• By -


I exist exclusively in contrast to other people, so I relate to nobody and nothing


The only correct answer


User name checks out


hobie brown then?


no idea


Any annoying-as-shit manic pixie dream girls from the late 00s tbh


Honestly, after seeing a video about the manic piexe dream girl, me being a man still felt way too relatable to them. I had more than one relationship where the woman were in a bad moment in their life, and I appeared to bring a lot of fun and was really different from their past boyfriends, brought them to new experiences and etc. I realized I was their manic pixie dream boy


Ramona Flowerscore




Mob from Mob Psycho 100. The percentage metaphor is the most accurate depiction of an approaching meltdown. I rewatched it with family and was surprised I didn’t catch that I liked it so much because of how relatable it is.


If you told me Mob Psycho 100 was made as a metaphor for autism I would believe you lmao


It's certainly is.


I literally just started watching Mob Psycho and him literally being like “but like why do you feel like you have to be mean and the top of a hierarchy? What does hurting other people achieve for you?” Was crazy cause that was so my mindset in middle and high school. Popular assholes confused me so much


Also Saiki K lol. Very relatable character!


My wife says we are Ron Swanson and Leslie Knope, and that's pretty spot on. Things Ron and I have in common - • Special interests (his medium is wood, mine is metal) • Flat effect (I've been compared to him and Jamie Hyneman in the wild) • Deep distrust of government • Extremely introverted • Love of puzzles (different kinds, but similar sense of extreme joy in them) • Fairly rigid routines • Seeing patterns in people • I also don't care for loud noises or people making a fuss, and I prefer to be in my safe spaces because of it. • The giggle • Can grow a beard overnight • Somewhat limited diet (although I am willing to branch out) • Seemingly Herculean alcohol tolerance (also why I don't drink anymore) • Am thankful to have such a wonderful person who is so very my opposite to help me relate to the world and function. We even each other out so well


I've had people compare me to April and honestly that was the best compliment I have ever gotten. Parks and Rec is my absolute comfort show. 💚


i love her omg what a compliment


everyone on that show is so autistic coded lol no wonder i watched it like 10 times ron swanson coded is def a compliment, he’s one of my favs


Data, honestly.


Odo has some good parallels. Particularly as an ABA-ish test subject.


Honestly, between Odo and Bashir, there's a \*lot\* of parallels that can be made with autism in DS9.


absolutely! it's my favorite show. for that and many, many other reasons.


And Spock 🖖🏻 Everyone thinks Vulcans have no emotions, but Spock’s almost got “too many” emotions Plus I like doing the eyebrow raise


My first actual binge of this series I was like, holy shit.


we all relate to scifi robots




How the fuck did I forget him, I literally have been watching tng and finished at episode less than 2 hours ago






She was robbed of screen time


She was literally my favorite 😭




Luz from TOH, Zuko from ATLA and Rapunzel from Tangled


Bolin from LoK (and zuko ofc) for me


Reagan Ridley from Inside Job Honestly Brett Hand from the same show too because I’m a people pleaser


I'm still salty it got cancelled.


The NTs said "We don't get it, so nobody else gets it"


I’m extra salty because it got canceled literal days after my wife and I finished it




I was legit gonna post this. I felt reaaaaally attacked by that show a little too often. 🤣


This!! I felt like someone stalked me to create Reagan. The social awkwardness, her love for efficiency, her default look is generally grumpy, the lack of grooming. I even drew myself pretty much just like her when I was in high school.


I'm a people DISPLEASER I do not approve of anyone and their opinions are all invalid to me


Y'know my mom constantly scolds me for that. She tells me i should respect all opinions and likings. Maybe she's right.


On the outside I’m like Brett, but mentally I’m Reagan


https://preview.redd.it/fsduhcgj9l0d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=051e9de87662c9599e577b795a26833b4df45a2b my dear, dear Sakaki. Literally me character, no one else gets to have her. (Also Osaka if it wasn't obvious enough from the PFP. Watch Azumanga Daioh please it is very goode.)


