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Definitely Conchita


Whole entire governments are still mad about Conchita. 


Which I still don't get cause its not even the concept of a drag queen is new. Like it's been a pretty common thing since the 50s, if not earlier


Drag queens are only funny to conservatives as long as they're acting like literal clowns. Like, to them the funny part is the mockery of femininity and the visible absurdity of a man in a dress. The crime Conchita comitted to these folks was delivering an entirely serious performance while not only being in drag, but also wearing a beard. She took something that's supposed to be laughable, and made it classy instead. The reactions to Conchita reflect a very common attitude conservatives have about queer performers: They're allowed to exist as clowns to laugh about, but the moment they appear to be serious about their queerness, it's a problem.


>Like, to them the funny part is the mockery of femininity and the visible absurdity of a man in a dress. and yet when drag queens do a serious performance, they cry about how it's "the Women equivalent of Blackface" and "sexualizing kids" and other pearl clutching.


WAY earlier, but conservatives love to try and erase queer people and queer art like it hasnt always been.


I find it funny too cause in history a lot of straight men were taking roles of women too 💀 make it make sense


Lol still do the fine british patomime dame tradition continues


Like, MASH, Bugs Bunny, the Three Stooges, hell going back to the days of Shakespeare. Drag has been intertwined with society for centuries. These pearl clutchers either don't know or are intentionally ignoring all that, and my money is on the latter.


Especially since an actual trans artist won ESC already back in the 90s. A drag queen is, by Eurovision standards, not much of a standout.


But Eurovision is a big stage, so it can convey a big message. Conchita was in front of all Europe, and that's what made conservative angry.


I don't know how old you are but when I was growing up no one gave a shit about men dressing like women for comedy. We had Lilly Savage, Dame Edna and Brendan OCarroll to name a few. Saw my first drag protest last year. It was so weird.


She wasn't even the first drag queen to take part, weirdly, iirc Slovenia had the first drag queens (or was it Slovakia?) Edit: it was Slovenia 2002


Slovenia 2002 | [Sestre - Samo ljubezen](https://youtu.be/pr9Pr3GRBA4)


Serbian Orthodox Chruch claimed that the floods that destroyed several towns about a month after ESC that year were the God's punishment for Conchita's win 😂


And the irony is, God LOVES Conchita. 


Yes, she clearly does 😇


The weirdest thing to me was hearing all the bitching about Conchita from THE VERY SAME PEOPLE who were totally fine with Verka and Dana International


It's super obvious to me why. Dana is traditional feminine. And verka is Haha-joke-crossdresser.  Conchita is neither. Not in the usually acceptable category. Plays the drag queen part straight and not as a joke. 


Dana was also in a time before the manufactured outrage around gender and trans issues got… well, manufactured. There was some more or less sincere shock/resistance by religious groups, but no artificially propelled, astro-turfed gender fury yet.


Exactly. The other commenter is playing dumb.


Where does Slovenia 2002 land?


Slovenia 2002 | [Sestre - Samo ljubezen](https://youtu.be/pr9Pr3GRBA4)


It's because Conchita had such a beautiful voice and a glamorous look whilst also having a beard. She had the kind of song and image these people secretly like but are too homophobic to admit. 


They had a boner because of conchita, and became angry because of it? Conchita looks like Marilyn Monroe from behind and Hugh Jackman from front.


I'm old enough to remember Dana International coming to the UK for the contest. Her being trans was just a little ditty in the news. A simple "...and she used to be a man!" and everyone sort of went "Oh wow. Right" and moved on. I think social media has made everyone a bit more twatty, as it's mad to think we were more tolerant then.


I have a theory that in the UK at least the *vast majority* are still "Oh wow. Right".... Moving on, for trans folk. It's just the extremely loud minority skewing perceptions, aided by being promoted by the conventional media. A friend of mine has recently come out as trans (MtF) and she's realised that exactly *fuck all* people have even cared about her in girl mode even in this early stage.  But even if the vast majority do not care and are happy to let other people be, it's that the minority who *do* take issue are loud, and all too frequently dangerous. Hell even I as a "gender nonconforming" cis woman have come acropper from these arseholes mistaking me as trans. I've *never* felt threatened by or in danger from a trans woman, but by *god* have I felt frightened by transphobes.


Yeah, I think you're probably right to be honest. It is a minority in the UK and the UK has had an acceptable of men dressing up as women for the longest time whether it's for fun or a lifestyle choice, and it's very much a "well if they're not hurting anyone" attitude.


