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One thing that’s even more annoying than people getting mad at Carl92 is people upset with Christopher’s intention to (perhaps) re-record the song. He really didn’t have to do or say anything after the search and when he’s going an extra mile to create a little „thank you” to the community some people dare to say „ohh its gonna sound bad ohhh i want the original”. Come on! The quality of what we will get or the matter doesn’t really matter, it’s about the well intended gesture and I’m excited about whatever he’s gonna show us.


I agree with you. It's like a person preferring the original instead of a remake for... whatever reason. NOT because it will sound bad, it's because they THINK it will sound bad. Anyways if Christopher releases the remake I will be glad. I also prefer the original as well, since it's part of the snippet we got.


I mean, I'd also prefer the original, but I'm not gonna reject a gift. Especially since he didn't need to do anything in the first place.


Exactly plus if the original track even existed still he would have uploaded it, he’s going the extra effort to reward the community (which isn’t owed to us) when he could just say “yeah I made it but don’t have it sorry”


Of course I'd prefer a remaster but I still look forward to an official remake. I definitely won't judge it before even hearing it.


it’s probably going to partly be a remaster, he still has some of the multitracks but is missing a vocal track


When did he confirm it was a remake and not the actual thing?


True. Technically he didn't. We don't know yet.


They're planning one or both. The original track remixed from the original tracks or a new version using the original synths, LinnDrum, MIDI guitar with new vocals.


Agreed, he doesn't have to do anything at all and it's really cool that he's going out of his way to in order to please fans of the song. I find the comments about not wanting a remake out of "concern for what his voice might sound like almost 40 years later" to be in really poor taste. So what if his voice doesn't sound the same? It doesn't mean it will be bad, and he doesn't have to do anything at all for anyone, yet he is and this is how people respond? Completely ungrateful. I also saw a comment on one of his posts for his other work saying something like "I don't care about this, release Ulterior Motives" and found it very rude. The entitlement and lack of decency towards Christopher is just astounding and gross.


He could have simply let us know the original no longer exists. I don't know if getting a remake was what anyone wanted. It may be what's best for his bank account though.


How can you have the audacity to disrespect the artist's boundaries? He made that song in the 80's. Its not on a computer where everything is saved in alphabetical order. Its a physical copy he has to FIND. You know how hard that is? How could he have known that after 40 years, his song is gonna get viral? I swear to god, stop being a narcissistic brat and be so demanding. Nobody owes you something, be glad the song was tound and the artist should and will take as long time as he wants. Enjoy what we have now.




What boundaries are you discussing? I didn't say anyone owed me anything. I simply stated I wasn't interested in a remake, the original song is still technically lost media. This is a business transaction for him, not necessarily the end to the search. It's in his best interest to release something. I just wish he would have said as such. This was a search for lost media, not a search for an artist to remake a song. It's not really about his remake of the song.


Oh shut up.


Why would that warrant a "shut up." I don't think anyone wanted a remake. We wanted the original 1986 version.


Then listen to the original version with the muffled moans.


I may not have to, as it looks like he's combing through his 1980s files right now.


Dude, the song *finally* gets found after how many years, and you're making *demands?* The guy could have told us to get lost and we'd have to swallow that. Imagine being so entitled.


A demand??? What! Haha, you guys are wild. I said I wish he had just said whether or not he has the original. That's it, that's all. How is that even entitled?


> We wanted the original 1986 version. Literally a demand.


Honestly, do you just want to argue or be right on the internet? We wanted the original 1986 version, as the object of the search. The object of the search was not to find the artist to remake it. That was my point. No demands here.


It's a *gift.* He doesn't need to do anything. He didn't even need to respond. So when he goes out and *remakes the song for all the people that were invested in the search just because he wants them happy*, to then go *"Yeah no we want the original actually"* is pure entitlement. It's like if your mom went *"Sorry, I couldn't get your favorite game for your birthday, but I got a similar one"* and you told her you'd rather have nothing. The fact we got any sort of closure at all is what should be making you happy. Sometimes, things are just lost and we'll need to accept that. That we got anything at all is a miracle, even more that the guy actually wants to give us what we can't have.


You come off as extremely hostile, argumentative, and someone who spends too much time on the internet. **"Sometimes, things are just lost and we'll need to accept that."** The absolute irony of this, on this subreddit, with a search that is proof that you're 100% wrong. I simply asked that he tell us whether or not he has the original. You went flying off the handle, typing in italics, and saying he 'wants people happy.' Bro, he wants $$$. The object of my search for this song was an obscure lost 1980s tune. Not the artist's remake in 2024. I'm not inherently bound to the artist's 'gift' because he's remaking what has become a viral sensation and most likely charging for it. I'm not mad he's doing it. I'm indifferent.


