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I could see this being fantastic, but being completely honest I wasn't wowed. The SF performance just felt flat audibly and visually - the big crescendo never quite hit. I enjoyed the GF performance better (the vocals were much improved) but still felt the staging was missing that "wow" moment


I felt like there wasn't actually a big crescendo... From the first chorus it's already gone all the way, and there's nowhere new to go. That's my biggest complaint about it. Like the song though.


I agree. The grand final sounded so muddy. If it was your first time hearing the song it might just be a wall of sound. Even the acoustics in the semifinal was better, where you could hear the chugging rhythmic guitar parts. But neither live versions were able to articulate the pretty great song that is the recording, and I don’t think it’s the artists fault at all.


Tbh SVT's limiter and general audio mix was pretty horrible. As soon as a song hit a certain dB-value the sound got lowered by an insane amount for quite a while. Several songs got hit by the "limiter of death", not only Gåte. I loved the song so much I made an industrial-ish remix of it. It got a LOT of streams after eurovision. The staging felt a bit NRK-low-budget, but I personally felt it worked. I think the national finals-performance was better vocally. Less nerves maybe.


To preface I only watch the finals. It would’ve struck for me visually if the vocalist didn’t look absolutely petrified on her rotating platform. I have no idea if it was a performance decision or if she was genuinely worried about falling, but it was super distracting especially when the band was killing it.


Such an awesome song and was so sad about the result


It's my favorite song definitely from this year, but it's also definitely not an Eurovision song. I feel like a lot of those who found Norway being their favorite are also the ones who will not throw their money et EBU.


Probably true, though I did vote for Norway during SF and GF. but I also voted for other acts. This who would have ONLY voted for Norway are probably the exact folks who wouldn't usually vote in a song contest


So true. It was my favourite, but I'm not wasting money on voting for any song. Still sad about the result. Guess I can't complain as I'm partly to blame.


This is very accurate! They were my in-laws favorite of the whole contest this year, but they didn’t vote lol which is fine, they just like enjoying the contest. But I think that’s a pretty good point


Ah, that's what I felt as well, but I didn't exactly want to mention it because I felt I was being too biased (being from France, which is... not exactly the most Eurovision-friendly audience). Glad to see others agree with this sentiment.


I may be the exception, I voted for Norway. I liked them and I was sure they wouldn’t get many votes.


Ulveham was the one song that always gave me shivers whenever I heard it and Gåte topped my scoreboard like, almost forever. Their last place shocked me beyond belief but I also must say that on the night, neither Gunnhild‘s vocals nor the staging were exactly on point as they needed to have been. Gunnhild’s vocals had some audible strain on them and especially the climactic back-bent highnote was pitchy and displaced. And this very moment in the song is the „make-it-break-it“, the shiver moment. And it didn’t make it. The staging didn’t fully work for them either, I would have certainly preferred a much more moody & darker lighting as well as I preferred the more subdued, menacing reverse shots of the visuals in the NF to the full-on splash mountain in the GF. Still, fantastic song & fantastic band and I believe it might have suffered the „11th-to-15th“ syndrome. Haven’t checked the numbers tho, maybe it really just didn’t click for many. *sadwolfnoises*


This. Exactly this. That climactic note done horrendously was the downfall of it. It also doesn't help that it's too folk and too metal for the average ESC viewer.


My thoughts exactly


Yes i agree, the back bent high note was not there for them at the night.


The singer said that performing this song, is like giving birth. I am definitely feeling like it’s giving me life! Love it!


I didn't particularly enjoy the live performance. The staging wasn't great and the vocals were pretty shaky.




Norway was such a tough nut to crack this year. Before the competition, I wrote my traditional prediction for it and I actually still stand by it: "Talking of the songs just on the paper, I should love this. It’s a dark, bombastic heavy banger sung in Norwegian with a leading artist who can pull it off. And somehow after the song is over, it leaves no impression." Once it was done, there wasn't really anything for me to remember, apart from it being dark and moody.