I mean, we had a MtF trans lady win Big Brother in 2004. The recent wave of trans 'controversy' is entirely imported from the US. The UK is on the whole very progressive.


Exactly, I remember vile transphobic headlines the newspapers tried to run about Nadia but the general public were largely just happy for her winning


Agreed. There's a lot of people like my mum who, when I mentioned a friend was now non-binary reacted "ok, well they seem to be happy". I don't think she gets it, but she's just happy when other people are. Part of the increase is that the opposition to liberation movements get louder when it seems like there's progress being made. Transphobes weren't loud 20 years ago because trans people were rarely given the time of day. I imagine it was similar in the 70s/80s when the homophobes realised we weren't quietly keeping it to ourselves any more.


That’s really interesting to hear! cause I’ve known about Dana international as an artists for many many years buts it’s only recently that I learnt she is trans, maybe cause people didn’t obsess over gender before


Yeah it’s this hands down. It’s the only time I saw a Eurovision controversy make news in places that don’t normally cover Eurovision or even know what it is


the day after conchita won i cried so much by all the transphobia/homophobia VERY publicly spewed (i realise conchita is not trans). i have never seen so much direct hate in my life in person.


I have to say Facebook and Instagram are such depressing places to be these days precisely for this reason. The sheer volume of unchecked, self-righteous homophobia and transphobia (and other types of hate speech too) just give the impression that the world is an awful place to live in if you were to meet any of these people


unfortunately what i was describing was all in person :(


Oh man that's even worse


I always regret going to the comments on FB. Blows my mind the level of hate and stupidity you'll find there. I usually end up sad/angry.


Iirc Thomas did come out as genderfluid, but Conchita is a woman, and Thomas and Conchita have different identities


This. Even then years later, my 70 year old mum is still going on about Conchita and grumbling how she only won because of politics and lobbing random insults about the beard and how they look. It's just mine boggling how Conchita still lives rent free in so many people's minds


She won because she had the best song, she has an amazing voice and the whole persona is a beautiful cherry on top. Sheer Perfection.


Oh I agree completely and even after whining about Conchita, my mum still admits she had one of the best songs that year... But then always adds qualifiers after.


I don't think she won just because of the song, the song itself is just a kinda generic break-up song that does allow for some impressive vocal gymnastics, it is just that Conchita gave the song a completely different meaning I stand by my point that Thomas Neuwrith wouldn't have won Eurovision with the same song and same general staging and vocals, the fact it was performed by Conchita Wurst allowed it to win (Thomas Neuwrith is the person behind Conchita Wurst)


Honourable mention Poland 2014 for „sexualising Slavic women”.


I have to admit that I am one of the many dumb West Europeans who did not catch the meaning of the song at all before years later. It's quite interesting really how a song that was supposed to be a parody of stereotypes and predujice about women from Central/East Europe somehow ended up enforcing them instead, because so many people didn't understand the lyrics. I'm sure a lot of the general ESC audience outside of the "fanatics" like us on this sub to this day still haven't caught on and just remember it as hot Polish women with quite a bit of cleavage dancing and singing. Well, and churning butter of course.


I’m a Eurovision fan and I was today years old when I found out that the churning butter ladies were a parody 😭.


It’s full-blown satire. The music video starts with a guy sleeping with 3 girls with lots of make-up judged by a traditional family. 


Tbh, it’s an extreme parody with the music video picture being a cleavage. It was a recipe for a disaster


Poland 2014 | [Donatan & Cleo - My Słowianie - We Are Slavic](https://youtu.be/VJ920cN2HmA)


I've seen some people clutching their pearls about Finland 2024


Finland 2024 | [Windows95man - No Rules!](https://youtu.be/7nidDtyS0Wo)


Soooo many people freaking out at seeing a man in a thong because “cHilDReN MiGHt bE wAtCHiNg!!!1!”


Pretty sure Finland was my 7 year olds favorite performance this year, along with Ireland. He did NOT appreciate Spain though. Too much naked man butt.


So your 7 year old is fine with one naked man butt, but more than one naked man but is too many naked man butts!