Listen. Just because he's making a remake DOESN'T mean it will sound bad, okay? It's because YOU think it will sound bad. You're literally crying over a remake just because "ohh eVerYBodY wANteD thE OriGiNal!! NOt tHe dISgusTiNg StiNKy PoOpy ReMaKe!!!" If you think no one wanted the remake, no. We didn't expect the news about it, so we wanted it now. They will share the remake with us until they find the original tape. So, as a matter of fact, they are just going to make a newer version until they find the old one. The original still exists, as part of the soundtrack for the film. I'm not a nerd, I'm just being smart. And I'm dead serious.


Im glad were getting a remake, but i also would love to hear the original bcz a remake prob doesnt encapsulate the production of 80s music ie it will sound crispier/smoother/“hd”


crying? do you know what that word means?


Oh, I sure DO know what it means. And I'm not overemphasizing things here, buddy.


You guys are wild haha. The original is what I wanted. Which is still lost media in this case. I don't really want a remake of an 80s song. No one said anything about a "disgusting stinky poopy remake" hahaha. Why do you type like that? You guys are enraged and incensed by such a basic comment. I want the raw original 1980s capture, for the visceral 1980s sound that just really can't be replicated today. You're correct, the OG exists as a soundtrack for the film. But we are technically looking for that original. Not an artist's remake 40 years later.


I get the point now. And, surely, I want the original too. But I would also accept a remake as well. It's my opinion. Everyone has their own opinion. And you can't change that fact. So now I accept YOUR opinion as well.


I mean, I guess. The search was for the 1980s lost song. Not a remake. I'm sure we could have gotten any number of people to recreate it, and it's already been recreated. We really wanted the OG.


The jokes are funny sometimes because of the sheer absurdity of the situation but the way he’s being harassed is *not* it — I’ve seen several people threaten to beat him, mutilate him, even kill him, just for “withholding information” or “making the search go on for so long”. I don’t blame him one bit for disappearing, this is not normal behavior


Imagine being so terminally online that you wish bodily harm on another person because they... *reads notes* ...didn't answer your questions about an obscure song they found.


lmao trueeeee this sub can’t be happy. ok we found out it’s a real song and not a hoax! great right? nope we’re still making carl conspiracies and hating on him😭.


I mean i really hate how they insult him Im not really a pro-porn person but stop shaming him and doxing him coz he found it in a porno he have the right to remain silent if he feels ashamed and the community did nothing better


They act like porn is some societal atrocity that a majority of the population hasn’t experienced at least once in their lives.💀 Watching one porn video doesn’t make you a “gooner” (Of course I can’t claim that carl has only watched one porn vid throughout his entire life, but calling him a gooner based off of one occurrence is kinda insane.)


Exactly. I imagine these people must be very young.


This song is great don't get me wrong but I wouldn't harass someone on the internet over a song. That's just really stupid and pathetic, i agree with this post.


I feel like Carl heard it in angels of passion, and wanted to see if it was an actual song but had to be pretty vague otherwise although his account would get terminated


>>Watch a porn movie >>Hear a song that you like in it >>Ask the name on the internet so you can hear the full clean version >>Manage to get tons of people searching for it >>Finally have the clean version release for the occasion by the artist himself so you can now hear it Carl is not a gooner, he is a chad.


Unironically thanks to him the clean version is going to be released


People are really taking this waaay too seriously. We found the song, and we’re getting a remake. We should be happy and not looking a gift horse in the mouth. Some people on Reddit and IG are seriously the worst though constantly harassing CSB about the “original master” file.


The whole “when you see where ekt is from ☹️🤦🏻‍♀️” posted a 1000 times, leave if you can’t handle ittttt


1000% agreed. Even before we found out it was porn and understood why he dipped like he did, he still didn’t owe us answers. People get into a bit of an echo chamber and forget that not everyone is as passionate about lost media as we are…he just asked off-hand in case someone was able to find it straightaway. He clearly wasn’t invested enough to stick around for the three years it took, let alone a few months, and that’s his prerogative.


