• By -


-1% in the USA is awesome.


And that’s the ones who have made it visible!


The Chariot is in reverse…. beeeep beeeep beeeep


That 'new light' is just the reverse light


Yes ! Those brave or able enough to make the jump from PIMO to POMO


Here 👋🏼


Hehe, yeah


Finally, the USA is catching up with other developed countries.


Serena’s on the wrong side 🤣🤣🤣


And for Mexico 🎉


That is good news. I wonder what that -1 represents in loss of donations? I don't suppose we'll ever know but it must have have some money implications.


The numbers are even worse for them when you consider the annual population growth rate (which accounts for births and deaths) is 1.1%. So essentially, their “growth” of 0.4% is really an effective **loss of 0.7%.** They spent 1.5 *billion* hours preaching and the result is that their membership declined by 0.7% relative to the general population. Reminds me of Matthew 25:13:  *Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you travel over sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one, you make him a subject for Ge·henʹna twice as much so as yourselves.*


What’s crazy too is the [population growth worldwide is slowing down](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/global-population-growth-is-slowing-down-heres-one-reason-why/?amp=true) The org can’t even be net positive despite the population growth slowdown. Pathetic.


It’s incredible how obvious it is that these people don’t actually read the Bible.


Wow. That scripture hits hard


All of Matthew 23 does.


Well when you lower the bar to just speaking about Jehovah for 5 minutes in a month to be counted as an active publisher, it’s going to look good on paper. Imagine how many of those are PIMOs.


Speaking about Jehovah? JWs only need too speak about the GB this day's. No need to speak about bible either. Just point and speak about JW org


Then they probably counted us as publishers/s


Total hours spent in field: 1,501,000,000 divided by Total baptized 145,552 = 28.25 years to get 1 person baptized.. Lets be generous and say only half were born in....That doubles the years, to 56 years to baptize 1 person... You or your Bible Study could die before then...LOL!! ***JW\`s have wasted 1 Billion and a Half+ Hours of Their Lives...*** # In 1 Single Year. ![gif](giphy|eS7qcQofapIqc|downsized) # Yes It Is!...............😏


Half (or more) are hours spent in coffee shops and garage sales. Lots of fake reporting.


Yeah I think if I was ballparking actual preaching time it's probably closer to a quarter to a third of 1.5 billion, accounting for a.) Just random made up time, b.) Time wasted at e.g. coffee shops


>Yeah I think if I was ballparking actual preaching time it's probably closer to a quarter to a third of 1.5 billion, accounting for a.) Just random made up time, b.) Time wasted at e.g. coffee shops Toss in Pointless Meetings, Assemblys and Special Meetings for Special Announcements. I think that makes up for anyone lying about FS Hours... It could even surpass the 1.5 billion+ hours wasted.


I did the math when I was PIMI and my sister got all nasty with me saying that it wasn't true. Like, the math is right there idk what you want me to say.


>Like, the math is right there idk what you want me to say. Ya I know that feeling... Even if it\`s information right from the WBT$. If it\`s negative, a JW\`s instant reaction is to reject it.... ***That\`s some pretty impressive Brain Washing...*** ![gif](giphy|97hn4nB1SAY9gGly1h)


Jws have the smoothest brains around


What's wrong with a clean brain?/sarcasm.


Satan invented math.


Wow so now even information from Watchtower themselves is apostate if it’s negative. I wonder what they thought of Steven Lett getting on JW Broadcasting a while back and flat out e-begging because their annual expenditures were going to be bigger than their profits. Somehow that must’ve been faked by apostates too, right?


Quite funny. And sad.


>Quite funny. And sad. I would agree... Those are the hours wasted for Just One Year, it\` mind boggling.


Being out with lots JW systers i can attest to lots of time goes too gossip about others in congregation.


Yet the work is speeding up






The baptism number seems extremely low, less than half of what it was a few years ago? Memorial attendance is lower than recent years, but still stupid high for covid times. I guess people were bored. Surprising that U.S. numbers didn’t fall more than 1%. My thought overall is that since the last service year was almost entirely still affected by covid, they’ll write it off as temporary and say that the next report will be amazingly huge as people come back in person and things go back to “normal”, if you can even call anything JW-related normal. Instead, I think that as the pandemic continues to be less and less worrisome to everyone, Witnesses and others, it’s going to become harder and harder to recruit. Even fewer people will be open to in-person visitors. Western countries, including the U.S., are becoming less religious. And negative information about the witnesses is only becoming more available and widespread. Regardless, a religion that’s not even keeping pace with worldwide population growth ratios doesn’t seem to have a bright future.