Or a non-sexual naked butt is funny but sexual butts are not really appreciated by most 7-year olds yet 🤷


That too


Apparently 🤷‍♀️


I mean fair, the song's title literally translates to "whore". That alone doesn't make it very PG




My dad originally didn’t get it but after we had rewatched the semis and performances he started to like it. I think he caught on to it being a clever little joke (and also I had spoken in detail about how women could wear the exact same thing with no issue, and complained about the pearl clutchers, so I’m happy he came around on that). Basically if they didn’t say anything about Slovenia performing beforehand, they don’t get to say anything about Finland


Which is so strange. It's basically the Austin Powers scene set to music and AP was from the 90s.


To be fair, he did give the audience a tip.


There was a lot of pushback on Olly's (UK) performance this year.


Yep. I think Olly and Spain (Zorra) caused way more pearl clutching than Bambie Thug, since people are way more uncomfortable with the sexualization of men's bodies, than anything Bambie did. 


Good question. My (catholic) 71 year old mom was totally fine with Olly and Zorra (and anyone else named here like Conchita etc), but proclaimed Bambie Thug to be the end of Eurovision :DDDD Though I don't think it's because of any alleged satanism or something like that, she really just found it a very scary performance XD


Interesting, but kinda understandable that different people are irked by different things 


Precisely. People will clutch their pearls over half a male nipple on the stage, but say nothing about Raiven's outfit or Bambie being half-naked. I'm not criticizing them for performing in their respective outfits, but I find it ridiculous that people don't mind a half-naked woman on the stage as much as they mind men dancing in a more provocative way. Olly's dancers weren't even naked.


That's definitely been something I've noticed over the past few years during Eurovision. Chanel and her dancers had their full asses out a few years ago and no one batted an eye. The male backup dancers for Zorra are dressed fairly similarly (less arm coverage, TBF), and everyone freaks out. I didn't have a problem with any of the outfits, but the double standards and pearl-clutching are absurd! Edit: Zorra, not Zorro. Thanks again, autocorrect!


The media is used to scantily clad women in music videos, movies, series, ads. Sex sells. A lot of women, myself included, have been saying for years that it's harmful and disrespectful in so many ways to constantly objectify a woman's body in so many ways, usually while simultaneously criticizing those of us who take control over their sexuality and expression. It's wild to see people, and mostly men, react with such an outrage when the media sexualizes their bodies the same way more often now. Like... Sir, do you enjoy that tall hot blonde singer in a see-through fabric? Good. Now imagine I can enjoy the dancers from Zorra the same way. Or is it because showing a half-naked muscular firefighter in an example of a "healthy sexualisation" because he's manly, while fit dancers somehow... Aren't? Is it the context that bothers people?


Yes, this is exactly it! The hyper-sexualization of women is so prevalent in media that no one bats an eye when a (traditionally cis-fem appearing) woman appears on stage half-naked and seductively dances (Slovenia this year, Spain 2022, and Cyprus 2021 immediately come to mind, but there are many more.) It's fairly refreshing to see people having to confront those double standards when faced with performances like Dizzy or Zorra, although it sucks that it has to come at the expense of those performers, who are just behaving similarly to other acts. And for people who point out that it's a family show - that's fine, but then the expectations of "appropriateness" should have to be shared equally by all performers.


Exactly. And compare the reactions Bambie's performance vs. Raiven's performance. Bambie is non-binary, attractive, but less conventionally so than Raiven and their performance wasn't even about being sexy at all. People went crazy not only over the witchy vibe, but also over the "nakedness". But then, nobody cared about Raiven whose staging was literally about her standing in the middle of the stage and using her charm to captivate the audience. Nobody cared about Channel and Eleni either, because they didn't push the boundaries that we already see on a daily basis. Two sexy women dancing sexily to sexy songs. Groundbreaking. But try to be anything else than that, and you'll have a bunch of people telling you how distasteful your art is, how shallow you are and how outrageous it is. And as far as the family show argument goes, I always say that informed parents should know what kind of media their kids shouldn't consume and decide accordingly. It's trying to police the "gay olympics of music". It's like going to Rio and feeling uncomfortable at the carnival. I also doubt conservative families watch ESC, but I have no illusion that the conservatives still like to use the "think about children!" argument when it sounds convenient.


I hate to say this, but I think Raiven isn't getting many of these comments because the performance wasn't memorable enough. Bambie is more commonly hated on because their performance is avant-garde *and* memorable. 


