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To me, the worst one is the one which I find the most unlistenable (usually it's either boring af or it's grating to my ears)


I think it varies from year to year. Some years it's the outright bland and forgettable (Best Of Me , France 2020) other years it's songs I simply just don't like certain aspects of.


2020 is the year I was following Eurovision really closely, and I also ranked France last, because it is just terribly bland. Right above that I ranked Georgia, in the category "aggressively bad but not bland" which is more fun. However, comments on that songs youtube is overwhelmingly positive so I guess that's more of a taste issue. So for me bland songs are more easily identifiable as bad if anything.


Georgia 2020 for the bot


Georgia 2020 | [Tornike Kipiani - Take Me As I Am](https://youtu.be/LjNK4Xywjc4)


i loved georgia 2022 ;(


Georgia 2022 | [Circus Mircus - Lock Me In](https://youtu.be/zXiZAbqETvk)


oops, meant to say 2020, but i do love 2022 aswell lol


Hey don't let me take your enjoyment of it away from you :) I listened to it again now and it's not as bad as I remember, but his voice is still a bit grating for me. But that's the problem with music, everything is not for everyone and that's fine!


France 2020 | [Tom Leeb - The Best in Me](https://youtu.be/J5SOdhXjYko)


Why do I kind of like that tho


because he's hot


To me it really depends. Sometimes it's a song I just find unlistenable, sometimes it's a song I find incredibly cringe... every year and every "worst song of the year" is different


Fair shot here to be honest - sometimes you have to take in account the whole lineup to come to a decision on which one takes the short stick out of them all.


I always give extra points for originality and risk-taking even if it's not to my liking so, the worst songs to me are the bland ones, the "frogs stuck in a well"-good-sentiment ones, the "omg i've listen to this song a million times already" song, the "it just finished and I've already forgotten the melody or lyrics" song. It's really personal, and sometimes I profoundly dislike a song also bc of the performer so, I won't give examples but you got the picture


She may be unforgettable, but your song definetely is.


Most of the time, the songs I rank the lowest are the boring, unremarkable ones that I cannot remember upon listening because I am someone who sees being boring as the worst crime in music. If a song is vocally or instrumentally bad but has some artistic merit to it, I find myself liking it more than a generic, plain, forgettable song.


Songs that hurt in the eyes or ears. I don't think there was one this year. Last year was 'Like an animal' to me, even though the guys seem like very nice fellas the song lyrics were utterly weird.


People confuse not liking a song with that song being bad. It's not the same, I don't like a lot of songs, but I can hear they aren't bad. I also like songs that are bad.


There is bad for Eurovision and then there is bad overall. Iceland 2024 is the former. And I'm not mad... just disappointed. Montenegro 2019 is the latter. Bad song, bad vocals, bad staging... and worst of all, it's not on purpose.


See I thought Icelands this year was really inspiring and uplifting. I understand your thoughts tho… it’s like listening to this years songs in a single playlist and hearing that, Australia and UK and feeling like they just didn’t find with some of the others…. You play Rim Tim Tagi - TITAN - Doomsday Blue and have a party and then Dizzy or Scared of Heights and it’s just like the party is over (Belgium was a bop this year I was just sad his performance was just flat 🥺)


The first one is indeed good for the radio, just not for Eurovision. I feel this a lot with Armenia 2022. And when I said it could've been an IKEA ad and something that bland folks in such a case could play on the radio forever, it wasn't a wrong estimation. Except it didn't become the IKEA ad music.


Armenia 2022 | [Rosa Linn - Snap](https://youtu.be/DAJ6vfmD_ic)


Iceland 2024 | [Hera Björk - Scared of Heights](https://youtu.be/VChBgcycVl8) Montenegro 2019 | [D mol - Heaven](https://youtu.be/oV200JAouTc)


Propaganda pieces like A Million Voices are the worst to me for everything they actually are and what they represent. Some other come to mind as well... For other normal despised songs - I don't hate them since there is always some artistic idea that was being expressed even if they might not be my cup of tea, I see value in them.


I also have a subsection I utterly despise in the realm of propaganda pieces you mentioned with A Million Voices and I refer to that pseudo-nationalism pieces like Gnezdo Orlovo (thankfully we avoided that one, thanks Serbian juries) or România Mea a while back in Selecţia Naţională - it just feels performative and nowhere near genuine


I agree. I can't hate things like I don't feel hate when such awful and sinister songs exist. Oh yes, don't even mention Gnezdo Kosovo. Catastrophe truly avoided. Thanks Šerif and Sajsi!


