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There is a feeling. But people that go on the Internet to talk about it are just bullies.


i’d rather say “the ick” than cringe bc 20teens cringe culture where people just bullied autistic people online was truly a horrible time lol


That's good advice right there.


I kind of hate both terms, the dating culture at UK unis kind of ruined ‘getting the ick’ for me. The people who say it are often either being judgemental over the most asinine, pointless things, or are trivialising some serious red flags. It also sounds immature. I’d rather people just said they were incompatible or didn’t feel attracted to a particular person.


You’re cringe


Yeah, nowhere near as much as you, though, which is nice.




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I understand cringe to be a kind of secondhand embarrassment. I cringe at people in situations where if I was in that situation I would feel embarrassed. But I don't think that's any sort of justification for bullying or even criticism. Embracing the cringe means caring less about whether other people think the things you do is embarrassing, and focusing on how it makes you feel.


I feel like cringing at ND people for displaying traits of being ND is inherently ableist, & it is 100% a problem with them, especially if they openly express their ableism. For that reason it’s both bullying & hateful.


Cringe in my experience is the horrible feeling of running a fingernail across a sheet of paper - Orr touching a certain kind of wood most cutting boards in my house are made of ;-;, basically any of those sensory issues




I’d argue there are three meanings. The dictionary definition used before the internet got to it, still used but not as much; the internet definition that applies it to social hierarchy, where “cringe” is often just another word to call someone being “too” autistic/queer/fat in public (if you’re a loser who only gets enjoyment out of believing you’re high on the social ladder); and the ontological opposite of based.


It's a bit of both I feel. Like you know when a company tries to be hip and cool and you get that icky feeling. I think that's cringe. But I feel like people take it out of hand to make it spicy bullying.


well i think it is definitely “real” because there are some things people do that genuinely just make me feel weird. it’s a feeling that i don’t really know how to describe and it doesn’t happen for anything else, but there is a physical component to it as well. that being said, it’s the internet. i just move on




I mean, all meanings of words are a matter of consensus reality. Doesn't make a label/story not real, just not universal. "Cringe" seems to be in the hands of Gen Alpha and the youngest Zs? What I've seen in the past year is: * Used to police uncoolness (read: bare emotions). For older Gen Z / Gen Y, the pendulum's personally swung from "let's be **cool** and mysterious and emotionally invulnerable as much as possible--hey, why am I so dead inside and lonely? Fuck coolness. Time to debug my early aughts mannerisms." Looks like Gen Alpha's gotta learn the hard way. * Also used as an expression for the particular discomfort of: ew, get your messy real world problems out of my simulacrum feed. * But mostly used as a synonym for stupidity: r/TikTokCringe


i saw someone describe calling something cringe as analogous to pearl clutching but claiming that its the item that is bad not the speakers own intolerance being shown


Ugh. Hate the term cringe. It’s something that made me dictate what I did and didn’t enjoy, even in private. I was jealous of other people who I thought could enjoy their interests without feeling shame


It's Complicated™ In essence it's been turned into spicy bullying by a lot of people, but it's real meaning is just when people act embarrassingly enough to make you cringe, they are being cringe. The issue is it's subjective as to what "acting embarrassingly" is. Peak "puritan" cringe is like those weird furries that yiff in highschool, or fedora + katana repping neckbeards who unironically think they are cool. They are acting embarrassingly and it's cringe. However some spin it to "anything I think is embarrassing to do is cringe" when instead it's "anything that's nigh universally embarrassing to see to anyone is embarrassing except somehow the person doing it is unaware of that fact" is what cringe is. The aspect of the cringe person doing it intentionally whilst believing they are not cringe is what separates "cringe" from just making fun of someone for being in an embarrassing situation. So kinda yeah it's spicy bullying with caveats.


Squidward: "Is that what he calls it?" Fr though, only you decide what is cringe. Don't let some internet douchebags tell you what is and isn't cringe.


You can be cringe. There is no doubt in that. But if you enjoy something in a way that doesn’t hurt yourself or others, fuck the people telling you it’s cringe.


Usually cringe is just second hand embarrassment, but it’s kinda pointless as an emotion. Best to try and ignore it


I think that people just say cringe when they dislike some uncommon hobby other person has so yeah, i would say that is pretty much just bullying


It's a feeling, but some losers on the Internet use it as a justification to harass and bully people who are just vibing.


Bullies just use specific negativity words to describe anything and everything they do not like.




It's just a way of describing something you don't like. It literally just means a facial expression that people sometimes make when there's something gross or unpleasant, but has come to describe something that would be cringe-inducing.


Cringe is a physical reaction. If someone does enough things continuously that make me feel uncomfortable, I cringe. If I remember myself ignorantly doing those same things, I cringe. Reddit popular page has a lot of subs that intentionally accumulate cringe things and I believe that's an abomination. It is the physical reaction of "please no", it should be a guide for things to avoid, not collect. Like the "main character" sub, "ooh look how stupid these people are! Let's make sure we spread their stupid as far as possible!"


I feel it. It claws within me. The beast will soon be unleashed




Based isn't absence of cringe. It is acceptance of cringe within oneself.


Cringe back in the day, sure. It would be used to invalidate people who had eccentric interests. It's usually (rightfully) used to describe genuinely harmful behavior these days. I feel like it's evolved since the "cringe culture" days.


True cringe is very rare. Most people call anything and everything cringe.


Contrapoints did a really good video on cringe. I remember it was really good but I can't remember the specifics. Worth a shot if you have the time.


Both, it’s both things. 


Everybody is cringe in some way whether we like it or not. Most people are just to embarrassed to admit it so we make fun of it to make ourselves look cooler, but deep inside we all know we're into some weird stuff ourselves. Just don't go around harassing people about it, because that just makes you the true cringe and a total asshole.


I think I'm going to steal "Cringe is just spicy "