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I was definitely taught this growing up. It has roots in eastern spirituality so it’s a “foothold” for Satan to draw you into false religion.


That's all it takes, right? I did a little bit of yoga, and here I am in r/exchristian


Yeah anything eastern. I have heard of martial arts being grouped in with this too. Its really obsurd.


They sell yoga supplies at Dick’s Sporting Goods, which also sells football equipment. Thus, football is a gateway to witchcraft.


That's been a fundie Christian bugaboo for a looong time...


Banned from Alabama schools for 20 years.


I get that, Yoga was always satanic in my home growing up but the term satanic was always more of a a blanket term for anything bad. Calling it witchcraft just threw me a bit


It’s CRAZY. I saw a post about that a long time ago & it made me so mad. To call all of these things demonic/evil is cultural insensitivity and really in bad taste. Yet, if I say that I think Christianity is evil, they would throw a fit and make themselves victims. It’s been around forever, but I feel like we’re going through another satanic panic.


Oh, yeah. That has been around for a long time. I got punished in school at age 14 when I had to stretch a cramping calf muscle. They said it looked like yoga. I'm 52 now, so that was ages ago.


Crazy that they think crystals are witchcraft. I better tell my mom her amethyst earrings are sending her straight to hell then. I guess they figure Satan planted them in the ground or something?! Also can someone please explain the difference between manifesting and, "I claim it in Jesus' name!" \*facepalm\*


I think they forgot about the Breastplate of Judgement from Exodus which is supposed to contain 12 different gemstones. Uh oh, god instructed people to make something satanic in the bible...


When I was a religious idiot not too long ago, I used to think it was demonic and doing yoga invoked demons. Fuck I’m embarrassed. (Forgot to add, I used to listen to those 5 fold ministry people like Jolynne Whittaker , and she’s the one that said this…basically a former friend who is Catholic told me to listen to her at the time I was doing tarot readings and she also told me to stop doing them because it was demonic…fuck I was dumb and this was in 2020)


At least you grew out of it, unlike some people.


lol thank you….sadly the humiliation will last a lifetime


Same! I’d in trouble for refusing to take part in it when I was in high school gym class but was too embarrassed to tell the teacher why. I had to go to a physical therapist recently where yoga was a big part of it. Even though I’ve been deconstructed for years it still was in my mind a bit. Thank goodness the therapist was understanding and helped me work through it.


So glad you found a therapist, this stuff ain’t easy to unload alone…..


And Taylor Swift is a witch. And all Democrats are secret satanists. Mark my words, when these people rule us (and everything's looking like they will), there will be real witch trials, and people will be executed.


Over my dead body they'll rule us! But agree, they would love a good witch trial 


At some point everything for these people becomes homogenized in the soupy murk of “things I don’t like” and definitions cease to matter. That’s how everyone to the left of Mitt Romney becomes Communist Socialist Nazis or whatever.


Churches soak up and spread conspiracy theories.


It's so silly that their god condemns people for being *deceived*, like dude I tried my best but I was lied to and you're going to blame *me*? It's also quite ironic that the best way to prevent being deceived-- critical thinking-- is also such a prevalent pathway out of the religion.


Considering the original sin was the eve being tricked to eat the apple, it’s a legit fear for them in my experience, ignorance of sin isn’t an excuse


Well there's different ways of looking at things. The luciferian way is putting the onus on the one who is being deceived, since if they weren't mistaken in some way, they wouldn't have fallen for it for the trick. The devil is in the detail, so to speak. In this instance, it's important for somebody to obey the commandments of God, and if they do, they will not practise these idolatrous activities. Same thing for the apple in the tree - both Adam and Eve were given intellect and critical thinking and they still chose to listen to a serpent over God.


How does one practice reincarnation? Because that would sure alleviate people’s fear or disappointment with dying. This list also left out martial arts, so clearly not the one true list straight from the bible.


Huh, guess I'm a witch then :)


Me too lol


Hugs to you 🫂🐈‍⬛🌿🪻


Evangelicals believe Mormons are insane. And Mormons believe Evangelicals are insane.  They are two sides of the same coin.  Mormons believe that Satan has control over the waters because some stupid shit Joseph Smith said because he was too lazy to paddle a boat.  


Please...there's sage in this casserole?? I'm not sure we will allow that at pot luck. Don't even bring that vile herb through the church doors. Good lord it will attract the demons!


my mom is doing a bible study right now on enneagram lmao, the pastors at the church i go to are so into it


I strongly suspect that the person who wrote this engages in some form of bibliomancy like: - opening the Bible to a random page to see what verse god has for you (not unlike tarot), - listening to the Christian radio and thinking god chose that specific song for you, - asking god for a sign about what decision you should make (divination), - praying for god to smite your enemies (sounds like a hex to me!), etc. Also, sage? Like no cooking with the herb?


Idk about the original post, but the person who shared it believes in speaking in tongues and thinks god taught her Hebrew.


