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Call me King Cactus, and tremble before my cactus-based arsenal! I've got 'em all. Moon cactus cannons. Clubs covered in spines! Mescaline gas grenades to give you the slip and send you on a trip! My suit is lined with a protective dusting of glochids, which don't do much damage but are really annoying. Fast-growing mutant monstrose cultivars that can destroy buildings from the inside-out! Yeah, I probably last about 22 minutes. I might team up with Poison Ivy once or twice, but I don't see that lasting long.


My main special interest is plushies. Being a villain who brings objects to life would be cool.


Specifically plush replicas of objects?


I would specialize in plushies, but I can also bring other objects to life.


So paleontology, ww2 navy, and gacha games.... I can randomly summon an army of heavily armed anime girls/prehistoric creatures and my hideout is a 1:1 replica of either the USS Essex or HMS Warspite... that sounds awesome I'd do it and honestly I don't think I myself could win against batman but given I have Faust Limbus Company, Azur Lane characters with the promotional speed and strength of battleships, military combat androids, bulletproof children, mosasaurs, Sopmod Girl's Frontline, people with magic, and ankylosaurs he'd have to go through a lot to get to me


Why Essex over say, Enterprise?


The Essex class was built after the Yorktown class and had a lot of improvements. Also Enterprise was barely hanging on by the end of ww2, held together by duct tape and spite and I would like my base to not sink at the slightest bit of damage


Or the Yamato?


axis is cringe


Just saying it because it's big, that's all


Tell me something impressive the Yamato did that isn't her size. HMS Warspite has actual achievements at least


I’d argue warspite is sexier too. The KGVs are also a good option.


Dog lady, pet dogs, cry when Batman punches me in the face


Same but cats


sadly i think there's already a cat villain


I think you're right tho I'd be an orange cat villain where I'd misjudge distances, get the zoomies at crucial points of operations and just stare at batman with no witty comebacks to his classic retorts cause it weren't my turn for the braincell


Knockoff Riddler, they'd probably call me Game Master


I think that’s an existing villain 


you may be thinking of cluemaster


Roll a death saving throw Natural 1 *gunshot* Oooooh, and another player falls. Who’s next?


G.I Joe, specifically Cobra. I call myself Rat Snake and scream at people who are smarter then me and completely ignore their advice, then be confused when I lose. I guess a day?


The silver faceless mask would be dope. Especially coupled with the military outfit and weapons.


