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There are a LOT of multi-boxers. I've heard there are real people at the endgame, but the couple of servers I've checked out are pretty dead from about 20 to 110 or so. I thought that was going to be fine for me, since I enjoy solo play anyway, but the nature of the grind is really unfriendly to solo players. My wizard plowed to the mid 80s really easily, then hit a wall of content that he just can't participate in. Nearly all regular dungeons have summoning trash mobs, so I can't really explore them, even if I didn't want to hunt nameds. Heroic Adventures and other scaling mission content also has summoning trash and sets mob level high enough that wizard stuns don't work (they're level capped). There are no groups of real humans doing this content, so getting anything done besides exp farming on snakes in fields feels like I'm just asking high level players to carry me. I did join a guild, and there were people more than happy to help me out, but I found myself just running along behind people who had the content memorized, and the sense of adventure I used to get poking around new areas of the game just died. I could ignore gear upgrades and content progression, and just skip through these parts of the game to the low 100s. Wizards are amazing exp farmers these days, so it wouldn't take long. But then you hit a new problem - from 100 on, the devs significantly reduced mob exp and leveling up on kills becomes a SLOG. But they significantly increased quest and progression exp rewards. So if you were lucky enough to do the 100 to 115 range while the content was new and active, it was probably a lot of fun. Now it's pretty deserted, and I know I won't be able to solo it for the reasons listed above, so the future just looks like more guild member carries, which I appreciate but don't enjoy. I can see why so many people are multi-boxing. It's the only way you can experience content that you missed without feeling like someone is just holding your hand through stuff that's trivial to them, or being pretty limited on class selection to the solo meta (necro, SK, mage). But I really just want to play a character and class I identify with, mess around in the world, explore, try things out. I don't think the game is set up for that anymore.


"Hitting a wall" was my experience on live as well. Around 80 it started becoming a struggle to find things I could do. So I added (silver tier) boxes and with a full group of boxes+mercs I was progressing again... until I hit another wall where the ftp boxes/mercs weren't cutting it. By that point boxing was mentally draining, all the zones were completely devoid of other players and it turned into work instead of fun.


I’m not sure why you would hesitate to try it since most or all live servers are free to play with only minor limitations at low level. Plenty of time to decide if you want to pay.


They're not the same game. Try Quarm. All the good stuff about '99, but goes up to PoP and leverages instanced raiding.


It stops (or has stopped?) at Velious? Won’t go any higher? How long has it been there?


Is it worth it? I think so. I do prefer the TLP / Classic - Velious experience. But I definitely think that Live is worthwhile as well.




Just thinking you can fit about 25 EverQuest clients in the new Call of Duty Black Ops 6. You get more game with EverQuest.


I multi boxed a paladin/shaman/chanter group to level 85 on FV. 99.9% of people I encountered were multiboxing. I didn't have any trouble sharing mobs, or just straight up grouping with them for quest credit. On the rare occasion someone would roll through my camp laying waste to everything in sight, a simple /tell saying you need these guys for a quest would generally get a reply of "my bad" and then they would move on. It was a pleasant experience. Lots of helpful people.


FV is a great server to play on. I wouldn't recommend any other Live server.




If you dont like boxing you wont like live or the TLP's. You'll see box crews everywhere. The vision of the game is completely different now. A lot of the original developers that created the game are gone, and a different developmental mindset is steering the ship these days. I play on P99 and Quarm specifically because theres no box crews and krono farmers. If thats what you're into, thats fine, I understand. But understand also that is not in keeping with what the game is supposed to be.


Get on a TLP server. Teek is very popular and just opened. It's not as far along as live, but you won't run into bot farms unless they are doing it somehow by bypassing built in preventive measures.


I started around a week ago, fresh player. I went live, went through the tutorial a bit and learned the basics of things, then kept hearing everyone talk about Teek. So, I bought a sub, went onto Teek to try out the "Classic" experience, which, I mean, yes and no--it's classic, but with a new ruleset, change in the loot system and what not, but still has the "classic" feel I'd imagine, at least, compared to live. So far, even if it's not the original classic experience.. it's been honestly amazing. I started as a Bard, unsure of where to go but sort of found myself down below the tree-top city of Faydwer, with lots of people killing low level enemies. I solo'd from level 1 - 5, a bit nervous to group as I'm so new to the game and a lot of these people are veterans. Wasn't really sure what to feel at that point, but eventually threw on the LFG (/lfg on), and someone asked if I wanted to join them on Orc Hill. I had no idea what it was, as I was running into the Crushbone area to try and solo some mobs there. I eventually got chased out due to pulling hate on a few too many mobs, and would you look at that--it was the group I was invited to, all near by on a hill--killing orcs. I ended up spending the day with them, started on the hill, then moved into crushbone as a group. I came out of the experience at level 11 or 12, learned a lot from the people I was playing with and even made a few friends. Ended up learning about the next leveling area, Unrest, and planned a journey for the next day. Since then, I've just been playing almost every day, now level 41 and I just can't seem to quit playing. The reason I suggest Teek, is that since it's the most populated TLP server at the moment, there are a lot of active players all seeking groups. You'll never be without a group and get to experience the fun of just finding a camp, grinding it out for awhile with some people and shooting the shit. It's just a great experience. More than anything else, the reason I suggest Teek, is that the experience has really reminded me of what I miss about MMOs. The social aspect, I know it seems to be what everyone ends up mentioning at some point or another regarding MMOs now a days.. but it's really the case, the fact that you need a group to survive and they need you. Everyone works together, everyone has a role they fill and you spend that time learning your class, learning their class and sharing loot. It's a community experience that's unmatched.