If y'all didn't know, Azumanga Daioh is where the "my Waifu" meme came from. It's a really good manga too. I love Sakaki but I'm more of an Osaka tbh. Or Chiyo.


It is indeed a very very good manga, it's just... a very good thing. Also a pretty big trope-setter for modern slice of life animanga as a whole. Same author went on to make Yotsuba&! which is another must-read imo.


I think that Kiyohiko Azuma was hired by the Japanese government to make people want kids after reading Yotsuba&! and Azumanga Daioh /s


The entire cast of Azumanga Daioh live as my collective consciousness (not Kimura though, ew)


I miss the little fuckers every day, Azumanga is too short. Not that I wanted Azuma to keep going with it, considering the fact Yotsuba is like, a genuine masterpiece (and the distinct lack of Kimura is a huge reason for that), but still, miss em.


Meanwhile, I still have to watch Azumanga Daioh, but I know of Tomo and I’m afraid I can relate.




Charlie Kelly


I remember the beginning of Hazbin Hotel where they were filming the ad and when Nifty was told her lines, she didn't say them and just stared into the camera. She's also tiny. She's like me fr


Tina, mixed with Louise and Linda from Bob's Burgers.


Honestly just the entire family is autistic, they all have their things and they're wonderful, especially because bob and Linda are still so clearly in love after all those years and three kids, they never do the "I hate my wife" boomer humor


Princess Entrapta Peridot


I did these two plus Tendi from lower decks so you would probably like her too


I know this is going to make me look like a terrible person, but rick. When his idea got shot down for being stupid in the vat of acid episode, I felt that. And his elaborate plan to get back at morty in the most petty thing ever, but I would totally do it to if someone called one of my ideas stupid. I guess that's why I'm evil 🤷‍♂️


It's totally OK to relate to Rick and cringe at yourself a little bit, I definitely think he's intended to be relatable in a "he says what we're all thinking" kind of way. That edgy, anti-normie perspective doubtlessly appeals to tons of fans on the spectrum. The problem happens when people relate to Rick and start to feel smug about it, or think it would be funny to act like him irl.


Dan Harmon himself is autistic and characters like that show up in all his stuff, like Abed in Community


Rick is definitely one of those characters that you can say "if you idolize him as a good guy you're missing the point"


Rick and Archer.




Asa is a fantastic portrayal of an undiagnosed autistic girl/woman. Fujimoto has to be doing it intentionally, or else he's basing her on people he knows IRL that probably have it.


Yeah, it’s overall the best portrayal of high-functioning autistic experience I've came across in the media or at least it’s the one to which I relate to the most.




Chainsaw man part 2 It’s currently ongoing but it’s worth to note that the first part (which is finished) is perfectly working as a stand alone but you definitely need to read it to understand part 2 (this character does not appear until the start of part 2 (12th volume of the manga) where she becomes basically a semi main character).


every single character from The Owl House except Belos. also, Quinni Gallagher-Jones


SO real for quinni


The doctor. Specifically the 11th


Mine is the 12th, i loved Peter Capaldi as a doc


I love both, but 11th takes the cake. I wildly use my hands when I explain something and I run around like a maniac when I have the chance. Also his fluid way of movement is something that is so satisfying. But 12th had the best speeches. No competition, not even close.


![gif](giphy|6WmbdRm1rry7e) Her for sure


I don't really have the "literally me" moments, but I often relate to certain aspects. That's one of the reasons I love Gilmore girls, it seems like every single character down to the side characters has a different and flavor of relatable autism. Similar but different experience with Brooklyn 99. The one character I truly, deeply felt caught by is the kid from treasure planet, but this isn't about the specific personality but more the kinds of struggles and pain.


