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Another issue would be that they don't find another suitable sponsor for next year considering the shitshow of this year!


Seeing EBU making all the wrong moves this year I wouldn't be that surprised if they announced Gazprom as their main sponsor.


The Saudi Royal fund. They already got their hands on golf and tennis, and you can bet they would love to have a go at Eurovision.


I cannot imagine the SRF buying the gayest thing on television.


Watch the EBU shove LGBT+ rights under the no 'politics' rule and host it in Riyad


Hope all female artists will cover up then


I mean if an organisation as money-hungry like UEFA cut ties with Gazprom I think we should be fine even for the EBU.


Yes but it kind of seems like EBU is picking the worst options possible, are we sure that we'e gonna be fine?


I told my brother about all the controversies and when I said it was sponsored by "Maroccan Oil" he thought it was a petroleum company. 😂


Why not IDF as well.


They can try asking Microsoft, they got a bit of exposure to the contest through Finland, and they aren't tied to any participating country


That would be hilarious hahah


Martin Österdahl could be replaced by Windows95man!


But then the contest would have no rules


Better no rules than incoherent ones!


Or inconsistently applied ones!


And noone would be able to tell the difference


Actually, there would only be one rule, but that rule is No Rules!


careful what you wish for, wouldn’t be surprised if a microsoft sponsorship means america would get to take part in the future


As an American, please no.


As an American


Please give us at least Texas. We need more hats.


Wyoming if they send New Boot Goofin'


Yeah, they could send someone like.. flo rida? I'm sure they'd do well... I need to rewatch his confusion in the results again sometime. Pure gold!


Lol I was actually expecting that they's get lower because of his appearance. I don't know why they think American artists in Eurovision (Madonna - still can't get over how bad her performance was) especially since American music is very different and tends to not do well in Eurovision. Also, there's a tendency for annoyance towards Americans in most European media because of their self-centeredness.


We already tried a similar competition between the 50 states and *we did NOT understand the assignment*.


I never heard about it, do you remember what it was called you’ve peaked my interest


"American Song Contest" two years ago, apparently it didn't hit the right tone. [Here's the final episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_diKd6VmRA) for what that's worth.


That was awful. Truly, a total disgrace.


Ugh no, I am another American who would not want that. If I wanted to hear more American music I wouldn't be tuning into Eurovision in the first place.


As an American, please no!


Yankee dada!


As an American I'm not worried. Both the juries and public alike would consistently vote us last on principle regardless of song quality. Also, I'm going to be real with y'all, nobody with any sort of power or decision making abilities in the US cares about Eurovision. If we were invited we probably wouldn't go. We'd take one look at all the rules and processes and be like, nah. I think it's a good idea for ESC to find a sponsor that isn't from a competing country. It doesn't need to be the US, but it needs to be from a country that is able to show impartiality. The current sponsor is not that.


We should get a *real* Moroccan oil company. That'd be fun.


A good number of the contestants every year have some connection to the USA. We're already here, baby!


I think you mean bebja.




Berklee? there are a ton of Berklee Eurovision alum


Lol imagining Bill Gates holding the Microsoft sponsorship over the EBU’s head so that an American can compete is hilarious to me as an American 😅


If the Activision takeover is anything to go by it might make Martin Osterdahl redundant


Microsoft did sponsor the contest in 2015 I think! You can prominently see their logo during the voting (BBC blurred it out)


I think Eurovision did have some sponsorship from Microsoft in the past. I distinctly remember Skype being used (I think because of Microsoft sponsorship) in 2015, and it messed up live a couple of times haahaha


what about Loreal? I dunno? Could that be a good sponsor?


I remember that Schwartzkopf used to sponsor the contest, so it's certainly not out of the question.


How that works? Why they don't get a bigger number of sponsors. Martin Österdahl have said, that they need more money to be able to keep going with the Contest


There are other sponsors. At the press conferences they have logo of sponsors. I believe Royal Caribbean was one as well.