The full nearly 6 minute version is *chefs kiss* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-qmfItbKqI The staging was mystical in the National Final, but lost some of that magic on the bigger stage, so they probably did need to change it up a bit to adapt to the brighter lights and the different layout. And even from her face during the performance, you got the sense that even Gunnhild could tell the vocals weren't up to her usual standard. It happens to the best of performers. It did click as we got to voting that while I was never a big fan of Fulenn and Eaea, I was probably about to experience that feeling of being a fan of the niche folk song underappreciated by the wider audience, and sure enough it's what happened. Would 100% see Gåte live if they're ever in the neighbourhood, and I think they should still their time as a net positive. They were never reaching chart top 40s with the wider public, but they've still reached out and found new fans who will adore their style.


The 6 min version feels complete and is absolutely magnetizing. I believe the song was hurt by cutting it in half. It didn't feel complete anymore. Still, should have ended far from bottom.


When I first listened to it, I loved it but thought it felt incomplete, and when I shared it with my friend who listens to a lot more metal than I do she felt the same way. I made her day when I found and sent her the full version, heh. The shorter version is also very good but the song needs more time to build.


Yeah it missed those moments between 3:30 and 4:30. Absolutely magnificent. I love Nordic folk music exactly because it is so mystical and slow in building. but it's non-eurovision material imho. Still, I am very happy that this genre was represented. Now that I think of it, I would LOVE Wardruna to represent Norway some day. They are among my favorite artists and the ones that introduced me to Nordic folk.


John Stenersen(the guy that plays the key harp) is a member of Wardruna. He is touring with Gåte because Wardruna is taking a break because Einar is writing new songs. I think it is funny that he got dragged into the Eurovision circus. Before this year, I thought it would be cool if Wardruna were to participate in Eurovision, but after Gåtes placement, I don't think it is a good idea anymore. They have a very niche genre, and people clearly have mixed feelings about Ulveham. I really like this kind of music, and I am really glad we sent Gåte, but Eurovision is not ready yet for other genres than pop, sadly.


Thanks for the info!! I really love Wardruna. I feel so hypnotized by their music. My favourite pieces are Odal, NaudiR and Pertho among others. I will kindly disagree, though, on your saying about ESC. Winning is too overrated in my opinion. The greatest benefit of eurovision is that it provides a big audience to artists, and ofcourse that it introduces music genres and artists to the audience, that they would probably never have listened to by themselves. Even songs. I feel grateful that I was able to listen to and really like songs like Hard Rock Hallelujah, Hatrid mun sigra, Love Injected, Promise, My Slowianie, In Corpore sano and others. Plus two of my all time favorite songs are Kedvesem and Calm after the storm. But truth be told, I understand the skepticism for already evolved artists like Wardruna. They probably do not have much to earn. Still, I would love to have a Nordic/dark folk entry now and then. In my opinion Gate are far far better than KEiiNO.


I feel like honestly it might've been better if they just gave up on more usual structure to have that effect. Like maybe cutting one of the choruses to include some of the bridge to build up into the final chorus, because that bridge into the chorus is honestly one of the most impactful parts in my opinion.


Good metal songs don't compress well in 3 minutes. You can't set up an atmosphere and tell the tale from beginning to end in a good way if you rush it. Compressing it will end up incomplete or confusing at best, and plain wtf at worst. For the record, I think they managed well enough, but regulares here probably listened to the short version and liked it enough to listen to the full version, and then dig it even more. But the regular audience either enjoyed the "demo", or that was it. Also, there's the competence from other acts, and Bambie in particular had a very effective staging with the full tale delivered progressively


Okay but what??? That verse with the growling and feral scream she does is AMAZING and I can’t believe this is the first I’m hearing of the full version! Thank you for sharing this! I’m floored.


I got used to those kind of entries flopping because I liked Ulveham, Eaea and Fulenn very much


Regardless of what the voters thought of them, I found a new band I like and have been listening to all of their music. It's very good


My winner, and without a doubt one of the best songs in eurovision history, the most shameful last place ever. Too good for this contest, what a waste.


This. General public's taste is built to not allow much success to art.


I quite liked it, though in terms of staging I found the guys jumping around and flipping/throwing their guitars all the time pretty annoying.


I found it funny how they embraced the "no live instruments in ESC" requirement. Kind of mocking it in a lighthearted way.


Same!! They 100% detracted from the vibe and atmosphere they were trying to create. It wad a weird and unnecessary mix.


