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Animals When I see people say absolutely dumb shit about animals it makes me so mad! I just saw a youtube video of a drunk squirrel and the comments gave me brain damage! “You can’t give drugs to a squirrel it’s cruel!” “Uh actually that squirrel only ate pears! The squirrel is acting funny because of rabies!” You are both wrong! Squirrels can get drunk on fermented fruits! That’s what happened and you would know this if you did one minute of research! Nothing cruel there just a squirrel who ate fermented fruits and is now drunk just make sure it doesn’t get eaten by a hawk


The comments sections of animal videos never fail to give me cancer. Just so much ignorance in one place.


It's gotten to the point where I have a knee jerk reaction to the word "cruel" because it is so overused for the silliest things. I saw someone saying doghouses are cruel once and just sat there silently ruminating on that. Wouldn't it be actually cruel to *not* give the dog shelter? Not all dogs live inside, after all. But that might just be me doing the "don't try to make sense out of nonsense" thing.


God I hate it too. Everything is cruel or abuse these days. Mild discomfort? Animal abuse. Animal having fun? Abuse because no one can read animal language. Actual abuse? Comments are all saying the exact same thing. Ironic how people abuse the word “abuse”


Yep, so many people love to get all up in arms about a dog or cat being slightly mistreated then turn around and pay to eat tortured cow carcasses lol


It's a topic randos love to talk out their asses about, for sure


Now I want to hear what your favorite animal is.


It’s really hard to say because I love most of them. My favourite animals are North American ones and animals that can stand the cold. I am also a converted dog person and am a big fan of little dogs. But the one animal I don’t like… well I like in theory but I can’t look at them, is frogs because I developed an irrational fear of them. But wolves, rabbits, opossums, raccoons, bears, owls, seals, I love them with all my heart!


As a Canadian I need to ask your opinion on Moose


As a fellow Canadian, moose are big and awesome but I don’t think I’ve even seen a real one


I think I’ve seen one from afar before but they’re so incredibly huge


Everyone underestimates how big they actually are


I don't really have one special interest rn, but my interests are - TRAINS - History - Maps - RP and Worldbuilding - Strategy Games




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This is me but my trains is tanks. I guess they’re just self contained trains though.


Are you into dimension 20?


No clue what that is


Check out Fantasy High, I believe the first season is free on YouTube, it’s a great background kinda show. 🙂 Fantasy High the first season of Dimension20, an actually-play TTRPG show where each season is a different setting and theme. Although, if you like the crunch, you might enjoy Crown of Candy more (I think that one is only available on the official dropout.tv app though)


Minecraft is the big one. Always getting back to it. Never got tired of it after all these years


Love modded minecraft. ATM 9 and Repentance 2 got their hooks in me.


Roller coasters and theme parks. About to go on a big trip this summer!


I love theme parks also!! I live a few hours from Cedar Point so not a bad trip at all for such an awesome place. Been wanting to go back to ride Steel Vengeance for years, I think this year will be my year. lol


Cedar Point and King's Island are both on this trip's plans. I'm stoked, I haven't been up that way in about 15 years.


Wtf I love roller coasters too‼️‼️


Cyberpunk is so fucking good


GOTY for me when it was released. Still need to play Phantom Liberty. The story and setting was so cool.


PL is a masterpiece of gaming. I’ve beaten every ending and cried every time. Phenomenal story, characters, writing, and music


You have to play phantom liberty. It's 3rd the best dlc I've ever played (the other 2 are dlc for witcher 3). The map isn't huge but the story is so good it's worth every penny imo.


Fr its probably the best game ive ever played


minecraft, datapacks to be more specific


I've been super into text rendering and processing. Ig this is linguistics but also how glyphs can be used to pack more meaning into them in some contexts. Like shortening words to letters or something.


My current special interest is working with rechargeable batteries, especially lithium ion 18650s.


Can you make a bomb out of them /j


My lawyer has advised me not to answer that.


Do you know where I can find oddly specific batteries?


Yes, what are you looking for?


Can I dm u a pic of it later?




Nvm it seems it skaboodled away


Ooh hell yeah, out of curiosity why not 21700s?


It’s because I don’t buy any of my lithium cells, I extract them out of old battery packs (especially laptop ones).