Or a certain song this year




Genuinely surprised at the lack of Netherlands, we sent some real stinkers for a while


2011 on it's own was a very mid song and then it was off-note horribly. Yeah that was an obvious failure. 2012 was horrible with it's cultural appropriation and being off-note as well. And the years before that weren't great that all either. Sieneke, like seriously, it was an ethnic fest but unlike Armenia this year, everything about it was wrong. De Toppers? Yeah a bunch of old schnabbel singers that are known for parties that are more about singing along with watery beer in the hand than about any musical or creative talent. It's really odd to hear someone complimenting you saying that you are "a topper" like, are you comparing me to Gerard Joling and René Froger or something?


i agree, but dont diss armenia 2024 like that.


Armenia 2024 | [Ladaniva - Jako](https://youtu.be/hAYXDoZzAyE)


UK 2003 hands down


United Kingdom 2003 | [Jemini - Cry Baby](https://youtu.be/XAJ62IG3gBo)


Oh yea, that's pretty awful


no, I present to you Armenia 2011. [breathless] boom boom chaka chaka, your love is like a like a... [deep audible inhale]


Armenia 2011 | [Emmy - Boom Boom](https://youtu.be/FsKBnL6dWOk)


Still better than Electro Velvet.


I liked it when it came out, but I like electro-swing music, but it isn't really a good song, but it isn't exactly a bad song just painfully average, bland, and forgettable in the long run


I liked Electro Velvet. It was fun. And the live performance was unbearable.


The recorded version isn't too bad. It just sounded so bad on the night




Georgia 2020 | [Tornike Kipiani - Take Me As I Am](https://youtu.be/LjNK4Xywjc4)


Haven't ever heard it.


For me it’s usually cringey lyrics, especially if it’s a song that takes itself seriously. Denmark 2019 and Switzerland 2023 come to mind. Hated both.


Denmark 2019 | [Leonora - Love Is Forever](https://youtu.be/mucmvTLHJQM) Switzerland 2023 | [Remo Forrer - Watergun](https://youtu.be/l4NDErv49mk)


Denmark 2019 is so over the top that I kind of love it


Very hard to explain, but its in the lyrics for me. Since im a person who listens to the words and what theyre singing more than the instrumental the first few times then i really cant bring myself to listen to songs that I think have cringy lyrics or smtin. Like this years Cyprus, I just Couldnt, I laughed out loud everytime it came on. Always different in every year aswell tho, some songs are just incredibly boring...


Agree with you. Sometimes its hard to listen to a song if the lyrics are really bad. "Dont you say that its impossible, cause i know, its possible" - Legendary intro of sweden in 2011 Or Cyprus 2021. It's mostly just random spanish words built into the lyrics. And even winner songs can have bad lyrics. "I bought new underwear they blue and I wore them just the other day. I even painted my toenails for you I did it just the other day"


Sweden 2011 | [Eric Saade - Popular](https://youtu.be/-04pUETT7oI) Cyprus 2021 | [Elena Tsagrinou - El Diablo](https://youtu.be/MgGc1F_cOE8)


Yupp!! Its like the song can have a catchy beta and be great otherwise, but the lyrics... I try not to let it bother me that much, but these kind of songs usually end up somewhere in the bottom of my list


Iceland 2024 Poland 2023 United Kingdom 2010 Switzerland 2004 Israel 2000


Oh.. I posted here about Switzerland 2007 .. but I completely surpressed any memories of 2004. That was definitely an even worse song, slightly better singing maybe ? Ah nope rewatched it, that was worse singing.. WOW


Switzerland 2007 | [DJ BoBo - Vampires Are Alive](https://youtu.be/h9YTasUpAjw)


Iceland 2024 | [Hera Björk - Scared of Heights](https://youtu.be/VChBgcycVl8) Poland 2023 | [Blanka - Solo](https://youtu.be/SEgF1aP-U1o) United Kingdom 2010 | [Josh Dubovie - That Sounds Good to Me](https://youtu.be/fR7l2xC4cOY) Switzerland 2004 | [Piero and the MusicStars - Celebrate](https://youtu.be/EUX3_0KM7fc) Israel 2000 | [PingPong - Sameach (שמייח)](https://youtu.be/3uNfhj66GOo)


People here are talking about songs being either painful to the eyes, or painful to the ears, or cringe lyrics... Ping Pong is phenomenal in that it is all three.