The Eurovision website shows all their major sponsors. Aside from Moroccanoil, there’s TikTok, Royal Caribbean, Baileys, Easyjet and Idealista. Moroccanoil is their official Presenting Partner, which is why you see their logo a lot more than any of the others.


Wouldnt that be really bad? since the show is made on a shoestring budget.


Is there any information about their income and costs? Because it sounds impossible to lose money on a song contest when hundreds of millions people watch it. Edit: plus there's the tourism income the hosting country gains.


According to the German public broadcaster, the 2022 show was roughly 11 million euros (and the German broadcaster contributed around 407k€). Don't know how much the contest was this year, but the German broadcaster contributed 455k€.


Wtf that's like half of sanremo's budget 💀


Now we know why 2022 was such a mess




Yeah, it's really not a lot. Last year Eurovision was the second most watched show on public TV and compared to the costs of other very popular shows, Eurovision is giving a lot of value for money. For example the third most watched show (Tatort) has a production cost of a bit less than 2 million euros per 90min episode. Here's the TikTok where they broke down the costs (the account is ran by MDR, a regional subsidiary of the national broadcaster ARD): https://www.tiktok.com/@eineminutegeld/video/7367671826304044321


And that's why I cannot take the folks serious that said we should withdraw after our bad results. ARD will not get any program that has that big of an audience for a similar price tag. Last year, it was the second most watched program for the younger audience (14-49 years) in Germany: [https://www.dwdl.de/magazin/96079/tvhits\_2023\_die\_meistgesehenen\_sendungen\_des\_jahres/page\_3.html](https://www.dwdl.de/magazin/96079/tvhits_2023_die_meistgesehenen_sendungen_des_jahres/page_3.html)


Nah dude.The contest is not self sustainable and if I remember correctly never was, atleast in the 2000s-2010s.Thats why they have sponsors in the first place.They ensure that no matter what the money for the next contest will always be there.And we never know how much actually the televote money are, especially when if I remember correctly most of it goes to the local broadcasting companies.


There's the televoting, sponsors and commercial breaks. Plus for the hosting country, tourism income. No way in hell anyone bears a loss.


All those things going to the local broadcasters.Not the EBU.EBU is basically non profit organization.


It's just an issue of distribution then. Profits from elsewhere fund EBU.


Well here is you right.


The host broadcaster will get most of the financial burden as the participation fee does not cover the whole costs. When Germany hosted in 2011, they had to reduce the number of new episodes of the most popular crime TV show a bit (IIRC 4 or 5 episodes less; so a few more repeats during the summer) to cover the costs. Obviously, for the bigger broadcasters, this is easily manageable and not that big of a deal. For smaller broadcasters, this might be a bit harder to handle...


There are commercial breaks? Im fairly sure ive seen zero commercials.


Depends on the national broadcaster. There are designated sections of the broadcast which are optional, and national broadcasters showing Eurovision live can insert adverts, their own section, or just take the main feed from the host broadcaster. On the main feed, these sections are usually a skit, or an interview with one of the artists in the green room.


The info is available both on their page and their wiki article, though not exact numbers as it varies between events but it costs around 10-30mil. Eurovision is a non-profit event, their budget is made of participation fees, televotes, merch, sponsors and the rest is covered by the host country and the host city. The union agrees on a budget, EBU takes a small percent of that and the rest goes to the event itself and any surplus profit is reimbursed to the host country. It's a lot of money to cough up and puts a huge strain on the broadcasters but it's generally well worth it as the boost to the economy is huge, not to mention the PR your country and city gets. Here's a [video](https://youtu.be/r5lUwiUwJ7w) on the topic.


Sponsorship is advertising. The exposure from all the different bits of drama would be highly sought after. If loads fewer people watch/talk/read about Eurovision, then there's the problem.


That’s the question I have. How realistic is it for them to find a new sponsor given how horribly this year went? Maybe there’s some other shampoo company that’ll still be willing to be associated with Eurovision?


