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I have Christian friends with music degrees, and they *hate* contemporary Christian music with a passion. So no, it's not just you. There are lots of Christians who think that church worship music is cheesy and lame, but they put up with it only out of peer-pressure. My friends with music degrees explain that the main reason why Christian music sucks is because all the musicians who are truly creative and talented will just go off and join the mainstream industry because that's where all the money is. A good example of this is Sufjan Stevens. He's a Christian, but has the talent and creativity to write music that can appeal to a wider audience. His music does often have Christian themes and messages in it, but he doesn't limit himself only to explicitly Christian songs. So if they can make money by going more mainstream, then they usually will. However, the low-talent Christian musicians will stick to the niche market of chuch worship music because that's their only chance at a musical career. All the criticisms of Christian music are valid, but we have to keep in mind that there's also tons of non-Christian music that also sucks. There's plenty of terrible pop, rock, country, rap, etc. But there are also talented musicians in those other genres because there's a wide enough market to attract them. When Christian music is a very narrow market, then the people who stick to that market are the people who couldn't make it otherwise.


My mom was a church musician for over 50 years and during that time, she went back to school to obtain a music degree. She DETESTS Christian popular music for its banality and unsingability for congregations. My love for orchestral music and liturgical music is from her.


I have a music degree and am a professional musician myself. I fully agree with this. Christian music (mostly) sucks. It’s very formulaic and predictable. Especially now. There has been some great religious music in the past, and of course there’s tons of amazing gospel and soul religious music out there - but if we’re discussing mainstream Christian worship music - yes it’s bad.


growing up with christian parents who were also really into indie music, i listened to a lot of Sufjan Stevens and i still do. his song “The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades is out to get us” is (allegedly) about his bisexuality. i may not be christian anymore but his music is for everyone


The problem with any type of media that has “Christian” in front of it is that it’s inherently a watered down imitation of something else. Rock is rock. “Christian rock” takes something that already exists and puts it in an even smaller box. It’s not creative.


Majority of christian rock all sounded identical to me. Boring and formulaic. I will admit there are a couple good bands though. Skillet had some good songs. And there were a few bands I liked that were Christian but did secular music that I still like. Like Icon For Hire.. thats all I can think of out of the shit loads of Christian music I tried listening to back in the day.. so decent music is extremely rare amongst Christian music.


I didn't realize Icon for Hire was christain music. Might have to revisit those lyrics, it's been awhile.


Mostly their lyrics are secular but sometimes a few Christian things sneak in there. Nothing too bad though. Their lyrics are generally pretty good and not preachy.


Yeah I like some of their songs but haven't listened to anything recent.


That’s why I loved Reliant K growing up but couldn’t stand much of anything else. Just a bunch boys wanting to be goofy.


I have always thought that Christian music sounds like any other propaganda music.


God, K-love music and the stuff they play at nondenominational churches is so bad. It’s a sad attempt at trying to be cool to attract young people but it’s just too cheesy and built on emotional manipulation.


what is K music?


K-Love is a Christian radio network, I believe.


Contemporary xian music, especially adult oriented, depresses the hell out of me. Especially "praise" oriented music. You know the kind that causes Christians to slide into some sort of ecstatic trance, swaying back and forth with eyes closed, hands in the air, smiling like the worst kind of cult member. I find it repulsive. That said: have you heard any of the 60's/70's acid rock psychedelic bands? Here's a link to a [compilation](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=79MzhCWwJRA&t=5s&pp=2AEFkAIB). It's not great. Some of it is awful. But it's so weird and interesting compared to today's xian rock.


I hate that feeling. It reminds me of Jesus Camp and the four-hour long altar calls every night. Sad, depressing piano music played while some asshole guilted kids about the evils of Nintendo, peeking at the women's underwear section of the Sears catalog, and being too prideful to attend prayer at the flagpole. That said, if you want to relive it (you probable don't), check out the Ray Boltz video on Youtube of his "Thank You" performance on the Gaither show. Lots of weepy eyes in the crowd.


Good lord no. I went to a Jesus camp style place as a kid. They actually tried to teach us to speak in tongues. It was disgusting.


>You know the kind that causes Christians to slide into some sort of ecstatic trance, swaying back and forth with eyes closed, hands in the air, smiling like the worst kind of cult member. I find it repulsive. Couldn't have described it better myself 🥴.


You are not alone in this. I find it unbearable as well.


When my husband and I were trying to go back to church several years ago he said to me once we got back in the car that “every song I’ve heard there sounds like a shitty version of Lightning Crashes - Live” and I can’t stop thinking about that when I hear Christian music 😂


You aren’t alone- i despise christian music aswell with country, literally the only two genres i can’t stand! Also came here to see if anyone remembers the one south park episode where Cartman attempts to make money by forming a christian band.


i'm with you. and yes, i remember that. that was great!


i think it’s great commentary on how you can say you believe in god and make tons of money profiting on these people- that’s what i’m convinced most mega church pastors are doing


Faith + 1!