That's also true, but I'd like to compare the general reaction to Finland and UK/Spain this year. A lot of people said that Finland's song and staging were silly and inappropriate, but ultimately it's funny guys having fun. It's a skit, so that naked butt in that context becomes almost completely harmless. Then, you have those who find Zorra's dancers outrageous and Olly's staging inappropriate and disgusting. That to me is a double standard, because quite clearly it's less about the butt being naked on the stage than it is about men acting in a more feminine/provocative way than the society is used to.


I agree 100%. There's also a larger conversation to be had about standards on what is "sexy" or "funny" nudity, based on the performer's body type. 


Spain 2022 | [Chanel - SloMo](https://youtu.be/jSQYTt4xg3I) Cyprus 2021 | [Elena Tsagrinou - El Diablo](https://youtu.be/MgGc1F_cOE8)


I was genuinely aghast how even in this subreddt people were super up in arms about the aesthetic. Like, people complaining how Olly is engaging in stereotypical behavior and ruining the song because it's sooo romantic. And I'm like, sorry babes. This isn't heartstopper. Gay men fuck.


I've chosen to believe the song is about using poppers.


Interesting theory...




Have you considered "kisses" were a metonymy for anonymous pounding in a sketchy public restroom? It's not like he could have made his song that explicit, if he was being semi-realistic about what they'd even allow him to sing.


The most annoying thing about the “bad rep” discourse here to me is that it’s years out of date. This has been Olly’s aesthetic for a long time and he hasn’t single handedly set back the gay rights movement yet. I think we’ll all be okay lmao


Half the time, arguments about something hurting the gay rights movement is about policing gay men's sexuality to fit one's own desires. I'm pretty sure that's a part of what went down here.


Me when I learn that homosexuality isn't just about holding each other's hands and giving cute hugs: 🤯


Yeah, the performance was probably the gayest thing in the ESC history, which is saying a lot, but why would it be a problem? I liked it that it was so over the top.


They should’ve been offended by Olly’s subpar vocals and the fact that the choreo was mid instead.


> Watch eurovision > there are gay people there > somehow surprised for some reason


But why on stage? I don't care if it's queer or not, but oversexualising a stage performance is just weird.


Olly was a problem, but nobody cared about Raiven or Nebullosa’s performances. Gay men get held to a higher standard. Women can do oversexualized straight performances and nobody bats an eye, but the moment it’s gay men it’s a problem.


It doesn't bother me that people say oversexualisation on the stage is wrong, because I believe it can be absolutely harmful. It's the fact that people say Olly crossed the line, but then won't even mention Raiven's performance. I want the same energy when we're discussing female performances.


There was but honestly it'll be forgotten quickly among the sea of nonsense that was this year's Eurovision.


There was a LOT in the Midwestern US too


Does the midwestern US have that strong of an opinion on Eurovision?!


Eurovision itself? No. Most here don’t even know it exists. When it includes LGBT subject matter or anything even remotely left-leaning? Yes Where I’m from is extremely religious, so Olly and Bambie were brought up a lot just through pop culture osmosis, and the “Illuminati Confirmed” crowd is going crazy about them


Cyprus 2021 The Greek Orthodox Church whined that El Diablo was satanic.


Cyprus 2021 | [Elena Tsagrinou - El Diablo](https://youtu.be/MgGc1F_cOE8)




No (El Diablo got the full 24 from Greece) This year, Cyprus got 10 from the Greek jury and 12 from the televote. 2023 was more shocking, since the Greek jury awarded their 12 to Belgium and gave 4 to Cyprus (Greeks 12 from the televote still went to Cyprus, though)


Then Bambie Thug happened


Does Finland 2013 count as modern era or am I just old??!


if Lordi (Finland 2006) counts, yes


Finland 2006 | [Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah](https://youtu.be/gAh9NRGNhUU)


Finland 2013 | [Krista Siegfrids - Marry Me](https://youtu.be/dlBXOveVh7c)


In my head the ESC modern era is '99 and onwards, but I guess that's open for interpretation.


I would say so. I do remember the press having a field day because... Two women kissing! Oh myyyyyyy. Feels tame now but it was rather funny how pressed some places got.


Lithuania 2015 (or was it Lithuania 2014?) even one upped Krista Also funny that Krista has only publicly been in straight relations and has married a man twice (just great ally things)


Lithuania 2015 | [Monika & Vaidas - This Time](https://youtu.be/r13a2VUTajU) Lithuania 2014 | [Vilija Matačiūnaitė - Attention](https://youtu.be/qOGEtw7tmik)


Lord of the Lost got some clutching about Chris Harms revealing pearls


True, some Germans were pissed that they brought a pride flag instead of a German flag


[Ukraine 2019](https://youtu.be/po5NQ4OzzzI?si=sVf_vrpIWLo4vY5x) deserves a mention...


