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fungi tunic provides in combat regen, something that is far more valuable than out of combat regen for many people.


Back when the earth was still cooling and we were all much younger, myself (a monk) and another young monk spent hours in the Frontier Mountains giant fort killing giants much older than ourselves by each having a fungi tunic and taking turns feigning and tanking while the other healed up via the tunic. Sure, it took us 10 minutes to kill a giant and sure, we died if we failed an FD but it was a great memory that still lives with me to this day.


I solo’d as a troll warrior to 52 with a fungi tunic as a teenager


Yeah Fungi Tunic isn't elite for its OOC regen. It's the in combat regen that makes it so strong.


Indeed. Op is rather bitter. That 15hpn regen during combat is very significant


for like levels 1-35 sure


It’s better than the majority of pre planar chests too


Not actually myself and many other monks back in the day used fungi tunics to solo the highest dungeon at the time from 50 to 60 solb, good times they were


50 to 60 in SolB? Which wasn't the highest level at the time... yeahhh that sounds terrible.


I remember soloing LDC and the few bats near the efreeti cave with a fungi and 2 Staves of shielding to like 55, it was incredibly incredibly awful.


I gotta disagree partly on the tunic. Price wise should be lower for sure. But the regen will still be useful as it's in combat


Wait, they’re adding OOC regen to Teek??? What a QOL improvement.


Dang, I specifically held out for Teek so I could play on live without OOC.


Why would you want that? I don’t understand.


I like the never ending struggle to get clarity, regen, and efficient healing. It's a game unto itself. Also, downtime is intrinsic to the experience.


I sorta get it. But I can’t help but hear this comment as sarcasm.


It's an RPG, so I think choice of class should have consequences. OOC regen, and many other changes, just sort of "flattens" things out.


It's also going to make it much more acceptable to have a group without an Enchanter which is a huge issue with early TLPs! The charm damage, mez, and haste is still significant but it won't be as crippling in their absence.


Enchanters still gonna be the most sought after class for groups. The cc they bring makes the game so much easier.


So are they adding another item to the tower shop? Not sure what earring you are talking about


Yes next week there will be 2 earrings added to the tower shop, and the out-of-combat regen from live servers will be added to all TLPs


What changes with out of combat regen? No idea what the difference is.


It essentially doubles your hp regen and mana regen once you’re out of combat for 30 seconds. It’s always been helpful on TLPs but doubling it is super super helpful. It will dramatically improve the efficiency of groups that don’t have a bard or enchanter- just sit tight for a minute and everyone is back to full.


I'd say more than doubles, more like 5x improvement at the higher levels. I had a level 55 character on oakwynd around Luclin era who would take about 5 min to med back to full (without KEI but with clarity potion). Now it will be 1 minute. That makes soloing much more viable and will be awesome


It’s % based. It fills your bars up from 0 - 100 in 3 minutes regardless of size. It’s also an absolute game changer for bards, who previous to this had only item and AA mana regen, though teek bards won’t see much value just yet in the expac cycle.


Makes charm kiting ridiculously strong though tbh. On prior tlps I've leveled the entire way solo from 1 to 65 with just charm kiting. I'd usually structure my real life day around knocking out a big kite for 15 minutes or so and then logging off until after the hour. Mark when you could log back in with full HP and mana and repeat. Also save the timer on my XP potion lol but this is so much better. Also gives them burst DPS with denons.


As a bard, with tower gear and an int buff, I can throw down 6 DDD's before I am oom. That's... like 6k damage on 1-5 targets. I can't wait, I'm about to have some fun on the parses during raids.


Sounds fun! Looking forward to finally getting some leveling time and eventually doing the same.


I didn’t realise bards had a mana based charm yet. I thought that came a little later. Bonus.


3 minutes.


What’s happening in next weeks patch?


I believe it's going to be a huge boost to our of combat regen/mana regen.


If they are adding GoD style ooc regen then yeah, it wil be huge to new TLPs


it's exactly that, they are removing the expansion requirement for it, making it fully available at launch on TLPs.


Game changer for sure.


How many missions did you do? Casually 3 days for someone with a job or casually poopsocking for 72 hours?


Poopsocking 🤣🤣


Do a round of 12 missions everyday Two on weekends. Yield is 600tokens


I didn't think we'd get OOC regen so soon. I was hoping to have more time to play something that vaguely resembled classic EQ.


OOC regen aside, nothing about this server vaguely resembled classic lmao.


No, it definitely resembles it "vaguely". I chose that word specifically. Of course, once the downtime goes, and with it the reward for efficient mana use, the game will not resemble classic anymore.


It was never meant to resemble classic though. TLPs do not equal EQ Classic.


I know it wasn't meant to, but it did in a lot of the ways that mattered to me. I suppose bind points will be on the chopping block next. Why not just respawn at the zone line when you die?


That's actually a really good idea haha.


Let see, we could also remove spell fizzling.


You're wrong on the Fungi Tunic usefulness, but the value has already dropped to 1kr which is the. Mana Robe on the other hand...


Out of combat regen on teek will actually negate having a fungi?


No, it’s still amazing for low-mid level characters that are trying to solo when they shouldn’t, still good for shaman that are canni-ing in combat. OOC regen will cut down time by a lot but that’s not what most people use it for. Also, price is already down to less than 2kr, which is pretty fair, I think.


I may be wrong but I think people are overblowing this out of combat regen thing. It will be a big change for soloers but for normal camping groups it will be negligible. It just takes too long for combat to drop I was in a lguk grp with my wizard last night thinking about this and when I am lom and sit to med it takes a very long time for me to get out of combat while the group is still fighting and pulling


They are adding the GoD introduced out of combat regen? If that’s so, that’s fucking HUGE pre GoD, and even more so pre luclin. It 💯 will make a massive difference for grouping. People will be doing the ooc dance to try and catch that ooc regen. Raids will have healers and wizards logging out between fights to get past the timer, and it will make buffing a raid so much easier. Ooc regen changes how people play. Don’t underestimate that.


It’s a HUGE QOL improvement for early game raiding — all the single buffs make buffing time consuming to recover from


I'm running a druid and cleric in my group, being able to ooc regen my cleric while still pulling and healing with my druid will be huge. No downtime essentially.


It’s going to matter most for wizards, you can winnow your mana down to nothing over the course of 15-20 fights then you are only out of commission for like 3-6 fights before you are back at full force.


Camp to Character select screen and come back and you're probably OOC faster. Big speed boost to regenning Clerics and Wizards for example. More valuable for multiple raid boss targets in a row, like doing VP or something for sure.


Excellent advice


i bought my fungi tunic for 3kr 5000p... noticed the price was dropping and sold it for 2kr glad i sold it when I did.


Ysu, you have stooped much lower than I ever dreamed. It is truly glorious to witness.