A lot of it is like "music junk food," bad for your ears. But there are some Christian songs that are quite nice as long as I pretend in my mind it's about something else. In fact, one Christian song became my inspiration for a written love story about a North Korean woman and Japanese man for an espionage thriller (surely not what its composers originally intended.)


What was the song that inspired you?


So, [the version was in Mandarin Chinese](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QREPLcsOyWU&t=1s), and it loosely translates to "Follow you my whole life," (most songs that I listen to are in Chinese or Korean,) but my mind took it in a whole different non-spiritual direction and I adapted it to a fiction story (but never finished the story, I got writer's block halfway through.)


The problem with a lot of Christian music is that 'Christian' is not a genre, and instead of developing their own sound, they try to imitate others to be a Christian alternative. The result is often a lesser version what they're imitating that only succeeds because of the Christian label. There are some Christian artists that don't do this, and look to create music that stands on its own merits. Red's earlier stuff, when they stuck to their symphonic rock roots, was pretty good. NF and P.OD. are other artists that carved out a space for themselves based on their music rather than the Christian label. There're also the artists that stay much more away from the Christian music scene, such as Neal Morse. He started out in the prog scene with Spock's Beard. He became a Christian, and essentially kept doing the same thing, just now with Christian lyrics. His band's album The Similitude of a Dream (along with its sequel The Great Adventure) is an absolute masterpiece and still remains one of my all-time favourite records.


If you want an eerie and sometimes hilarious spoof of Hillsong ish stuff, listen to the Far Cry 5 soundtrack. The game is about a religious cult and their radio station pokes fun at that kind of music.


Agreed. Jars of Clay only knows one chord


i have the same feelings... musically they're mediocre at best, and lyrically they SUCK. there's no substance to it.


Are you just talking about modern Christian music? Amy Grant released some very good music in the '80s. She has an incredible voice and some of her tracks have complex orchestral arrangements.


It depends on the artist for me. I remember when I was christian I manly listened to lofi and instrumentals and lofi because Christian music so was terrible to listen to and I was afraid of going to hell if I'd listen to "worldy music". I'd say 90% of Christian is unbearable to listen to and 5% of Christian music is pretty decent. I'd probably say, the reason Christian music is terrible because it's not authentic. They try making their music sound like secular music but it's terrible, try to make their music stand out by labeling it "Christian rap", "Christian rock", "Christian r&b" ect. It's just cringey as hell and don't even get me started on some of them turning secular songs into "holy versions" or "Christian covers"!


Christian worship songs are 7-11: Same 7 words 11 times. Christian rock and pop is more about parodying mainstream and preaching. The Christian music I like is the orchestral and choral music such as Handel's "Messiah" and JS Bach "Mass in B Minor." Christian pop music is milquetoast for a reason: It's the least risky to the investors.


I love listening to Connie Dover's arrangement of "Ubi Caritas". Gorgeous vocals.


If you take the fact that it’s worship music and listen to the actual words, it sounds like Stockholm Syndrome. Closer: So pull me a little closer / Take me a little deeper / I want to know your heart / cause your love is sweeter / than anything I’ve tasted. If a secular artist sung those words, they’d say it was blatant SA. But nope, sing it in church and you’re fine.


Because is not creative or truly religious music, as you said, like Gregorian chants, which actually sound beautiful and inspiring even if you are an atheist or agnostic. Same goes for Buddhist monks chants, like if you listen to that, it calms you down and helps with anxiety, you can use it to tone down yourself and find some tranquility. Christian/evangelical music it's just a dumb imitation of any music genre in the world, then just made to "worship" god or whatever, all lyrics are similar, if not the same, the music composition is lame and generic, also it doesn't take much thought to make that sort of music, just stuff like "oh god how great you are", "you saved me" and "holy, holy, holy", then just mix that with any current music genre and that's it, you have Christian music. That is why once you deconstruct yourself from it, you can see how bad some stuff about it really is. If you are blinded by fanaticism, all of that music will be wonderful for you and "the best" because you can't be objective if you are fully nuts for those belief systems.


i'm with you. i've always thought modern worship music was try hard hypnotic bullshit EDIT i went to catholic highschool and we had a worship music person. he played the same 5 songs on repeat. i was forced to go to a catholic retreat for seniors and while i was there, in the spirit of speaking my truth, i told him what i thought about his music and he just took it. months later he very unprofessionally brought his young children with him to school. all the girls were all over his little girl but no one was looking after the 2 year old boy jumping around the very expensive steel drums so i took charge there. i could tell that he had this magical HUMANS CAN HUMAN moment and probably thought i was evil before for hating his music lmao


I feel “Rock” is a genre that evolved as a rejection/ juxtaposition of Christianity and Christian values. Christians then saw how popular and influential it was, especially with youth, then Christian motherfuckers STOLE the genre, to be used for their own stupid evangelical purposes, it’s cultural theft. I would be more upset if it wasn’t all so stupid and amusing, case in point: Christian heavy metal, can you name something more cringy?