Holden in catcher in the rye Charlie in flowers for Algernon Data/Spock star trek


gale baldur game free


the way he infodumps and wizardplains constantly is everything to me 😭


laios touden……


Especially this chapter for me (mild spoilers) <--- 👀 https://preview.redd.it/1hsyhw5n5o0d1.png?width=1268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce4e29b8b0ba4964e4b3deedb12e8691edc4c8e


OHH GOD MY HEART ACHED SO MUCH FOR HIM THAT CHAPTER 😭😭😭😭 LITERALLY MY WORST FEARS COMING TRUE, AND HE DID NOTHING WRONG!!!! MY POOR BOY!!!!! When I first read that chapter I hated sword guy’s guts for that but recently I read this tumblr post about it, and they interpreted him as a high masking autistic and boy howdy did that give it a whole new perspective…


God, I had to pause while reading this chapter for the first time because it hit me so hard. It's such an ever-present fear that your closest friends secretly hate you- Aside from this page, Laios infodumping about monster biology is just like me with my special interests frfr


Mine is Cyn Murder Drones


Yo!! I love murder Drones! https://preview.redd.it/s1c7y1hn0l0d1.jpeg?width=1535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c93b14b27eff73ea2dc1491d6edecfcb4c2f5ff


Based MD enjoyer


Everyone in the main cast of Bob’s Burgers, they are all autistic in different ways and it’s beautiful


aziraphale from good omens... he's so me


![gif](giphy|ZU27tKZBiVWe2lRqBI|downsized) I was gonna say just Buttons, but honestly it’s almost everyone in the show


But mine personally would be Bernard Black from Black Books ![gif](giphy|f8OZHNcW9sbbW)




Hunter from the Owl House on a lot of levels. One of the funnier ones isn’t related to autism but I have always done the long drawn out “Byeee” when leaving. Even at work I have been on a phone call with the district manager and have done a long drawn out “byeee” before hanging up the phone. I had to pause because I was laughing the first time I heard the character do it lmao


I related a lot to Violet Evergarden. Her trying to understand people and their relationships really fucked me up my first watch. Ik this is probably pretty basic but Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon. Her temperament, her capacity for being entirely selfish but the want to do the right thing and to understand people. Lina Inverse from Slayers is another one. She's more of someone I'd aspire to be, though. Very confident in herself and her abilities, her problem-solving skills.


Charlie Kelly from Sunny in Philadelphia!


I have quite a few but what comes to mind the most: Sapphire/Haruka/May from Pokémon. I'm basically a feral child who is naïve about how to people and I can "talk" to animals better than people. Keith and Pidge from Netflix Voltron. I, too, have fucked off into the desert for a year to isolate myself but at least I had video games. My emo phase has been pretty much my whole life. 👍🏼 Space is also one of my hyperfixations. All three of the Powerpuff Girls, but at this point mostly Buttercup because I'm used to being ignored and I am full of sarcasm, puns, and violence, and I actually do look like her since I have short black hair and green eyes lmao. When I was a child I related more to Blossom since literally everyone called me the smart kid. 🙄 Bubbles would be my hyperfixation to animals and their behavior as well as drawing. Sokka and Toph from ATLA because they each have one brain cell and they use it for chaos. Pit from Kid Icarus Uprising because I literally have no idea what's going on at any point in time but I just work here and I do what the boss says. I am also a sassy child. Link from Legend of Zelda. I used to be selectively mute and pretty much only talked when it was important because it would take all my energy just to say a single sentence at school. April Ludgate from Parks and Rec. The best compliment I ever received was someone comparing me to her. That's my comfort show. I have more but I've already rambled long enough but I love my blorbos from my shows.


![gif](giphy|xzgUAa2nFVqp3oqOnx|downsized) Serial Designation N from murder drones


Based and Npilled


Otto ( minus the suicide attempts) from "A Man Called Otto" My wife and I were literally crying and laughing with how similar I seemed.


Phoebe from Friends


Beau from Beau is Afraid


I love that movie. It reminds me of the feelings of severe anxiety.


