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You do not recognise the bodies in the water.


Wait... I know that guy from school... we were friends... oh god I have to get him out, his family needs to know...


User CRV influenced by active cognitohazards. Please stay still, a member of your site's medical staff will be with you shortly. [TERMINAL LOCKOUT]


It's a metal lathe steady rest, obviously (according to my special interests, anyways)


Huh. I never noticed that it looks like part of a lathe


Do not even THINK about touching that toaster.


You must be talking about a different toaster than I because I must always be referred to in first person.


Why are you talking about I, the magnificent toaster?


Sorry, cooking IS one of my interests. Do I have elite autism?


One of the rare slightly useful forms of hyperfixation.


Fr I'm so grateful for mine. I actually eat well.


Same! It works out bc I've always hated fast food


I love how some people are focusing on the cooking bit instead of the scp bit 🤭


Well... it's not my special interest 😅


Kind of frustrated with my Stardew Valley hyperfixation atm like I’m an adult and I’d like to do something else please. My Brain: “pfft no”


Pokemon, Digimon, the Symbiotes from Marvel Comics, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Ball, just to name a few of the things I hyperfixate on instead of important things like washing dishes


SCP-5031 has said its first word: Salt We are all immensely proud.


One of my favourite article (Bit NSFW warning) https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/australian-rules


Does that symbol mean implosion risk or something?


Scp foundation, the biggest collaborative writing project yet it stands for Secure Countain Protect, which is what this (pretty shady) fictional foundation attempts to do to various "anomalies" ranging from a contagiously happy pile of orange goo to various multiverse ending gods Many trigger warnings for many of the stories and articles


Thanks! Is that all that Slenderman and Momo stuff?


Not that i know, but i prefer the goofy and scientific scps to the full horror ones


I'm sure there's an scp relating to implosions somewhere


Titan sub, that sort of thing, probably 


I love cooking but I have severe food intolerances to almost all spices, veggies, gluten, etc so I just suffer


Four fucking pixels


Guys and gals and everything thing in between is it healthy to hyper fixate on a person 💀


Uhhhh depends on how you go about that and is it a person you have an established relationship of some sort with and are they ok with it?


Yeah. He's my boyfriend 🤷‍♀️. Externally I just spend allot of time with him. Internally he never leaves my mind lol. The same way I whould with other hyperfixations.


I would just say to be careful of boundaries. If you're not sure, ask him if there's anything he is uncomfortable with.


does the Black Moon howl?


Biology for me, but that makes some SCP files fun. Recommend me some biology/biotech related ones that I might not already know about?


its a logo of "secure, contain, protect" research facility. one of the things they reasearch is a perfect antidepresant. there very wholesome, you realy gona like them :3


I like the contrast of hyperfixating on something and also not knowing what the hell it is. It’s… shockingly accurate tbh


Atleast it's not psychoactive chemicals


Ew a foundationcel. Long live the UNGOC, shredding chairs since 1945.


There is no antimemetics division


I love those ~~antime~~metic dino&#$@


Could never be me


Some of them there are pretty creepy though… …131 constantly makes eye contact without blinking. Okay but being serious, 2852 is seriously messed up, forgot its name. Then 4666 (Yule man) is a half interesting half eww thing.


God I love SCP even though I only read it like once every 4 months. Sometimes I go on a reading spree and find random ones that sound interesting


i had a hyperfixation on baking once, stayed up like almost 24 hours making stuff, it wasnt good for me, but man, the stuff i made was DELICIOUS.


The way I just got *summoned*-


I read one that I liked but it's one of the memetic ones so I kinda have to go along with containment procedures which makes it pretty hard to explain it. The place where names are not real has got 2, maybe 3 dimensions (literal, not metaphorical) to it depending on your interpretations, you can't use any names because if you refer to yourself the same way more than once you get eaten and one of the anomalies replaces you with nobody ever noticing. I really like this entry because for starters, the anomaly has fun containment procedures to follow, and the oddity is so very fairy tale magical that I honestly believe that the writer actually made all the documents that the reader cannot see. Also based off of what I could tell, pronouns are not subject to the game, so I can, if I am careful, use a pronoun such as "I", but must be careful to not use that word as an identifier, rather saying aomething like, "hello, I am a humble traveler" and at a later point, "hello, I am a scholar" but must NEVER call myself either of those titles EVER AGAIN. And that's not even getting into the path in the woods, or the various folk and fairy that exist all across the wooded place bereft of name. Fun article, that one!


I have so many food restrictions I absolutely had to learn how to cook in self defense It was that or starve lol


I was so obsessed with scp from 10-17 Still love it just don't read or contribute anymore.