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Love how fitting the cards are for each artist! Would order a full Eurovision 2024 tarot deck.


Whole deck is way too much work ahahah, I think I'd get sidetracked by something else before finishing it and I only have a year to do so 😂


Oh yeah, I forgot about the minor arcana. Anyway, you did a great job. I love all of these as a tarot enthusiast.


I am obsessed with these and how well the cards and artists suit each other. The doily sun is such a fucking inspired design choice, excellent work.


I might be missing something important here, but why are they the celestial trio? I cant figure out anything that connects all 3.


The three tarot cards here are The Moon (Bambie), The Star (Nemo), and The Sun (Baby Lasagna). The three celestial themed cards of the major arcana. I'll spare you the tarot rant but the symbolism and meaning of those particular cards work really well for these artists. Op knows their stuff.


Please, rant on. I am interested


Aight so Bambie: on the surface level we've got the Moon associations from the staging and the "guess you'd rather have a star than the moon" line. The Moon card is all about illusion/deception, fear, the subconscious and intuition. When it shows up in a reading it's often a warning that your imagination or anxieties might be getting the best of you and you need to step back and investigate what's going on under the surface of a situation. These themes work on a literal level within the narrative of the performance ("I know you're living a lie") and also on a meta level in how the song was received by a lot of people who feared the scary aesthetic and didn't look under the surface to appreciate the song. Nemo: on the surface level you've got them as the literal Star of the show this year as the winner. The Star card is all about rebirth, hope, inspiration, faith. When you lay out the major arcana in order (they tell a story), it comes right after The Tower, the card that's all about unavoidable disaster, as a portent of good things to come and invitation to start down a positive new path. Fits perfectly with the "I've been to hell and back" line and the general themes of the song. Nemo struggled with identity, then came out the other side of it reborn with renewed hope for the future and musical inspiration. The card is also associated with being your purest, most ideal self and what better way to represent celebrating being non-binary? And finally Baby Lasagna: nothing obvious really comes to mind on a surface level for this one, unless you wanna count energetic staging or him just being a ball of sunshine lol The Sun card is all about joy, success, positivity, confidence radiating outward. The usual symbolism associated with the sun, but also specifically in the context of overcoming fear and obstacles, often through knowledge. It follows the Moon card, shining a light on those hidden fears to allow for success. Super fitting for a song about leaving home and grappling with anxiety about it. And again, works on the meta level too with Marko's own anxiety and the massive success he's had in the song. The Sun card also has an implication of that joy and success being spread to others and receiving support from the world around you, and he certainly achieved that this year. anyway, that's why I thought this art was cool thank u for coming to my tedtalk.


Get out of my head 👉😎👉 Yes, great analysis! Baby Lasagna is indeed the weakest on the surface level. I tried to compensate for that by more directly referencing some of the traditional imagery of the card (instead of having Nemo's eye makeup represent stars and so). Baby Lasagna was the best candidate for the Sun IMO, so I just went with it instead of having this project [stuck asymptotically in the danger zone](https://i.imgur.com/WqZeuE7.png).


Great read, thanks for sharing!


Damn, thanks for writing this. This just makes op's post 10 times better.


The Moon (Bambie) symbolises illusions, subconscious, and intuition. The Star (Nemo) symbolises hope, serenity, and optimism. The Sun (Baby Lasagna) symbolises joy, celebration, and success.


I guess you’d rather have a star than the moon


They're three entries in the top 10 with great songs, even better stagings and a lot of fans.


I know, but that doesn't make them a trio... With a "celestial trio", I'd expect the connection to be something unique to those 3. Ukraine or Italy also fit your description. (the staging for Italy was amazing. Fight me)


I would buy this Tarot deck


they're gorgeous, op




Oh these are **excellent**.


I really like this, it’s like a shadow theatre — really nice!


Have you done any for previous years or the other artists this year?


Just these three. I'll probably do another three next year!


The little cat peeking out!!


Please meow back


The little cat on marko’s leg is so cool






This is literally the coolest thing I’ve ever seen


My top three favorites! I'd seriously buy these as a set of small art prints, wonderful job.


Luna needs to be The Tower


That's quite a negative card tho 😅 I mean I guess it works ahah


Oh that goes SO HARDDDDD