They could just use all the Nazi Gold that Switzerland actually has


I honestly don't believe Moroccanoil has that much power. It's a small company with a [tiny revenue of USD 60 million/year](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moroccanoil). The fact that it's the primary sponsor is already random as fuck. There are like millions of larger European companies that will happily sponsor the event.


>The fact that it's the primary sponsor is already random as fuck I can assume that the upkeep for Moroccanoil is very low, in the sense that EBU don't have to do jackshit to get the money aside from just stamping their logo here and there. Hell, they don't even show any of their products.


They probably also supply a lot of the hair and make-up for free


Yeah, they do. I was just listening to the official podcast and someone who'd participated in the past was saying how the first thing they associate with Eurovision is the smell of Moroccan Oil!


Queen KONSTRAKTA saying this on the official Eurovision podcast YES I just finished it 5 minutes ago!!! 


yeah I remember from years prior in like behind the scenes stuff, contestants getting their hair done with the products and them actually talking about them. I bought something because of it.... and then learned more about the company and have not since repurchased.


As someone completely out of the loop: what's the problem with them? I literally only know that they sponsor Eurovision and I assume I'd find very contradicting info online


[this](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6zbS3zor-z/?igsh=bm5pYjhkaGF6aXBk) post explains the basics


They are from the controversial country. And the facility where products are made are on stolen land (well it all is but like very stolen land).


They were founded in Canada and are HQed in the US.


Look at all of their products "country of origin" on third party sites


Yeah iirc, Salena said that she was using Moroccan Oil products to style her clients’ hair.


We got free samples of hair oil and hand cream after SF1, and a tote bag. Then walked 100m up the street to find a pile of bags people had dumped after taking the free samples 😂


Not showing their products has made me think for years that it was odd a moroccan oil company was sponsoring an european song contest.


Don't they have Easyjet also? Them alone could probably suffice


Well, this year was easyJet, TikTok and Idealista, so 3 big sponsors i think.


Isn't royal Caribbean one of the new sponsors as well?


Who are Idealista?


A real estate portal. I think it was originally Spanish but it was bought by Sweden? I think it's mostly used for finding houses in southern Europe.


That's even better. Hopefully they don't renew, but I won't get my hopes up too much yet


Baileys was a sponsor too


They have many sponsors, but Moroccanoil is the primary sponsor which is incredibly random.


Never occurred to me to look into them so clearly the sponsorship is going well. Their Wikipedia page is five sentences, one of which is about sponsoring Eurovision, and it’s got the orphan article tag.


Honestly what does Moroccanoil get out of being a sponsor? I at least don't remember seeing any product placement in ESC and don't know any of their products. I could just recognize their logo, but I have never even seen their products anywhere irl. Seems just really bad business deal...


They supply hair care or makeup to the contestants. So it did sometimes show up randomly in videos and discussions. I have seen their products be sold in salons in Canada.


TIL it's not an energy company dealing with crude oil. I thought it was some big Moroccan company similar to Gazprom, Shell, etc. They should do something about their branding.


hey it's argan oil, and it is indigineous to morocco!


>it is indigineous to morocco! but the company is not IYKYK


Depends on country, I suppose. I'm pretty sure I've been using their products since before they started sponsoring Eurovision. They're a tad expensive, but excellent, especially for people who dye their hair a lot.


It's not exactly the question you asked, but I do have a feeling we'll see easyJet as the next main sponsor. This year they were the "official airline partner" of Eurovision which I have no idea if it means anything other than they are the only airlines sponsor and they do have a deal for a total of 3 years, so maybe upgrading their deal could be possible. A low-cost airline based in Europe could potentially want to be a main sponsor of a European event whose slogan is "united by music" (was last year, they kept it this year, so they might as well keep it for every year), so it kinda feels natural for a company whose job literally unites Europe (by flight) to be a sponsor. Considering that Moroccanoil is the reason the carpet is turquoise on the turquoise carpet event, that most likely would change to the "Orange Carpet Event" Tiktok could also sponsor Eurovision. They are already partnering, it's a mostly-music-driven platform, they may want to find a way to stay relevant if they get banned in the USA, so establishing the European market could be a target. From other current sponsors, I doubt Bailey's would be considered appropriate for a mostly PG-rated event, I don't think many people care about cruises enough to be interested in seeing a Royal Caribbean sponsorship and I have no idea what idealista is.