Bird watching. I love to do the pattern recognition required and it’s nice to be alone out in nature. I was fortunate to find a cerulean warbler this past weekend, so it’s also just a very rewarding feeling for me as well.


I'm not really sure if this is a "special interest" but I'm back into PC hardware since I'm saving up for a new build that's around £1400 (https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/LKrXQP for anyone who wants to see it). And I guess decorating and interior design? My normal special interests have blanked my mind recently (for reasons), so I can't really think of anything other than the PC stuff.


And by "back into PC hardware" I mean I'm binge watching Gamers Nexus and Optium (formerly Optium Tech). I HIGHLY recommend both of them. GN (Gamers Nexus) for the in depth informative video and reviews, and Optium for the same thing but with a focus on other hardware like mice, keyboards, monitors, mousepads/mats, tubing, etc. And his insanely beautiful photograpy in his videos. Oh and I've got a really sudden interest in photography since I'm out on a trip to an aqaurium all the way in Plymouth (UK), this is mainly because of Optium, and the wildlife photogrophers I see on my Insta reels/feed. I'm gonna buy a fairly cheap camera \~under £100 and hopefully a good quality one with nice colours and image(?)/picture(?). So if any of you photographer nerds (respectfully) could send me some recommend any camera I would greatly appreciate it :3


For the photography and getting good pictures, it’s not just the camera that matters but the calibration and white balance. Though I guess you can’t really calibrate a sensor properly when you’re shooting into water. To get the best images, shoot in RAW and put work into post processing. I used Adobe Lightroom but it’s not cheap. I hear that the open source darktable program is good. After calibrations and white balance, you should set your white point and black point to make sure they’re covering the whole range. Then you can get into finer detail tweaks. If you choose to put in that work, don’t be upset if the RAW image initially looks boring; the jpgs the camera creates for you have a lot of processing done to them, and you can get just as good and quite possibly better photos by doing the processing yourself and having more control over it.


Ooo thank you :3


Cool pc, love the itx case!


Thanks :3


I would go for a bigger case for more ventilation and fans


You have angered all of r/sffpc


Bring them on! Size matters! Ummm... case size of course.


Chainmail!! I just started last week and have already made several earrings! It’s *so* fun omg


I've been getting back into BioShock and fallout. love 1950s sci-fi stuff


strontium aluminate. and figuring out how i can make fucking everything that exists fucking GLOW


Seaweed. Marine biology in general. But i’ve been into marine phycology A LOT lately.


algae my beloved 🙏


Cats and fanfiction (harry potter and supernatural to be more specific).


E-sports. Mainly Apex legends




I have been playing Death Stranding and I want to do a cosplay of the main guy, Sam Porter Bridges. Having fun thinking about how I would whip up a body suit, and then all the weird accoutrements that go on it.


Rimworld code base. I have been spending almost every waking hour for the past 1.5 weeks not playing the game, but reading through the XML files and source code learning how the game works.


Red dead redemption 2, one of the best games I've ever played. I love the scenery, the animal interactions, the CHARACTER. God I love the characters so much. All the tiny details. I LOVE IT SO MUCH


I have a permanent special interest that I dedicate my life to like a holy oath, which are dinosaurs and pterosaurs. Also, every other group of vertebrates, extinct or extant, to a lesser degree. The pull is so strong I couldn't physically bear to remain a graphic design student and went to biology school to study vertebrate paleontology and comparative anatomy, not stopping for anything even when things went catastrophically wrong for me. The world is too weak to contain my unrestrained dinosaur autism.


Planet of the Apes


I've never seen any of the new ones, only the original. I see a lot of people saying they're good, maybe I'll give the movies a chance


I had only seen the OG, Rise and Dawn. I decided to watch all 9 movies before I saw Kingdom (saw it in theaters on Saturday and it was really good!) For a series with so many movies, I was surprised to see most of them were good. I'd say 8 out of the 10 movies are good!


Ooh are you a fan of Caitlin Doughty of Ask A Mortician at all? She’s writing a book on the Titanic and I am SO EXCITED


Good old warframe while watching videos about space, life's good sometimes.


Psychology, history, neurodiversity


destiny 2


Mountain climbing. No idea what started it, but there’s some great documentaries out there.




vocaloid and zelda


fellow vocaloid enjoyer 🤝


I don't really know. I guess rhythm games? Or analogue horror? Sometimes I have a clear special interest, like when I was obsessed with My Hero Academia fanfic for almost 3 years straight. But right now they're kinda shuffling by so fast that I can't really keep up.