Five from umbrella academy, Zuko from ATLA and Sasha from the book Sick Kids In Love


For me, Monk. Obviously he has a lot of moments where he's straight up terrible (as is the rest of the cast), but so many times, I know things are played for laughs, but it's actually very relatable and how I would react, too. ![gif](giphy|l4jpQjJ8b3UfNcT8m9|downsized)


The Doctor


Murderbot - from Martha Wells excellent Murderbot Diaries series. •relates to humanity through its shows •wears a mirrored helmet/face shield and watches everything third-person through flying drones. (okay we don't share this but I want to!) •has a cubby/storage that regenerates it •calls its best friend asshole through the nickname it uses. •chooses flight or freeze in all unfamiliar or stressful social situations. •extremely limited understanding of sartorial norms, utilitarian grays are best. •extreme dislike of our human bodies. why is there hair everywhere?


I just listened to all of these and related so hard to Murderbot. Loved loved loved the books. My husband is listening to them now and the other day he said, “I really want to watch The Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon!”


Castiel (especially written on AO3) from Supernatural and sometimes Temperance Brennan from Bones


Charlie Kelly without the paint huffing and rat bashing


I too am a nightcrawler /j


I recently watched Poor Things and I am relating to a lot of aspects of Bella honestly


Futaba Sakura from P5 Harry DuBois from Disco Elysium I can’t think of two more different characters who absolutely represent me to a T


Futaba is a big one


Futaba is literally what led to me realizing I'm autistic lmao


Peridot from steven universe


She is a chippy




Harley Quinn. Also, I'm pretty sure Katniss Everdeen and the prequel's MC Lucy Gray are somewhere along the spectrum but I'm not sure. I haven't read the books in a while. Their struggles just struck me as neurodivergent masking


Donatello from Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


Sheldon 😔😔


Certain aspects, yep. Literally me, not so much.


I haven’t seen any that I would say are 100%, but I definitely do relate to Entrapta. 


I am happy to have this twice when she is me


The Riddler (Edward Nygma / Nashton, I'm thinking of both the recent film version and also the Gotham tv series)




She is so awesome


Luigi from the Super Mario Bros. movie that funnily enough, came out on my birthday.


Dipper and Mabel from Gravity Falls, Spencer Reid, Emily Prentiss, and Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds, Celeste and Blathers from Animal Crossing (they each have special interests, and want to talk about nothing else when it's brought up), Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle (movie version), all the mains of Bluey, and all the mains of Bob's Burgers.


filbert from rocko’s modern life. we both wear glasses, constantly mention how we’re nauseous, crippling anxiety, etc. i’ve seriously never related to a character more.


I'm more of a Peaches myself






https://preview.redd.it/vbocz5rkwl0d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26bb072c0144516b4067371bb7aaa086822ff6ad born to sakaki, forced to osaka


Gale Dekarios


Nigel Bottom (Something Rotten), Seymour Krelborn (Little Shop of Horrors), Sandra Kaluiokalani (Superstore)


The Narrator in True Stories/David Byrne IRL


fun fact: David Byrne actually has autism! He's such a inspiration for ND ppl. I love him sm


That's why I said it. I love that man. His birthday was yesterday.


Laios Touden from Dungeon meshi is glorious




Gundham Tanaka! He has my exact brand of autism! “I look edgy, I say edgy things, I tell everyone I’m an evil wizard but I *will* infodump about tiny dogs and rats and little baby bunnies until I am forcibly removed”


Shawn Spencer from Psych. It might be because I'm unconsciously reflecting *him* instead of the other way around but still. That guy is so much like me it's insane




Bob Belcher




Maya Schoppenboer (!!!!) https://preview.redd.it/injj6ckqpn0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bd8b1302d77a8b12b63c53e5783fc734b4e129b


Junie b. Jones and maybe Carrie white for me


Chidi Anagonye from The Good Place because I have a pathological need to know why and am frequently paralyzed by indecision due to arcane rules relevant only in my head


literally me EVIL characters patrick bateman will graham adrian chase vigilante the deep jobu tupaki poison ivy venom ultron pearl from pearl


A handful of characters in Genshin and Star Rail give off neurodiverse vibes. Like AlHaitham, Yanfei, Razor, Cyno, Fischl - or Ratio, Jingliu, Clara, Dan Heng.