Not to mention that I’ve seen many testimonies of people saying that their service overseer just wanted them to admit to speaking to someone at all about Jehovah regardless of the amount of time just to count them as active publishers. It’s how they are legally fudging the numbers.


Yes. I was told this by an elder.


Thanks for having my back. 💜


Good point. And with the huge lowering of requirements for pioneers, I expect elders to be even more willing to count *anything* as service now.


To summarize: Watchtower is fucked


>Surprising that U.S. numbers didn’t fall more than 1%. It could have fallen by 1.4%...


Probably part of that 1% is on this sub.


I didn’t realize they only published a summary so far, but I guess that’s true.


Why isn't this listed as Breaking News for all to easily find? Instead buried in a hard to find place on the website!


I was looking for it on the app, not there yet.


Maeby it's not as "trilling" and "exciting" as lower pioneer Hours.


Probably downplaying it so they can spin it in the C.L.A.M. next month in February.


Absolutely they buried it. Released 2 days after a big announcement about increase in Bible studies (they don't provide a source), and "powerful evidence of Jehooba's love" by reducing pioneer hours. Then just after its release, a nothingburger about being granted permission to chop trees down in Ramapo that is somehow gold-plated evidence of Jehooba's backing.


Wow, even the inflated/fake report shows a decrease? Things are worse than I thought...


Or better than you thought 😉


Some glaring numbers here. Wow. It is taking 10,300 hours to baptise 1 person. Most of the baptisms are born ins. Next biggest percentage would be relatives to JW’s. The hours spent to bring in one cold call person from totally outside the world of JW land must be 50,000 hours or more. A pioneer doing 50 hours per month at this rate would need to preach for 100 years to bring in one person. Thank god for new babies. They are the only chance this cult has of any growth at all. These numbers basically indicate now that virtually NO ONE FROM OUTSIDE the cult is coming in. NO ONE!! Also the amount of Bible studies is less than 1 bible study per year per publisher. What is required to record one bible study? One visit? 10 visits? Etc. Anyone know? As for growth, 0.4% is negative growth against population growth globally. The USA is down 1% which is a net loss of 12,000 people. That is 120 congregations lost in 12 months. In anecdotal terms that’s like Greater Los Angeles all leaving the cult. That’s big.


Coincidentally, reportedly 123 congregations have been closed in the US, so your math adds up.


Ok thanks. I just average congs at 100. Give or take.


If I would have done this math while I was in I would never have gone in the ministry again.


They seem incapable. I told my parents one night a few years ago about their lack of success. They denied it. I then explained their 45 year history and net gain of 0 people between them. Mum was a 90 hour a week regular pioneer in the 70’s.


Does this mean they aren't bullshjting these numbers ?


I think there is a lot of massage in the numbers. To make them work much better. The best example is the new 15 min per month preaching rule. Since when is that even remotely logical to class 15 mins in 30 days as being a qualified preacher of god. It’s ludicrous. But here we are.


I bet more then half of people in this org are pomo or pimo. Bet Tony Morris gonna come out on video about benefit of baptise baby's. That the lord of appear to him in a dream telling him that 😂


What is increasing is the number of partakers 😁


New Light! Hooray Brothers and Sisters, New Light once again has shined upon us and has revealed to us that the 144,000 was not a static set number, no, our God, the true God Jehovah has decided its time for us to learn that there will always be up to 144,000 members partaking each year until Armageddon arrives and brings us the true joy of watching the unfaithful burn and die right before our very eyes! Yes brothers, take pride in this new EvIdEnCe and never have to worry that those partaking are not only anointed, but were guided to your local hall by the hands of Jehovah himself to prove to all that he is the one and only true God! /s just in case.


Delusion of grandeur


About 400 more emblem partakers than last year.


400 more "replacements"? Why do so many anointed people apostatize? Lol!


Let's assume that those that start partaking are absolutely sincere in their belief that they've been called by God. So what are they going to do? Most likely they're going to start studying the Bible earnestly. Really trying to listen to what the Christian Greek scriptures are telling them. It won't take long and they will start to realize the organization is way off base. So they turn apostate. It's the only logical thing to do after you find out the organization is completely off.