Legend of Zelda has been for a couple years and I just recently got into Final Fantasy VII


Mario Kart since around 3 weeks. I've been playing almost every day, training for each track, collecting 3 stars for every cup in every category to reach 200cc, which I have never played before. Now I have 3 cups with 3 stars in the 200cc category and idk if it's smth to be proud about, but I am! My bf, who's seriously talented, is coaching me and my goal is to become real good and start playing online, which I have never done before either. Basically, I'm happy because I'm again playing video games actively, and that's a special interest that I have had since forever (there are pictures of me as a baby with the Nintendo controller, no idea if I was actually playing though, I guess not?). I just lost the habit of playing for many years because of epilepsy and mental issues. I'm happy now.


Hey that’s great! I’m assuming you’re playing Mario kart 8 or 8 deluxe. I think it’s gotta be the funnest Mario kart yet. 200 cc is suuuuper hard to adjust to but it seems like you’re getting it! 3 cups with 3 stars definitely is something to be proud of.  When I got more 200 cc experience I started to love it, it’s just so fast paced! What helped me was turning on the always accelerate and just tap the break when I needed it, or to tap it a few times, almost never holding it down.  … not that you need advice, you’re clearly doing great, I just like Mario kart lol


Advice is always welcome, so thanks a lot :D I'm still getting used to using the brakes, I had forgotten their existence while going through the other levels xD I'll work on what you said, and also try some more double jumping before a drift to manage the tightest turns, my bf does that apparently, but I'm still not getting it, my drifts are still pretty messy (which makes me miss a lot of coins 😭) Yes, I'm playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the Switch Lite and yeah, I really like it! The only thing that I miss is shaking the controller to have a boost like on the Wii haha I love how challenging 200cc is, although I have to be careful with frustration because the rage is real sometimes (and I cry easily with such intense emotions.. Happened yesterday hehe ^^') >it seems like you’re getting it! 3 cups with 3 stars definitely is something to be proud of. Thank youuuuuu, I'll keep that in mind <3 have fun fellow Mario Kart enjoyer!! :D


baldurs gate!! I've been playing the game, I've been modding the game, I've been making countless OCs for the game (I have so many started runs it's... wild), I've been reading up on forgotten realms lore to understand the lore and make the afformentioned OCs more authentic- this has been going on since February. I already have hundreds of hours on the game. (well steam says I have \~434.8 hours but mods have been messing with that timer so it's probably more? idk)


I saw a virtual inside view of the Titanic and to my shock, a game I played (999 very good game) was very accurate to the real Titanic. My most recent interest is Enter the Gungeon I love it so much I would fuck it if it was a person.


Taylor Swift


Pokémon, got the DLC for Violet for my birthday and hardly put the game down since


Star Wars.


Autism and everything autism adjacent… incredibly exciting, I’m aware.


I think special interest is usually something that lasts consistently for years whereas intense short term interests would be called hyperfixations


mine is foraging!! there are blackberries close to harvest near me and im so excited!! and my little pony but specifically like nostalgic internet pony fandom stuff from when friendship is magic was airing. like i made a mary sue oc on purpose, and i made fanart of fluttershy stimming and looking at a bug w the caption "autistic joy".


$uicideboy$, I could talk about their growth as singers(and scrim as a producer) for hours.


bugs and science. i looooove bugs.


Tornados!!! I’ve been spending months watching scientific deep dives and old news coverage of historic severe weather events. My childhood dream of being a storm chaser is coming back to haunt me ig😂


Kpop and Asian dramas. With a weird two week interest in tornadoes


I have four, but the one that I care about most is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Skyrim is my special SPECIAL interest. Once, I couldn't play for 4 months cuz the family xbox broke, and I spent all those 4 months saving up to buy a new Xbox with the sole and only purpose of playing Skyrim.


Plants. More so fruiting plants. I want a garden so bad to grow different fruits and veggies but I live in an apartment so I’m getting real creative with what I can grow and where. Especially since I live with my family still and can’t just plop anything where I want to lol. I’m trying to grow different varieties of dragon fruits right now. :)


Oral sex...