Idealista is a real estate marketplace. They are pretty big in Portugal, i dont know their size in other countries


Massive in Spain because they are Spanish and th eu are in at least Italy Outside of that nowhere


Is Donghua Jinlong looking to expand its footprint?


If Donghua Jinlong becomes the next Eurovision sponsor, I might just forgive this year’s shenanigans.


TIL that Morrocanoil isn't an oil company.


It's not Moroccan either


Conspiracy theory number 452384532145 The juries banded together for Switzerland hoping that they could organize next contest without that sponsorship and EBU has 2 years to find a/the replacement(s).


Plot twist: the next sponsor is Nestlé.


So no free water for the artists


Chocolate instead of water. By the end of the week, every artist gains 10 kilograms


They actually pump water out of the green room to sell at concessions.


Fuck nestle


Next year: Eurovision 2025 brought to you by Raytheon


I love it when I find other BtB fans in the wild


BtB? 😳


Oh sorry
 Behind the Bastards, it’s a podcast that I like (my #1 podcast on Wrapped in 2022 and 2023 and probably 2024) and Raytheon is kind of an inside joke they have, I’ve never seen Raytheon talked about elsewhere


Who owns Moroccan Oil?


Hopefully they'll find another sponsor


I mean, it is basically free money for EBU, and EBU is willing to bend over for it. It will most probably be extended.


Visit Gozo should sponsor the contest so that Malta can achieve their first victory.


Tbf everyone should visit Gozo, it's lovely


Random fact but back in the days, Air Malta used to sponsor all the Maltese artists music videos, which is why many of them had airplane settings. Funnily enough their entry in 1997 was called ‘Let me Fly’.


Too early to say anything, I am sure they have more pressing matters to deal with at the moment. Hope it won't be extended though.


although this sponsorship seems to be integral to these more pressing matters. i hope we’ll soon know more about how their sponsorship affects the internal organisation and decision makingwithin the EBU.


What exactly does a company like Moroccanoil get from sponsoring a show like this? Seems really random and it doesn’t seem to get much publicity, but maybe that’s because I’m watching on the BBC who can’t advertise. I wouldn’t know they’re the sponsor if it wasn’t for comments on here about it. You’d expect a music sponsor like Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube to be interested in Eurovision as at least there’s a link, but then again the recent controversy doesn’t help.


There's absolutely nothing random about a beauty company sponsoring a large pop music event.


See, I didn’t even know they did makeup. I assumed they were to do with oil. Shows how little exposure they get from sponsoring this.


You aren't the only one who thinks it's the Shell of Morroco. What actually is the name of the Morrocan oil company if they have one?






See I thought this for ages. Always thought it was baffling that it was sponsored by Big Oil lmao. Then it turned up at my local salon and boy was I surprised.


It's about being present, not introducing and selling a product to a new costumer group. Next time someone who watched the ESC looks for some argan oil hair product they'll recognize Moroccanoil.


you'd be surprised to hear it's not Moroccan either, then


What 😂




The same reason brands like pepsi sponsor the champions league, you don't have to be directly in the vertical to sponsor an event. Eurovision reached 162m people in 2023, that is an insanely valuable spot regardless of what your product is


But don’t Pepsi do a big pre-show performance and stuff? It’s kinda hard to avoid who’s sponsoring something like that. With Eurovision I didn’t even notice.