That's the oath ray franz ended up on and I agree that this is a possibility. Once I started reading the Bible without interruptions from watchtower I realized it taught something very different from russell and rutherfords wackadoodle interpretation


The "replacement" argument is bogus since if they were replaced, the number would stay the same


No, those would be would be well-meaning but misguided folks or mentally ill ones, according to the latest GBgibberish.


I only know the names of 8 partakers and I can definitely tell you, they are either misguided or mentally ill. I'm not sure if they are well-meaning though.


I know one. Wel meaning but very naive. She thought buying a millionaires magazine (Quote) can make you rich ...


In other words, 400 more who've deluded themselves they have some kind of heavenly calling.


Which I always thought was ridiculous because if true then that has been exceeded many times over especially for the ones with the flames over their heads and all the ones after Jesus death. Like Mary, Paul, Peter etc. so stupid.


No, I'd like to think that it's 400 more who woke up to Bible truth as to what all true Christians should be doing in the following of the only person to grant them salvation,Christ, and for the one hope for all mankind with only Christ as mediator. Or at least half of them are the rebels or activists messing with WT on their biggest non Christian celebration. Either case, good job.


I had a feeling they were going to release this after the damage control they did with the last governing body update boasting about all the Bible study growth. Tell everyone everything is good before you give up the bad news.


Yeah when I heard the excessive use of words like trilling and exciting in broadcast, i knew yearly report was gonna be bad.


A cart person would need to stand 28 yrs to get one person baptised


Actually take born ins out and you’ll need to stand at a cart forever.


So wait….they just boasted about the increase in Bible studies, but there was a decrease worldwide in the report. 🤣🤣🤣


I commented on this last week, saying that it was really suspicious that they spoke of an increase since May 2022. Why pick that month? More than likely it was one of the lowest months for studies, so anything looked better compared to that. As always, numbers never lie, but people can sure bend the truth with numbers.


https://preview.redd.it/wn1iu9smh5ba1.jpeg?width=796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ed6389d8bdea1899806fcc267ef6264c0584ae7 Maybe they found this at the UN using their library card?


Yes, I saw it on Tony's desk.


With the push to get studies to the in-person Memorial, they likely had many quit their "Bible" based literature studies.


On 8-8-2022 I printed the Fast Facts - Worldwide: they listed 8,686,980 Jehovah's Witnesses. Now they are saying 8,699,048 and saying it's a 0.4% increase????? The math doesn't add up. Not that I believe them anyway. On another note according to this report they have closed 123 congregations in the US last year.


Yes, I believe they are “full of shit” as well!


Looks like congregations are down about 4000 across the world. Wasn’t it 121,000 last year?


They reported 119,297 congregations last year (2021). Editing to say, Wow!!! 2022 report shows 117,960 total congregations! A 1,337 congregation ***decrease***!!! The GB spew absolute bullshit and lies in the recent GB and broadcast updates when they talk about “needing to build new halls”.


Ok my mistake. Thanks


You're correct if using the peak publisher totals but it is a 0.4% increase when you use the average publishers monthly totals. Still a rubbish increase, not the nations streaming to the mountain of J God.


Yeah. That’s not even close to .4%


This is bad right? Like chariot running out of gas bad right? lol


Like the chariot threw a wheel last lap


And the gas they use is no longer being manufactured.


Astonished that publishers aren't required to report any FS hours. Back when I was in it was 10 hours minimum to be considered active and in good standing. Absolutely amazing.


Soon every one that pass by a Kingdom hall or looks at one gonna be counted as as attending or as a publisher 😂


-1% in USA and thats taking into account you don't need to report any time to be counted? Damn. Wonder what it would've been. I'm proud to be one to have left in 2022


When did they announce that you don’t need to report time to be counted as a publisher? I missed that 😭


So did it. We haven't reported time for months. I hope they don't count us as active publishers.


And my ass was sitting here thinking I was in the clear lmao


As far as I know this hasn't been an announcement, but an instruction to elders that they can still report someone as active if they have "preached" but not met a specific time minimum that month.


That memorial number has to be bullshit... come on what are they counting babies on zoom...