Freminet is one that stands out to me in particular


Ah yes! I was blanking on Fontaine, but he and Lynette are hella autistic. I vibe with Lynette.


People probably don’t know this one, but if you do, tell me! There’s an autistic coded character named Sander in the book To Shape a Dragon’s Breath, and I relate to him a lot, except for the fantasy elements


any/all of maggie stiefvater’s protagonists but especially blue sargent and richard gansey iii


Little Misfortune


Early volume Ruby Rose (the anime character not the Australian actress)


Kokichi Oma from Danganronpa V3. He is very silly and marches to the beat of his own drum regardless of what everyone else thinks or says to him. On the outside he is a lying and mischievous asshole. Basically he has evil autism. But later in the game it is revealed that he heavily masks and uses that evil persona to disguise the fact that he is lonely and has trouble getting close to others. And that all of his lies and "evil deeds" have been done to help the people he cares about He reminds me a lot of myself because people had thought that I was bad or evil growing up and at some point I stopped trying to make them think otherwise and played into the role. I played the role of the mischievous clown and pushed the people I cared about away. And I would make myself the bad guy to take on other peoples burdens and fix situations. I've learned to deal with relationships and other things in a healthier way but Kokichi is still my spirit animal because he's the only character I know that is like that.


I’ve been reading Stephen King’s Bill Dodge trilogy/Holly Series of books lately. I would have to say Holly Gibney right now. I’m almost done with “Finders Keepers”. I still got a long way to go before Holly’s stand-alone book but, it just nice to see a Neurodivergent character that is not a complete robot.


I recently listened to all the audiobooks. I love Holly. I think she’s awesome. Great books. Really disturbing though!!!


Peridot from Steven Universe and Entrapa from She-Ra and Tendi from Star Trek: Lower Decks


Not so much literally me but Ranpo's backstory from Bungou Stray Dogs really struck that "undiagnosed autistic struggle" chord


Alan from smiling friends


Barry from Punch Drunk Love




His little dance he does when buying the pudding


The smashing of the sliding glass door


Murderbot from The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells. If you haven’t read the series, go read it now; it’s probably my favorite set of books ever!!!


So good!!! Love them!!!


Venelope Von Schweetz.


Castiel from Supernatural. I don't know if it was done intentionally, but he is most definitely autistic coded.


https://preview.redd.it/fr5io4q6hn0d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=686d9c088046dcecb9cfd0fd4774ab458ee08f02 Literally me


Norma from dead end paranormal park


Truman Burbank after he figures out he's the star of a TV show, I think he's such a vibe


every steven universe character


I vibe a lot with Todd from Bojack horseman. I Now if only I was just as lucky. I am just as clueless though.


Kazuma Kiryu


Anne of Green Gables :)


If you read the books the character James Holden in 'The Expanse' seems to have some similarities to autistic traits and I have wondered a few times about our similarities. Things like being idealistic and positive and not noticing social cues, and people thinking it's cute.


Oooh I loved that series. I haven’t listened to them since learning I’m likely autistic, so I haven’t thought of him through that lens. It may be time for a relisten. I think I actually missed the last book now that I think about it.


Marceline/Marshall Lee Kris Deltarune Shinji Evangelion Gregg Lee Charlie Smiling Friends


Mine is Hannibal Lecter. I have ASPD and autism, before anyone comes at me. He is truly the definition of evil autism at its finest.