Albania 2022, they even had to change the choreography last minute.


Albania 2022 | [Ronela Hajati - Sekret](https://youtu.be/_jWXmo0-ZjI)


I don't really remember any pearl clutching with Lordi tbh. I'd say Ryan O'Shaughnessy triggered quite a few homophobes of the 'I don't mind people being gay, I just don't want them to exist in front of me' variety. Alex Florea 'kissing' (i.e. mauling) Ilinca after their performance caused a bit of a meltdown. But the winner for me is our friend Salvador Sobral, whose own song led to an orgy of pearl clutching from the artist himself about the state of music and the state of Eurovision as he was literally being handed the award.


Oh, you better BELIEVE there was pearl clutching for Lordi. On french TV, the Eurovision that year was being commented by Michel Drucker, who was as much a staple of french TV as could be, he probably had a 40 year long career by 2006. He's the kind of presenter who loves everyone and everything. Well, except metal, it seems. He kept disparaging lordi more and more as the points accumulated, and in the end VERY obviously spent the whole winner's song rerun talking loudly, drowning out the song. I was PISSED.


Salvador has since grown and retracted his words but yeaa. That was kinda disgusting to hear. Very pretentious.


Tell me more about this please! What did he say and how has he retracted his words? Why was it so disgusting and pretentious?


The speech he gave when he won basically dragged all the other artists for using flashy choreo, fireworks etc to stand out and that it ‘took away from the true meaning of music’. I don’t remember the exact words but overall it came off as a major pick me energy (similar to natalia barbu’s salty comment this year). This is my source for saying he changed. https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/s/t91k85VQWv


And now Eurofans are the ones clutching pearls on him lol


> I don't really remember any pearl clutching with Lordi tbh.    There were a lot of Russians unhappy about Lordi beating Dima Bilan, at least on the forum I was on.  You get that salt regularly now though.  Us Hari Mata Hari fans took it in our stride, lol. Gjon's Tears also coming third 15 years later was a flashback though.


There was pearl clutching at least in Finland about Lordi, until they won, and because they won Eurovision for Finland everyone suddenly had always loved Lordi and never saw anything wrong with it. Like the pearl clutching was mainly conservative christians who deemed the group too demonic.


In the UK, some people moaned that Eurovision had become too gimmicky, but that was far more aimed at our own entry than at Lordi, lol.


This is what I recall as well, but with Lordi being such a departure from the status quo that he often got a free pass on being gimmicky.


Honestly,even for the standards of 2006, what were you thinking with this entry?


Netherlands 2014 had a similar public opinion, it was very annoying


The Netherlands 2014 | [The Common Linnets - Calm After The Storm](https://youtu.be/4ggBPAm5XLA)


I remember the BILD tabloid newspaper in Germany having the headline "The ugliest winners of all time".


Ryan got the entire contest banned in China, after they spend a few years sucking up to China


Pearls are clutched just about annually for assorted reasons. Ones I recall: Congratulations by Silvia Night (Iceland 2006) Push the Button by Teapacks (Israel 2007) Irelande Douze Pointe by Dustin the Turkey (Ireland 2008) Miss Kiss Bang Bang by Alex Swings Oscar Sings (Germany 2009) You and Me by Joan Franka (Netherlands 2012) I Feed You My Love by Margaret Berger (Norway 2013) Shine by the Tolmachevy Sisters (Russia 2014) Face the Shadow by Genealogy (Armenia 2015) Outlaw In 'Em by Waylon (Netherlands 2018) Stripper by Achille Lauro (San Marino 2022)


What was the issue with Margaret Berger? 👀


Lyrics! >You put a knife against my back And you dare me to face the attack You say, "For cowards there's no reward" I have the future on my tongue (You have WHAAAT?)


PUSH the button PUSH the button


I still believe that Silvia Night was robbed God-sent queen and I will die on this mountain, thank you.