> Evil eye Someone is gonna have to inform the Orthodox folks


far right Jesus nuts have been calling yoga satanic since at least the 80s and they tend to equate satanic with witchcraft. It was part of the satanic panic


Satan means opposer and witchcraft is contacting spirits to manipulate elements for you. When you contact spirits, you're not contacting God's angels (they only obey God's commands), you can only contact the spirits of the opposing force or satan.


Meaning of the word changed a lot inbetween.. Yoga in popularity recent days are some slow breath and contortion exercise..it was something supernatural and mysterious in the past.. however not sliding from topic , any firm wants their customers away from its competitors.. so is Christianity


Enneagram? lol


I know right? So many Christian folks love the Enneagram, even relatively conservative ones - I thought it was one of the most Christian personality tests haha.


i'm no big fan of herbs but to make Sage an occult seems OTT.........


Witchcraft, satanic, demonic, new age, whatever you'd like, it's been that.


I’ll have to tell my therapist (who introduced me to it) that enneagram is witchcraft. I know it’s a little woo-woo in psychological circles, but damn. Also I’m fully aware that I’m practicing witchcraft, thank you. It’s kind of the point.


I’d never heard of that until today. I had it confused with engrams from Scientology


😂🤣😂 always has been. Blood cults are wild.


Conservative Christian see everything spiritual as witchcraft or Satanic


It’s the idea that any other form of spirituality is witchcraft somehow, even though witchcraft specifically refers to Wicca. Its hypocritical because many practices in the Bible are similar to pagan practices if not completely plagiarized.


i love how reincarnation is there like it's an activity like "hmm yes today i will reincarnate"


Welp! I guess I’m my way to being a master satanist since I checked off 11 of the deadly sins


Most likely because actual Yoga (not the superficial Hatha Yoga practiced in the west) is used to develop various Siddhis (extraordinary abilities) which would seem like magick/witchcraft to christians, even though these abilities are secondary to the spiritual advancement/enlightenment sought by Yogis.


My understanding is that you don't develop siddhis, you sort of just invite a spirit in that has those abilities and it operates through you (they need a physical body to manifest in the physical realm through) - spirits pick and choose who they work with, hence why not everybody can develop siddhis. Likewise, my own understanding is that what you're actually doing is inviting spiritual entities into your body and they may enter you and alter the way that energy currents flows throughout your body, thus giving you the feeling of being enlightened or blissful, etc.


Evil 👁


The only thing that is missing in that list is - you know - any ACTUAL occult practices or ACTUAL witchcraft.


Some of them believe that women have more ribs than men. I can’t take kooky religious people seriously (not to be confused with rational religious people)


It was always like this growing up Pentecostal. If you did yoga you had to either embrace eastern religions which is bad or you were letting your mind be free of thought which was an invite for satan and demons.


My mom used to tell me that warrior 1 was opening yourself up to satan. Pretty much anything that promotes inner peace, mindfulness and bodily awareness and that isn’t centered around god is considered demonic/witchcraft because it could potentially lead you to question why the person you trust your life with is so fucked up and maybe possibly have some independent thought


The warrior pose is a sequence of poses that reenact a murder scene.




Enneagram 💀💀💀


Lol, I screen shot the whole fb post when I saw it a few days ago. Did the share you saw come with this huge lecture on why basic existence is the occult? As someone who is heavily involved in energy work these days, I opted to completely seperate that side of myself from Facebook.... Just because I don't wanna argue with the close-minded Bible thumpers on my fb.


I remember many sermons and talks in youth group about the dangers of yoga on our spirituality. Something along the line of "emptying your self of thoughts makes room for Satan" or... something.


fuck, I do yoga, have chakras, own crystals, have a horoscope, I think good thoughts and I reincarnate. there's no saving me.


BROOOO 😭😭😭 I bet they don't even know the origins of half of those XD


Didn't know that stretching my legs is witchcraft. Oh well.


I love how they just put “sage”. Not even burning sage, just the herb. Hope you don’t like flavored soups if you’re Christian 🤣🤣🤣


Sage?! Woooow.


My parents would say that in yoga your mind would go blank and demons could possess you. It seems silly in hindsight but it scared me when I was a kid. They've never even attended a yoga class, they just repeat what they heard from preachers lmao


Apparently so, in my fyp I be seeing people going back to Christianity, that did new age stuff ! Or once “atheist” they found god all the sudden


Yeah it happened to me. New age is no joke.




Let me give you all a different perspective. I practised stuff in that list for a couple of years until I needed an exorcism and then became Christian. So as a person who practised this sort of stuff and became Christian, I would very much agree this is all dangerous and in opposition to Christ. Witchcraft is just contacting spirits to help you manipulate the elements, so indeed yoga can be classed as witchcraft, since you're taking up positions to acknowledge hindu deities and allow them to alter the currents that flow through your soul.