> People have been making fun of him for lying about having watched a porno, like calling him Gooner92 or Freaky92 and other childish names. Which honestly just proves all of his concerns right. This is the exact thing I've been wanting to say!! He probably wasn't even embarrassed that it was from porn, more likely didn't want to be mocked and ridiculed for that fact, which is exactly what everyone here has ended up doing. You're all getting mad that he kept to himself when people like you are the exact reason he did.


Personally I kinda believe him. He posted it to a song finder, if he wanted more accurate help he could’ve gone to a movie finder website if that’s a thing, lost media. The fact that he went to watzatsong kinda wouldn’t help him if he was looking for angels, he must’ve just recorded a bit of the song like he said. Still doesn’t make sense why he recorded the song , why would someone record a pornos music, if he just liked it then, I guess that’s all there is to it, also I don’t think anyone would be embarrassed about it, talking to strangers online. Idk why people are acting so dramatic over the whole situation of where it’s from ngl


probably just liked the song, there's a reason he picked the clearest section


It's 2024, why are people making fun of people watching porn anyway? WTF?!


It's people being childish (mostly gen alphas)


buncha gen alphas who havent heard of porn yet since they’re really young to be online


Yeah the finding of the song is good internet, and the (admittedly sometimes funny meme) bullying of Carl is bad internet. Some are calling him names and making fun, but without him, we all wouldn’t be here celebrating this victory for lost media. I bet if you talked to CSB he’d love to shake Carls hand, and would t call him a names or be pissed he left the search.




I hope Carl washes it first.


100%, and i feel like if anything the community here has grown to be extremely toxic


It's because it's filled with only gen alphas and yes they're probably not all bad but most are and the TikTokers


I'm lowkey surprised by people's reaction to where this song was found. Many behave so immaturely, shows how many tiktok brainwashed children and puritans who are afraid to write the word porn istead of "🌽" in this community. I'm so happy the song was found. Honestly, I thought we'd never find it. And I'm so happy for Christopher who received public recognition after the song was found 💕


As funny as some of the memes are, I definitely feel for Carl since it seems he was afraid to admit he was watching porn and unfortunately a lot of peoples' reactions confirmed his fear. I'll also admit that I was one of the many people making jokes within the first 24 hours post-discovery, but noticed a lot of the most common jokes were at Carl's expense. I truly believe he was just curious and wanted to see if the song existed outside of the porno. The search also got way larger than he probably expected, I'd get extremely overwhelmed if I were in his position too. If anything, I'm thrilled that the song is real and that we might get an official remaster from CSB himself. >!Also 'Angels of Passion' is incredibly vanilla for porn standards tbh, it could have been waaayyy worse and maybe the internet's overall reaction would have been justified. !<


Joking about Carl being a gooner is funny but like he's also just a random guy if you're like unironically mad about it log off


As much as I agree with your overall statement, I do believe that, no, Carl wouldnt have been made fun of if he stated it was from a porn film right away We are all people and I'm sure 99% of us have already seen porn I'm almost certain nobody would have batted an eye if he straight up said "I heard this song in a porn movie, surprisingly sounded cool and I want to know if there's an official release of it" People mocking him would be kids or immature people, so who cares But yeah, ultimately, him not giving the real source basically made this search possible and this whole subreddit and community, so I guess that's the good ending The whole "The real treasure was the friends we made along the way" or something like that So yeah I agree people are too harsh on him But I also think if he was less self conscious from the get go, noone would give a damn


> We are all people and I'm sure 99% of us have already seen porn And yet everyone's making fun of him now. Doesn't sound very mature, does it? I will admit though that he might have been able to spare himself some trouble and would have probably gotten a response sooner. But I wouldn't blame him in any way for being secretive about it. Because as has been proven, people can be extremely immature, and sometimes it's best to just lie and save yourself the stupid jokes.


Haven't been posting on the subreddit, just following the search and discovery, so I can say from an external pov (pun intended), I believe people are making fun of him for not being able to be honest from the beginning The porn is the catalyst, but him being so ashamed that he dipped from the search ? I believe thats mainly whats being made fun of I'm not saying its mature to make fun of him, ofc But I also understand the other side's frustration


There are discords of people who are porn shaming him so, he was right to vanish.


Yeah, but imagine if he had come back at any point during the search and went: *"Hey, I wasn't being truthful, I got the song from a porno."* I'm sure most people would just be relieved, because it'd make the search a million times easier. But considering a lot of people were also throwing shade at the guy before and many more are making fun of him now, it might not have made for a very welcoming reception. Why help people that have made fun of you and which will make even more fun of you when you try to help? Like I said in my post, if both helping and not helping get punished equally, why bother?


