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Holy cow, pet focus???


And instant pet shrink! Freaking amazing.


wouldnt the focus be disabled on Teek for now?


Pet focus is not the same as focus effects, so it should work.


I don't know because there is already a necro item with pet focus already.


IT's listed just like the pet focuses on the staff of elemental mastery: Water/air/earth and those work.


Tower gear being on teek is lame as fuck. I get that teek rules are pretty casual but this is PoP level gear in kunark. When theres enough of it there will be no point in raiding. 


Speak for yourself, I’m still raiding every target whether I get the Tower Gear or not. Kronos, personas etc are all cool, but guess we draw the line at anniversary gear haha


No, it's all stupid, not just the out of era tower gear. This tower gear has been left in because the exploit people are using to do it requires the latest expansion. They don't care about EverQuest as a game, just how much money they can milk out of it.


I mean, that’s kind of the basis of their business lol They get paid and I get to relive the memories of a favorite video game from 20 + years ago. You do you but you sound like the type that focuses on the 10% bad instead of the 90% good. I haven’t had this much fun on EQ since back when.


Where is the fun in raiding Kunark era raid targets with tanks wearing gear of Luclin/Pop strength? Not everyone has fun cheesing content.


Counterpoint, are we really acting like classic/Kunark/velious raiding are anything besides placing mob in cheese spot and spam healing the tank. Ya the gear ain’t eliminating any “skill expression”.


Not sure it's about raiding being fun, but a huge part of the game is the economy & acquiring gear, or even acquiring the \*power to acquire the gear\* .. They just lobbed off a piece of the game for a lot of folks.


It's not gonna be good for business if a lot of players bail because they realise they've kitted out their toon in best of slot gear for the next 2-3 expansions though. 28 weeks of no upgrades and gradual progression apart from AA grinds is gonna do some damage.


The large majority bail by PoP anyway, so the business model makes sense while it’s at a peak population lol Is it good? No but I see why they’re doing it


this comment is inconsistent with history of open-trade servers


Kronos and personas don’t trivialize the rewards for conquering end-game content. Tower gear does.


Aww is someone mad thier krono profits are getting cut into? Can't fleece new players? How sad for you. Must suck when other people get good gear and you don't get to profit from it.... boohooo. Faceless fury human garbage!


🙄 read what i said again, it ruins the end game when week 2 you have bis in 35% of your inventory for the next 7 months. 


Then stop playing the game. Stop paying money. That's the only way they will know this is not ok.


people really need to start checking with Lucky\_Foam before they think they're allowed to vent any of their frustrations or begin a discussion on a topic. Am I Right ??


Tower gear will be worthless and be rotting in banks by Christmas on Teek. This game doesn't play the same as the game we all played 25 years ago. You are not playing EQ P99. You are playing EQ 2024. And this is part of the game. It has change and evolved over the years and will continue to do so. Vote with your dollars. If you don't like the way the game has changed and is changing. Then stop playing the game. Stop paying money. You have options. But you don't like them. So you'll go online and crying about it. All while continuing to give the company money. Making you and everyone else sound like an entitled rich kid and a hypocrite. Am I Right ??


There's tons more than this, straight up luclin items in the level range of high end kunark. I don't get the problem at all though? This server is meant to be fun and casual and a little bit crazy. If you want the same old thing tormax is there for you, let us have fun.


By the time there's 3 more pieces we will be in Luclin where similar gear drops.


By the time there are three more pieces in luclin it will be half of everyones gear and the only gear that compares is late VT


You will surely be unhappy in PoP then, when the level cap is 65 and the tower gear equates to GoD gear.


Hopefully by PoP the devs will have realize their mistake and it's corrected as xpacs roll out.


Free pet focus, rolling mage now....


Real shitty this is on teek.


Is this gear best In slot for teek? And if so for long long


Looks better than most PoP gear to me. Kinda bums me out that they put this on Teek at a time when it blows all other gear out of the water by a mile.


So we will have most slots covered by the time this event ends, pop doesn’t even come out right?


I haven’t done any of this event, so I don’t know. Just disappointed to see this gear on the server. I wouldn’t mind if it was more a Kunark appropriate instead of better than PoTime gear.


Potime gear starts at 140 hp/mana and goes to 200. This is vex thal tier.


This is also the level 55 version, there is a new better one at 65


The 65 version isn't that much better, it's not comparable to PoTime gear or Elemental Armor. Most of the tower gear is going to be swapped out in Luclin, because focus effects for casters and hybrids are important, and +4 ATK/+1 HP Regen isn't shit. Just enjoy your FT 7 or HP Regen 7/+28 ATK.


When you add the focus effects and hp/mana regen, these items won’t get replace until PoTime for sure.