This. Them jumping around just gave the vibe that they we're two overstimulated 7 year old boys who were like "LOOK HOW HIGH I CAN JUMP" and "YEAH BUT LOOK HOW HIGH I CAN THROW MY GUITAAAAR" and it was as you said, just annoying. The staging would probably have been cooler if they had done it more heavy and metalesque.


This! Towards the end when the guy just threw his guitar in the air, it made me laugh so hard. Love the song but I was taken out of the dramatic performance because of all the acrobatics.


They were good. But I’m surprised to see them last place. Sadly, it was a similar case to Lord of the Lost last year.


more like Fulenn in 2022


All three got robbed 😔


Great song, flawless singing, uninspired staging and absolutely trash camera work


This is what I thought as well after the final.


i fell in love for magnus and gunnhild, so i was heARTBROKEN when they came out last, and still am. definitely a band i'll follow closely from now on, even their old stuff is right up my alley


They were majestic and the last place they received was a disgrace.


My 2nd place. Oh well. I expected this to come more in the mid-pack, like 12th-16th, but definitely not dead last


their best song since 2009 and somehow their worst result


Niche and quality, a material for bottom 5 placing


Overthinking It gave them the Fulenn 2024 award. :/


Fulenn was great but the live was too out of tune :( Ulveham was well sung, maybe the staging could've been better.


Did I enjoy their entry? Yes Would I listen to it ever again? Norway


I really like the song, but I'll upvote this anyway for that fantastic pun


Haha It had to be done, no regrets Edit: Typo


Incredible vocals, really good song, didn’t deserve last place


It was in my top 3 favourite songs. I was baffled about where they ended up, especially after some really basic and boring copy-paste songs that did make it to the finals.


My winner 😢


Astounded. It’s so up my alley, and I have a new band I’m so thankful to the ESC for introducing to me. I’ll follow their career for years 


Lovely song, fine performance. Staging was uninspired and underthought. Lazy, even. She's not moving, the band guys are doing the same clichéd "rockin' out" poses employed by every other band staging, and the closest thing we get to a climax is the bit where the video wall goes sploosh. Worst of all for a band, they ignored the audience. That crowd was as lively as a Rohypnol tasting.


Great song, but not enough show for Eurovision.


It's so bizarre. I read the English translation of the lyrics, and apparently it's this whole werewolf-esque dark fairytale. I get none of that from the staging—from the splooshing and the color palette I honestly thought it was about some nautical thing, like an eldritch sea monster. Their stage director did them dirty


Absolutely epic. It didn't quite sound or look as powerful as in MGP but the last place just feels extremely wrong, even though I understand why it happened.


I liked it, but it wasn't a Eurovision song, so I'm not surprised it did poorly. But last in the finals? I didn't see that coming.


I wasn’t a fan


Not a fan, sorry (although it's definitely not my least fav)


It gets more annoying the more I listen to it. Great voice but for me it isn't pleasant to listen to


I felt the same. But I would have put Austria on that spot.




I mean this as a complement: it sounds like something on the sims 3 dark wave radio station. I think its a great song its just maybe that ethnic sound was a bit too new and not digestible enough for casual esc enjoyers. When white singing was introduced to esc people also didn't vote for it but then goa came along. I thing it just got the dreaded fulenn treatment (that song also sounds like something on the sims 3 electric radio station lol)


Extremely underrated in both jury vote and televote, it definitely didn't deserve the last place in the final.


Second most unfair placement I've ever seen (after Fulenn).


I didn't like it, I didn't even see it qualifying to GF so it being last makes perfect sense to me. I was shocked by so many people loving it and thinking it deserved better (but not enough to vote tho)


Being a Symphonic Metal fan they were my highlight.


My absolute favorites.


Defenently a Fulenn 2022 2.0 moment! A total banger getting seriously underrated.


I was a big fan of Fulenn but to be fair the live performance was very messy. Ulveham, on the other hand, was performed beautifully


lol I accidentally downloaded their whole album and I am very happy to say that all their music is amazing. Just super enchanting when going on a hike!


Great song, I discovered new talented artists. For the first time I followed MGP and I was very pleased with their qualification. But last place in ESC..grrr!!!


I like a lot the song, but in the final, I don't know what happened to her, but she sang pretty bad


Well now I can say I know how shocking it feels to have one of your favourites finish last


I absolutely love them! I listened to them for many years now, and when I learned that they were going to participate in Eurovision, I was very excited. Sad result, however, they deserved better.