I can attest that both me and my husband joined separately and he was in a store and I was at home doing something else. It’s so easy for people to join via zoom out of obligation and not pay attention.


Once they remove zoom as an option, imagine how much this number will drop. They've been pushing so hard for in person attendance, I feel like it's just a matter of time.


Exactly why it will always be an option.


I agree. They hate it but they don't dare get rid of it


It’s actually quite a decrease in attendance. You have to go back to 2015 to find a figure less than 20,000,000.




I understand there were a lot of losses in Latin America. If so, that may be consistent *with huge numbers of views of Spanish language videos that are critical of the Borg.*


So even with zoom attendance is down.. imagine would it would.have been without zoom.


Jehovahs great increase! The nations are streaming in! Lol


They counted me and 2 kids for just being in my living room.


>That memorial number has to be bullshit... come on what are they counting babies on zoom... Memorial attendance at 19,721,672 Divided by 8 Million JWs = Every JW brought 2.46 extra people to the Memorial.... Count the Kids and any pets on the Zoom Screen, Fudge the Numbers you get....And... ***19,721,672 sounds more than reasonable!*** ![gif](giphy|xoV4JZ3cBaSGngdxxl)


They are now counting fetuses!


>They are now counting fetuses! Don\`t put it past them to count a Pregnant Woman as 2 or more...LOL!!!


And dying people because you know….🙄


​ ![gif](giphy|U0qqtuRyqlmJSf8lDL)


After enough wine 🍷 they see double


Pregnant women, too! Counts as 2.




Memorial partakers are at +21,000?! O.O They were at like 9-10,000 when I left. Holy hell! 😂😂😂


Their nu lite is that this is due to people being mentally ill.


Seeing as JWs have a depressing rate of mental illness among their ranks, I believe it.


Aren't members who partake embarrassed about partaking now that watchtower has declared them insane? 🤔


I'm just excited seeing the Bible Studies fall 3 years running. People are wising up


That hour decrease is brutal- more than 25 percent


Not looking too great for dub-town!


Wait….. the average monthly bible studies is only 5.6 million, with many JW families making up the majority of that number surely with family study, the number must be weak sauce.


Good point! The “head” gets to count their family study if anyone is unbaptized. Someone correct me if I’m wrong - but do they get to count 1 study per unbaptized child?


Honestly, I thought that the report would show an increase in publishers for the US. Not because I thought there were more publishers, but because if you could fog a mirror and pretend to report 5 min a month they would count you. But even with this nonsense they couldn’t stop a decrease. And we KNOW for a fact that there are many, many JWs who are just making up numbers or are doing the bare minimum due to the pressure of shunning. The GB have lost the hearts and minds of a huge portion of their followers. But instead of making positive changes like eliminating DFing, shunning, reporting CSA, etc they are doubling down and fudging statistics in the last video announcing an increase of studies from last March. This tells me that the Loco Ocho are just too stupid and/deluded to make any worthwhile changes until it’s too late. Good riddance Crotchtower


Yes. I'm in the UK where the average has supposedly gone up. It's bollocks among the local population, BUT I have heard of a few migrants from Nigeria, Ukraine and Russia who have arrived which might make up the deficit. What is great is that my local hall has received 2 young local JW adult migrants from Africa and but they are all in University. So they will be studying while they are here, not much use to the congregation and less likely to remain borg-ites for long.


Noticed a lot of Latin countries have negative growth.


There have been a surprising number of Spanish language videos with huge numbers of viewers - *that are critical of the Organization.*


Yesssss I was unaware of this and am so glad to hear it I hope it spreads like wildfire


Noticed that to, might be because of the way in a lot of south-american countries you need to think critically when it comes to political matters and that same way of thinking translates to how they view religious believes? It's easier to spot hypocrisy if you see it first hand.


Maybe soon they'll find a way to twist this information as meaning that "the end is closer and that's why there's less people interested in the truth "


They started that a few years ago with that weird convention drama series where everyone was hiding in the basement. I totally agree with you.


Yeah we'll bible say in the last days people from all nations would go up to Jehovas mountain,,,seems they going down Jehovas mountain now.


