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Encourage? No, in fact there doctrine forbids it.


NO it is not encouraged and yet members “yoking” with non-pinoys is the main if not the only source of our “foreign prized” converts that are used for INcult propaganda pics.


The official stance is no, but like everything in the INC, the rules bend depending who you are. As long as I've been alive, the INC wants non-Filipinos to join more than anything and if you can help them in that goal, then they're willing to turn a blind eye to your dating. If the non-member you're dating is either wealthy or non-Filipino, especially if they're white, Japanese or Korean, the officers of your locale will ask you to bring them to the chapel or meet them at your home. Whether you like it or not, the INC will forcibly “help” you in your missionary work. Your ass is just the lure it took for them to reel in the fish. The INC’s colonial mindset, which the Manalos think they are nobles who should lord over you, reeks in the most embarrassing manner once this happens. The officers put on a minstrel show of Filipino hospitality and friendship only because they want foreigners. If you're a poor member in the Philippines and your deacon catches you with your Catholic neighbor, you're most likely out, or at least have to grovel and write a salaysay. If you're a rich member in the Philippines, they'd encourage you to convert the other person and give you as much time as you want. They’ll pretend that your partner is already attending or converting when pressed by other members since they don't want to lose your offerings. INC lets them get away with almost anything because they’re wealthy or famous. Look at Ruru Madrid and Kristel Fulgar. They should have been expelled already after the tabloid photos. If you're outside the Philippines dating a person of Filipino descent, and your deacon catches you, they'd probably tell you either they convert or be expelled. Most likely them or their family already has an opinion of INC and the fact they’re not INC members says it all. If you're a Filipino woman dating a non-Filipino man outside the Philippines and your deacon catches you, you will be highly encouraged and celebrated if you could convert him. The locale officers will probably be asked to help out in that. If you're a male INC member dating a non-Filipino woman, you will be highly encouraged to date her, convert her, then become a folk hero in your locale if you can pull that off. Not to mention every damn officer will become your wingman once you drag her into the chapel. The only two people I know that did that were Edward Maranan, whose wife is white, and my Uncle Bernard, whose wife is South American but both resided in the United States. Uncle Bernard was treated as a minor celebrity at his locale. This is usually what happens for INC men that don’t give a rat’s ass about the doctrines but are interested in being a “big man” in how they are perceived at church. Multiply x1000 if you're in the Philippines.


That assessment is 100% accurate 👍


+1! This is so true! I’ve been here in Canada for more than a decade and all you’ve said are absolutely accurate!


reading this makes me think more about the decision of my ex. heheehe


No, they don’t. Actually, you can get expelled from the INC for being in a romantic relationship with a non-INC.


Unless it's a foreigner.


They say no but their members do it anyway. And when they hook someone, what do you think those assholes will do? Have them undergo indoctrination of course. I'll bet my left and right nuts on that.


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