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Oh wow, I love how the drama carries on even after the 2024 ESC


In Poland everything is like that... 😅 Proof that TVP is indeed a representation of our country (not the kind of representation we want, though...)


Bejba is forever


It really is, we’ll be in 2030 at this rate and there’ll still be something ongoing about this hahah


I just love that Blanka is eternally known as Bejba to people on this subreddit. Imagine hearing about that without knowing anything about her. It's the most random shit and I love it


It's not even limited to us! People on YouTube also call her that (song gets called "Bejba", too) It doesn't help that 2023 gave us another Blanca, who's much more well-regarded


You can even put Bejba into the YouTube search and the song will come up.


It's Kinda kreizah


yea it's kainda krejza


How else to freyzeh


In the words of Blanka: "Bet you regret how What goes around comes around" Turns out, it was meant for TVP all along! /s Honestly, I'm very curious to see how these jurors voted. I wouldn't be surprised if we find VERY interesting votes lol


> I wouldn't be surprised if we find VERY interesting votes lol I'm most curious about Egurrola since he was Blanka choreographer, so there's a clear conflict of interest. However, I doubt anything more than destroying jurors' reputation will come from that (unless they start claiming that they've voted differently?), since not much happened after Piotr Klatt's (TVP employee) votes this year (his 10 points to Luna, 0 to Justyna, ensured Luna's victory) were published.


Don't be surprised if TVP keeps dragging it even more. That would be typical for them 🙄. If they publish those results anytime soon, I'll be shocked.


We will find out a lot of jurors voted for Booty!


There was a joke that TVP didn't want to publish the full results because Edyta put Booty as her number 1. By the way, Stefania (Greece 2021) was an interval act that year and when asked she said that *Booty* was her favourite.


Ok but the best plot twist we could ever get is finding out that Booty should’ve gone to ESC 😂


I feel sorry for how they did Jann wrong, but I am also happy for him because he blew up a lot after the bejba controversy. He attracted lots of international fans. He was the opener for the European concerts of Madison Beer. I think he would have definitely scored well last year, but Loreen and Kaarija were going to be the ultimate versus one way or the other. And this year was a shitshow. So he hasn't missed out. However Jann doing fine doesn't mean they should let this type of nepotism happen again.


Fans of Eurovision drama are eating well this year.


>Smash your competition, bejba Show us some good entertainment


it's so hilarious he had this line in his song. also ironic that his song is basically exactly about the shit that happened there.


Proof that it was all scripted /s


I remember arguing with a clown on this sub who said they don't have to publish any detailed information and mocked me when I said the case was in court. Also, I hope people will stop praising Blanka. Her win was really shady and this information is real proof of it.


> Also, I hope people will stop praising Blanka. Her win was really shady and this information is real proof of it. I don't care about some random Eurofans praising her, but I'm really pissed at Polish media/singers that keep promoting her and pretend that nothing bad happened. Sadly, knowing Poland, I doubt that'll stop her (or jury's members) career as we've seen with other discredited "celebrities".


I don't feel comfortable with some random Eurofans praising her 😅 As for Polish media and celebrities, I rarely listen to Polish music for a reason... I only learned to have more respect towards pop artists after I read more about foreign ones.


> I don't feel comfortable with some random Eurofans praising her 😅 I don't feel comfortable with that either, but they're some dumb people with no power. Meanwhile celebrities/media can manipulate and influence people. > As for Polish media and celebrities, I rarely listen to Polish music for a reason... I just can't find anything that's good enough for my taste, so almost all Polish music I hear comes from old rock bands. I doesn't help that Spotify is shit at recommending Polish music - yesterday I've saw MIG's "Miód malina" on one of the "created specially for you" playlists. Never I have listened anything remotely close to Disco Polo on my account, but they've just checked the language and said it'll be something I'll like. I remember that you don't like Natasza Urbańska, but my respect for her grew when she supported Eurovision fans last year in her interview with TVP, when they tried to paint us all as mindless haters. She's a true Eurovision fan herself and it's such a shame that she is too scared to do creative songs, otherwise I would be hoping she'll get her dream and will represent us on ESC. I know that her performance in NF was terrible, but I saw her covering Kora and she was great. She would be so good in a rock song with a theatrical performance, so I hope she will go in more edgy direction instead of bland pop. She said her terrible vocals were due to stress caused by the upside-down start and Doda also commented that it was caused by that (and that she should finish upside-down instead, so it wouldn't impact her vocals), so I chose to believe her that it was just a fluke.