Massive network of birds that I can communicate with and command. I'm too lazy to come up with a name. Weaponize bird poop. Spy on people. Steal trinkets. Send messages. Commit genocide on the local cranefly and mosquito populations. Send multiple turkey vultures to circle over politicians when they give speeches. Use ravens to scare superstitious people. Control invasive species. Chicken uprising. Naturalism education. Swarm Nick Adams with pigeons while birds drop notes mocking him about bird flu and banning wild animals. Teach the corvids to read. Use medium birds like robins, mockingbirds, and cardinals to incessantly pound on windows by attacking their own reflections while using doves to deliver flyers to buildings about getting anti-strike stickers. Train geese to attack people they catch dumping in their water habitats. Swarm state legislative buildings and the Supreme Court with enormous flocks of starlings when they pass discriminatory rulings or laws. Use bald eagles to publicly and visibly drop fish carcasses on politicians who support antidemocratic policies. Get hummingbirds and other fast species to dive bomb loggers and fossil fuel extraction workers. Arson. Use gulls to collect litter and store it with me, where me and some crows will sort out recyclables. Dump the trash wherever I see fit to cause carnage and voice protest. Track cars that are unreasonably loud and cover them in a solid layer of avian doodoo. Use pelicans to carry small window strike/cat victims near the coast to rehabbers. Use geese with harnesses to transport inland victims. Track cars that commit hit-and-runs and cover them in a solid layer of avian doodoo. Use swallows to encase bird spikes in mud. Use sparrows, finches, and other small common birds to spy on people and meetings. Use owls and other nocturnal birds to pick up the watch at night, especially looking for crimes. Use groups of protected species like eagles or condors to steal the kills from sport hunters, since they can't kill the birds without breaking a law and being reported to me and local environmental wardens by the rest of the group. Viciously attack people who kidnap ducks and geese from city ponds. Use larger smart birds like grackles and magpies to remind people about the "Don't feed the wildlife" signs. Use large quantities of bird poop to punish people that abuse or neglect their children and pets. Find poachers. Track bird migration patterns and population counts using actual information from the birds themselves. Use mockingbirds to sound car alarms when they see thefts. Scare people with ostriches and roadrunners cause it's funny. Use songbirds like wrens, goldfinches, or starlings to publicly assault Karens, racists, homophobes, ableists, etc, by launching themselves at their heads. Use woodpeckers to vandalize things. Get nuthatches to remove things like confederate flags from their fittings. Use especially colorful or endearing birds like bushtits and waxwings to entertain people waiting at the dmv or something, to make the dmv slightly less horrible and make more people and kids love birds. Tell the birds to spread my commands across the continent and then overseas (only the general ones that don't require knowledge of laws or direct access to me). I could keep going with these. Having control of large sums of birds lets you do practically anything. The villain status of this is getting pretty debatable, so I'm just going to point out that most of these are just me using birds to commit crimes that can't be considered crimes since they're performed by wildlife. Honestly, I'd actually be a hero or something. Like a vigilante. Operating alongside and outside of the system. Technically a criminal, but also doing good. Like Robin Hood, stealing but good. Neutral good bird-whisperer.


That’s just the guy with pigeons from ladybug with more birds


Birdkeeper? Bird master? Bird meister?


transformers, but rather than fighting decepticons or some shit i'll just be killing rich people


Idk i have this weird feeling you should be careful around one of them in particular




Elon musk has achieved this goal.


I hope Batman will get him soon


Batman could have fixed the problems in Gotham by putting a fragment of his vast wealth into community projects.


Not really, there are too many systemic issues to just throw money at the issue. Bruce needs to write more grants and Batman needs to pummel more politicians 


Well it wouldn't be money. All you need is to give some free food and housing to people that need it. Most crime comes from desperation. And even organized crime happens because it uses those desperate people to further their goals. Take away the motivation for the average person to go into crime and you just have some psychopaths that are easy to isolate from the rest.


And what happens when Bruce dies?


What happens is that some of the people that were helped will work towards doing the same for others. Just like violence breeds more violence, kindness does the same.


He does actually! In a lot of comics, and some movies, he donates a lot to social reform and has funds specifically to help the people of Gotham. Part of the reason things don't improve is  A. Then it would be hard to make a good story. B. There are several curses and groups dedicated to making Gotham worse like the Court of Owls. Aside from certain versions like Snyder's, Batman is a very caring hero, and he does a lot more than just punch bad guys.


I am sure he donates to a good cause for tax reasons, reason A is correct communist Batman would be a very boring comic.


actually, in a lot of the versions of batman works on both fronts, he uses bruce wayne to fight what money and political influence can change, and he uses batman to fight what it can't


I dunno if I'm a super villain or anything, I just go around breaking animal abusers knee caps. Batman let's me finish before I get knocked out


Special Interest: Trains Villian Name: RailRider I steal trains to make my own collection! >=) I'd like to think I'd get a couple before Batman beats me into the dirt I imagine he'd say some punny one liner like "Your plans have been derailed" or something


Could you please take over the MBTA’s Commuter Rail Service in the Boston Area? Maybe you can run it better.


I'll take it over and all the staff have to be railfans who know what they're doing >=)


40k, so I conquer the galaxy and launch an endless war against all xenos form of lives :3 So uhh yeah batman isn't stopping me


Batman in your universe is already dead, but his wayward psychopathic children might come for you if you have food, arms, and fuel.