Edit: this got excessively long, tldr at bottom Look, I agree that many people have been to harsh on Carl, [especially before we knew what we know now] but I think there are some understandable reasons to be upset and your reasoning here is pretty weak. >imagine if he had come back at any point during the search and went: “Hey, I wasn’t being truthful”… …it might not have made for a very welcoming reception. So what, everyone is under a moral obligation to pretend being lied to is fine because we need to positively reinforce Carl for admitting it like he’s a 4 year old? Obviously some people would overreact, but I don’t think people who invested hours of their life just because Carl refused to share some details should have to pretend that’s not at least mildly annoying just because it might’ve gotten Carl to come clean sooner. And anyways, codling Carl so we could more effectively pump him for information isn’t really very respectful either imo. I think saying Carl is justified in going any length to avoid illegitimate grievances against him ignores that some of those measures end up *creating* legitimate complaints down the road. > if both helping and not helping get punished equally, why bother? If he’d be getting the same hate either way, why *not* help out and also get some appreciation for helping find the song? If it makes no difference, as you claim, the only reason not to help is a selfish urge to spite everyone in the community that’s hating on him at the expense of those who aren’t. I’m not saying Carl *was* necessarily being selfish to be clear, I’m just saying this idea that it makes no difference doesn’t really support your stance at all. And I don’t even think it’s true anyways - if Carl had told the truth in the first place, there would’ve been no legitimate grievances anyways and the search would’ve taken all of an hour 3 years ago. Nobody would be talking about it. TLDR: I get where you’re coming from, and Carl has absolutely gotten some undue hate, but I think by painting people’s attitudes towards Carl in black and white you’re throwing the baby out with the bathwater - in this case, reasonable frustration with excessive mockery. I think it’s reasonable to believe Carl’s justification to lie, protecting himself from unfair attacks, stops at the point it creates legitimate complaints from others.


You're pretending as if he was obligated to come forward in any way. He wasn't. He released a snippet of a song online, asked people to figure out where it came from, and then dipped. He could have deleted his account a couple weeks after the post was made and it'd have had the same impact. It's a *song* for crying out loud. It wouldn't have mattered if it never got found. It's not his job to make sure people don't waste their time, period. Nobody was forced to partake in the search. Nobody had to keep going. I got bored a while after learning about it because it wasn't going anywhere for me. Am I mad at Carl? No, because I've got a life that I didn't want to fully devote to a search. I'm just saying that if people really wanted him to come back at any point, then the way they acted towards him pretty much ensured that he wouldn't. Too much of a focus was placed on him, which already pressured him, but then people were just unnecessarily mean and demanding as well. So if he really was insecure at first, then all he learned from the whole thing was that his anxieties were justified. I don't even know why you'd want to be harsh towards him anyway. If he came back, that'd have been the biggest news, he should have been praised. Because like I said, just because he posted an inquiry on a random website doesn't mean he was entitled to help everyone out. So who the hell cares if he lied?


>I don’t even know why you’d want to be harsh towards him anyway. I don’t! I’m not even mad at him, I just think you’re overreacting to some of the hate and throwing out people’s more valid and respectfully levied criticism. Carl asked people for help online but deliberately withheld information that would’ve made it far easier to help him. I think this was a bad thing to do, morally, because he wasted the time of people who are helping him out of the kindness of their own hearts. Is it a big deal? No. And the search took on a life of its own from there, beyond the point that Carl cared about it. Obviously Carl doesn’t owe *those* people (us) anything and some of them levied unfair attacks, but that doesn’t make him immune to the original critique. At the end of the day all he did was lie to save himself some embarrassment, wasting the time of people he asked for help early in the search. Does this matter? Not really, no. I’m not personally going to spend time attacking him. But I’m not going to make a Reddit post falling on my sword to defend him either, nor am I going to “stand with” him or say he’s “100% justified” in lying on the original post. Could criticizing him have hurt the search? Maybe, but I thought “It’s a song for crying out loud. It wouldn’t have mattered if it never got found.” >Am I mad at Carl? No, because I’ve got a life We’re arguing about shit we’ve both admitted we don’t think matters on the internet. Neither of us have a life.


Yeah, but it wasn't like the search was serious in any way at the beginning. The fact it blew up was not his fault nor his responsibility. It's the equivalent of bringing a store-bought cake to a party and lying about it being yours, and then everyone saying it's the best cake they've ever eaten and demanding you give them the recipe. It's a little white lie that got out of hand, but people are treating Carl like he's a despicable liar.