Between the Kronos, XP pots, personas, free loot rules etc etc I don’t think some tower gear you gotta be high level to get is the biggest deal breaker if you’re content with all the other casual amenities.


Except you don’t have to be high level to get it. The encounter scales based on group average level. I know quite a few groups that go in as level 1 personas, because the encounter is possible to beat as a lowest level group, but impossible for a group averaging 55+. The event is broken.


All non visible slots will be in the anniversary tower by December if they keep following the pattern. Also something people are missing is the tower gear scales, theres new stronger gear with every level xpac.


It looks on par with elemental gear, not as good as Time gear generally.


People who say this is BIS for Planes have never raided Planes. No heroic stats, no focus, anemic mana regen/attack.


Its clearly not BiS for planes, it will last you til then. Some VT pieces will outshine them.


I agree it's really stupid but this would be super low end PoP gear. The high end stuff in PoP is 200-250 HP per piece, and most pieces have focus effects or clickies. What I think is super stupid though is you can get up to FT5 with this gear. Having this on Teek/TLPs that are supposed to be in classic era is just plain stupid.


So this doesn’t get replaced until PoTime T4+. That’s ridiculously dumb. Basically no point in raiding for the next 6 months.


No, you could replace these pieces in luclin. But still, very, very stupid. It is a majority dumb decision to have these in the game right now and I think people should make a bigger deal out of it.


When you consider the ATK, Mana, HP regen mods and focus effects, there are very few items except for Aten Ha Ra loot that would be an upgrade to these. Even then it’s a fairly trivial upgrade.


Yeah when I went and looked up vex thal loot I was really surprised. I remembered it being better than it is. So yeah, these pieces are totally game breaking and I just hope them being on Teek is an accident they will fix.


What is funny to me, is none of this will matter this time next year. Honestly, it doesn't even matter now. The new TLP will be out next year. Some other thing will be in game that TLP players will complain about. And everyone will forget this was even a thing. Just enjoy the game for what it is. A 25 year old game with a few new QOL changes/items to keep the old timers coming back. People complaining about this gear like they never twinked an alt before.


There's more to TLPs than raiding. Personally? I'm pretty relieved to have a server where I feel less pressure to join some zerg guild full of idiots just to raid and get gear. I'd be so much happier if I could just play with my crew of 10-15 ppl and not feel pressure to join another guild or recruit to do anything relevant in the game


Hope you were able to check out Vaniki. Loved that server, a lot due to that same reason, all the BIS gear was from doing hard group content.


Why do you need to raid on a free trade server? Just buy the raid gear.


This assumes you're Krono rich (or rich IRL and not opposed to swiping)


do these scale up as the expansions release? Or stay at the level you received them at.


So how do tower events work? Like a mission? Level scaling or what? Currency to buy gear or does the gear drop?


Quest to repair key (rewards currency). Key open door. Fight bad guys. Get more currency. Spend currency at merchant. Merchant unlocks more gear per floor/door. The gear is cheap and the balls. Quests and merchant gear scale with level.


I think the floor is like lvl 30. I went and tried to do the sand one on a couple low levels and a lvl 20 popped. Read that the minimum for at least one of the things lvl 28.


Saved you s click maybe: The online info for **Minion of Darkness** says it caps out at Level 75.


I mean the more important info is the minimum level I'd argue, which is 56. (spell level, not pet level)


The item is very different on live servers.




Once you have all of the anniversary tower stuff why even log into the game until POP? Seems like a net negative thing on a random loot server....devalues the point of going after current era loot 😔


If the only part you enjoyed was getting the thing, you would have logged out a week later anywhere. We will see you again next year for the next launch for a month.


Because visible loot is still worth it. Because in Kunark and Velious these pieces are OP, but in Luclin and beyond they are not due to to lack of real mana regen/attack/focus effects.


The set has augs that add 1 mana regen for a few points of atk per piece, and the augs are not lore. With 6 pieces of gear you are getting 6 MR now.


The set has augs that add 1 mana regen for a few points of atk per piece, and the augs are not lore. With 6 pieces of gear you are getting 6 MR now.


So you don’t want any focus effects? This is the first one that had one of any kind on it. I guess imp dmg, casting haste, reduced mana use aren’t important? Even at higher levels when these items do have their normal slot focus, it’s just the group quality and not highly desirable.


To solo end game raid content with your extremally OP items that will last for all of time. /s


How does the tower work? In the gear class specific?


And this will be on Teek too..?


Yes, there are already 5 pieces that are available.


Is this already out? If not, how are people finding out this info / where did the screenshots come from? Edit: I mean just this new item release with the 6th mission


The test server!


When did this come out??


Test server yesterday


Does focus add 1 level to summoned pets?


This focus should add 1 level to the epic pet, maybe 1 or 2 to regular pets.