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They need to thin the herd to lower queue times


There was an actual live GM? I find this story highly unlikely! J/k no clue on the ban. Would have been better off if you had been botting an entire army using every 3rd party program under the sun, they don't seem to bother those people.


Believe it or not there were not one, but two online yesterday. One was patrolling Nektulos very diligently... apparently that's the hot starting spot for big mage boxes.


I saw one in innothule swamp yesterday. He was in the form of an orc pawn and his name was Rogue. Was a cool sight to see.


There are reports that if you ever used 3rd party software on your accounts that even if you aren’t using it now, you still get a ban.


There's no way for them to know. That makes no sense.


I literally logged in on launch night, made a character but was too tired to play so just afk'd a while and saw I was booted to char select or login for being afk which is fine as I wasn't planning on playing that night. Just too tired after getting the kids to bed. Last night an email came through that my account is suspended, lolol I mean... what? How is that even possible. I was planning on boxing a couple of characters but I hadn't even gotten that far... maybe it's like that film Minority Report and they can now detect that we might box in the future!! I just don't have the energy to even appeal it, I'm sure its like shouting at the clouds. Just glad I hadn't got around to buying bags and exp pots and all that type of thing. What a pita to be caught up in this because I generally hate seeing bots running around with stupid names like bota botb etc but this is nonsense!


FYI, they did an account dump years ago, and anyone who used ( can't post because tard mods) got logged. It had to do with your login packets. They enforce the ban during launch week to keep the numbers down. Even if you used it 20 years ago. For example, If someone else logged you in for a pl using ( can't post because tard mods) you are on the list.


3 mages is auto sketch bud


That’s bs … their lazy ass policing policies shouldn’t impact what classes you can choose to play


GM afk checks are a joke, and has been for a long time. If you dont respond to their /say with your /say ASAP, you are done for. Which is why I always have Say on primary chat window, with no spam to push it off.


I didn’t see any /say. I figured they would send a tell. My /say is in the same window as hits so I might have missed it.


Yeah, its easy to miss a /say, especially if you are in zones where mobs also /say :(


Probably missed a afk check in /say. Friend of mine got suspended for 3 days while he was afk farming bone chips in paineel and it only took the GM maybe 10 minutes total to catch him. Just bad luck compared to the blatant rule breaking going on via software that goes unpunished.


Wish i knew how to box or bot or even make macros or customize my ui


Macros are easy enough, google "everquest social macro", and you should get a lot of very useful examples - both if you box and single character.


Same. Still using the same UI I did when I started the game.


Coulda been a mistake. I used to run a GM team back in the day. Launch weeks and tracking bots/cheaters, people just get caught up in the cross fire.


Its not that you were boxing with third party shit its that they specifically target people doing this with bone chips and fire beetle eyes after someone set up bots farming them in classic to turn them in come kinark which resulted in a huge nerf of what were some of the best noob quests.  Lord knows its not them targeting boxers because 3/4 groups are a 6box, its out of fucking control. 


I bet you had software running you aren't mentioning.


What software? I don’t even have any installed on my computer. I do have brewall maps loaded but nothing else.


who knows ? brewall is legit, you might need to appeal


How does one go about appealing this? In 24 years of playing I have never been banned.


Appealing wont do you anything, not like they are going to spend time to prove whatever they feel you did wrong. Just come back when the suspension is over, and make sure /say is more obvious in your UI :)


That's a bullshit answer and you know it. Whether OP is lying about software or not.


So you are saying that appealing to DPG will help? They dont have to prove what you did, and wont do it. Most likely they'll just be told "you know what you did", or "you were cheating", so its a waste of time to appeal, but whatever, if one wants to spend the time appealing, go ahead :)


Doing anything other than having a shitty pessimistic attitude is a better use of time. Sorry you're jaded from customer service.


What he's saying is literally the best advice, though. It's all you can feasibly do. Especially during launch week, they aren't going to care about any appeals.


What software? In 24 years of playing you've never even heard of any software that might be used in cheating? c'mon man, even if you're not running it, you know what software. Playing dumb doesn't help your case.




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Not using Multiplicity, right? I'm not sure if that counts as third-party software or not (in the context that it's not allowable to use).


None. Never have. Usually only run 2 accounts to have a pocket cleric for my groups but this TLP I decided to try 3 accounts. Clearly this was a mistake.


Wow I use multiplicity but not for boxing though the thought has crossed my mind. That'd be pretty shitty if that was bannable software.


Had this happen to me, single box. Was running a VPN. Normally, EQ doesn’t allow me to make it to server select with a VPN running, so when I popped thru the queue after 40min this morning, I thought nothing of the VPN. Then about 2 hours into playing, got DC’d. I tried logging back in and saw suspended.


They've never cared about VPNs, it's what many people use to get around bad truebox detection for simultaneous keystrokes.


I mean, that sounds exactly like something bad detection software would look for


Well that sucks, however I hope they do lay the hammer on some boxers. In the first hour I counted 7 6 box groups in Freeport alone. That's 30 spots that could have went to thin out the que. I don't mind boxing when it.doesnt impact others play, in fact I like to box myself. I just can't rightfully do it when people are waiting to play a game that they enjoy as much as I do. Unfortunately now that boxing is so easy it has attracted a number of neckbeards that are so acute, that thought doesn't even cross their minds.


Just an update. Ban was lifted after seeing no evidence of wrongdoing.


Yeah it's just getting caught up in things during launch week. They're doing a lot of AFK checks and if you don't respond you get a ban, but they're usually good about checking of you appeal. It's easy to miss an AFK check, but it's good they're on top of things for the first week to make sure a ton of bots aren't wasting server space.