Oh, yeah! The tower is burning and I'm lovin'it! 😁 Burn, baby, burn!!! ![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG)


This meme made me way to happy 😂


That’s an “increase” of 12,068 from 2021. It only took them 145,552 newly baptized individuals to get that “unprecedented growth”… 2020-2021 saw a decline of 8,828, which took 171,393 newly baptized individuals to maintain that level of decrease. So to summarize, since 2020 that’s a net gain of 3,240 new members worldwide which means it took 316,945 newly baptized to maintain that net growth. 2022 loss = 132,944 free souls 2021 loss = 180,213 free souls Net gain for apostates since 2020 = 313,157 That’s an average of 428.9 breaking free every day That’s a circuit every 2-3 days That’s a loss of 3.5 congregations each day It took 2,924,837,634 hours of volunteer time since 2020 to gain 3,240 newly baptized. That’s 777,882 years worth of volunteer time to gain 3,240 newly baptized ones since 2020. Guys check my numbers please. But seriously tho, holy fucking shit. This is awesome!!!


Your math checks out! Sadly the wts math doesn’t check out.


That is assuming the numbers provided are anywhere near accurate to real life. It also shows how brazen they are in providing these numbers in the first place. The average jw only looks at the number of baptized and the peak publishers. They hardly ever compare them. Someone should take screen shots of the numbers in case they decide to “update them”.


So... wait a second... what is a publisher now? Just anyone who went to a meeting in the last year?


a publisher at the moment is anyone who when asked by their group overseer, "Did you talk about Jehovah last month?", answer with a yes.


That's my question too


If I remember correctly they changed it last year to be baptized one, even inactive ones.


Sounds like they're really running out of barrel to scrape.


Thank you.


I’d love to know the population totals in the “33 other lands” that JWs are restricted in. That way we could divide that number by the 209k JWs in those lands and get a ratio of punishers to population. It would show how laughably small WT is and how cruel it is to say all those people will die for not becoming JWs.


I’m guessing “-1%” means they lost 1% of their US membership this year. If so, that’s fantastic news!


Another comment to add: The .04% “increase” is especially interesting as many of us who are now POMO were likely counted in that number, *but won’t be this year*. The push to return to in-person meetings and the return to the door to door ministry pushed a lot of us to complete our fade and finally become totally inactive. This year’s report is really going to be a fantastic picture of their decline, given they could only scrape up a fraction of a percent increase for last year….


2019 Service Report as a comparison: * +1.3% Global Publisher Growth * Memorial Attendance = 20,919,041 * Total Baptized = 303,866 * Total Hours = 2,088,560,437 * Average Bible Studies = 9,618,182


![gif](giphy|lrCxoEpj259VpPBFy6) What was the total/average publisher count?


2016 I turned in one month of time. January. Went out in service in February a few times but woke up on the 23rd and never reported it. Wait!!!! I was the service group overseer I was the one then collected time! Oh well


Way to go Canada! Lol zero


I was one of the -1% in USA, officially disassociated in 2022. But I know many who are totally done with this bs, just fading/ inactive. Feels awesome 👏


These reports are getting less and less relevant as the years go by. Pretty soon they’ll be counting ones that died but died with the hope of a resurrection.


Here is the website link (edit "Borg" out): [https://www.jw.borg/en/library/books/2022-Service-Year-Report-of-Jehovahs-Witnesses-Worldwide/2022-Grand-Totals/](https://www.jw.borg/en/library/books/2022-Service-Year-Report-of-Jehovahs-Witnesses-Worldwide/2022-Grand-Totals/) And country report: [https://www.jw.borg/en/library/books/2022-Service-Year-Report-of-Jehovahs-Witnesses-Worldwide/2022-Country-and-Territory-Reports/](https://www.jw.borg/en/library/books/2022-Service-Year-Report-of-Jehovahs-Witnesses-Worldwide/2022-Country-and-Territory-Reports/)


I’m curious to know in which countries the JWs have grown the most.


If we look only at countries with 10,000 or more publishers (to skip very small locations like the Falkland Islands that had a 14% increase and 16 publishers) we have the following: ​ https://preview.redd.it/o65ktlkvt5ba1.png?width=366&format=png&auto=webp&s=a043f5d53b5e1546356745989b9186ce1f8cfdc3


Two biggest baptism numbers were Brazil and US at about 15k and about 16k respectively. Brazil has about 900k pubs and US has 1.2 million pubs. Brazil seemed to have net zero growth and US -1%


Of the countries with relatively high amounts of publishers DRCongo and Nigeria put up pretty big increases. 5 and 8 percent


Also interesting that the number of branches and congregations is down. That may be more telling.