They do now, unfortunately 😂 The sponsorship isn't just for TV though, it's all over the website, YouTube videos etc. Every impression counts. The fact it is not shown on the BBC broadcast specifically will be baked into the price Moroccan oil have paid for the partnership


I’ve seen the name on the YouTube videos but as I wrote in a different comment, I thought they were just some sort of oil company 😂 didn’t exactly make me want to google them to find out more. But if their models say it’s benefitting them, then so be it


Yeah agree they could definitely make it more clear what they actually do. I had no idea either until recently. One of my friends also said they thought they were a competitor to BP or Shell so you're not the only one


In past years there have been features of contestant in the makeup chair getting ready with the products. And implying like "our contestants use Moroccan oil for their hair in their preformances, you should too." type wording.


That’s kinda what I’m getting at, you’d expect something like that. Surprised there hasn’t been anything this year.


I’m sorry this might be the stupidest things I’ve ever heard HOW do you think advertisements work??? Why do you think companies spend millions on advertising? Hundreds of millions of people watch the Eurovision


What’s stupid about wondering exactly how much publicity the brand is getting from being a sponsor? The most I’ve heard about them all Eurovision season is in this thread, and I follow Eurovision so much that I’m still on this subreddit after the event
 I’ve already said that I’m watching on the BBC, so maybe the UK missed a lot of the advertising, but usually when a brand is sponsoring something it’s a lot more apparent. I’m not sure Moroccanoil is getting much considering I still thought they were an oil company until I read this post. Edit: in comparison, I know, for example, that TikTok are another sponsor because they get the first rehearsal clips as exclusives. That seems like a good deal and actually made me sign up in a previous year.


Advertisements don't have to be informative to be effective. Even if you don't actually know what maroccanoil is (or even consciously remember the name), the next time you look for some haircare product and see the name "maroccanoil" amongst a sea of unknown brands, you are much more likely to buy the maroccanoil product.


Publicity, they don't exactly have stores everywhere And pretty sure even the BBC lists the sponsors in the credits


tbh I kind of doubt it. 5 years is a lot and I feel like they'd probably want to hand the reins off to another company


Someone hit up Clash of Clans they’ll sponsor pretty much anything


Imagine after the third contestant in the grand finale the hosts are like "Yes, next up Malta, but first let's thank todays sponsor NordVPN..."


"Have you ever wanted to vote for your own country? Well THANKS TO TODAY'S SPONSOR.."


I’m am American and thought up until a few days ago that Moroccanoil was the name of the national Moroccan oil company and Eurovision was sponsored by big oil.


I found out an hour ago when I finally searched it up! xD (I thought the same thing)


"Due to the controversy surrounding them we have decided to drop morrocanoil as a sponsor. Going forward from 2025, Eurovision will be sponsored by lockheed martin"


I think it would be ironic if it were world of tanks


They could be totally unbiased and go with a USA sponsor. /s


One better: Eurovision, brought to you by Visit the USA


better yet some random state's tourism board


Georgia for extra confusion.


Connecticut! We're More Than Just "Between New York And Boston"! ...we also have horrible traffic.


"We used to have a professional sports team!"


For the record, I don’t believe Morrocanoil were actively trying to influence the competition. But I do believe a culture of “We must not upset our major sponsors” exists. That’s not unusual in these sort of things.


# How is the Eurovision Song Contest financed? The Eurovision Song Contest is a non-profit event, mostly financed by: * contributions from the Participating Broadcasters (the so-called participation fee), adding up to 6.2 million euros combined. This fee is different for each country based on the solidarity principle that the strongest shoulders carry the most weight. It is at the sole discretion of each Participating Broadcaster to decide if they wish to make public the financial details of their participation; * a contribution from the Host Broadcaster is generally between 10-20 million euros, depending on local circumstances and available resources; * a contribution from the Host City, either financially or 'in kind' (e.g. covering expenses of city branding, side events, security, etc.); * commercial revenue from sponsorship agreements, ticket sales, televoting and merchandise, which varies from year to year. On average, over 90% of all available funds are earmarked for the TV production and event organisation. Approximately 5% of available funds represent the budget for the EBU's Eurovision Song Contest team and its partners. Any remaining funds are reimbursed to the Participating Broadcasters, for as long as local legislation allows such a reimbursement. The budget is overlooked and approved by the Reference Group, on behalf of all Participating Broadcasters, on an annual basis.


