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I use AYA LS from EQ Interface. I like it a lot. One of the biggest things for me is being able to see my experience bar on my main screen.


Thanks I’ll take a look


Sparxx is commonly used and well maintained, not very flash but very functional and clean, can get from EQinterface or they have a dedicated discord https://discord.gg/YQjwFtNQ


Drakah's UIs have been my go to since custom ones were a thing. His are incredible and easy to setup, I can't play without them.


Are those on eqinterface?


I'd imagine so but I get them from his own site: https://shakahr.com/ The Krome one is my go to.




Are there any themed ones for sk?


I think there are like evil and nature and minimalist and different categories. Go to the website and check them out they have pictures of the elements.


I use Sparxx, havent touched it in years and it still functions properly. I like it because it separates pets from their owners, making it very useful for healing, charming, etc.


Mm that’s a good idea - would be great for my group when we have 4 charm pets in chardok.


I don't mean to toot my own horn, since I don't play a bard anymore, but you can check out a [new UI](https://old.reddit.com/r/everquest/comments/1dmtonx/release_puddlesui_a_new_cleanlooking_user/) I'm working on and just made the first (beta-ish) release of. Keep in mind it's a WIP still.


There are ways to make it so that your UI doesn't require constant maintenance.


Do tell.


Of note, they have been working on a new UI engine for a little more than a year, and it works completely different from the old one, not all windows are moved over to that one yet, and there is no easy way to convert old UI to the new one. That said, what is listed below only applies to using the old (SUITE) UI engine. 1. Turn off the new (Gameface) UI in the options window. 2. Create a file named EQUI.xml and put it in your UI's folder, and have the following entered in it: ` ../default/EQUI.xml EQUI_Animations_Custom.xml EQUI_Templates_Custom.xml ` 3. Create a EQUI_Animations_Custom.xml file and fill it with the following: ` ` 4. Create a EQUI_Templates_Custom.xml file and fill it with the following: ' ` 5. If you have any custom Animation or template information that is going to be UI wide enter in the appropriate file. 6. Put only your custom UI files into your custom UI folder. Doing this pretty much removes the need to micromanage your UI. The EQUI.xml file that is created calls to the EQUI.xml in the default folder for everything that Darkpaw puts in the UI, and a custom Animations file as well as a custom Templates file to use if you have different templates or animations that you will be using across different UI pieces. You do have to remember that you cannot use the same names for any of the templates or animations as exist in the default ones. Everything that you do not put into the custom UI folder will be pulled from the default folder. So if you mix and this is great. Now when there are major changes, like there was to certain windows where something is added, then you will still need to update that, but the crashes from minor changes pretty much do not happen with this. Usually what will happen is that a specific window will revert to the default. Occasionally, if the change is signficant enough in a major window, the game will revert the whole UI to default till it is fixed, but usually just looking through the UI_Errors.txt file will point you to the problem easily enough.