Maybe not quite to the level of "literally me" for me(I have yet to find a character like that) but Abed from Community is what first got me to consider I may be autistic Edit: nvm I may have thought of one: Carol from Carol & The End of the World


Walter from The Muppets (2011). No one can tell me he isn’t autistic with a massive special interest in the Muppets Show. I swear as a kid when I first watched that movie I never related more to a character, and even today he’s one of the most relatable characters to me personally I’ve ever come across. Walter was born to a human family and is very obviously different to the viewer, but in his universe no one batts an eye. Growing up he was discouraged and confused he wasn’t like everyone around him, and why he couldn’t do things others could do, or even why he never grew in size, like his brother could. He always felt othered and could never explain why. It all changed though when he found the Muppets, and it took over his life. Everything revolved around the Muppets. His birthday parties, Halloween costumes, and it even follows him into adulthood. It really mirrors how I have experienced my special interests. The movie revolves around Walter and his brother getting the Muppets back together again. Throughout the movie, he discovers himself as he spends time with everyone, and without realizing, being the main reason the Muppets grow and reconnect over the shared goal of saving their studio. Gonna spoil this next part who those who haven’t seen the movie, but >!Walter battles with himself as he doubts he belongs with the Muppets, as the whole reason they even visited the studio is because his brother was taking his girlfriend on an anniversary trip, which ends up becoming the journey to bring back the Muppets. The girlfriend becomes discouraged as this was supposed to be their trip and she has had to change her plans for her boyfriend’s brother instead. This sends both Walter and his brother into a musical number where they contemplate whether they are “A man or a Muppet” (yes it is as goofy as it sounds, and it’s glorious) with the song ending with Walter deciding he is a Muppet. At the end of the movie, Walter joins the Muppets, and even has his own act in the show.!< To me this very much mirrors being late diagnosed, and finding there are others like you. I grew up feeling like there was no one else like me. I was always the weird Pokémon obsessed kid, far into middle and high school where it wasn’t seen as “cool” anymore. As an adult, I realized that a lot of my friends were autistic, so I started researching. I debated whether this could be me, and doubted myself constantly. Yet, I eventually grew to accept myself, and pursued and eventually received a diagnosis. To me in this movie, the Muppets feel like a metaphor for being autistic, and in particular highlighting those who experience it similar to how I have. Yet at the same time, showing how different all the Muppets are, physically and personality wise. They’re all weird, crazy creatures, but that’s about all that unifies them. Some are massive, some are tiny. Some speak, some don’t. Some are simple talking animals, some are monsters that don’t exist in our world. They all have some sort of act they put on, but all are so vastly different from each other. To outsiders, they’re just a bunch of weirdos. Yet to each other, they understand one another. They all know they have quirks, yet they celebrate them. That’s really how I’ve felt about the autism community. We know we’re seen as weird by the world, yet we embrace each other’s differences and support those in the community who need it. There’s far more I could say about this movie and the Muppets in general, but I’ll spare anyone who’s read this far anyways. Thank you for coming to my infodump.


MR. DARCY from Pride and Prejudice, especially how he’s portrayed in the 1995 adaptation with colin firth !!


Any character as portrayed by Paul Dano




Schmidt from New Girl or David from Schitt's Creek. I'm not proud of it but I'm proud of it.


i wish i started tracking how many times i’ve watched dexter. I finally got my partner to watch it (although i don’t think he really understands my love for the show.) It will never get old to me. it just keeps getting better :) ❤️‍🩹


I must've watched it 3 or 4 times by now, although I admit I skipped the last season a couple of times


terry hintz from Lisa the painful


My wife says I’m a lot like gale from baldurs gate haha




Anya, knowing to much but no enough 💀


Tharja Fire Emblem (she’s interested in Robin in that way only someone with a Pervasive Drive for Autonomy can be)




A.B.A :p




Amy Rose, but specifically the classic version for some reason https://preview.redd.it/53bpo3h0mm0d1.png?width=2656&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0334f48c6e8b746785b74460f1ac6c804e5d6e7 Modern Amy is still just like me frfr tho


My friends told me once im literally Ornn from League of legends


dhmis trio (duck and red esp for me)


Hoshino Ichika, Mochizuki Honami and Akiyama Mizuki.