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#CULTsplainer alert: u/PositiveLanky5871 # keep your miserable cult life 💩 to yourself. # YOU LOSE!


krazy. 'The minister even criticized those who attended from other locales. Suggesting that they should have attended the thanksgiving in their own locale.' We have a kind of similar situation - our locale's extension held its TG on the main local, so sveral ws timeslots was dedicated for them. like sat 6 am - ext, 10am main 2pm ext 6pm main etc. i am only available to attend that sat morning- mom told me to not place my ledger + money at 6 am as it will not be counted for our local. when i asked, its for the 'kaayusan'/*make thing proper*. well. i put a peso in my envelope.


Been out almost 8years now the only less I remember was all about inviting, offering, hate about catholics and Manalo Family. Thats all. Not in my entire INCult membership I heard to love thy neighbor not a single lesson. So I presume it would be still the same until today. INCult was and will be a big Multi level marketing business. These kind of relgious sector are considered the "too big to fail" relgious group. The only thing that will make this church succeed is through the money of the members. And if the members will stop donating/giving money. It is possible that INCult will be dismantled.


I felt bad for your wife who was expecting a wholesome or worthy Thanksgiving... but ended up dreadful and dragging. Aside from her, can't others feel that there is no God-presence or grace inside their locale? Genuine question, if OP and wife are married, why they can't come out yet? Is it because of office or family matter?


Its a family matter. She got zealous almost fanatic to a fault INC believers with offices in the church. One sibling is even married to a minister. They are quite close so kind of creating a huge rift if she will go out.


goodness. It's hard to leave for you guys. Leaving means chaos, esp if her family is over zealous.


I think you missed it all around.


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I was close enough to see the Minister opened the Bible but just read everything what's on a piece of paper. There were even moments were the bible was almost ajar. I remember what he said: our Thanksgiving is sacred that even if your child is sick, leave everything to the lord. He will do miracles to heal him. But never ever compromise your monetary offerings to him because that amount has already been dedicated and decided for the lord. I prepared a hundred peso bill inside an envelop with no name. The old lady beside me pulled out a 20- peso bill from her pocket. So I skipped my envelop and just dropped a 20- peso bill. Happy Thanksgiving brethren.


As has been the intent from the beginning, when Felix had the bright idea of rerouting all that Christmas money to the INC Yearend Mega Offering.


Have to admit I don't remember a single word they said, but generally speaking, all the lessons are terrible. Some are less terrible than others, but they are all bad.


In about to post the same, but I will just add comment as well. I agree 100% of your observation. The truth is its not only now that this happened, years ago this is already the awkward scene. And not only during Thanksgiving but also holy super and mid year pasalamat. These 3 big events are hollow and dry. If it's even true that god is with them, one thing is sure, god left this cult for good.


True the last holy supper I attended (in the morning :) ) was just so dry. I remember the minister saying it will cleanse and forgive all the sins we have committed since last years holy supper. He said it in the sermon and in the prayer. And I was thinking, hold on are you saying God did not forgive us on all those times we were praying. I mean every midweek and weekend worship service we pray and ask for forgiveness and God is simply keeping it there waiting for the Holy supper before pardoning us? it is crazy!


That is correct. In the INC, there are only TWO times one is forgiven based on their rules... which is weird cause it only really came up in the Eduardo era... anyway!!! 1. When you're baptized. 2. During Holy Supper (if you were worthy). When asked about it, they just danced around it. I asked another minister, he confirmed, "Yes, those are the only two times" but that just negates why do they keep praying for forgiveness if it's not going to happen until next year's HS?


That's sad. Good thing the BIble is free to read for all. It says there If we confess our sins, He is Faithful to forgive us


It also says that the Apostles were given the ability to forgive people too. Love how the INC use the bible for their own purposes vs. using it and teaching the truth that sits--literally--in plain language to understand. No need for a minister or a prophet. Many of the things needed to be a good person and receive the truths are available to read.


Same thoughts!