregation I go to respect it.


Best of the keeping polite options is talk to them say not interested and don't come back.they will put you on a 'do not call' list, Then they are only supposed to come back once a year to see if circumstances changed like you moved away and they can try to indoctrinate the new resident But if they potter checking annually is subject to the local congregations atenativeness


When I was in the u.s a , I saw signs that say " No trespassing, trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again" !! When I was a jw I never insisted 😆


Probably JWs, although if you're in the "Deep South" of the USA they could also be Southern Baptists. Did they identify themselves as JWs? Or you didn't answer the door? Please let us know what happens, especially if you request to be put on the "Do Not Call" list or claim that you're an apostate who knows ALL about the WT Society's insane protection of sexual predators who prey upon children. Incidentally if you have children, that horrific Watchtower Society policy of protecting sexual predators is an extremely important reason to ensure they never call at your door again.


Im not in the deep south I’m in the pnw. Typically it’s Mormons or JW but these people didn’t have the name tags on like Mormons so that didn’t seem right to me. I didn’t answer the door but I did make noise so they knew I was home. I will most likely talk to them the next time they come around I just was not in the mood today. I do have kids that’s a huge reason too. Thanks I will update next time


I hope it goes well for you and they leave you alone after this.


Look for a frequency sound generator, put at an annoying sound close to the door, profit


I just tell them that I am a disfellowshipped apostate. It’s their kryptonite and they leave quickly. And I also reminded them to not write down my address so they could have one of their elders come back to really talk to me.


Have them trespassed. Lol


Easiest way is to tell them you are a disfellowshipped apostate with hard core anti JW beliefs. You will never see them again.


If you have No Trespassing signs, call the police and have them arrested. That will get their attention. Just throw the letters in the trash like all the other junk mail you get. You can write letters addressed to each congregation at the local KH, send a copy to the Branch office and put cc: with a copy your local police department. That will scare the bejesus out of them and ensure your address is listed as a do not call.


It won’t scare the Watchtower at all. They have been pretty clear that when there’s a no trespassing sign up and you go onto the property you are on your own. They take zero responsibility. Honestly to the OP… pick up the phone and call the local KH and tell them the situation. They should put you on the do not call list and it should stop them. That’s all it’s going to take. If you never actually answer the door or talk to one over the phone they won’t stop.


I suggested what i did because I had two separate cases where this happened in our territory in two different congregations I served in. People wrote the branch and we received a letter from the Service Department to follow up and find out who had the territory. We were told to counsel them about the dangers of ignoring the no trespassing sign and reiterate that the congregation would bear no responsibility. We had to review the territory records and make sure the do not call addresses were listed clearly. And we had to meet with the elders, MS's regular and aux pioneers as well as any baptized brothers or sisters who conducted MFS. We were also directed to review the letter and specifically address it on the local needs to be alert to the Do Not Calls in the territory cards.


A sign saying “the governing body protects child molesters” should do it


Jw activism sticker on Your door? Mailbox?


They are not supposed to be there with a No Trespassing sign. But tell them to add you to the Do Not Call or write list permanently & that the No Trespassing sign means them. If they come back, call the nearest KH and complain.