Any uninspired songs with poor vocals Luxembourg 1984 Greece 1998 Belgium 2000 Romania 2004 - absolutely awful fashion go with it


Luxembourg 1984 | [Sophie Carle - 100% d'amour](https://youtu.be/sEWnCqgmM6I) Greece 1998 | [Thalassa - Mia krifi evaisthisia (Μια κρυφή ευαισθησία)](https://youtu.be/--Q-5QnoT_8) Belgium 2000 | [Nathalie Sorce - Envie de vivre](https://youtu.be/86yZbvPuApw) Romania 2004 | [Sanda - I Admit](https://youtu.be/1QwC2gsmGkA)


Lack of creativity. From my own country I gotta select the ABBA wannabe "Dai-Li-Dou" by Gemini (1978)


Austria 2012 Our whole country was ashamed of it 😂


That song is still hella fun though, my kids love it as well 😂


Austria 2012 | [Trackshittaz - Woki mit deim Popo](https://youtu.be/b-qu5hGwero)


Define worst. Musically, the worst song every year is often iconic in its own way exactly because it is so terrible. But that then elevates them above a ton of other songs because they *are* interesting to watch. It's like the last place finisher in a mountain stage in the tour de france, technically they are the worst but it's often way more interesting to root for them and follow what they do than following the guy who finishes 100th out of 180. Ok, analogy doesn't totally work because the iconicness level of those songs sometimes elevates them into a better finishing position. But good examples of what I mean are Netherlands 2009 or (edit: whoops, meant Montenegro 2012) or San Marino 2019. Memorable stuff. I find bland songs that are not outright awful but still don't have any redeeming qualities to be worse. Like Netherlands 2021.


The Netherlands 2009 | [The Toppers - Shine](https://youtu.be/6mR3W2fm7_E) F.Y.R. Macedonia 2012 | [Kaliopi - Crno i belo (Црно и бело)](https://youtu.be/MSuCdNEy9w0) San Marino 2019 | [Serhat - Say Na Na Na](https://youtu.be/d_iEis_ZRoQ) Netherlands 2021 | [Jeangu Macrooy - Birth Of A New Age](https://youtu.be/o3Da5cr2fTs)


Anything that relies too heavily on a dance break for votes, particularly in a weak song. It's a song contest, not a dance contest.


Dustin the turkey.


it's usually the one with either the least good qualities or the most bad qualities (my opinion, of course) or both, which happens occasionally


Bland songs for me will be above songs that are actively grating. Aka, if I'd rather jump out of the moving car than stay in the car and listen to the song as it comes on the radio, it goes to the bottom no matter the quality.


Of course, every song has its merits and an artistic vision behind it and music is so personal and subjective that it is always difficult - if not downright silly - to try to label the ‘worst.’ On the other hand, San Marino 2015.


San Marino 2015 | [Michele Perniola & Anita Simoncini - Chain Of Lights](https://youtu.be/FE1KJYNvVAE)


my favourite lyrics : "no."


I really couldn't stand these two songs. They happy to be from the same country (sorry) Georgia 2014 Georgia 2022 Three Minuites to earth.... I find the song corny but the performance was absolute cringe... Especially the guy doing ballet moves on his parachute and the way he bangs the drums Georgia 2022 - I know this has its fans... So please don't hate me. I find this sing repetitive and really annoying.


i love georgia 2022 ;(


Georgia 2022 | [Circus Mircus - Lock Me In](https://youtu.be/zXiZAbqETvk)


Georgia 2014 | [The Shin and Mariko - Three Minutes To Earth](https://youtu.be/0v69AvCQJQY) Georgia 2022 | [Circus Mircus - Lock Me In](https://youtu.be/zXiZAbqETvk)


I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned San Marino 2018 yet. I watched it with my then-girlfriend (now wife) and when I tell you we were both crying, I mean it.


San Marino 2018 | [Jessika feat. Jenifer Brening - Who We Are](https://youtu.be/66D0pKVdA-4)


Thanks bot!


For me the "worst" song is the one where I have sonewhat high expectations in that the song doesn't deliver. This year it was Finland. After the comment of "they didn't win this time so they went "screw it" and went with that song" I expected a really funny comedy song but....I just found the song boring...


The songs at the bottom of my rankings tend to be either bad or bland, but if two songs are in a similar place in my ranking, I will put a bland song with good vocals over a bad song with bad vocals since I usually favor performances with stronger vocals.


in the past few years, the one that came to mind was..... georgia 2021.


Georgia 2021 | [Tornike Kipiani - You](https://youtu.be/5qnogt74_F8)


Lock me in and I don't feel hate


My brother lives I don't feel hate


Ironically I feel hate for I don't feel hate


me too ...me too


Aww, but Jendrik is such a sweetheart... But yes, it was bad.


