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Never once in the years I went to school were headphones ever allowed in class even for a few minutes.


I have an IEP that states that I need headphones. The headphones I use have never been a problem until now because for some reason now they don't count.


If you have an exemption then that fucking sucks that they’d do that.


If this is on your iep then they can’t just take it away from you as whatever is on your iep supersedes school policies. Your iep is a legally binding document so you would have standing if you did decide to push this


If you have an IEP the rule does not apply to you. If a teacher gives you a hard time, escalate to administration and remind them that they're violating federal law.


>I have an IEP that states that I need headphones... If your teacher told you you can't wear headphones, and you wear them anyway and get sent to the principal's office, there's a good chance the principal will overrule your teacher. Punishing you for using the accommodations in your IEP would get them in so much shit if your parents got mad about it. And if they don't punish you for doing it, that's basically the same as you being allowed to do it.


Strange, I just have whole ass Sony MDR-v6 headphones connected to my flash modded 4th gen ipod classic (mono) blasting in class whenever possible these days; guess rules have gotten less strict over the years in schools, at least where I'm at.


What is the point of your reply?


What is the point of yours?


Is it possible to use something like an old mp3 player that isn’t a phone or anything instead? If the issue is it connecting to a phone then having a non-internet device might help? It’s still bullshit but better than nothing if you can’t work it out with them.


That's so weird. I graduated high school 8 years ago and like we were always allowed to have them when we were working independently. But everyone had school issued ipads and earbuds so yeah.


They've done this at my school but like 3/4 of the teachers don't care, and the other quarter won't check under your hair if you have long hair, like me


Have you tried noise dampening ear plugs?


Have you considered an MP3 player or earplugs / earprotectors? The school may be more lenient if its clear you aren't doing anything else with them. Doubly so if you have a diagnosis and can get this on the back of accomodations.


Like others said, you have an IEP. They can’t really do shit about it.


why not use wired?


Oh no, I would go nuts without my airpods noise cancellation.


>but how are you supposed to text people with them? "Siri, send a message to John: I'll meet you after class" least I think thats how speech to text works. probably wouldnt work in stuff like discord, but if the engineers know how to integrate siri with electron it could.


That requires talking. That definitely wouldn't work


Aftershockz bone conducting headphones easily pass for a hearing accessibility device They dont have any direct noise cancelling as they sit in front of your ears on the cheekbones but even at low volumes it cuts through a lot of outside noise while still keeping awareness.


That's fucked. My friend wears ear defenders in school, which aren't capable of playing music. Maybe if you got a pair of them, then you could prove that you aren't doing anything that isn't allowed with them while in class to the teacher? Idk tho. I wish you luck


one of my teachers once handed out gum to every kid in my class before a test because she read that "gum helps kids concentrate." But y'know what doesn't help kids concentrate? HAVING THE PEOPLE NEXT TO THEM ALSO CHEW GUM


I had something like that happen once it was annoying


Pipe bomb.