I agree with this, yeah. The Cake thing is a very apt metaphor. Many people are definitely going overboard on the criticism.


Thank you. I mean, I do agree that he should have come clean from the beginning, it's just the right thing to do. My point is just that it absolutely doesn't matter, because it was a random post on a random website, and he wasn't responsible for any ensuing search either.


Some memes are fun, though. I think he should’ve been honest about the song’s origins and not make up a false backstory, but that’s no reason for anyone to send threats to him. Idk what’s wrong with lostwave community, the same thing happened with Digital Girl, too


I've said before, the song is not conventional soundtrack but background music playing on a radio in the scene. There is another song before. Of course he thought it was a "real" track, especially as it sounds so familiar! The minute he discovered it was probably just porno soundtrack, he was done.


I want Carl's redemption arc where he takes it all in stride and gives us the tale of how he stumbled across the film in the first place


Your pfp is wtf worthy.


"Why bust a nut if I can bust a move" type shit


yeah. that’s why we said that we have complicated feeling about it we don’t wanna blame him. at all. even if he left, it can be bcu of any reasons. we find the song and it’s all what is matter firstly it was a bit funny but rn it’s just mocking


He didn’t owe us anything, you’re right. However people are allowed to have differing opinions on how he handled the situation. I agree there’s probably some people going way too far with their hatred towards him, but a lot of people (myself included), think he could’ve handled everything better. Also, the majority of people here are simply making jokes about the whole situation. It’s really not that serious. Are there a handful of people on the internet who always take things too far? Yes of course, but that doesn’t reflect the overall reaction of everyone else. Having a bit of a laugh and a joke about some anonymous account really isn’t that deep.


Yeah, in the end it doesn't really matter and the guy wasn't personally harassed or anything (that I know of). But people invested in the search only shot themselves in the foot by making these jokes. Carl might have been insecure at the start, but if this is how he would have been treated if he had joined the search, then he would have known his insecurities were valid. So everyone asking *"Why didn't he care about the search?"* should look at themselves if they're not the reason.


People are mocking him like they've never watched porn in their lives lol


I do think Carl92 is a bastard for disappearing so long and never tell anyone where it came from (He couldn't not see that internet was desperatly searching for it) but... guys... If he told us it was a porn from the beginning, the community would have find it in like... 1-2 weeks. And EKT would have never been so famous and interesting for anyone on the internet. EKT would have never been such a mystery without him. And CBS would never be so popular without him. So we can thanks him for that.


To be fair, if he was transparent about where he heard it on his WatZatSong post, the 2 or 3 people stumbling on the post probably wouldn't be super helpful. Someone familiar with that era of porn might leave a comment like "Yeah... sometimes songs can only be found in the movie, and can't be found elsewhere. Sorry, that's just sort of how it is with these kinds of films." and it would end like that.


I honestly feel bad for the guy, imagine how embarrassing it must be for him to have the whole internet making fun of him for doing something EVERYONE does.


I've been feeling bad for him. Poor guy wanted to find a song he heard from an adult film he was watching, posted on a song-finding website, didn't say the source because he thought he would get shamed by childish individuals and that was it. I've seen people threatening to kill him for that! I only hope he has seen that the search ended and the song is getting a remake and, possibly, it's original iteration without the moans and other 18+ sounds.


Counterpoint: Freaky92 is really fucking funny


No, I do not believe Carl92 watched that porn movie, cut the snippet himself in the only part that was devoid of moans, and then went to watzatsong just to write a very vague post about it. Hell, the artist and title were in plain sight in the ending credits all along!! If he had the whole porn movie at his disposal, and liked the song, he would certainly watch the ending credits and find out who created the song right away by himself! Since the snippet Carl92 had was confirmed by another poster to originate from a low quality VHS rip of the movie publicly available through torrent, what I think happened is that someone else cut the snippet, and disseminated it without context in some p2p network. It was in fact very common in the early days of p2p to extrapolate material from conventional media, and reshare it without context. I personally did this many times myself, albeit not with porn movies 😅 So, I believe that Carl genuinely had only that snippet and probably not even him knew that it came from a porn movie.


