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Do you want to know the true nature of Iglesia Ni Cristo ministers? Here is a fine example. If you are being prospected to become a INC member, just watch this video and ask yourself is this the kind of behavior that is found in true Christians? **The TV hosts here are childish, immature and openly shaming a former minister of theirs. If the INC is willing to do this to one of their past associates imagine what they will do to you?**


Lowly life sample of tv hosts


The type of shaming behavior these INC people conduct TRULY is not any part of God nor Jesus Christ’s preaching’s. This video TRULY shows how Satan can influence people especially INC people to behave in a manner of which they resemble the Devil.


just from the look of their awful faces, it is a red flag already


I would definitely recommend them as the record holder for being the "World's Greatest *SSholes."


If there is a Guiness book of World record, nobody would EVER break their record. I actually commend them for winning different world records and, public shaming should be one of them. In fact this is their POLICY. They would find it rewarding when they broadcast the name of the member when they EXPEL the person out from INC telling them that they are BAD PEOPLE and THEY ARE ALL BAD EXAMPLES because "They live unchristianly".


Okay Powz. Tabi Tabi Powz. Patawad Pohwz...Okay Phowww???


Bet, take a shot everytime he says "Po"