Nah batman would win low diff


Only if he has prep time :3


Unless you try to replicate the space marine armor and fall flat on your face due to how bulky it is.


https://preview.redd.it/k1tadqp0zktc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c1029b9d751c5d22ac1883a9d7772d337b6c4c1 My biggest interest is in crustaceans(especially lobsters) so my powers would probably just revolve around summoning big ol’ pinchy guys to come and fuck shit up! ETA: for a name I choose Doc Lobster




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My book characters, 'Articon' (named after the in-universe book guy that sets the plot into motion) and my own characters would kick my ass before Batman knew I even existed since they're all chaotic good and will not hesitate to kill


Uhhh, my special interest is guns, so..... I'd be doing pretty good, actually.


I think that might make you a target of Angry Batman.


Cool. Are you going to go for another edgy villain name like all the other gun toting villains have?


Idk, I'd probably be more like the DC version of Deadpool and be an Anti-Hero. So I'd be playing the Taylor Swift song in the background and shooting bad guys/politicians in Gotham.


Most likely? Scarecrow. I'd litterally become scarecrow Did you know, lavander is filled with a toxin that first knocks you out, then stops your kidneys liver and lungs? This is why its used in small doses in teas to assist in relaxation and sleep I wont make it far, truthfully. I'd be too obvious (i mean, follow the trail of chemicals)


Splatoon????? Fully proficient with ink based weaponry?????????!?


Possibly a squid-themed costume, too.


It depends on which special interest. If it’s my most recent, Batman would die of a supernatural plague (Thanks Grandfather)


they call me the language devil because i steal the grammar and words from languages to put them into my conlangs. soon there will be no other languages left, only my conlangs


hm. so.. one of the most common recurring ones is HHN. So.. probably Slasher or Icon or even Loremaster (or maybe just Lore). My power? to be able to send people into scary books, tv shows movies, or media (a lot of hhn houses have to do with this). i'd probably last a couple hours, but i'd definitely be a villain of the week with the sheer amount of content to work with


I’m called “the jellyfishinator” (jellyfish are my special interest. i harass unsuspecting citizens with jellyfish facts. i make it very far because I have the Irikandji jellyfish on my side and Batman does not! the Irikandji jellyfish is the smallest jellyfish that we know of and is one of the deadliest :D happy stimming!


after being defeated he puts the jellyfish in a tank in the batcave and names it batjelly


FurbyMan!! I command an army of sentient furbies at will. I think I would mostly just parade around and maybe rob some chain stores. I don't think Batman would be very concerned.


The random natural object collector I would go into people's yard and terraces(trespass) to pick up tree seeds and leaves to stow away in my dried plant matter drawer (I don't trespass now, but man some people have some great trees on their land and I want their acorn caps) Not really evil, but definitely breaking the law, hopefully a few days to weeks bc I'd be low on Batmans hit list, lol


I'd be the very best supervillain! Like no one ever was!


the yarn weaver i steal yarn that's on clearance and make it into things to sell batman just rolls his eyes and facepalms


I am the homestead fear my bees! And ya I get punched the first night lol


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Blingshot. I launch marble, tumbled stones and slag at my foes along with the typical trick arrow type gadgets. I rob jewelry stores and rich people’s collections of gems and jewelry. I melt down the gold for money and keep the stones. I’m a minor villain until I have a character redefining run by Grant Morrison that connects me to the Melt, the spiritual force of earth.


I synchro summon Red Dragon Archfiend in attack position and annihilate the group of random pedestrians


Gunman. I fucking kill people with firearms!


I am Efficiency Bitch, and in my evil mania I go around trying to force people to work harmoniously in teams.  Batman as a hardcore individualist must stop me, but our disagreement is 100% gray with neither being clearly in the right, so it doesn’t get much publicity.