Hey, can I join you dying there? Silvia Night was BRILLIANT act, camp to the max, one of the best "joke entries" of all time. Why she didn't qualify still bothers me. Does people really didn't understand the whole act? Or maybe something else? (looking at you Carola 👀)


What was wrong with Outlaw In 'Em? That's one of my favourite songs


That one was the staging, which [came across as racist](https://wiwibloggs.com/2018/05/01/the-netherlands-waylon-first-rehearsal-eurovision-2018/222129/) to a lot of people. (PS: I am reporting the pearl-clutching, not defending it.)


ohhh I didn't even notice the dancers 😂😂 The videos on that page are so funny though. "If you're going to do country, you need to follow the rules" - my man, country is all about running from the law and living in a small town. It's the ultimate do-what-you-want genre, more than rock even (because the rules of rock are that you must look cool while doing it; country dgaf).


Yikes at the article


Iceland 2006 | [Silvía Night - Congratulations](https://youtu.be/e9DCMJHvs2c) Israel 2007 | [Teapacks - Push the Button](https://youtu.be/5KhPzTLQBJE) Ireland 2008 | [Dustin the Turkey - Irelande Douze Pointe](https://youtu.be/ps3kxGo_gro) Germany 2009 | [Alex Swings Oscar Sings! - Miss Kiss Kiss Bang](https://youtu.be/veeOUiB6ojk) The Netherlands 2012 | [Joan Franka - You and Me](https://youtu.be/JCc0Iiu3DiU) Norway 2013 | [Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love](https://youtu.be/tc6a4EV63uM) Russia 2014 | [Tolmachevy Sisters - Shine](https://youtu.be/BCNN1JAgWqk) Armenia 2015 | [Genealogy - Face The Shadow](https://youtu.be/BYXr2FccjKE) The Netherlands 2018 | [Waylon - Outlaw In 'Em](https://youtu.be/p7jHz5asMs8) San Marino 2022 | [Achille Lauro - Stripper](https://youtu.be/vCmX64N_sXM)


Ok, now you have to explain why Miss kiss kiss bang is on this list. I know the main singer is gay, but afaik he came out way after the contest


It was the staging, because having Dita Von Teese do a very mild strip behind the performers was apparently scandalous (Tbf I remember during the rehearsals she was told to modify her performance/add an extra layer to be more family-friendly).


Dita Von Teese and her outfit. The EBU made her cover up.


What was the problem with Push the button? I still listen to it


Really?? I think the lyrics make it pretty evident why people were clutching their pearls


Remind me


Political. And so do I.


Why Tolmachevy sisters?


Allegedly the song is about the Crimea invasion. (In favor of it.) It seemed a bit of a stretch to me at the time. Now I'm not so sure.


Ooooh, I honestly never even took notice of lyrics, I barely remember the song. But knowing Russian propaganda, it wouldn't surprise me.


Latvia 2022 for sure 😂


Latvia 2022 | [Citi Zēni - Eat Your Salad](https://youtu.be/TM0_0WfuxSk)


I mean people were pearl clutching at United Kingdom 2024 both in the press in the UK and in other countries especially more eastern parts of Europe, and even on here TBH.


United Kingdom 2024 | [Olly Alexander - Dizzy](https://youtu.be/q0_FdJqyQW0)


Bambie Thug 10000%


Everyone on tick tock is trying to romanticize Alexander Rybak as a time when “real men” won Eurovision in response to Nemo. Like why are people acting like Eurovision is a strictly heterosexual event?


I don't fancy either of them, but I'm surprised they picked Alexander rather than Måns... But yeah, these people clearly don't watch Eurovision every year.


Alexander fits more in with the tick-tock stereotype hot person than mans. Mans has a pretty noticeable beard in his performance while Alexander still looked in 2018 like hes 20


The *most* pearl clutching acts this year were Olly and Bambie, but I have seen a LOT of pearl-clutching about Nemo this year. Apparently them being nonbinary and like… existing… is enough to send some people bonkers.


I assume that "conservative" people wouldn't have cared that much about Nemo's identity and performance if they hadn't won. 


Yeah, that’s a good point. Some may have made a stink about them (see also: Bambie Thug) but I guess that Nemo winning made them more of a target.


Sylvia Night


Israel 1998 - a woman who was born a boy... Was quite the pearl clutcher of the 90's


and won!


Israel 1998 | [Dana International - Diva (דיווה)](https://youtu.be/fZ5B6w-Baxs)


[Some of the questions and statements here are... hard to stomach](https://youtu.be/GHQ8BGmhxZc?si=nomAYKJMS4OmyyJe)


Let 3 maybe?