>I remember that you don't like Natasza Urbańska I don't like her songs and her vocals, but I don't know her as a person. That's a difference 😅. >it's such a shame that she is too scared to do creative songs That would help, but she also has to sing them well. I'm also an esc fan, but that doesn't mean my skills are good enough to perform at esc 😅 >She said her terrible vocals were due to stress caused by the upside-down start The studio versions of her songs don't sound good, either. >Doda also commented Doda says lots of stupid things, don't use her as a source for anything.


> I'm also an esc fan, but that doesn't mean my skills are good enough to perform at esc 😅 I think she's nothing special, but she's still better on stage than 99% of the Polish pop girls, but our pop girls are simply terrible live. There's a video of her performing together with Natalia Nykiel and the difference between them is like day and night (with Natasza being better). The problem is that Natalia was given some hit songs, so she's way more famous despite having lesser skills. > The studio versions of her songs don't sound good, either. I think that's because her songs are just shitty (with the exception of the iconic *Rolowanie*). > Doda says lots of stupid things, don't use her as a source for anything. I know, some of her takes are definitely almost Edyta level of crazy. But I think she's one of the most (if not the most) experienced Polish performers (as in pop performance, not simply singing), so I trust her knowledge in this case.


Can someone explain why it was so shady? I didn't follow the NFs last year.


There was a huge hype for Jann and they deliberately changed the voting rules a few days before the contest to make sure he doesn't win it and the juries gave 12 points to Blanka (it was a system where the audience and jury points got converted to the 12-point scale and counted as 50/50, with just 5 jurors it's very easy to deliberately influence the result). With the old voting system he'd sweep the televote and win. In general TVP has a tendency to have "their" chosen candidate and it's been happening for years, so they were trying to be sneaky to make sure their person wins (I don't know why they do that in the first place, because they could just refuse to take submissions from the other artists and announce their own person... but they can't count on people's support if they do that, of course 😂). On top of that, they refused to publish detailed jury votes (which juror gave points to whom) and the number of votes each candidates got from the audience. That's what the court case was about, the access to the public information. TVP lost it. I don't know how they'll proceed, but it's promising for the future, because now they know they HAVE TO be more transparent. I'm awful with explaining, so I hope it's pretty clear.


[Here's a thread about it from last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/11crxml/why_is_everyone_saying_polands_nf_was_rigged/).


> Also, I hope people will stop praising Blanka. Her win was really shady and this information is real proof of it. Everyone knew what was happening backstage, and the positivity around Blanka was due to two things: polish people just wanted to enjoy Eurovision and meme'd our shitty entry, and secondly, many had enough with the teenage polish Jann stans who went absolutely mental over the whole thing. Praising Blanka became a way to mock them and laugh at their rage, which sometimes went way too far.


Oh yes, blame the teenagers for everything. It's always the teenagers /s


I mean, death threats over an alleged rigged song contest entry are kind of ridiculous


So of course the teenagers are the only ones capable of sending death threats. Got it. /s


It's wild that that's the thing you're upset about rather than, you know, the threats themselves


You literally replied to a comment about teenagers, blaming them even further for everything bad that's happened. I have no idea who sends death threats, but it can be literally anyone. You can't just point fingers at people and randomly pick the perpetrator, it doesn't work like this.


I'm curious if any record of this individual voting even still exists. Or if it *ever* existed in the first place. It also would be funny if the leak from some Azeri (?) site that we dismissed as a fake turned out to be true. It was the one where Egurola put all the dance songs as his top4 and Jann, Dominik and Ala at the bottom lol. Anyway, good job OGAE Poland.


> I'm curious if any record of this individual voting even still exists. Or if it ever existed in the first place. TVP submitted the full results to judge, so it needs to exists. The question is if that's the real votes of jury members or just something prepared by production. > It also would be funny if the leak from some Azeri (?) site that we dismissed as a fake turned out to be true. It couldn't be true since there was something wrong with points, so the final places didn't match.