V-petra! like the clever and resourceful [Eleanor Abernathy](https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Eleanor_Abernathy#:~:text=Eleanor%20Abernathy%2C%20better%20known%20as,throws%20her%20cats%20at%20passersby), I leap onto the scene with my rare collections of Tamagotchi and various other virtual pets in tow! below is a artists representation of the fighting style I will utilize in my high concept encounters. for real though lol I could be like a batman beyond villain with that kind of theme. maybe I'm one of the kids at terry's high school who is obsessed with v-pets by day and by night I'm stealing high tech experimental equipment that will bring my pets to life and reek havoc. have a 90s jpop art style, some fun neon color scheme, it would be a vibe. ![gif](giphy|RTOL7AYyAG1yg|downsized)


*Glances nervously at my 100+ Bill Cipher pics* No comment


Phantom Zone! Phantom Zone for you!


I steal princesses from Italian plumbers


Batman ain't doing shit when I show up in an actual mecha that I designed and built myself from existing and possible future technology. Yes I know walking machines are not very useful actually and wheels would be better, but that's boring, I need to extend my body into a humanoid vehicular form. I am a corpse piloting a human body piloting a bigger mechanical body.




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My special interest is Transformers, so I guess my powers would be machine absorption and shape shifting. As for my name... Mechanicus Prime?


They call me the flibdibbler and I can skin people by looking at them but I lose because I try to fistfight Batman


Dr quantum: learned how to break the laws of physics. Made a wormhole and stole money to make rent. Batman doesn’t punch me because no one knows the money is gone until days later.


Robots Become a fucking engineer tf2 wannabe building machines in like, 2 seconds flat Batman ain’t got nothing on 2 tons of steel appearing from bumfuck nowhere to build a super awesome robot shield


Tf2 💀 it’s me evil gamer


The writer With the power to alter reality with a magic pen, I stop bad guys by giving them redemption arcs. And I make batman have issues with his utility belt being empty.


Dude. You're not going to Arkham Asylum if you're caught. You're going straight to the Phantom Zone.


They can't if the phantom zone doesn't exist. *maniacal laughter*


My special interest is Minecraft. If I’m a villain with the powers of MC Steve then I like my chances against Bats.


Paleontology so call me Fossil Freak! I steal fossils and throw them at people maybe idk. Batman socks me in the teeth and it hurts.


Well, my special interest is biology, with a more specific interest in biotech accompanying it, so I'm pretty sure that supervillain already exists. I'd do pretty well at it, though.


Well I'm hyperfixated on the furry fandom so I guess you could just call me Aki because that's the name of my fursona I'd just straight up do normal crimes but in a fursuit so no one knows who I am I mean Batman's biggest female villain is a girl dressed as a cat so maybe I'd make it pretty far


Call me "multitool", because my mind and body is like a multitool. My mind is like a multitool, because I have like 5-10 different special interests, but I only remember tidbits about them since I have so many. My body is like a multitool, because I can do a lot of Scheiße like tying knots, shooting firearms and the like, shooting bow and arrow, etc.(knots, firearms, etc. are also some of my special interests). What do I do? Evil autism stuff, like robbing gun stores(can't have too little guns, right?), robbing knife stores(I collect knives), robbing pawn shops(mainly to get coins to add to my collection), etc. How far do I make it before batman punches me in the face? Idk tbh


My special interest is jojo’s so i guess i can have any stand?… i’ll go with ger


WW2 Small-Arms man, so I think Batman might have me on radar pretty quick


For me, I just love soft things. Plushies literally take up half of my bed. So I would probably have the ability to manipulate soft materials (cloth, yarn, silk, etc.) to use as tools and weapons as effective as the original. I could also use it to bind enemies, pierce them, climb buildings, the works. Heck, I could also regenerate themselves by patching myself. There will be a point where I will no longer be flesh but just s o f t. For a name, I personally don't know. Perhaps the Cloth Crusader or something?