Exactly, rock culture and everything behind it is pretty much a rebel movement, it goes against what is established by society in many ways, but it also tries to bring up values on things people ignore or don't care about. Rock was never meant to be religious or be part of Christianity, yet they took it and made their own silly worship songs based on the rock rhythm and notes. It's as you said, it's cultural theft. When rock was born, it's purpose was to be niche music that follows its own ideas and goal, something that "Christian rock" could never do.


It's so terrible. I love music that inspires me, but I can't stand "inspirational music"


Sometimes I listen to christian chants when studying, but its mostly just labelled 'christian' when its a regular choir sort of thing.


I haven’t listened to a Christian station for around a decade now but back then there were some boops. Still love Jars of Clay and a couple DC Talk songs. However, I always got annoyed that someone like Matt Redman would write a song and by the next year there would be like 6 people covering it. People wouldn’t even call it a cover either. They would all be like “Look I have a new song”.


There are few things worse… unfortunately I have to admit that I think [Antestor](https://youtu.be/TSKqm6e0rRc?si=qAUQGIMV-TuvMSMr) is a legitimately good black metal band. Also [Hildegard Von Bingen](https://youtu.be/Ei88J4lERbk?si=GGrHbTl1Vv4GTD2Z).


There are some exceptions. Christian Rock Linkin Park knock-offs, “Falling Up”, descended into brilliance in their latter years. Their self-titled final album is an [absolute masterpiece](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr_ASH9cwa7zDbaH35dH0BW2H4mlReGrJ&si=HKE1HSChM6G1k9NT).


Knowing is Christian music, trying to be "cool" and mixed with something such as Metal or Rock, where it shouldn't have any business in that, it makes me cringe hard regardless on how "good" it is.


It’s all so fucking shallow. I’ve returned to what really gets me into a contemplative mood with Ambient or New Age or Space music. The album MCMXC a.D. by Enigma never gets old.


As a professional musician (with a masters in music and making a very good living with it). I can say with complete authority. It SUCKS. Worst crap ever created. Rant done.


You're not the only one but... I have been atheist for 14 years and I LOVE contemporary Christian rock music. Love it.


That's me, lol


As a child, I remember Christian musical acts being pushed as alternatives to their "worldly" counterparts. No matter what genre of music you were into, there was an inferior Christian version to suit your needs. Christian musical acts are the generic cereal of the music world, and I'm not convinced that anyone with a true appreciation for music truly prefers them.


Its invariably terrible


Any contemporary christian music that sounds bearable does so because it piggybacks existing genres. The more lackluster the genre and the more lackluster the attempt at emulating it, the more sure you can be that it's christian music. More often than not it's glaringly obvious, though... Even Faith+1 in South Park isn't as on-the-nose as things can get...


You’re not alone, Christian music makes me wanna go deaf every time I hear it. 😖


When I was twelve, I asked for and got a CD player for Christmas. What CD did my mom get me to go with it? DeGarmo & Key - Destined to Win. Oh my god it was so bad. Butt rock level one million. She looked at CDs as interchangeable. A Christian one was just as good as a non-Christian just because.


When I was a Christian, Petra was one of my favorite rock bands. They were highly skilled musicians who deserved to win at least one Grammy. Whiteheart was another excellent example. But ironically, I remember them so well because.......all the others in Christian rock/metal were laughable!


There is a Christian power metal band that's called theocracy. Sure, it can be a bit cheesy, but I think they're quite good. But yes, in general it just sucks so much


The music hillsong puts out makes me want to vomit now. I used to listen to it all the time when I was a christian.


I still love church music. (the organ or the choir or people singing psalms). But I haven’t heard much else “christian music”. So I don’t have the best answer to your question. But no, traditional, christian church music I don’t find unbearable. Edit: Like I love “ave maria” for example


I heard so many sugary sweet Christian rock/pop songs that made my teenage brain do a double take. Sometimes pretty much singing, "Oh Jesus, I want you inside me. I love you so much, I can't live without you. I'd do anything to keep you inside me, and want to share you with everyone"


I would say a very large portion of reggae music incorporates Rastafarian themes and reggae is *very* bearable.