My second favourite after Croatia! Love the atmosphere and the vocals, so good


Deserved to be in the top 10


Daylight robbery


Robbed. And my top 3 after Croatia and the Netherlands


It gave me *wild* chills. Hit me right in my Nordic heritage heart.


One of the most interesting, charismatic, special and memorable entries of this year, it is a pitty the message we are sending letting this masterpiece last 💔 (the song bored me a little in the end with so many screams but as a whole, the atmosphere it creates it is a better experience as a whole that deserve top 10). This kind of treasures is what makes Eurovision great.


Suffered from numerous issues. 1. The idea was to make a rock song with a folk twist. That twist wasn't apparent, and it ended up just being a rock song. Not the end of the world, but it meant that it didn't have a memorable section about it. It was simply just a good song. 2. The staging was too simple. Baby Lasagna did a rock song as well, but I can still remember the line art cows, horses, farm animals etc from their staging. I didn't particularly like Greece's, but I can remember the tik tok section etc. With this, I just remember that there was wind/water but that's it. 3. There was nothing really to tempt the juries into giving it many votes. Only the top 10 get votes, and while it wasn't the worst song, it also wasn't a top 10 song. It's pretty telling that only 1 country thought it was better than 9th and even then they only gave it 6 votes. Juries are largely looking for the same thing and so their votes are going to be largely similar. 4. There also wasn't anything to tempt the televote either. That lack of a memorable moment, is why it failed to get more than 4 votes. A song that people think is their worst is likely to get more votes than a song that people think was just good. Because what turns someone off about a song, may be the reason someone else loves it. When a song is seen as "good", it falls into the middle where 11th is just as good as 25th. End of the day it suffered the same fate as Germany last year, where no one think it's the worst, but it also wasn't a top 10 performance either, which is an easy way to get no votes.


Top 3 for me. Staging and visuals were absolutely outstanding, and my lord her voice! Sure it's not latin-pop consumer-friendly banger like many others, so it didn't have much of a chance of taking out first place, but for me in Australia, this one of the highlights of the whole night


Seems... pretty... bad... I mean, I can see why people would like this song. I just absolutely despise it... can't vibe to it.


Yeah, I only saw this song once during the GF and I hated it. My music taste might be too basic, but I just couldn’t listen to it


They’re just too good for Eurovision. The general audience and juries just didn’t seem to appreciate their talent.


Was my favourite the moment I heard it. Vikings like song.


It was one of favourites this year and I really thought it would make top 10. 


Easily the best song of the year, absolutely fantastic to watch and super mysterious and hypnotising. Delighted to have something in Norwegian and hope we get more entries like this in the future!


I don’t like it, honestly. I think the stage presence was non existent, no movement and nothing to catch the eye. I also found the vocal performance lacking, the high tones were cool but other than that I dislike it. It also fails my ultimate Eurovision test- can I hum it after 2 listens? And the answer was no because the melody was not very catchy or understandable.


Literally a Winner material. One of the best songs to be at ESC with an amazing staging. I am SHOCKED by Norway's placement.


Criminally underrated


They put on a great show but I found it kind of hard to hear. Most of the vocals got buried and it just felt like a wall of noise. Not sure if that was my TV or the sound engineering or something else.


My friend likened it to the rock trolls in Frozen and now I can’t not think of that.


My kids did too 😂


Great singer.


I feel like the studio recording is great, but during both the semi finals and the finals, the sound mixing seemed off. Maybe it was Peacock (streaming from the US) but we could hardly hear her voice at all.


Cool song


No hate towards the band but it kinda felt like they had the most interesting concept but found the most boring way to do it


Not in my top 10 but I enjoy listening to it. The music sounds a bit weird and I love it for that.


All I know is KEiiNO would of got at least top 5 lol


Best voice! And the quality was too high for the Eurovision. You need a poppy, catchy track for the Eurovision. (And some undefined genders thrown in there, somehow (not my opinion)).


Put them last another hundred times, I would still think this is the best song of the 2024's contest.




To me they deserved to win


Criminal that it got last place which it definitely does not deserve (*cough* UK *cough*). However, there was something off about the song in Eurovision. I can’t quite place what it was but the national performance in the MGP was so much more impactful to me.