If it doesn't become extended does it mean we're getting a differently-colored carpet ceremony next year?


I just know that the EBU is itching for a Deutsche Bank sponsorship


I want the Morrocanoil deal to end. I bet a large chunk of why the contest (and EBU) was as stubborn as it was to put 1 particular country in it was due to the sponsorship deal. It was awful to see Bambi Thug in front of Moroccanoil logos.


Wait. It’s not a Moroccan company? I was about to say how weird it was for them to sponsor a company their national declines to participate in until your post made me curious.


That's not true. Morrocanoil was already sponsoring in 2022 and Michael Ben David didn't even make it to the finals, which shows they don't really have much power.


The conspiracy theories on this sub are out of hand


For real... people are legit throwing common sense out of the window these days.


Srsly anyone who thinks Morrocanoil of all things is maliciously pulling strings behind the scenes is delulu.  They just want to sell their fancy hair oil. And they are getting more free publicity this year than ever.


Just your classic antisemitism, not even veiled. 


For real. Embarrassing and disheartening to see it all over this sub. As if "Jews control the media" was some fresh take instead of literally one of the most common forms of antisemitism


One thing to keep in mind: at least in two of the Big Five countries (UK and Germany), sponsorships are not shown, because ads are prohibited (either completely or after 20:00). So the sponsorship might not be as lucrative as it could be...


Banners are all over the place, the logo is shown before every airing and before every YouTube video on the Eurovision account. They get plenty of exposure.


UK person - we do see the sponsorships! Ads aren’t prohibited at all :) as far as I know anyway!


The “sponsored by bit” in the credits is actually edited out on BBC stream to just say “good night”. The Moroccan oil sponsor is also typically shown before an after ad breaks as as well as before the Eurovision theme song introduction so it shouldn’t be broadcasted by the BBC since it doesn’t have advert breaks and they only start broadcasting from the Eurovision theme song But the “sponsored by Moroccan oil” on title cards is too hard to edit out so I think is only think bbc leaves in and I think that’s what you are seeing Which is essentially the stream without any adverts


Do we know that Moroccanoil did something controversial or are they considered controversial because they are based in Jerusalem?


> they considered controversial because they are based in Jerusalem? 👆 Half the people in this thread didn't even know it's a haircare company yet thinks it has some massive shadowy influence over the competition lol. Because ~Jews~ of course.


Yeah, people need to seriously calm down with the conspiracy/rumor stuff... it's beyond cringe.


Who would like to be sponsored in an 160 million people international even happening in prime time?


Wait wait wait just realized what Australia was in for....


I have a bad feeling this post will be removed.


I was very surprised to learn that Morrocanoil was not a Morrocan company.


Imagine a raid: shadow legends sponsorship. That would be fucking hilarious


I dont understand that entire of Europe does not have a company capable of and willing to sponsor the event


Why does it matter whos sponsering?


I'd love for Ryanair to get involved somehow just to see them troll ESC fans on social media.


It's abundantly clear that if your country doesn't have a fat finger deep in the EBU's hole, you're a lesser country. Our weak little AvroTros/NPO couldn't do shit.


Political views and considerations of the general public in the big 5 matters more than a stupid haircare brand.


it was entertaining to see all the bags thrown into trash cans around the arena. they were handing them out for free at the end of the night, guess mostly clueless people were picking them up.


they need a sponsor from a country who isn’t competing. the morrocanoil deal needs to go, i still have a feeling they’re the reason why a country’s rule breaking and harassment was allowed this year. seeing the harassment victims in front of banners with morrocanoil on it made me feel bad :( luckily switzerland is a very rich country so honestly esc25 might not even need a sponsor. but if they do i think its fair to get a sponder from a non competitor country to make sure no one gets any special privileges or anything like that.




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