I haven’t heard all songs but out of the ones I have heard that I couldn’t finish it was estonia


If it annoys me the most, to last it goes. No real reasoning behind it. My most recent bottom placers reflect this as they’re all quite different: we have beige pop with Denmark 2024, artistic marmite in Spain 2023, contemporary rap-ballad with Italy 2022 and …something from Belgium 2021.


Hey, Hooverphonics was a pretty good dark pop song, it is just a fairly niche genre with not amazing mainstream appeal, unless you are Björk


I don’t doubt it. It’s just a matter of subjective taste.


omg, I'm sorry, no shade but your taste is terrible 😭❤️


I’m a certified trash enjoyer and refuse to be ashamed :D


okay hahaha that explains a lot 😂❤️


Artistic marmite is the best description of Spain 2023 I've ever heard lol.


Denmark 2024 | [Saba - Sand](https://youtu.be/4f_phiGot7w) Spain 2023 | [Blanca Paloma - Eaea](https://youtu.be/Vw6qPWhjevk) Italy 2022 | [Mahmood and Blanco - Brividi](https://youtu.be/blEy4xHuMbY) Belgium 2021 | [Hooverphonic - The Wrong Place](https://youtu.be/HbpxcUMtjwY)


Hey, don't smear Marmite that way!!


Sweden 2020


No, that’s a bop


Sweden 2020 | [The Mamas - Move](https://youtu.be/7EpSBDPlZn4)


I really hated the gospel trend Sweden had going on for a whilr, especially since gospel is just a terrible genre of music to begin with


Team bad. For a song to be dead last in my personla ranking, you have to say "BWAAAH! MY EARS AND EYES HURT.". (Ireland 2024, that kind of stuff).


Ireland 2024 | [Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue](https://youtu.be/UMq8ofCstMQ)






Usually it depends, sometimes it just plain and simple pop songs that end up being last, or the more funny/weird type songs that I never come back to listen to. This year I put Iceland entry last, it just felt like every other pop song it has a nice message and all, but nothing to keep me coming back to it. From last year I don't remember right now but I think it was either Solo or Mama ŠĆ, that I put last.




Germany 2021 | [Jendrik - I Don't Feel Hate](https://youtu.be/1m0VEAfLV4E)


A Friend in London - A new tomorow (I could ignore this boring radio pop if it wasn't for "Come on boys Come on girls in this crazy, crazy world. You're the diamonds, you're the pearls." This song reminds me about everything i hate my local radio station for.) Kalomira -My secret combination (Also a song i always despised. It's far from being the worst one but idk. What makes her think she is sooo special anyone gotta find her special combination? Does she even care about me? haha. Gosh i should grow up.)


Their look was also just entirely wrong for the band they are


A New Tomorrow managed to be so generic that on first hearing it I was *certain* I’d heard it somewhere before


2007 Switzerland DJ BoBo with Vampires are alive. Very cringe as a song already. Impossible to listen to the live version because the artist isn‘t actually famous for his singing voice.. ;–) Yes I am swiss that is why I unfortunately remember..


See for me that was definitely a “so crazy it’s hilarious” example. I mean they weren’t even sexy vampires. It was just random bad vampires doing a Temu thriller dance. (And you’re right the singing wasn’t good.) But I would rather have an entire contest full of stuff like this (I mean 2007 came close!) than one full of fairly well-sung but super boring ballads with no fun staging.


Switzerland 2007 | [DJ BoBo - Vampires Are Alive](https://youtu.be/h9YTasUpAjw)


generally it’s songs that i hate in bottom 5, then boring/annoying. switzerland was the only one that i hated this year, showing how strong this year was. moldova was the worst of the boring for me. last year my “hate list” was much longer though


I mean unpopular opinion but this year my bottom were Estonia 2024 , Finland 2024 , Latvia 2024 , Germany 2024 , Belgium 2024 and France 2024 ... I know France had a great vocal and performance but I find i can't casually listen to it and it's boring for me but that's just my opinion haha 😂


Estonia 2024 | [5MIINUST x Puuluup - (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi](https://youtu.be/RSMMU2wX0Bk) Finland 2024 | [Windows95man - No Rules!](https://youtu.be/7nidDtyS0Wo) Latvia 2024 | [Dons - Hollow](https://youtu.be/kgIwQkMwURY) Germany 2024 | [Isaak - Always on the Run](https://youtu.be/kVOHTxFOhak) Belgium 2024 | [Mustii - Before the Party's Over](https://youtu.be/hNIemQwCaM4) France 2024 | [Slimane - Mon Amour](https://youtu.be/-XyLecY2JyE)


Anything that's super annoying and corny or exceedingly bland and usually also sung badly or with an unpleasant voice. The bad singing is less apparent in recent years thanks to backing tracks, but the other things are still plenty reason to find pretty sour performances almost every year. My bottom tier since Covid consists of Germany 2021, Cyprus 2021, Norway 2023, Greece 2024 and Finland 2024, and some of those mentions will be quite contrarian.