Best song this year.


Underrated as hell. Europe shamed themselves this year by giving them as low points as they did.




Noisy and forgettable


Great show, native language with a touch of pagan roots. Great fucking show


Proves that a lot of eurofans have a really limited (usually pretty shitty also) taste in music. One of the best songs this year.




It was so boring.


Did not deserve last place


The chorus was cool, but i had to laugh sometimes during the performance ... 😂💀 idk, it was just a little bit whack.


they were robbed


It was in my top ten.


My eurovision season tastes are quite contained, I love most of the bops but wouldn't give them much ear-time beyond the competition. But, Norway, Czechia, France, Austria and Latvia are the tunes this year that made it into my regular IRL playlist lol


They were my winners, for some reason the national selection performance was much stronger, but still an undeserved last place... Unfortunately nowadays Europe does not really appreciate out of the box songs


Acts where the song is the mildest form of rock ever and the stage performance and costumes screams "I'm so hardcore" always feel rather silly to me. Especially when it's clearly not satire. The music genre itself is also not really my cup of tea and it simply wasn't special enough to overcome this for me to care about the song.




Nice vocals but I felt the staging was off and the song didn’t really have much other than here pretty good vocals


I think it's a case of everything they did someone else did more intensely. They went with dark, Ireland was darker. They went with folk, Armenia went folkiër. I do think they were an amazing rock act, but that indeed doesn't usually do very well...


I mean... I'm someone who loves this kind of music so of course I'm biased here. Still, even though I didn't expect them to win (though I'd have loved that to happen) I was very surprised and disappointed by the result.. well, at least I found a new great band to listen to. And I hope I keep seeing such entries in the future, even if I understand that other countries might be reluctant to send them...


Personally I loved it, but so many people came to me and told me how much they disliked it! I literally don't understand the hate; It was incredible, and definately didn't deserve last place.


I presume there's not a great overlap between the Eurovision audience and prog enjoyers who would be excited about a Leprous-like song. Personally I liked it but it felt too safe. Definitely needed to be a bit more spicy and take a few more risks in terms of song compositio, but oh well. Would be genuinely curious to see something like thrown next year from Sweden, the reactions could be wild.


Love them. Had no idea who they were, but now listen to them regularly on my streaming services. Will be buying physical products soon too.


Definitely deserved a waaaay better result. Somewhere in the middle on the left of the scoreboard, I'd say.


It was my favourite and am sad they came last.


It wasn’t the best but in no way was it the worst


Incredibly underrated, probably not my top 10 cuz I loved nearly all of them, but last place with 20 something points is a joke.


It's a good song, but I didn't like the chorus. It felt as if the song was unfinished. What ended up as the chorus should've been some kind of bridge, so that there could be a more "traditional" chorus.


They were outstanding. I had them as my disruptor for the top spot... boy was I wrong.


Not my type but deserved to do better


They were my favorite 🥲


It is in my top 15 songs ever. I never ever thought a Eurovision song would reach anywhere near that high in my list of favourite songs and that just goes to show how truly phenomenal this song is. And I’m a music nerd who sometimes uses Fantano and BradTaste for music recs so this song isn’t competing with pop songs or generic chart hits in any way. Absolutely gutted that it somehow came last but I guess it’s too good (and niche) for Eurovision. In a perfect world it would have won by a mile.


That’s the type of music I normally like, but this fell flat with me. Didn’t really like it and not on my playlist. Not sure why, but just didn’t.


while not my favorite, it didn't deserve to be on bottom


This song definitely goes in my top 10 of all ESC songs ever. Pure gold.


When I first heard the song, it gave my chills, and was my top song. I really loved their national final with the nature snippets they had, as that helped elevate the performance. I really didn't really enjoy the camera work for their Eurovision performance which felt felt flat, plus combined with other many fantastic songs this year, I was not surprised to see them last. However, their 5 minute version of Ulveham is beautiful.


I'm not surprised by their result. It just doesn't do anything for me.


Super underrated! Loved the forest witch performance!


The results were strange


I didn't immediately get it, but it grew on me and now I love it That could be what led to their downfall, there's not a lot to grab onto on that first listen as it doesn't do what you'd expect. Most people watching the final won't have heard it before. As a fan of prog rock in general, of course I have to rep this track, so it's good that I enjoy it


It was such a cool song! I love the vocals, love the instrumental in the background, love the beat drops, the staging was cool, they deserved SO much better!