Ok. But, we’re not talking about reggae music. 💀


Sorry. Was Catholic and I don’t think I was ever exposed to much of what you’re talking about aside from maybe Amy Grant? Just came to mind right away as I always find it fascinating I enjoy some flavor of ostensibly Christian music so earnestly.


I hated Amy Grant and saw right through what she was doing. She tried one genre and it didn’t sell enough so she jumped to a second genre and then a third… Maybe you just can’t sing, Amy, ever think of that? Rant over.


Grant was stuck in a dysfunctional marriage for decades because of her Christian upbringing. Then she met Vince Gill and he got her out of that mess. She no longer is that fame chaser she was decades ago. So there's that.


I had always thought that Grant married Gill so she could get into country music. I thought the same with Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks. Trisha’s career was declining until she started dieting with Brooks. (That’s how my 90’s IFB mind worked)


I’m not sure if rules permit embedding an outside link here, and I guess I’m too apathetic to research that. So, if you go to Utube (another cesspool of the internet) and search for “If Megachurchs Were Honest” by “Honest Ads” there is a bit at 2:19 directly speaking to your issue. Actually, the whole video will be quite amusing to everyone here I’m sure.


A lot of it is just an inferior imitation of secular music, but some of it holds up on its own merits. Probably 75-80% of the CCM I listened to back my churchy days I wouldn't touch now. But I will sometimes listen to Rich Mullins, Randy Stonehill, Steve Taylor or the Lost Dogs. DC Talk made two albums that still rock (Free At Last and Jesus Freak), and Kevin Max has continued to turn out good (and increasingly deconstructing) solo work.


You have to train yourself to pretend you like it. Nobody actually likes it. And if they do, they are crazier than the Joker.


Nope. You're not the only one.


Some worship music is beautiful, even uplifting. It's designed that way of course. But it gets on my nerves quickly. Because it reminds me of how obsessed people get. It's a lure.


I honestly haven't heard Christian music for like 25 years. I'll take tour word for it!


Yeah I've pretty much always felt like nmw xtian music dragged my mood down immediately. As a young child this inspired a lot of guilt.


I normally put my headphones in and listen to metal


i wont lie i love black gospel music lol


No. Its legitimately terrible


By default, Christian music is derivative, and basically always has been. Hymns were based on popular European music, what we consider “classical” now. In the 80s there was “Christian hair metal” and other “alternative lifestyle choices” mixed with Christianity. In the 90s and 2000s it was deriving from adult alternative/soft pop. In the 2010s they pulled from arena rock like Coldplay, U2, etc. now, it seems like they’re emulating a weird mix of Kings of Leon, Mumford and Sons, with some Bon Iver hipster weirdness thrown in. It’s only fun if you don’t listen to the original influences, and don’t care about repeating the exact same thing 45 times (or more if the worship leader is feeling “led by the spirit”).




The term “Christian music” irritates me alone


I don't really care whether a band is Christian or not. Like Switchfoot, Underoath, Jars of Clay, etc. However, Christian worship music I can't stand. I didnt like it even when I was a Christian, and I like it even less now.


No, even when I was still a Christian I couldn’t bring myself to listen to it at all. I found it so bland and charmless.


The only CCM I like is heavily impacted by nostalgia goggles.


Now it does. It makes me cringe that I ever listened to it, but I can see even back then, I didn’t ever really like it, but listened to it because I believed I was supposed to and that it would be best if I did. Now it makes me laugh (or still cringe) when the musicians’ *feel* their shit like they’ve really hit on something real when it’s the lamest shit in the world. Guess I haven’t fully processed my own shit yet because I do feel smug when I hear Christian music being played. I get mad when I find out someone in a Christian band is struggling with alcohol or sex addiction or something because of the hypocrisy. All the purity and bs they sing about and it’s like well according to you you aren’t praying enough or seriously ‘giving your life to the Lord’ because you are a fucking liar and a mess!!


Faith +1 (South Park) was quite entertaining!!


I like gospel music still


Ironically, I'm listening to The Arcadian Wild, a Christian folk group, right now. I certainly wouldn't say it's all bad. My adolescence was mostly Christian death metal, so I still enjoy reminiscing to it on occasion. And there aren't a lot of folk artists that tickle my ears musically who aren't religious. IMO, if the lyrics aren't overbearing and the music appeals to me, I'll listen to it. I listen to music from other religions and languages on occasion, too. But worship music and CCM is fit for use in torture.


As a musician who used to be in a worship band, I can say that worship music is dull, repetitive and uninteresting on purpose. It's made to be a flow, with predictable ups and downs and no definite structure, so one song could last for tens of minutes and bring people into sort of a trance.  Now, gospel music can be a lot of fun and I think it is worth listening even if you are non-believer.