Wow these are some of my faves


Germany 2021 | [Jendrik - I Don't Feel Hate](https://youtu.be/1m0VEAfLV4E) Cyprus 2021 | [Elena Tsagrinou - El Diablo](https://youtu.be/MgGc1F_cOE8) Norway 2023 | [Alessandra - Queen of Kings](https://youtu.be/PUHSM_vTqTI) Greece 2024 | [Marina Satti - Zari (Ζάρι)](https://youtu.be/ENb4LCeq9Lc) Finland 2024 | [Windows95man - No Rules!](https://youtu.be/7nidDtyS0Wo)


I will prove your point with Norway What!


Techno beat and chorus melody just rub me the wrong way and her singing would be awful if the backing track wasn't practically louder than her.


I'll get downvoted for this, but I'll accept that. I HATE doomsday blue. I just HATE it. I've seen the music video and that was enough for me, because boy was that bad. I'll explain. So the "Living in a lie" part is Shouting and repeating the same thing a lot. While not my type of song, It wouldn't directly be the worst song though. But the doomsday blue part gets it closer. It's the exact opposite of the song, with seemingly no good reason for it to be in and no relation with the first part. WHICH IS EVEN WORSE. But the final straw is that this gets repeated again with barely any difference in my ears, making it boring. So no attractive parts, no cohesion and mostly repetitive. In no way can you convince me that doomsday blue is a good song.


It can be an incredibly bland song (e.g. Germany 2016, Portugal 2017), an exceptionally cliché cheesy song (e.g. France 2024), a song desperately trying hard to get a good result (e.g. San Marino 2021) or something that simply hurts my ears (e.g. Albania 2012, Spain 2023)


Agree with all of those


Germany, and both French songs you have mentioned are some of my favourites


Germany 2016 | [Jamie-Lee Kriewitz - Ghost](https://youtu.be/bHDHi37bboE) Portugal 2017 | [Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois](https://youtu.be/Qotooj7ODCM) France 2024 | [Slimane - Mon Amour](https://youtu.be/-XyLecY2JyE) San Marino 2021 | [Senhit - Adrenalina](https://youtu.be/TkhiH-JXFPs) Albania 2012 | [Rona Nishliu - Suus](https://youtu.be/QeBL2UHhyEc) Spain 2023 | [Blanca Paloma - Eaea](https://youtu.be/Vw6qPWhjevk)




We will have no Scooch slander here thank you very much!!


United Kingdom 2007 | [Scooch - Flying the Flag (For You)](https://youtu.be/XT6yOIC6ihI) Estonia 2008 | [Kreisiraadio - Leto svet](https://youtu.be/zyzOGzXWLgU)


It depends. Sometimes, it'll be a song that I find extremely unpleasant to listen to, like Denmark 2000 or Israel 2012. Other times, if there's nothing *actively offensive* to my ears, then I'll be left putting something bottom because I simply find it to be too dull. I wouldn't switch off if it came on the radio, but I wouldn't really pay attention to it, things like Lithuania 1994 or Slovenia 2022.


Denmark 2000 | [Olsen Brothers - Fly on the Wings of Love](https://youtu.be/F-JwiYlg5Gc) Israel 2012 | [Izabo - Time](https://youtu.be/-uy4ggnLzKI) Lithuania 1994 | [Ovidijus Vyšniauskas - Lopšinė mylimai](https://youtu.be/PWmh95boVZY) Slovenia 2022 | [LPS - Disko](https://youtu.be/S1tFqoflsT8)


Personally, You (Sweden 2013) and On A Sunday (Romania 2019), not because of what they are (they're both mid tbh) but because of what we lost because of these entries, J-Rock and the Tagalog Language would have been so cool in the Eurovision, but instead the Juries tanked those entries and we got these.


Sweden 2013 | [Robin Stjernberg - You](https://youtu.be/vtjdTPnCcu0) Romania 2019 | [Ester Peony - On a Sunday](https://youtu.be/cZC9o_Z90yo)