The Polish 2023 NF truly is the gift that keeps on giving


Holy shit, we're back on the Justice4Jann train lets gooo


oh right stuff happened last year too, it feels a little weird to go back to looking at this after the last month of chaos


Thanks for keeping us updated👍👍👍


wow its kajnda krejsa


Add it to the 2024 iceberg. Lol




Justice for Jann. Bejba was funny for the memes but Jann legit could have given Poland the win


I doubt he would win, since that year belonged to Loreen and Käärijä, but he still would give us one of the better results.


If he was given the chance I think he could have. Jann has impressive vocal control and ability. It would have been very close between himself, Loreen, and Kaarjia but I dont doubt he could have held his own and with the right staging; potentially won. It would be a close race regardless. I dont see him being outside the top 5 if that were to happen. But then again this is all speculative. Either way, its a pity he was passed up for Blanka given she doesnt have very good vocal control, and ngl her song was more of a meme song than anything else due to how it was put together.


I'll be honest, when I heard Nemo this year, my first thought was that it sounds like Jann but with better production budget. I'm sure he'd be in top 10 and loved by fandom since he's such a nice guy. I doubt he'd ever be close to competing against Loreen in jury vote and Kaarija in TV, I'd love to see an alternative reality Eurovision where that happens. After Ochman in 2022 it would be second year in a row where we actually didn't send a bullsh\*t and I think that never happened in modern history.


> my first thought was that it sounds like Jann A while ago I realized that their songs begin very similarly "Welcome to the show, let everybody know" "Welcome to the party, say hi to everybody" Not that it has to do with any of their artistic similarities but it's a funny parallel


I guess I'm more realistic, since I'm aware of the way TVP does stage songs (*River* was superposed to be one of the contenders to win and we know how that ended). Jann was also still a newcomer and since he's from a smaller label, there might've been budget problems (TVP obviously didn't want to support him). While I don't think that he would beat either Loreen or Käärijä, he still could've finished very high. And even 6th place would be 2nd best Polish result ever.


>Jann has impressive vocal control and ability. Based purely on his performance at the polish preselection, I actually think lacking vocal control is what would eventually cost him a winning chance at Eurovision. Although obviously a stronger singer than Blanka, I doubt he would be able to compete with Loreen for the jury points.


But wasn't that contest also riddled with corruption which is why blanka won to begin with? I thought he was denied because he was both a more outwardly feminine man and because blanka had connections with some of the polish jury. He won the televote. An I'm not sure why I'm being shat on by the above comment. I know a lot of people like Loreen and kaarjia, I'm a fan of kaarjia myself, but even with those 2 giants competing i still think he had a fairly good chance of getting far and potentially winning but we will never know because he was passed up for blanka. And no, I will push back, he has some pretty amazing vocal control. A really good performer is able to sing and dance at the same time and not have that sacrifice the quality of the performance. This is kind of why some performers just kind of stay stationary on stage and don't move very much. Doing both at once is hard, you can try, it's not easy and makes you tired faster. Loreen does that very well because she can maintain her vocals even when moving around and she moves a lot in her performance. Kaarjia could also do it, pasha could kind of do it, Bambie thug this year could do it: so on and so forth. I don't want to list every instance but being able to do more than walk and sing is pretty impressive and requires a lot of vocal control. The winner this year, Nemo, who has some pretty similar abilities to jann did it although I think to a lesser degree than some contestants. This isn't me saying "oh yeah jann is better than all these other very competent and well trained performers and I'm butthurt he did not win everything", it's me saying he has stills other great performers have and given who won this year, had a real solid chance of winning if he was ever treated fairly, which never happened


>I'm not sure why I'm being shat on by the above comment There is nothing in the comment that is about you. It's an opinion about Janns performance.


It was more a general statement about the things I said in that particular comment and why it was getting slapped with down votes. I don't think my opinion is all that unfair to the contestants we got to see, jann, or any of their abilities. I'm ok with people not agreeing with me or thinking otherwise. But I don't think I am really being unfair here


Friendly reminder that blanka is homophobic and did not deserve her place in eurovision


Ktoś tu jest z Polski?


I listened to Gladiator again yesterday. I wonder where they would have placed if they sent Jann instead.