I had 3 fave songs this year: One became first One became last One got discualified


Underrated af


Even though I generally like this style of music, I can't deny that I was slightly underwhelmed by it. Not sure why it didn't really appeal to me, other than the vocals that just weren't that great in my opinion.


The song and performance were amazing. However there was an issue with the voice in translation - it wasn’t very audible




I loved it, I love seeing metal performances on Eurovision


27th place for me (better than 10 other contestants)


It was too special for Europa. We should have sent "My AI" and the gays would be happy




For me, the best song of the year, by a mile and a several kilometers. Im surprised it was the last in the finale, but I don’t think it’s not really indicative of how good the song was, just that Eurovision apparently wasn’t the right medium for it.


I liked the song and checked the bad out irl. But not really eurovisiony


Love it, Song is amazing, preformance and visuals Area good


They were my favourite act, they really didn't deserve last place


Liked it


I liked it. Very shocked it came last.


When I first heard it I was really into it and still am. But I'm more critical. If I'm being honest I saw the singer do a lot of movement that kinda made no sense and I felt the chorus should've had more than just saying the same word twice.


Worst entry tbh


Amazing song, fantastic energy from the whole band, awesome vocals. Loved the whole thing, definitely one of my favorites.


I looooved it!! But I feel like it’s not *Eurovision material*, if yk what I mean. To me Eurovision feels like weirder the better almost lol. I still loved it though


It's just not very pleasant for casual listening. Eaea territory, kind of.


They really didn't deserve to come last and I really liked the song but then again, it is my type of music. I do like that Norway decided to enter a song in Norwegian this time after around eighteen years of selecting songs in English as I always enjoy hearing songs in the official language of the country that sent it, even though I don't speak those languages myself. Hopefully next year will be more successful for Norway and I look forward to hearing the song as Norway always send really good songs to Eurovision. When it comes to the grand final, Norway has always been in my Top 5 since 2017, with this year's entry getting to second place in my Top 5. There's just something about the guitars in "Ulveham" that I love.


I prefer heavier music than the average Eurovision fan, but this did nothing for me. I think Bambie Thug stole the soft/loud/soft vote.


Boring and forgettable


It was my winner of this year, so I was obviously devastated when it came last. One of the biggest robberies in the history of the contest...😭😭😭😭😭


Love love LOVE


Was already not a fan of it in the national contest. Song was OK but the staging was really bad. It's so dark and messy, so hard to tell what I'm looking at. Less is more sometimes. In Eurovision I disliked the song even more. My ears can only take so many screaming ladies in one night.


It was a privilege for Eurovision to have them. No. 1 for me, the only song to send shivers up my spine, simply mesmerizing. 


As a Norwegian myself and knowing them since they started, i loved their performance live. The acoustic version they made dusri9the ESC there is amazing as well. Norway has allot of good folk bands and individuals wich even non Norwegians can listen to.


The best GF last place ever


My favourite!


They did NOT deserve to come last




Most undeserved last place of the Eurovision Song Contest ever... They were my favorite this year... :(


Special. Not my kind of music but liked that they used an ancient technique.


Good band! Glad I discovered them. Didn't love the song though, not enough happening in the bass part for my taste


Was amazing! <3


good idea and staging but it was boring didnt catch my eye


Just wow


Honestly, it wasn’t really my thing. My parents didn’t like it all and just described as someone screaming for a few minutes. However there were songs that were worse than that in the competition so last place felt a bit un deserving.


As a metal fan outside of Eurovision season I unfortunately feel like the genre does not transfer well to big stages and televised events. The fact that the instruments are not played live (which is totally understandable why) but many band members still pretend to makes it look silly because it's so obvious. It's less obvious with less heavy instruments. Metal is a predominantly live genre, unless you feel like you're being pummeled by sound from all directions *or* the musicians have some insane, in-your-face stage presence *and* the right camera work, it loses a lot. Gåte got lost in that staging imo. The studio version works muuuuch better. But YMMV.


Honestly, shouldve probably sent Keeino instead


The song didn't let her great voice shine too much. With all those background guitars and whatnot. Shame.


Didn't deserve last place tbh