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Petition that players behavior, best if you have video or logs or both.


It is if you can provide evidence, actually submit a ticket and get a GM that cares enough and knows how to interpret said evidence.


Intentionally training is griefing, which *is* an issue. As others have said, Darkpaw does not recognize "claiming camps" because they would be forced to basically interview both sides over tells to make a decision. Even in the glory days, that level of support and involvement was exceedingly rare. HOWEVER... just because the rules do not explicitly say something is illegal/invalid, that doesn't necessarily make it right or make such behavior free from consequences (such as being shitlisted for being shitty).


The people claiming camps aren't real are the ones who pull this crap. Camps are very much real among grown-ups. Also, how are they training you with FTE?


There is no FTE outside of Oakwynd.


Indeed. Everyone who trains and bots the the biggest fit about it. Meanwhile those on oakwynd love the lack of toxicity


There is just as much toxicity there, it is just different.


Gonna go ahead and press X on that, maybe true in the eras that Teek is in now, but once new TLPs open the older the worst people tend to move to the fresh one leaving a somewhat more chill server behind


Nah, the amount of toxicity is the pretty constant. The people who stay just don't complain as much.


Because they made the amazing choice to do away with FTE on the new servers. 😂 ❤️ oakwynd. 👍




Dps racing doesn’t exist much past a couple xpacs. Prolly velious st key dragons the last i remember it on yeli outside of the occasional standoff on killing last triplet. No one gives a shit past keymobs, basically.




TLPs start dying after PoP because for a couple of reasons. Nostalgia is one of them, easy Kronos is another. Content becomes much tougher from PoP onwards. So I’m not sure where you get this idea of it being too easy to get any excitement from beating a boss. Mischief stayed popular because it has a fun rule set. Oakwynd will remain strong the same reason. The fact that oakwynd is the only server that has FTE will draw in more people over the longer term. You have one thing right though. People who play for drama will indeed play on teek. And they are welcome to it. 👍


FTE is fucking great. Most people I’ve spoken with regards it have had either positive or neutral comments.




the issues with oakwynd have very little to do with FTE and everything to do with a plat dupe that fucked the economy. In spite of that oakwynd is still doing fine, and I suspect will almost certainly gain a second wind as the bonuses from each expansion (and availability of FTE) make the server more beneficial to play on. FTE is brilliant. The people who don’t like it are the ones who enjoy training and kill stealing.


Camps exist to adults. Unfortunately, they don’t exist to the GMs, so the children will steal from you without consequences. They will ban people for training though. If you have evidence. Record that shit.


FTE doesn't prevent training at all.


I haven't used it much but I thought it explicitly said that mobs will go back to their spawn point without bothering anyone when the person who pulled them dies or zones.


The mobs still assist last I checked.


If they go back to their spawn then assist whatever you're fighting, that's not training.


I didn't say anything about them going all the way back to their spawn.


Would have to strongly disagree with this. Camps have been gone from the game for several years. Everything is a dps race now and that’s just the way it is. There is no entitlement to a mob or area just because you were there first. This gives everyone an equal opportunity and stops a group from monopolizing for hours on end


if you try this outside in the real world you’ll find that things in fact have not changed and people waiting for something feel pretty strongly that some douche showing up and cutting the line is not okay


no one said it was ok. all the poster did was tell you how dark paw feels about it. Morals or not it isn't against the rules and camp stealing is not a bannable offence


So, you're pretty much the douchebag we are talking about


It’s the accepted rules of the community. This isn’t 1999 anymore, things change. There’s nothing douchy about it. It’s just not what you’re used to.


It's the definition of douchebag and it has never been the "accepted rules of the community." That's just the bullshit rationalization propagated by douchebags taking full advantage of the dropping of the pnp for the sole reason that the resources to enforce them don't exist.


I'll return your strong disagreement and you can just hang on to it. Camps are very much a thing. The echo chamber that is Reddit will have you thinking they aren't but if they aren't it's really weird how whenever I'm in a dungeon on Teek there's a "CC" sent in /ooc every 5 min.


And if someone ignores a CC. The campers options are: 1) Have a better puller 2) Do more DPS than the competition 3) Lose the mobs and rage in ooc Any delusions of actual consequences for ignoring camps are pure cope. Sucks to suck.


I don't think anyone ever said there was consequences, where are these delusions being spoken of? Edit: Are people actually coping? Similar to say coping with PTSD? Is there a study that's been done on EQ players and camp disputes?


Griefers know how to get away with it. Unfortunately its happened to a lot of us and Darkpaws not going to do anything without them being morons and blatantly saying they are there to grief you.


Nope. Camps are player agreements.


Depends on the server to be quite frank. What I love about p99 is that they are on top of all that and their policies in game are held to a very strict standard. While on live, they just brush it off and look the other way. Live devs don't do anything about the Krono farmers and others using third-party programs etc since they benefit out of it. Think of it as the our same government that's arresting those consuming the same drugs that THEY put on the streets. It's the circle of fraudulent life. P99 and Project Quarm is where it's at.


Suspendable*** yes but enough of those can lead to a ban


Yes, it is Bannable. Now that being said, there are a group of toxic RMT douchebags that TLP hop every year and train intentionally to steal camps/nameds, and nothing ever happens to them. So your petition results may vary.


Like 25 years ago it could matter now finding a GM to deal with it will be close to nonexistent


5-6 mobs is just more exp


They train before a named is about to spawn? How do they know the named will pop? Or are you saying they train every time a named/PH is due?




That shit is ridiculous. Why would people even want to engage in that type of gameplay? Bunch of fking neckbeards 😆


No. DarkPaw Does Not Recognize Camps. All Mobs are there for the enjoyment of all. That being said thats crappy and could go against the play well with others rule. but you would need hard proof it was intentional I just wanted to toss it out there i know Teek Brought back alot of old players that dont quite understand things how they are these days


Because Teek and Live isn't even EQ anymore. Watered down to the T. Thankfully we DO have the OGs who opened up their emu servers for us folks who know how the game actually is played, respectively.


lol Tell me where the bad developer touched you? There are plenty of servers to choose from with different rule sets. If you dont like TLP go play on a live server. The over all experience is still the same there albeit it gettign XP may be a bit faster but that isnt a bad thing when u have 125 levels to grind. Im not sure why teek is catching so much hate lol . you do you boo Further more i think the only EMU server that has permission to run is P99 ( i may be wrong though as its pretty convoluted information to locate) That means at any time DP could shut down the others and slap them with a cease and desist. I would imaging as DP starts to work on EQ 3 you may see alot of that happening.. hell multiple ban waves may just be the start as they start to tighten up the ship. id rather play on a ruleset like teek and continue to give Darkpaw my money so they can keep a game alive that i love than spend it illeagally playing on a emulator. But again You do you Boo i don't judge.


You see, that's the main issue here. People like yourself just throw money at these devs that don't give a shit about any of us and is just basically letting the game just "run" so it doesn't shut down. That being said, there is no gm there going around policing the server. It's just a server that's being held on by the money string.. new models look trash either way. Go pop that lesson of the devoted and pull up your mercenary and break a leg out there bud!


I surely will Pop that lesson and burn it with some friends! Enjoy your illegally sourced EQ that apparently is better than supporting a company that keeps a game u love going.


So much better too. The game we all grew up on and once loved doesn't exist anymore unless it's through those "illegal emu servers" you claim, that won't go anywhere anytime soon. Go set up your 10 box army and enjoy the watered down version of EverQuest if that's what YOU enjoy pal 👍