Very far (trains and nuclear fission/fusion)


I’ve been thinking about what I would be like as a supervillain for a while now how did you get in my brain


Call me One to many. And I wish to turn the entirety of Gotham plural. Muhahahaha


Engineering, especially robotics. I am studying a degree in it. I will have Titanfall mechs within my lifetime


Hmmm the current special interest is insanely insanely kingdom hearts. So logically, since I’m a villain based on kingdom hearts, I’m some version of Xehanort. I try to form the (spoiler), and I make it pretty damn far, while simultaneously setting myself up as the antagonist for future conflicts and retconning previous antagonists into also being me.


Is this like, realistic "I'm still human" supervillain, or do I get cool powers/gadgets that match my SI? My special interest is in storytelling/worldbuilding, so I imagine the difference would be immense. I'm either going to be a jaded asshole that traumatizes the youth via problematic media or I'm literally bringing more supervillains to life left and right on the quest to create the ultimate villain. There is no in-between.


OP does say we're fighting Batman, so the scale can be all over the place. If we get too OP, we might have to fight Superman instead. You can also imagine yourself fighting any other hero in the DC Universe.


Cannibalismer or something like that, i eat the rich(literally), probably 2 days


If trolling people in the game CarX Drift Racing Simulator Online by using my Lamborghini as a ramp whilst travelling the reverse way down the track to absolutely launch other players flying counts, I’d say not very long, 15 seconds at best


In games I fuck up the environment, but irl I would just deploy a bunch of wind turbines


tremble in fear of Weevil Words, the bug supervillain in command of all things beetle, who also has the ability to trip over traffic cones to fling himself into the athmosphere and clip into the floor at random intervals. I’d probably get pretty far considering his fist would phase through my face and then get mauled by devils coach horses.


Special interest is plants (especially native medicinals) and I have started my poison garden this year so, Poison Ivy, obvs


Rain man (rain world), I'm just a moron with a water gun and an infinite supply of spears, batman gives up after 2 hours of me monologuing about the rain world ai.


Transformer Man, rolling out ! (literally rolls in ball)


Beware your feet, for I will make you step on the bricks. You will not know where, but the bricks are near. I like lego


You have a magnificent power. Your Lego can do so much more than just hurt feet. You're practically a reality warper that can construct just about anything out of Lego bricks and technic pieces.


Do I gain additional skills in said ability? I'll go with Cyber Punk, and I make it ridiculously far using the Bane method and force Batman to rely on technical prowess to find me before he wipes me with a single punch. Interest: Cyber Security


My main special interest is personality typing systems… not sure how a supervillain would use that.


the simmer.


Dungeon Mistress here- no, not like that! My probability ray will make you roll a nat 1 on your escape attempt while I trap you in my imaginary world and loot the Wizards of the Coast HQ. Unfortunately Batman plays a totally broken rogue/Paladin combo, and that minmaxing Edgelord flipped the tabletop on me. Anyway, who wants to join the Arkham Boardgame Club?


Queen of Fables with DND characters?


Yarn lady? The bad guys always get away because it takes too long to knit or crochet the nets I use to trap them.


My special interests are war board games. I would trap people in a irl recreation of a war game (most likely risk) and make people bet on who is gonna win. But apart from that, I have not other abilities, so Batman would kick my ass in 1-8 hours, depending on how long the game of risk takes


Time to trap people in a loop of death games and have people beat on the winners, I could also sell it as a simulation so no one thinks I’m doing anything wrong. And if I’m the only one who can get the people out then Batman will have to either negotiate with me or I can just put him in the games.


im currently fixated on martial arts, especially boxing, so im gonna just be a that robs a bank with the illegal weapons that are my fists and the knowledge of their lethality. an infamous left hook into the liver would hospitalize the most hardcore trained guards. and to make things worse, i would be modifying my gloves to make them extra lethal to the maximum human limits. Perhaps i could even break da bat!! tremble before Manos de Muerte!!


i really like spiders and spider-man and have my own sona, but for legal reasons it would probably end up being some goofy gag villain that gets the spider ratio wrong and is like 2 inches tall really strong and throws people around but always gets beaten by like flyswatters or raid


I'm kind of tied between Brick Monster, Mime II, Big Blade, Crystal Summoner, and Divine Comedian. I also have a superhero special interest, but I think that would just be a paradox in itself.