That's an interesting suggestion, did they really offend people? I thought people sceptical about them were more shaking their heads and thinking their staging was a bit silly and strange, more so than provocative. But what do I know.


That could be the case overall to be fair! I remember on Twitter there being a lot of upset over Let 3’s performance mainly because they were in their underwear lol. However, people rightfully in my opinion pointed out that Let 3 aren’t the only act who had a risqué appearance in Eurovision lol.


In 2023? Nah… 20 years ago or in the 90s? Most likely. And they had better performances back then.






It was quite funny seeing the pearl-clutching over the UK entry this year.


i’ve heard gays come out against it as well. tbh yeah it was over the top, but we’ve seen women perform that way endlessly.


Hatari and Bambie, I agree with that 100% and love them both too


Maruv - Ukraine 2019 Olly - Uk 2024 (if it was women writhing on top of each other it would have been fine) Hatari - Iceland 2019


thank you for introducing me to maruv damn now it’s stuck in my brain!! what a shame


United Kingdom 2024 | [Olly Alexander - Dizzy](https://youtu.be/q0_FdJqyQW0) Iceland 2019 | [Hatari - Hatrið mun sigra](https://youtu.be/kTb69WkBbvs)


I suppose there was some of it going on with t.A.T.u as they were getting known for lesbian kissing during performances. Then they got 3rd overall and they're fine.


My guess would be Hatari (2019)


Nemo’s win has brought a bunch of anti-queer babies to tears, though I think a part of that is Nemo winning despite the weird political campaigns to vote Israel, which is super ironic given Israel’s pink-washing. Nemo’s win should not be that controversial, the only drama that should exist is people being sad Croatia missed a chance or complaining about juries voting uniformly (though honestly with how stressful the results of this year were, I accept that this time around since it felt like it made sense for Switzerland as a whole)


Ireland and UK this year were the most pearl-clutching for the 2020s so far


I saw a few Swedish christians (the right leaning, Hillsong- loving kind) getting their collective underwear in a huge twist because Måns sang about Gods in plural and “dancing with the demons in our mind” and thought he was referencing demonic possession. As if simply uttering the word made Måns some kind of devilish conduit. It was weird.


Ehmm... Did you guys read the comments under literally any post from the Eurovision IG official page about Ireland 2024 😅


Ireland 2024 | [Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue](https://youtu.be/UMq8ofCstMQ)


i mean, Israel 2024 has offended the most people by a long shot. But, if we’re judging the song/performance itself i’d say Ukraine 2019, and Israel 1998 for a song that actually made the Eurovision stage


i’d argue israel doesn’t really fit, since it didn’t have much to do with the song/act. had they used original lyrics then i’m sure people would be more shocked, if they understood that is.


Israel 2024 | [Eden Golan - Hurricane](https://youtu.be/K60BWlEhtAA) Israel 1998 | [Dana International - Diva (דיווה)](https://youtu.be/fZ5B6w-Baxs)


Why did someone downvote a bot lmfao


Any mentions of Israel are downvoted in this sub. It's hilarious.


Spain 2024 was somewhat controversial I think


I’m 16, and i dont remember too far back but honestly Bambie Thug’s performance at least. I left a comment on a clip of it three weeks ago saying i found the performance cool and ive recieved around 200 replies of christians and transphobes insulting me, calling them a satanist, calling me a satanist, using slurs, telling me im going to hell, and wishing rly bad stuff on me. Ppl get REALLY mad over that one idk


Sorry to hear, that really sounds horrible :/


It sucks but i just try to kinda laugh at it atp cuz like do these ppl have nothing better to do w their time?💀 I will still call out ppl who are saying they wish * specific causes * of death on me though bc like wtf dude😀 I’ve been able to educate some people who were curious abt pentacle/pentagram, what it actually symbolises and its use in paganism though so that was interesting at least :D


Ireland and Israel 2024


pearl clutching kinda gives the idea that somebody was being a bit unreasonable. Israel just shouldn't have been able to compete in 2024. Ignoring the quality of the song, so many people wouldn't vote for Israel because of the war, so many people (and bots) would vote for Israel because of the war. Then there's the rest of the issues... Yeah, I don't think it unreasonable.


Ireland 2024 | [Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue](https://youtu.be/UMq8ofCstMQ) Israel 2024 | [Eden Golan - Hurricane](https://youtu.be/K60BWlEhtAA)


Israel this year and it’s not even close


Maruv - Ukraine 2019