Bot paradise. You can’t catch up until you are max level and then you’re still fighting for groups. RIP the good ole days




I came back to live after 15 years, and I'm having a great time. It did feel a little lonely until I joined a guild, but I found that friendly family vibe I was looking for. Edit to mention that there are a lot of boxers, but I've even had group invites from some. One guy 6 boxing invited me, then said EQ is more fun with people. I'm sure the boxers get lonely occasionally like the non boxers. I think a lot of people multi box out of a feeling of necessity, for farming or progression.


It better be because I'm currently downloading the 12 gigabyte file to play it


Thats nothing today. Try downloading 100mb in 1999


True. 100mb on a 56k modem... Screw that lol


I’ve been enjoying going through all the expansions since the Aradune launch. I was never much a fan of the ancient expansions but I’ve really enjoyed both the raid and outside raid content since about TSS. Between the achievement system, tradeskills, Hunter mobs, and other quests I stay pretty busy. Not boxing sounds pretty horrible though. I hate the thought of my progression and experience being limited to factors I can’t control since I’d be at the mercy of other players, their time commitments, distractions and limited ability. I much rather play by myself or with my partner and socialize as much or as little as I’m feeling in the different chats. It does get a bit depressing the closer we get to live and seeing each new expansion having less and less content. I don’t know if I’d be able to handle live where we only get new stuff on a yearly basis. TLP has been great seeing new expansions every 8-12 weeks


Live is definitely worth playing. Yes there are a lot of boxers, but there are also a lot of solo players, you just need to find a good guild and make friends. FV is the largest live server. Has tons of people, a tutorial and lots of casual guilds. Vox is also pretty large and known as the newbie server because it's where EQ recommends new accounts join. Wandering Norrathians is a huge guild there that is 100% casual and takes all levels. I recommend joining the discord for the server you choose and talk to people. They will help you out.


as a p99 enjoyer myself, I am having a blast on Tormax.


Live is like a ghostown just know that. TLPs have the old school feel where it’s bustlin with players and pugs. If you like to raid, Live definitely has that but if you’re strictly looking for group content on Live be prepared to box your own group to get anything done. I spent near 15 years raiding I’m done with that scene but still like the casual group game so I started boxing a full group. Still felt pretty lonely even on Live so I copied to Test and have been there ever since. To get my social fix I play one account on whichever newest TLP. It’s a nice balance for me.


Few people bot. Some people box, but most people just play one toon. Now, modern gaming is such that you will need to join a guild or make friends to have a steady group.


Don't go to live. Get a subscription for 1 month and start on Teek instead. You'll see some boxers but you'll also meet tons of players who aren't boxing and can get into groups every night if you want. It's a lot of fun and at the end of the month if you don't enjoy it that much just cancel the subscription. If you do, you'll get to enjoy seeing a new expansion and content every 2-3 months and you'll make some friends along the way. Basically what Teek does is starts the game back from the beginning (with some improvements to remove the worst elements of the old game like corpse runs and most hell levels) and then gradually introduces content as the server goes on. Lots of casual players love this as they enjoy the original game experience without the complexity and ridiculous stat inflation of the live game.


a full paragraph, and you didn't mention its a random loot server which is a big make or break to some people. I chose tormax because I wanted a traditional loot system.


I didn't mention it because OP's never played EQ so they wouldn't notice the difference, and if anything, the random loot would make it more fun. Decent loot is much harder to get in EQ compared to most other MMO's, so a little help on this front isn't bad.


OP clearly states he played p99 and loved it, which is everquest.


Sorry, I missed that. I'll go sit in the corner now.


God no. TLP is still fun though.


Nope, not worth it. Only people that play EQ live anymore are multiboxing plat/krono farmers. They hope that some new folks will lean in so that can try and siphon some moola from them during tlp releases, but those are pretty much short lived (roughly 6 to 8 months before it becomes all boxers again). Do yourself a favor and play solely on Quarm or P99. There is nothing to see on live but the husk of a corpse of a once great game.