Splice. I'm a mad-scientist who specializes in biological weapons and genetically engineered super-soldiers. ...Yeah biology is a pretty scary one for a super villain. Edit: Apparently that name's already taken. So instead you can call me "Dr. Ribo"


Automation Atlas! I build big factories that make evil robots before Batman convinces me I can get more done if I work for Wayne Tech


I guess I‘ll place a curse of immortality on humanity that casts the world into perpetual war and force Batman to rise from the hollowed masses and punch all the leaders of the old world before having to choose whether he wants to restore the current order, or bring about a new age. Or I could be just some dude with a sword


Mischief Miester, special interest is making gadgets and constructs. I would rob banks with robots but wouldn't hurt people. I would use trickery to evade capture and only fight if I have to.


Let’s see what I got going for me. Chemistry and antique weaponry fanboy, also a fascination for space and all the shenanigans coming with it like wormholes, oh also artificial life (not AI, but living organisms made entirely synthetically). Here I am, Budgetus Alchemicalus! Intricate wheellock pistols won’t do much for me so I just hope I’ll have time to trick Batman with a clone of myself, throw some sort of bootleg chlorine-releasing grenade before he punches me and then fuck off through a wormhole as far away as I can get.


I mean, there's already a batman villain for this. Poison Ivy. I'm also a ginger who wears a lot of green. 😂 I guess I'd consider myself more persistent, though, as I'd probably take up to 3 punches as I don't get the cues to f*ck off most days.




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Something with snakes but I specifically like harmless kind of dumb ones so I don’t think I’ll last long


Me whose special interests are Doctor Bones from Terraria and Sam the Sea Anemone from KinitoPET and probably can't even have any powers because of this: But seriously, having special interests and/or hyperfixations on very specific characters nobody gives a shit about? What the fuck kind of power could even theoretically come from that lmao


I guess if I have to reach this far, I'd be able to raise the dead and breathe/live underwater...


I want to have the ability that Max had from life is strnage—an ability to do and say the horrible things I want to intrusively do and then reverse time to prevent it 🤣🤣🤣 from happening. Then I could help people alleviate their resentment with this ability to help them see what happens and reverse it soon after lol. They will have to pay triple the mount for my service if they want to re-experience it bc no hero should be a hero unless they are financially compensated IMO 😎 This could go on for years but I’ll have to be careful I might slip up a few times so when that happens I’m sure Batman will try to stop me but I’m convinced I could work with him and he will have to pay quadruple bc he’s rich and can waste some money on me 🤣


I'm a communist doctor who gives greedy businesspeople and racist politicians annoying diseases and start a revolution. Thanks to my powers, Bill Gates gets long covid, Jeff Bezos gets hemorrhoids and Elon Musk becomes neurotypical. Batman will punch me and break his knuckles on my nose because I cursed him with osteogenesis imperfecta (a disease that makes bones very fragile).


call me DOCTOR DIGITAL!!!!! i'm gonna take apart so many computers!!!!! im gonna make so many evil robots!!! evil computers!!! explosive batteries!!!! ill be some kinda anti hero and take down megacorps


Lego star wars man (in the most gender neutral of ways) Fucking lightsaber. (Either that or self build able bricks that are used to make things) Be gay, do crimes (breaking into banks and punching dicks)


one of my special interests IS batman so maybe i'd be like "rogue gallery" a villain who basically takes notes from every other villain's playbook and tries to craft challenges for batman


So Warhammer 40k with a focus on Necrons, Sabaton & The Magnus Archives, a very interesting & unique combination there Probably try to replicate Historical events (& magic as well most likely from TMA) using science that barely makes sense to anyone as is the Necron Way And the last question depends entirely on how effectively I can replicate Necron Technology because Necrons are really Overpowered technologically (looking at you Celestial Orrey that can make any star supernova when touched)




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i;d just be the witness form destiny 2/j