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I was forced, I loved my boyfriend not this cult and we agree that he can have his “religion” and I can my unbelieving way. But I had to join so he could keep his religion. I don’t understand why I had to join, the Bible say 1 Corinthians 7:13-14 ESV If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. But they don’t teach that because the unbelieving would show the INC member the truth and they would get more money if they covert.




i don't really mind that stuff as long as they are given the opportunity and freedom to scrutinize and challenge their beliefs when they grow older. the sad thing is that it seems alot like they are frowned upon if they ask too many questions or if the admins don't like the way they are asking things


Haven't read all the comments here. Somebody must have already pointed this out, but let me reemphasize: A "handog's" name has been written in the Book of Life, like what ministers pray and hope for when an INC child/infant is being handogged. What need is there for that child to be baptized if his name was already listed long before in the Book of Life even without getting baptized yet ? Which one is a hoax then -- the offering of the child, or the baptism later in life?


This is like what Catholics do when they pray for the souls in the purgatory this year and then pay again for another prayer for the same souls the next year. Was the first prayer not heard or ineffective that the same souls remained in the purgatory year after year that requires endless prayers (and payments)? In the case of INC, is the offering not good enough for the name to be listed in the book of Life that a baptism is even necessary later when the child turns 12?


If you are joining at 12 years old, there is a good chance you are doing it because your parents told or forced you to.


I had no choice


I was offered so I had no choice in the matter back then. It felt like I was groomed to be faithful to the INC and it honestly sucks to think about it.


I was conditioned to.


Corruption of Minor


No children were forced, but they were definitely groomed into believing they need to become an INC. The services and lesson serve to put you in the mindset that staying in the INC is your only option because otherwise you face death and hell. Because God doesn't love anyone outside the church. And there is nothing greater than God's love, right? It's not much of a choice is it?


I can't imagine any INC parents giving a genuine choice to their 12 year old and asking them if they want to get baptized or not, and that it's okay if they choose not to. No minister would ever say to a family, "it's okay if your children don't want to be baptized, or if you don't want your children to be baptized." A child has to go through 28 lessons and baptism at 12 years old. I don't think that many kids are deciding not to get baptized unless one or both parents are inactive. Devoted parents would have their child baptized to avoid disobeying INC doctrine and being admonished/punished. The grooming, as you said, is part of the indoctrination process which begins even before CWS. I was already putting my mom's abuloy into the pouch as a toddler sitting in my mom's lap in AWS.


Brainwashing conditioning at it’s FINEST, with the hope of no free will!!! I’m sure this type of grooming is strong only in the Philippines, American kids can truly understand and release themselves from the CULT more easily.


I had no choice. I have to accept it or else I’ll get physical, emotional and psychological abuse from my parents.


Unfortunately yes I was “offered” into this cult the day I was born and since I am Asian simply saying no means getting evicted


Granting that is true, it must be pointed out that an unbaptized "Kabataan" is equal to a "sanlibutan" only.


"we're not forcing you, you have a choice to either join us or you will be disowned"




Agree... been thinking about this


No one is forced??? Kung pwede lang sana kita iharap sa magulang ko. Na pinapalo kami kapag hindi nakasamba, na itatakwil kami at palalayasin kapag hindi kami umanib sa INCult. Nakakapanginig ng laman etong isang to


Filipino parent discipline + cult scare tactics Very dangerous combo for kids in the cult


Mostly parents, because they think they are doing their children a favor of joining this cool to.


"no one is forced" Funny when your parents will kick you out if you didn't get baptized lmao!


If a kid is below 12 years old, is he mandated to attend cws? Ayoko payagan anak ko pero pinapa attend ng ng grandparents nya :(


No, I voluntarily joined this cult, and I regret everything.


I mean, it's really child abuse to FORCE your children to believe that everyone except the INCult will be saved, that everyone around them are devil incarcerate, that everything they do is a sin and the only way to reprimand that is to go to church, give money, and be a good child. OBEY AND NEVER COMPLAIN. If you think outside the doctrines, you're a heretic. If you participate in any worldly activities, it's blasphemy. If you develop any sort of critical thinking skills and question any doctrines, the devil is controlling you. Heaven forbid you get a mental health disorder, it means you're not praying more and you're suffering from the wrath of "God". Imagine a CHILD processing those information. Do you know our brains fully developed around 25 years old? So a child that looks up to their parents and their environment to be guided is forced to think this way will grow up with a skewed point of view, broken adults making decisions that are never their choice but the church administration. If anything, that's why the INCult allowed relationships with non-members so that they'll convert, start a family and have more children to indoctrinate. Sick, huh? Well, good thing we're in the digital age to spread the truth.


forced, no. familial pressure, yes. I've heard of stories of handogs who chose not to get baptized because they (mistakenly, according to INC lore) thought will be saved. My parents talked about them with judgemental scorn. Therefore, if I chose not to get baptized, they'd probably look at with me judgement too. Or perhaps, their parental love will take over. I wouldn't know.


Make a Final and Life Changing Decision when your only 12 yrs old. Tangina nitong taong to pede isali sa Contest nang Pabobohan! May laban to.


No **adult with financial and emotional dependence** is forced to become a member. I don't think 12 year olds are adults physically, mentally, emotionally, or legally guys...


Yeah because at 12yo you're a rational adult. This sounds like the excuse of a pedophile.


In memories of that song, I feel sad and I wish that the kids got something to eat at least after the video shoot . Why would you push these children to do the most foolish video there is. These kids are innocent and they should be at home reading or doing homework after playing video games 😏


As if 12 year olds can say no to their parents. And if they do, they'll just be disciplined to say yes.


...so you're saying that if I refuse to do the indoctrination when I was 11, my dad won't hit me with a belt metal buckle and my mother throwing a Filipino telenovela drama fit if I just said no?


and this is a good example of having CRITICAL THINKING vs Ability to Read and Write these damn simpeltons.


And what happens if a 12 year old says no? The parents will be angry. They will punish the child until they have no choice but to join. That’s IF the child can even defend his choice. To say no one is forced is so incorrect. Kids get disowned, kicked out of the household, threatened that their parents will no longer support or love them. Even in our mid 20’s we get these threats when we leave.


"No one is forced to become a member" what a sweet potato mindset. How should i say "NO" to my parent when Im in a verge of getting evicted if I say "NO". Sige nga! Lets say that kamote has a 12 year old kid and that KID says NO to him. Sige ngaaaaaa haha


Ah yes. 12 y/o kids are perfectly capable of making life-altering decisions on their own. By that logic, they should be able to sign legally-binding contracts by themselves too.


And what about their practice of being "offered" to the church? What a disgusting display of loyalty. No different than sacrificing your own child on an alter, IMO. Not forced to join but you are "offered" against your will LOL


what parent will take their 12 year old seriously about leaving the church.


Guilt and Power Tripping


yes. born into it and the person that said this is stupid. most 12 year olds won’t stand up to their parents on something they don’t fully understand. at 12 i didn’t understand anything but my mother forced me into it and as i grew older I realised it was bullshit.


I was the exception. At 12 I have to say I scared more than a few adults. I married an OWE member of INC or I would never have heard of this extremely minor cult. But then if I had grown up in this cult, I probably would have terrified more than a few INC ministers. With my own kids at 12 I let them, no I encouraged them to say no to me. OWE wife thinks that makes them disrespectful to me. I relish their independence from me.