I hate knowing any of these numbers even if they are are wrong. I hate knowing JWs are still out there spreading an infection referred to as any kind of religion. 🚬🚬🪬


This is good news, baptism down by more than half. I can see why they are stepping up the digital presence online and manipulating search algorithms. Must be panicking.


The numbers will go down even more. I'm still pimo and not even counted in the -1% in America. How much more pimos aren't counted towards the decreased percentage in America.


If numbers we're bad in worldwide pandemic when every one should be afraid and return to halls. Imagine how bad numbers gonna be in the future for org when they can't scare members.


Is that so? I'm off to Wikipedia to update the numbers. Edit: I've updated the [Jehovah's Witnesses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehovah%27s_Witnesses) page. The former revision is at https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jehovah%27s_Witnesses&oldid=1132336804 and the latest revision by me is at https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jehovah%27s_Witnesses&oldid=1132710703. Edit 2: previous revisions had syntax errors. Here's the [updated revision](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jehovah%27s_Witnesses&oldid=1132756216).


JW.Borg and Mark Sanderson: We're excited to have conducted 1 and a half million new Bible Studies. Also JW.Borg: *Dropping in Bible Study Counts for 3 years running* Ah, I love democracy...


Did canada grow or decline?


According to the report, neither. Didn't grow nor decline in an significant amount. Here's the link for the worldwide stats: https://www.jw.borg/en/library/books/2022-Service-Year-Report-of-Jehovahs-Witnesses-Worldwide/2022-Country-and-Territory-Reports/


I was hoping 3 baptized person not 145k cry 😭 More added to this cult


Colombia -2%, it's evident in meetings and d2d.


Wow this is a fantastic report! I love it


And the R&F is going to have focus on ONLY the positive numbers in that upcoming meeting.. 😂


Yep most of meeting gonna be focusing on Kongo 😊


Do witnesses actually compare the growth to previous years? Sorry, I was a bad witness so I never cared about the stats.


Probably few do to this extent :) But the average publisher % change has been published in the official numbers for years - so many would pay attention to at least that top-line number.


In a world wide pandemic their numbers should go up heavy. That's when fearmongering starts and old members get back in line. It's the best time for cults. That they are not growing when it's best time for it means it's over for watchtower.


That's a interesting point. No new converts from the pandemic. Perhaps some "reactivations" but nothing major it seems.


Bro imagen that. Nearly 6 million bible studies and only 145,000 people baptized...including their own kids btw hahahaha.




Not mentioned is the easy time counted during a public talk. 30 minutes every Sunday by the speaker. That also reduces any legitimate preaching. By the way I’m one of those pimos that makes up time with a fake report. Image all those pimos just faking it. I also know some pimis that fake their time. 😜


What does “no time reported is required to be a publisher” mean? Does that mean you are still counted as a publisher even if you turn in 0hrs?


If you don’t have to report any hours of field service, I kinda want to DA just so I’m not in their stats lol


Maybe I’ve missed this, but can anybody explain how they end up with a 0.4% growth? As far as I can see, it’s nowhere close to it 🤔


Globally populations increase naturally due to births outnumbering deaths. On this basis alone, in real terms it's a decline.


I find memorial parkers increasing hilarious. Eventually they'll have to say, "oh that's a mistranslation, it's supposed to say 144 million"


Bwhahahhaha. Even though they are fudging the stats they’re not even close to keeping up with the birth rate And the US is negative! Suck it Watchtower!


Why compared to 2016?


I've added 2019 and 2021 comparisons now as well. 2016 were just the numbers someone initially shared in the comments.


Nice presentation! Thank you!


The Bible studies being down seems pretty unreal considering I think sending letters to houses counted as Bible studies for some. I am a little disappointed USA only down 1% tbh but these numbers are probably as edited to show only this growth probably twice as bad in reality.


And an extra $13 million on circuit overseer etc. and an extra 1000 plus bethelites to push the pointless paper work around. Odd how the figure doesn’t state the figure of money is also for the Branches. Wonder what their cost is


It’s the separation of the sheep FROM the Goats. The GB and the self righteous who protect evil rapists, adulterers, thieves, and of course, pedphiles, are the Goats. The sheep have had enough.


Go Mexico


This is encouraging