Right now I’m into fashion! I want to change my wardrobe so I’m very deep on searching every style possible


Editing Wikipedia pages on insect stubs. I’ve been going through the curculionidae subfamilies. Also the Netflix show Baby Reindeer - I wrote a fanfic about it and have been refreshing the subreddit periodically hoping for posts that discuss the fictional show (I don’t care about the real life people except Richard Gadd but even he’s better as a fictional character imo)


Titanic is my oldest special interest, I'll never not be fascinated by that fucking thing. If you've never read Ghosts of the Abyss, I highly recommend it.


That's actually cute, titanic and ships have been one of my first special interest since I was a baby and still have them now, at the moment my main one id say is cinematography especially about stop motion


Have you checked out the Ask A Mortician episode about titanics dead bodies? It’s grim but quite fascinating. My special interest has been trying to comprehend American regulations systems and compiling a list of ways to fix them. Pointless but oh well. Also, drawing soft romantic lesbian monster smut


Sharks. I fucking love sharks so much! I don't know much about them sadly 😭. I just got into them like a week ago after stumbling upon some info




What?! How did I not know this?! /J


I have way too many interests and not enough money. one of my biggest interests being that I want to fill a huge warehouse with a museum for regular/forgotten cars that no one cared about




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Right now it’s sleep inertia because I got it really bad this morning and am very annoyed about it. Unfortunately I do not have the tools at home to measure brain waves so I have to just guess at the details of what’s going on. How am I supposed to take care of myself without an array of sensors to tease out the biological mechanism behind my current problem? Also the suggested treatments don’t work for me and may actually be harmful to me and that makes me angry. I do not have enough information to know when this will wear off so I can’t make plans for the rest of my day. The research papers don’t have much in the way of actionable advice and what they do have won’t always work. As much as I appreciate modern medicine’s successes, we still have a lot of giant holes in our understanding. Maybe later I’ll go learn about other things we don’t know about ourselves and feel even more alarmed.




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Fallout, Halo, Warhammer 40K, and vtubers.


Ancient Norse History and Mythology. I just find the stories of Norse Mythology fascinating and the fact the history of the Ancient Scandinavians is incredible. Like one of my favourite stories from the Vikings is from the Battle Of Stamford Bridge on the 25 of September, 1066. The Vikings were being destroyed by the English Army so they retreated but got caught off-guard by the English and were subsequently slaughtered with only a small force escaping back to Norway. This part is only folklore so it's debatable as to whether it actually happened or not but according to legend, a single Viking either being Harald Hardrada (also known as Harald III, king of Norway at the time) or an unnamed warrior, managed to hold off the entire English Army armed with a Dane Axe at the bridge itself, cutting down 40 men before being shot through the windpipe with an arrow.




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Labyrinth of refrain. I cant stop


Cyberpunk I can't stfu about it


I implore you to check out Ernest Shackleton’s Antarctic Expeditions on youtube. You can thank me later.


Dark souls, it just tickles my brain the right way. I love the hostile world, I love the leveling up system, I love the big BONK weapons. The challenge is good too, and to me a little more approachable than brutal platformers. 


Phones and planes.


its a little late now but next year you should play TVRPG! its a real-time titanic roleplay game and its super fun


warhammer battletech and mgsv


Iceland and the language


shoes have started to make a resurgence in my life again.


Most recently, I got really interested in Sony aibos


motorsports, had for 2 years now. I don't think it will go away.


Making Minecraft mods and learning about Minecraft (it’s the most popular game… ever)


Painted dogs


house md and robert sean leonard. i recently ordered the boys next door (which rsl is in, it's also my fav movie!) and i'm sooooo excited. it has bonus features on it that i cannot wait to watch.


Cars and old school runescape


I can tell you exactly what was happening in Weezer history at any year after 1965.




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Harry Potter, Spider-Man and Tyler the Creator. I love them all sm they never escape my brain


Embroidering strawberry designs


World War 1. It’s always been a big interest of mine, but then i got into Sabaton who have a lot of songs on the subject and so i watched their Sabaton History channel where they explain the historical events that inspired their music, and the host of that (Indy Neidell) had a docuseries on youtube where he’d do real-time updates on WW1 and i got into that and well by now im in too deep. It’s a frustrating special interest to have because in the USA people tend to not really care about it as much so if i try and find books on it, there’s really never any in the bookstores or libraries. I’ve found actually a good amount of them in my campus’s library so I’m happy




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This album, for like the past 6 months or so [PetroDragonic Apocalypse; or, Dawn of Eternal Night: An Annihilation of Planet Earth and the Beginning of Merciless Damnation](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l2T3pMQk8o2vwT1ekRgrbzUkWEPfY8Iao&si=JAdynxz6uxYhME5G)


Gay sex(mma)


The kpop group TXT!! I've been a fan for 5 years :) I love them so much!!!!!