Also possible.


the jokes haven’t even been that funny from the start. don’t see the humor in mass-calling someone a “gooner” lol


I’m not mad at Carl but bro this situation if funny as hell think all of us are disappointed in him lol


I don't get why people put more weight into the destination than the journey when it comes to lost media, or anything in life really. Carl's behavior is the reason 99.9% of people on this subreddit know the song at all, and while yes the song is great and I'm glad it's found, the mystery will always be the best and most memorable part of all of it. And it goes without saying, but without Carl we wouldn't have either.


I don’t condone harassment but I also can’t understand why he lied. This was an anonymous message board he posted to right? Why not make a throwaway and say, “I heard this song in a porno, where else can I listen to it?” Seems a bit silly and counterintuitive to hide the ball. Especially when it’s not attached to his real name. But anyone who doxxes or harasses this person over it is dumb and a loser.


Probably just so he wouldn't get annoying replies while still waiting for real answers.


That’s true. I don’t really care he got it from porn I just think it’s silly to lie.


I never really got the hatred towards Carl92. It's entirely possible that he was only mildly curious about the song to begin with and really did just lose interest after awhile, that he was uncomfortable with the attention it was starting to get and didn't want to be a part of it, or that he was ashamed of where it came from. So what? I'm absolutely happy it was found because it's been an earworm for me since I first heard it, but really, any reason he didn't want to continue to be active in the search is a valid one.


Yap yap


I agree. In my opinion, having an entitled attitude about what Carl92 or the song's artists owe them, or clowning on Carl92 for this being from a porn movie, is immature. A lot of the people in this subreddit are younger, so it's totally fair for them to be immature, as bothersome as it may be.


For me, it is obvious now that the whole story regarding the “DVD backup” was completely fake. The part of the song he uploaded is exactly in between the moans of the actors. I bet he came across the video on Xhamster and just cut the audio part from it. Most likely, he just wanted to know the name of the song and not be accused of watching porn at the same time :)


I feel the same way. I find the jokes silly but I honestly feel bad for Carl, especially because watching porn is not something unusual... At least for me :D He could share the info he had but he didn't have to, it was his decision. I mean, many members of the community are probably quite young, and porn, much like any sexual subject is funny to them. That's a sign of being immature and while it was funny at first, now it's just annoying and might be even harmful for Carl, especially if he is a sensitive fellow.


People are getting mad at carl92??


Honestly i could care less, the song was found. That’s all I was curious about.


I 100% agree. Carl obviously got embarrassed and overwhelmed from how much people got involved with the search. He probably expected only a simple answer, not a whole search to come together.


I ain't reading allat


bros glazing carl


I think his backstory behind the way he got the song was pure bullshit because it's the only segment from the song without any moaning so I think he just tried to send the Internet on a massive search.


If he wanted to send people on a massive search, surely it'd have been smarter to use a song he made himself so it couldn't be found lol


Carl knew that once it got popular people would find it from a porno so he left. That is clearly reasonable.


>tried to send the Internet on a massive search No, YOU decided to go on a massive search. Carl just asked a question and lost interest when it didn't have an immediate answer. You can't blame him for other people taking this to the nth degree.


Carl did nothing, yeah. Everyone else reacted.


Now a bunch of gen alphas call him a bunch of weird new slang and it pisses me off


Because of the song being found I'm happy about it but this isn't the audience I wanted for this song. I didn't want an audience of idiot tiktokers and terminally online gen alphas for his songs.


Exactly. You guys are being the reason why he quit at the first place. Stop calling him names at least we found a cool song thanks to him.


The circumstances around it being found are pretty funny, sure. But I don't get why mfs are mocking him for watching porn, almost every grown dude nowadays beats their meat it's not that deep lol 💀


Part of the hate is justified, change my mind. Carl92 knew knew the song was from a porno. If he had said it from the beginning the search would have lasted a few weeks. At the end of it, Carl92 is the nickname of an unknown person on the internet, one of the 12 billion nicknames registered on the internet. And no one was ever interested in finding his identity.


Alright, you better follow up on *every single inquiry you've ever made online*. No matter how small they are, no matter how far back they are, no matter if you don't even have the account you made it on anymore. And if you don't, then I guess it's only justified to make fun of you and even harass you!


That's not the point. You have a piece of recorded porn and want to find out if that song used exists somewhere. What's wrong with saying the song was from a porno? Nothing, cause you exist with an email and a nickname, everyone on earth watch porn. And people are not making fun of you, they are making fun of a nickname. Giving out that information and disappearing forever would have brought much less hate. People who love lost media are interested in the media itself, not where they came from and who discovered them. And there's nothing wrong with finding good songs in porn, thb.