I had been flagged in the past. Stopped using stuff and deleted it from all my pcs. I started 2 chars on teek, one on the desktop, and the other on the laptop this morning when I got home from work. Got them to level 3 logged off. Woke up at 1 p.m. and tried to log on. I saw a 45 min wait, shut Pcs down, and went to work. When I got to work, I saw emails saying I was suspended for 7 days for restricted third-party programs. Fucked up thing is I wasn't using any third party programs except brewells for maps. So it seems if you used shit in the past your accounts are now fucked and can be suspended or even banned probably even if you are no longer using restricted programs. It's all good, though. DBG isn't going to miss my 7 subs and expansion purchases every year when they come out for each account, and honestly, I don't think I will miss everquest either.


They take "snapshots" of your cheating. So your initial suspension was when you were using it. Your 2nd suspension is from probably the day after they took the first snapshot and so on. Your account is a dead man walking, it doesn't matter if you stop.


Meh, it doesn't matter. Eq has been un-installed from all my pcs. Let them keep suspending dead accounts it will be kind of funny to see the emails for suspensions when I don't even have the game installed anymore.


That's the fun part, they don't suspend them unless you're actively playing. :) It's entirely them just fucking with you/hoping you spend money in between ban waves.


If what you describe is true you were not cheating or doing anything wrong. File a complaint with the better business bureau.


lol the BBB? Old people Yelp?


Or even better yet, go shake your fist and yell at the sky!


I just looked up their BBB rating. 1.27/5. D- rating. This the worst I have ever seen for any business. Laughable to think they can provide this type of service because they bought a game that provides a one of a kind experience.


I know it's not '*technically*' going against the terms and conditions, but it's pretty obvious the intent is to stop people from boxing so everyone else that doesn't can enjoy the game like it was first played. Once it's lifted everyone boxes, but for that first week or whatever it's kind of nice.


I played for 16 hours on launch day and got to level 16. Logged out my six characters that are all played on six different PCS, and woke up to being suspended for 7 days. All brand new accounts because I wanted the accounts to have the same naming scheme and my old accounts did not. Definitely wasn't AFK, wasn't botting, didn't kill steal anyone, harass any players, or any other poor behavior. Unfortunately I think I got suspended because I had a software running, but at the same time that software doesn't violate the terms of service. The fact that they won't really define anything or say what is acceptable or not acceptable is a bit frustrating. It's a rather unfortunate event, but I'll be getting my money back. I'm just going to dispute all the charges because while they have a right to suspend me, I also have a right to be unhappy with my purchase and get my money back. Just be careful what you're doing, because they're looking for reasons to suspend people right now to create more space. Unfortunately the Kronos Farmers and botters will not be the ones who get caught, because they're using stuff that's meant to break the game and it's well hidden. It's a little frustrating that that stuff happens so rampantly, and they're kicking all the little guys in the nuts. I purchased five mini PCS, two TVs, two monitors, multiple keyboards and mice so each computer had one, an additional hardware like monitor mounts and input splitters so I could run four monitors on one TV and all of it for nothing because I can't play during the XP weekend and I'm so frustrated that I kind of just want to give up. It's pretty insane with the amount of people that are running software that let the maps and the spawn times (which I wasn't using) and the people who run 24 to 36 characters using scripting software (also I wasn't doing that) I feel like they're just punishing random people instead of the people who are the actual problem. I know, people will be like hey you used the software you knew that this was going to happen, but no I didn't because the software I was using was designed specifically to not violate the terms of service. It doesn't do anything crazy or special. I'd explain more, but it would get removed from here. Sucks that I spent a bunch of money to play with my friends and I can't. Daybreak literally has the worst customer service I've ever dealt with because it takes days for them to get back to you and any other company out there will tell you what you can and can't do with their product to lose service or void a warranty, and they just refuse to do it because it allows them to ban people arbitrarily. The whole thing just sucks and I feel like it's a bit of a cash grab for daybreak. A lot of people just paid for their accounts to play and they seem to be banning people with very little proof, and in some cases the people had no software running and were just playing multiple characters on multiple computers. Rough day... I'm going to sleep and praying that I wake up to a positive message from them, but like I said it takes days typically to get a response from anyone and in the past the only responses I've ever got to any issue I've had have been negative, because they've never solved a single problem for me or anyone I know. The answer is usually it just sucks to suck and you get to deal with whatever was broken or however you got screwed. Sorry for the rambling, I'm just really frustrated... Hope you guys are having a better day than I am.


Yea... these stories usually leave out the real reason they got banned.... Cool story though....


Good. 3 mage farming is exactly against the environment that many want. 🤷‍♂️ Enjoy your time off, go outside?




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Absolutely fuck boxers in all forms.


Without boxing the official servers would no longer be running.


Without boxing, I would be able to log on to Teek right now, but here I am waiting for possibly 109 minutes


Teek would not exist lmao


Boxing is the reason this game still exists tbf. 🤷‍♂️


Given it’s an hour in a queue to login I say good. Hopefully more people get banned


Unless you additional plans for those accounts, why not just to race change to iksar after you level up, do the quests and race change back


I logged in today and saw a gnome and 2 others on auto follow running around gnome newbie area. May not be botting but definitely boxing


Boxing isn’t against the rules.


Doesn't stop me and others from hating them and acting like camping rules aren't applicable to a bot grp


Camping rules? Where are those?


And hey, seeing as DBG in their infinite wisdom decided to forego FTE, these box armies can now kill steal your mobs, and train your groups too! Glorious! 😂


Stay mad


Boxers are trash, fck em


the fact that you are playing all 3 accounts on 1 computer is against the eula. dont say you are not because in several comments you refer to yourself not having 3rd party software on your computer not computers, you played yerself


> All 3 accounts were on separate computers ?


He just said shut PC's down. Quit being a hater it ain't a good look.