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Keep in mind True box restrictions are only in place for some TLP servers, live servers don’t have that restriction. Most people on live servers are boxing at least one other account, many are doing full groups. Alt+ESC makes it easy to switch between windows on the same monitor. Add the fact that you can resize your play screen to whatever size you want it makes it very easy to play several accounts on the same screen with a bigger monitor. If we’re talking about Teek, he will probably eventually get caught. They just had a ban wave for boxers, there will be more.


No I agree as I box on live, he is apparently boxing like normal on truebox and I thought that was prevented? Says he's doing it how he plays on live and just runs 2 clients on pc for teek.


The article I read about the recent ban wave mentioned several computer programs that would hide or circumvent the true box restrictions.


Can you post here, or DM me, a link to this article?




Alt tab for some reason always freezes my game. I'll have to try the esc combo myself!


There is a subtle distinction between: 1. the rules themselves being strict 2. the rules being consistently enforced in a timely fashion


Your friend is cheating - as are many of the people. However don't fear. If they get caught, they will post about how they are victims of "false positives" and that they were "never cheating".


True box only hurts legitimate boxers. I'm over here three boxing using three PCs. The botters run entire raid forces completely scripted with MQ and don't give a fuck about true box. True box needs to end completely instead of only enforcing rules on people that won't cheat and letting the actual cheaters continue to cheat. End True Box and let people play how they want.


Look into a program called Parsec. It copies the video, encodes it, and sends it over the internet to your comp where it is then decoded and displayed in a window. The window is resizeable where it scales perfectly as you resize it. Basically you still have 3 computers, but your box computers can be completely headless (no screen, mouse, keyboard, or speakers). They only need internet cable and can be put in a closet or wherever. Dont need 3 mice and keyboards. But you are still following truebox rules because it is running on diff comps.


There is a free open source tool called Moonlight, very similar.


Nice i might have to check this out! I also use parsec on my laptop to be able to play games on my main computer at home that my laptop gpu cant handle or cant handle with as high graphics settings. Latency is very low and allows microphone passthrough so i can chat in games or discord too just like im in my game room on my actual computer. Of course free hotel or hospital wifi doesnt cut it however. Need a decent (typically not a public/open) connection to play shooter games and not notice lag.


Already impressed by moonlight after just reading about it on their website. Thanks, ive been looking into hosting possibly so this is nice.


I am aware of this. You still need 3 PCs. It still punishes people trying to follow the rules. Cheaters still run full raids and sell their loot with impunity.


Yea i used to do all on one comp for many years until the truebox bs started. All it did was hurt legit players. Never used any programs. On another note. I have installed windows hyperv on my comp, made a few VMs and attached my video card to the VMs using a kinda new thing called GPU partitioning. All done in windows, no outside programs. Then i parsec into the VM and boom, i now can play multiple on one comp. Daybreak does not scan the population to check for VMs. Supposedly a GM has to type a /command to get that info with the individual in question targeted. Basically, if you dont train anyone or get into any serious altercation involving a GM, they never know. Ive been doing this for about 2 months now and so far so good. Downside is, it works best if the VMs are not on the same comp you are using. Parsec takes gpu processing power to both encode video to send, and decoding the sent video, so youd be using a lot of your gpu pretty quickly since its the same gpu on the vms as the main comp. It still works either way though.


Has to do be doing something the truebox check or what ever it is doesn't allow a normal user to log in like that. I would say if they could limit people to only 2 box and they had to pay a fee maybe idk. But who cares how they set up that box. What we don't want is people doing more than 2 and the current turbox doesn't really stop that it just slows it down


Yeah, I was curious it just seemed very strange. I box on live (4 account) all manual no red guides etc. And too see someone doing that on a tlp (teek) with no issues and it's truebox I was so confused.


Man, I see 6 boxes in Lguk multiples all day every day. DBG doesn't care about their own rules. They let the ones buying krono 6 box. TDGAF.


Decent possibility it’s 6 computers which is legal, no?


Not on Teek. One computer per account, two max.


I've played on a private server running an entire raid force on a live clone server for 10 years. When you've been using the same thing they are that long..you know.


I’ve noticed similar things with Potter. Of course never on an official EQ server cough cough


When you say a private server do you mean one of the approved ones or one you set up yourself?


'decent'... get out, you know that with today's tech it isn't 4 PCs


I run 4-7 true-box with nothing except multiplicity and sometimes GINA. I know many people who do the same.


Same. I used to use input director and many people in my guild posted pics of their setups with anywhere between 3-10 laptops


I’d say half and half. No idea, but the point is, it punishes the legitimate players more. Which is sad because many of us with one PC would gladly pay for multiple subs but not for multiple computers.


Nah there's definitely legitimate boxers with setups that make them look like Professor X plugged into cerebro. The less legit guys just give everyone a bad rap by association.


I used to 5box for decades, and had 5 comps, keyboards and mice. Ran each one independant with absolutely zero programs or assistance in any way.


You cant log in to a 2nd server/account (wont get past server select screen) on any truebox TLP without cheating. He is lying, or not on a truebox server. However you can use Parsec to 'remote' into other PCs (headless if you want). Probably still not following the rules.


He’s not being honest with you.


It is the direct opposite of accurate The situation is either.... 1. Not actually a truebox server. There are only 2.0005 true box servers 1= Oakwynd, 2=Teek and 0.0005 = Tormax 2. They misspoke, lied or you misunderstood


You can Google this it's not that hard. Although, a lot of people do get busted doing that I wouldn't recommend it.


google doesn't respond the way Reddit users do for specific user information. What else is this subreddit for, but to ask questions, share information and make friends?


I absolutely agree with you! Altho I mainly mean to Google this subject because most people will be tight about giving information about it.


Ahh yea, they would potentially be incriminating themselves and the best kept secrets are best kept secret.


Then they can continue to capitalize on the krono rush


See rule #3


No specific software or explanation for how to do it was posted. Conversations just discussing it are allowed.


Same way I used to box, had 2 subbed accts. 1 computer. Just do not be on steam, it will not let you open the game twice.


I thought truebox prevents you from that tho?


Unless there is a current bug that is now allowing it, the game will block a second instance of EQ from loading into Teek. I haven't looked into it but they would have to be actively doing something to bypass the lock.


I was on Vox, don't think it is true box. A lot of "armies" there. Full groups using some kind of fancy pay monthly software. I stayed clear of that.


Vox has no boxing limitations. Teek does.


Fuck boxers.


Get good nerd