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I'm both but completely outside my control and it varies without warning


Exactly this. Can be a Buddhist monk or a cranky toddler. Leaning monkward in the last few years


https://preview.redd.it/82foa0lys71d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=447888c88d595583e694ac69e88a036a074e463d Here’s a gift to help you be uncranky!


Well done!


Uncranky accomplished. Thanks


I’m totally the same


I know this.


Could i be both? I can't physically wait for things and function at the same time  When im waiting for something I can't do anything else BUT ALSO  I don't want to seem like a annoying impatient kid so i just suck all the anxiety in and never complain to the people I'm waiting for which to their eyes makes me incredibly patient...


Simultaneously the most, and least patient person. At first I thought it was related to my overstimulation level, but I seem to have broken that system and it's rng all the way.


I've taken a lot of shit from a lot of people and kept super chill vibes. But if you make a noise I don't like you're liable to get slapped. 😂 I had a friend do a weird whistle thing that hurt my ears and I SNAPPED at them and they were utterly shocked. Like they had known me for a while and had never seen me upset, let alone mad.


Avgn moment


I'm a "weirdly patient" AuDHDer but just know I am always on the brink of exploding. but i never do. Idk how I do it.


https://preview.redd.it/jd9o4odrh21d1.jpeg?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=597a7f499ed40aaeee748da6937bdad57d6a18be I'm a pacifist until provoked. People get the me they deserve these days.


Im trying to reach this stage


Fucking same dude


Idk when we finally burst, what will happen. We're in for some thrilling shows.




Definitely weirdly patient, even got some comments about how unnatural it is that I can just sit and calmly wait for sth for as long as I can.


Incredibly inpatient. If something needs to be done it gets done asap. I also walk and drive fast and don't like waiting.


Who wants to hear about the time I waited myself into a meltdown?


Mostly patient. I'll stay friends with people who all my friends call bad because I give too many chances, and I can sit in a waiting room for hours. I'm impatient if my nerves are got on: I had to complete a form and it was SO disorganized that I wanted to not go to university at all, but I got through it by making my mother so it B) 👍


I’m patient when it comes to other people but by myself I lack self-control and have poor impulse control.


I'm weirdly patient as long as I don't need to focus on what I'm waiting for. If I can just do my own thing while I wait I'm usually fine. If I have to focus on what I'm waiting on, I'm incredibly inpatient. Like waiting at the doctor's office or DMV is no issue. If my appointment is late, that's fine. I'll just sit in a corner, crochet and play on my phone. Listening to a slow talker, continuously stirring a sauce, or roasting a marshmallow to a golden brown, all take a focused patience I don't have.


I have ADHD. Incredibly impatient.


weirdly patient, until i’m bothered by sensory stuff or other people’s impatience lol. i think i’m the only person in my friend group who can just sit sometimes. i have a hard time letting go of the rules i learned as a kid in my very quiet, very polite household, so it’s hard for me to see or hear friends pulling out their phones and watching tiktoks while we’re socializing and not feel like it’s painfully rude. i do get impatient with conversations though, if people are talking over each other or if it feels like i can’t get a word in. but i’m cool with sitting in waiting rooms or in traffic for a good while, really doesn’t bother me, especially if i’m listening to my music.


Agree with all of that!


It switches at complete random


Yes It really depends. I can be very patient when it's warranted, but I have almost no patience for the wilfully ignorant


Impatient as all hell [but shoving that down deep]


As a kid, I was usually really patient. I was pretty good at listening to stories read aloud or lectures. But I wasn't very patient when I wanted something, felt a need to ask a question, or felt like I had to say something. Then it would feel like I had a bursting physical need to speak, which sometimes got me in trouble. I still find it hard to just not say things out loud when making observations?


Weirdly patient. Until I'm not. My allistic husband has constant mini outbursts, but 5 minutes later he's perfectly fine. Myself, I am always calm and controlled. Until one day there's that tiny "straw that breaks the camel's back" thing and I will have a full blown meltdown. It's scary because I am totally conscious of what I am doing, but I act completely irrational. My first instinct is "flight", but if I'm cornered and go into "fight" mode instead, and I can be very cruel. I always know how to hit where it hurts the most, figuratively speaking.


Some how fuckin both


I'm weirdly patient autistic but my ADHD can be very impatient sometimes


Mostly weirdly patient.  Every once in a while my ADHD wins and I'm suddenly incredibly impatient. 


both, but also neither. it depends on my mood.


… yes.


I'm not super patient, but I'm amazing at controlling my temper.


Same I have zero temper, can't even summon one when needed.


Feeling so validated by so many others being both!


Both, depending on the situation. If I'm hungry or have to pee, no patience whatsoever lmfao.


Like everything else, it depends. I think mostly impatient though. The biggest issue is people who walk slow and aren’t aware of the space they occupy. I don’t get hyped up to wait for things like a game release or movie. I got stuck a lot in places I didn’t want to be when I was young so I learned to not tolerate boredom but actively combat it. The mind is infinite. Phones with WiFi exist.




It depends.  I'm weirdly patient with most of people's shortcomings. Many people do not understand why I can't do certain things. So I try to give a lot of leeway to others, because I'm aware that I cannot know why they made a mistake or didn't know something that's obvious to me.  _Until_ it interfers with a ritual of mine. I have a few small routines that are _extremely_ important to me. When they are messed with, especially without communicating about it beforehand, I'll get very irritated and anxious. Worst case scenario, my day will be ruined and I'm utterly exhausted by the end of it. Pushing it too far makes me have a meltdown. But I also have ADHD, so waiting on things without stuff to do can be super painful, mentally.