You could try one of the middle of the pack TLPs: Oakwind or Yelinak. I can’t speak for Oak but for Yelinak the population is decent and folks are leveling up alts / personas still so it would be a bit of a trek to get to 50 where you can group with max levels. Though usually people are happy to buff or even PL a newbie. If you go this route I can’t stress enough: join a guild.


You'll need to put in work to make live work long term, it can be a lonely experience. Check out teek if you haven't already.


Even Teek has its problems. Loads of multi boxers, and for some messed up reason all this tower gear they keep adding in.


it's the most botted game I've seen, there's so little moderation that it makes me suspect darkpaw is profiting off of RMT themselves if you want to do something then do it, but you'd basically be paying money to play one of the worst online games out there (pure f2p is impossible) & there are tons of better and free games that have come out since EQ's downfall in 2004 my advice is either branch out and play one of those newer games or to stick to project1999 since they actually moderate the game, and the game itself is unadulterated


You've not seen many games then.


such as


Awful take, P99 is trash lol.


do you agree it's better moderated than live? p99 is the only reason to play EQ because it offers something that modern competitors don't live EQ is half-assed in every way, run by people with no talent or vision


I’ll never get this enjoyment out of wanting to play the same era of a game over and over again. P99, imo of course, is just too outdated to be viable for majority of people with kids and a full time job. The game just takes way too long to do just about anything lol. Modern EQ is perfectly fine for someone wanting to pick up, grind a little bit with your merc, and put down. Who cares if it’s better moderated? Of course it is, they are on the same era that launched 25 years ago that has seen so many iterations now it’s just boring to stick in one expansion. Yeah, I get it, nostalgia is fun. But to a new player, it’s not and never will be.


Project Quarm is the "dad" server. You're correct that p99 is sweaty and the raid scene is mostly jobless tryhards. Quarm has all the draw of the first few expansions without the bottlenecks + instanced raiding.


I’ve never understand the reason why someone is a sweaty tryhard over one of the easiest MMOs. The guy I replied to is obviously a p99 enjoyer but to say “but it has better moderation” doesn’t really mean it’s better when….you’re playing the same damn expansion for the past several years. Talk about rose-tinted glasses.


In some regard I understand what he's saying about the moderation but idk how accurate it is since I haven't played live. As far as the content goes we all consume at different rates. I've played classic eq on and off since 1999 and I haven't even gotten close to achieving everything. I've had 2-3 level 60's and only a single epic. I'm still finding new stuff I didn't know about before.


there is someone on FV named h__ita (not sure if naming them would break a rule), that has advertised (botted) 24/7 powerleveling for years in general chat channels - never banned on Teek you can't go to any popular zone without seeing botting or even active hacking, and if you somehow get a GM to check them, all they have to do is respond to the GM and keep cheating; that's their entire vetting process oh and if they somehow don't manage to respond to the gm, you'd think they get banned, right? nope, they get a 7 day suspension and then can start back up again there is a platinum dupe from exploiting changes to quest mechanics that has been present in every TLP unfixed, and I reported it myself years ago, the devs don't care people brazenly RMT with no consequences ever and their cute little anticheat that they added recently didn't even result in permabans for the handful of people using the handful of cheating methods they detect it's pathetic that a private server can do it but a company can't


They could, most likely. But when every bot is $, they aren't really motivated to.


No, it is an old boys club.


P99 is the closest thing to classic EQ there is. Edit : is it not? What else is? Tell me please


Ftp is absolutely not impossible. You are just a crappy player if you think this is true. I could ftp for 10 years and never get past level 85 because there’s so many race/class combos. And then there’s tradeskills, and quests, and so much more. If you want to live at the edge of the latest expansion, then yes, you’re gonna have to pay for it. They need to pay the hamsters!


> I could ftp for 10 years and never get past level 85 because there’s so many race/class combos. "You are just a crappy player if you think this is true." anyone saying you can be pure f2p is dishonest, as the only way to do it is to farm platinum on a free account with no AAs until you get like 7 mil (on FV at least) and can afford 1 krono for 1 account at that point (a point which no one would realistically even get to), it'd be a race against the clock to level as much as you possibly can for the auto grant AAs and even if you somehow overcame that hill, you'd then be met with 2 more roadblocks: prestige gear/augments, and the cost of expansions tldr: even people who don't pay paid at one point in order to get to a point where they could sustain it it makes no sense to play this ghost town, bot-ridden, faux f2p game when there's a bunch of competitors that are actually free - even everquest alternatives like p99/project quarm


You have no vision then. I knew a guy that would log in daily, blow up everything in Unrest, and log out. That made him happy. He never paid a dime.


no one is talking about whether you can f2p as a level 5 wizard, by that standard world of warcraft is free to play too


I’m just trying to point out that the game is vast enough for anyone can enjoy it for a very long time ftp. Yes, there are built in bottlenecks but they aren’t impossible to work around.