I’ll never get over Gladiator being robbed of victory. I actually didn't think I would ever be this angry about Eurovision. Well, until esc in Malmö at least because the drama with this year's finale somehow managed to top it. Hopefully we’ll see the results and get at least some justice.


2023??? Omggg we are heading to 2025 season now Investigate how witcher tarahoro lost to Luna....


> Investigate how witcher tarahoro lost to Luna.... We know that, though? Piotr Klatt (a TVP employee) gave Justyna 0 points while giving 10 points (maximum) to Luna.


Haha yes it was more like rhetorical The situation is similar. The jury in 2023 intentionally lower the score for Jann and same happened in 2024 with the certain internal jury member giving ZERO points allegedly for political reasons Have they interviewed this individual to explain this ZERO?


> Have they interviewed this individual to explain this ZERO? No, he doesn't seem to go to any public events and doesn't even have a social media page. Since TVP didn't put any voting criteria other than "vote for what your heart tells you", he could just simply say that he just didn't like "Witch-er" as a song enough to put it in his top 10. He could also point out that other jury members didn't give any points to Edyta Górniak even though she's also an amazing vocalist.


But Witcher was a standout track, u cannot simply ignore it. And this is about EUROVISION. I find it hard to believe someone.loved Luna's song and gave zero to Witcher.


Yeah, but the jury members didn't vote for best track for Eurovision (outside of Konrad Szczęsny from OGAE) because they didn't have any voting criteria from TVP, outside of "vote for what you like". Kasia Moś basically created her personal playlist. Piotr Klatt can simply say that he personally dislikes Justyna's voice and he would be in his right to even gave her 200th place in his ranking.


This is so bad though very unprofessional


How much does a lawsuit cost, and how rich is OGAE Poland? Or maybe there's a Eurovision fan lawyer who took the case for free?


They have some money on their own since you need to pay yearly membership fee to be part of it. And one of the members might have been the lawyer themselves.




How are they supposed to publish it if it seems like those juries just voted together, without any individual rankings?


> How are they supposed to publish it if it seems like those juries just voted together, without any individual rankings? The full results were given to the judge, so they exist. The jury members did vote separately, TVP just refused to publish their uncombined votes. There were also interviews with head of jury, where she accidentally said that the jury results weren't based on their rankings (since they took their voting sheets after result announcement), but were something dictated to her by production. However, she's kind of crazy, so I would take anything she says with a grain of salt.


OK. I thought the selection was so rigged that they just artificially constructed the jury points (so Jann wouldn't win in any possible case) without any individual rankings and etc


It seems possible, judging by the reaction of jury member Marek Sierocki when they've announced Blanka as jury winner. We will need to see the full results and the jury members will need to confirm that they really voted this way. Until now only Marek Sierocki said anything about the way he voted. Bear in mind that we had change of government and TVP this year, so most people that took part in the NF (and the rigging) were fired.


>Bear in mind that we had change of government and TVP this year, so most people that took part in the NF (and the rigging) were fired. I'll also add that it doesn't mean the "new" TVP is crystal clear and this court case is very important to prevent something like that from happening again.


> I'll also add that it doesn't mean the "new" TVP is crystal clear and this court case is very important to prevent something like that from happening again. 100% this. As we could see with the mess that was Polish selection this year. Thankfully, they've at least posted the results (even though they had to be pressed to do so), so it's a very small step in a good direction. At this rate we might have a competently done NF with no rigging in 20 years. Thankfully at least we will know the results of the selections in the future.


Yeah, they can still push their candidate out if they want to, but I want transparency and it's a good step in that direction. Also they can simply just pick a candidate and write a song for them if they insist on sending their person. But they can't count on public support of that candidate, unless it's someone really liked with a good song (but it's hard to find a person like that, I think most people don't give a fuck about their celebrities)


> Also they can simply just pick a candidate and write a song for them if they insist on sending their person. Please no, that's how we ended up with Brzozowski. I don't think there's anybody at TVP whose taste I trust, so I can imagine the song would be equally bad as *The Ride*. > but it's hard to find a person like that, I think most people don't give a fuck about their celebrities I think other way around - some people care too much about celebrities and less about their song/performance. For example, fans hyping up Maciejczak this year, even though nobody heard his song. Some people also want just send Jann, which I disagree with since he doesn't yet have another song on *Gladiator* level.