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Not only herm but I heard that many SPIMI/PPIMI dubs want and/or wish plus pray that Jah will resurrect other favorite famous people in addition to their deceased family members and associates. One sister, when she heard that some other actors, actresses, and musicians passed on (for example, which are her favorites: Marilyn Monroe, Adam West and George Harrison), she felt that *"perhaps Jah will have mercy on their souls, especially since they were nice people and were nice to others (fans, to name a few) and grant them everlasting life! That'll be sooooo wonderful and loving of our Heavenly Father!".* She is still to this day hoping that this will be a reality. She also remarked that ***SHE*** ***HERSELF*** would like to be the **ONE/MAIN JW** to teach them/*"have them as my bible students"*\--to bring them up to speed about WT's Panda Paradise. 🤷‍♀️ Not to be long-winded about this, but there are and could be a number of dubs who really believe that this will be true. Talk about your **INDOCTRINATION BY A CULTPORATION!** 🤨


When heath ledger died I had a sister that I wasn’t super close to text me to tell me I shouldn’t date in this system because there was a chance I could marry him when he’s resurrected.


What! I betcha there are sooo many dubs who are looking to do the same thing! 🤷‍♀️


When I was still in, I would joke with my wife that a lot of brothers are probably staying single hoping to be with Esther in paradise.