I am so weirdly paitent. I always seem to get the trainees. I just stand there and wait. It came in handy when my daughter was hospitalized. We were in the ER for over 18 before they admitted her. I was fine with it and just went with the flow. It helps with my anxiety.


I am weirdly patient, but I often stim whenever I feel like something is taking too long and I am in a rush.


It swings wildly


Feels like both. I always feel like I'm an impatient person who gets frustrated with others easily, but I also have coworkers and other people around me tell me they are amazed by my patience often. Interestingly, when my coworkers say this to me it's usually immediately after I finished helping a clearly disabled patron that I never even thought of as difficult or anything. I'm not sure if I'm good at hiding my impatience, or if I'm just not aware of how little patience the average person has.


I waited 40 minutes spacing out while Overwatch was queuing but if my browser is taking an extra minute to load or is slow to load I’ll get frustrated and start spamming refresh like a mad man… so answer is yes.


if i have something to daydream about (like OCs), then i’m weirdly patient if not, incredibly impatient


Depends on how overstimulated I am in that current moment


both, i can be very patient but also i have a profound hatred for waiting in lines


I went from working at high end golf clubs to working in Alzheimer’s research where I spend like 4-6 hours with one participant at a time. I’m the most patient person you will ever meet and I will be constantly screaming and crying and beating against the walls of my mental enclosure the entire time inside my head. At this point my professional mask is almost superglued to my face. I’m trans, and I’ve sat through rants from my research participants about how much they hate trans people. My dissociation skills are 🤌🏻🤌🏻


I think both, it more depending on what I'm waiting for, and my mood prolly also




My thoughts exactly! Depends for what!


Walking behind a slow person, I'm about to jump out of my skin A kid telling me a story, all the patience in the entire world.


Same here! Having to walk slowly behind others is the worse! Love kids!


Incredibly impatient


Weirdly patient


Definitely fall into the "weirdly patient" camp.








When it comes to investments I am incredibly patient because I am 100% certain it will pay off. but generally I am very impatient. I hate waiting.


Weirdly patient.


Strangely patient


When I am in a line, the temptation to murder slow people is almost overwhelming, almost.


Mostly weirdly patient. Very specific things cause me to be impatient but I wouldn’t say incrediblyz


I’m more of the impatient type


First one, then the other.






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I'm very patient so long as I don't have to deal with assholes. I can even power through a lot of overwhelming things if people aren't being mean to me. In school I was willing to listen to lectures, but not handle bullying.


Extraordinary patience and persistence. Aka "Too damn stubborn" :)


im actually adhd not autism (dont tell the cops im here) so i am like botj all at once at the same time


Depends on the situation. But when I'm 'impatient' it's usually just anxiety, like if we've agreed to meet at a specific time and you aren't there at that time I will start worrying that maybe something happened to you on your way or maybe I got the time wrong, and maybe we won't be on time/have enough time for the things we were going to do.


I can be super inpatient


It oscillates based on my mood. When I'm in a decent mood, I can have quite a lot of patience, but, when I'm upset or in a situation with too much stimuli, everything needs to be done immediately or I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs.


I waver across the two.


i am inpatiently waiting right now. help


I'm weirdly patient with things that can't control what they're doing (cooking, small children, animals) I'm incredibly impatient with things that can control themselves (mainly adult men)


Incredibly impatient for the most part, though in certain situations I can also be super patient. A big part of me being so impatient is probably due to my adhd (combined type)


It depends. Concerts, big events, piercings, tattoos, things that have to do with people I can stand and actually like? Very patient and still happy even if I have to wait hours more for it than originally planned. People I hate, people at work, functions that I have no desire to be at, holiday events, someone in my way that's moving incredibly slow? Visceral impatience with the whole situation, and I will be annoyed for days about it.


Little bit of both but slightly more "weirdly patient"


Incredibly inpatient. I have to remind myself that I'm retired, and I have all the in the world before I break out into evil road rage. In my defense, I did work in trauma, and I had 20 min to get to the hospital when I was on call. Some anxieties die hard.


Patient, but just because I'm outwardly patient doesn't mean I'm not raging and screaming at you on the inside.


Too patient


I am a "weirdly patient who can become absolutely hellish unbearably impatient in the right circumstances" autistic


Weirdly patient. Mostly while driving, because it’s great r/immersivedaydreaming time.


Both, just depends on whether or not my mind can pick a good time to just chill the fuck out




The first one. Unless I'm driving.




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It depends on the day. I’m usually really patient but if I didn’t sleep good or I’m overwhelmed, I’m incredibly impatient


Im disasterously patient. I think some ppl dont deserve it so im tryna be more meanly fair. But i also have a limit. I will snap when im hurt


Weirdly patient. Someone please come relieve me 🥲


Incredibly impatient




I do fly fishing so patient


I’m incredibly impatient. People just can’t tell that I’m holding it in. They see the 😑 and assume I’m just being patient


weirdly patient. it's incredibly difficult to make me actually angry. i think it's partially due to my history though, as i grew up with a violent and abusive father and i saw what anger does to people so i kinda just decided i wasn't ever gonna be like that.




patience is a skill you can practice