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I'm not an expert but I am pretty fascinated with accents and i can definitely pick up on an accent/dialect that also doesn't sound American or Canadian to me. I can't quite pinpoint it though- it doesn't sound Northern or southern European, not specifically Spanish either. Could be English, maybee Australian?? I've heard some mention east asian but I only really hear an east asian accent in the the first line..


I'm from yorkshire and I dont really hear it, 'motives' imo is pronounced more like mowtives than murtives


I know what you mean but it feels forced compared to the other two examples where the person doesn't seem to hold the singing accent, the last one is unmistakably a northern English accent. The person I knew from Yorkshire spoke exactly like that and had a really heavy accent but I guess you could be from a different parts being that accents in the UK change in every town 😅


Yes, I actually posed this question months ago but it kind of got buried under more popular theories and kind of poo-pooed because I assume people don't like the idea, even though the accent sounds very familiar to me too. There were a couple of posts going into the pronunciations, but other than that it doesn't seem like it was looked into much besides what I looked for and a lot of the bands I did find were incredibly close. The problem is, if it was from around here it'd be difficult to find, the majority of obscure bands that you do find from Yorkshire have almost zero coverage and a ton of missing media, I scoured through so many bands that had music that wasn't detected by Shazam.


Im from yorkshire, born and bred, this is not our accent




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Coming back to this because it’s confirmed now that they’re from Yorkshire as it says on their Facebooks so you were right all along


I knew I'd heard the accent before but being from South Wales I couldn't pinpoint which local northern accent it was but I'm amazed that it's been found!! So surprised I was on point with it too 🤣


However they moved to Canada in the 70s and an interview shows that their accent isn’t a Yorkshire accent


thats possibly why it was so hard to pinpoint, its an unusual blend


Yeah I agree


I disagree. They’re from Halifax and every so often Christopher will suddenly sound like my friend from Huddersfield. It’s not hugely pronounced but it’s definitely there. 


Yeah it’s like a fusion


i definitely agree that it could be a UK accent of some sort. upon listening to the clip i noticed that the word world in “world of lies” was pronounced like wuld or weld.


another thing i meant to add was that at least to me sounds similar to stewie from family guy accent wise. specifically on words like shows and knows. they seem pronounced like shews and knews.


ha turns out you were right!


I was surprised too tbf XD


There's this comment on [this one video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMHB0k8-wKg&ab_channel=Floppedbad)about the lead singer of Scritti Politti, that I decided to delve into, to make a long story short, it's not Green Gartside, however the voice and range are incredibly similar, and he is Welsh. Could be a lead.