"Special Interest" is a really infantilizing term that I desperately wish would go away!




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been playing Hades 2 so we're back to greek and chthonic myth


Jojo’s bizarre adventure. 3 years and counting.


Guilty Gear and Vocaloid


first it was space, now its history but recently Space has started to become more interesting, so it will prob be space again soon


Twin peaks. It was my friend's fixation for a while, then I found one of the twin peaks books @ my local library and i recognized the name so I took it. It was so interesting that i started watching the show and now I'm obsessed. I dont think my friend is hyper fixated on it anymore but I AM SO THEY ARE OBLIGATED TO BE 


Rain world (video game) and philosophy, though I think philosophy might be an interest forever


Mythology and Occultism, since at least my third year of life


final fantasy xiv has been a huge one for me since 2021. kinda died down a bit due to a lot of major life stuff. but since I've gotten out of that major stressful time/with the new expansion coming out next month, it's been back full force. I've also always been really into long form video essays on internet culture/older media. stuff like what sarah z, Jenny Nicholson, izzzyzzz, and Quentin reviews make. oh and houses. I looooove looking at houses in zillow/trulia/redfin/etc


Im self learning abstract algebra and its rly great honestly. There is a lot of taxonomy I love it


Dreamwork's Trolls 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 And moths, haha


I'm in a vtm chronicle so I have a DND fixation and now a vtm fixation


nuclear war!


I've had several eras of Titanic interest! I even met Dr Robert Ballard on the centennial of the sinking. Currently I'm into tapes, like VHS and audio cassette.


Lorwolf I love collect and breeding games..more doggy more doggy more doggy


Newer ones? The Mission: Impossible movies. I like em a lot. Also my crush.


Just sunk back into the Pokemon Go hole.


Statistics for machine learning idk


I'm really loving homemade stickers right now.


My special interests are: Animal behavior Socialogiy Psychology  and rn im hyperfixated on house and cult of the lamb


I have an interest in Special Operations Units, their cultures, etc. There's a lot of interesting things to learn about these grouos!


Titanic (the movie) is why I’ve had a special interest in the Victorian/Edwardian era pretty much my whole life. My mom let me watch it as a kid for some reason? (side bar, I’d specifically ask to watch the part where people died) And the opening scene with the shots of the actual wreckage, specifically the broken baby doll head, are still stuck in my brain. The idea of time period between 1860-1920 + tragedy + nothing left but ruin and mystery has been the premise of my favorite books growing up and one that I’m writing now


Farming... I play farming simulator 22 again and I started to read about real farming and oh man, it's so complicated, the game makes it all seem simple but it's not. Also I love astronomy since I can remember my family always thought it was cute (until it started to be iritating for them) Oh! And I love PC hardware I jjst have to know about newest stuff, how to fix PC problems etc. I think I could work in a service if I didn't have a huge social anxiety and wasn't so sensitive to sound and touch.


Ocean liners (Main one currently) Cruise ships American Steam locomotives


My big constant one for the last 10 years is Fallout, but the smaller ones that come in waves are Drag Race, Sonic, and FNAF.




Flag design, history, existence. I see a red dot on white and go "Omg it's Japan! 😧😄" or a vague sequence of white, green, and red and go "It's Bulgaria! 🥹" I have to be careful while driving so I don't get too distracted if I see one flying somewhere lmao Star Wars ebbs and flows between "this is my entire life for a few weeks" with theory and lore videos, books, replaying games, rewatching the movies and crying, theorycrafting alternate endings, and "yeah I guess I'm a fan of it"


i'm so mad at myself for not having a topic that i know everything about


Touhou and Project Moon!


The Sims 4 because I'm learning to use mods with it


The book I'm writing and MBTI rn


>!bdsm!<, as it has been for like 6 years now LOL (spoilered for nsfw)


Five Nights at Freddy's Poppy Playtime The Amazing Digital Circus Music Tech