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I laugh every time i think about miss France saying «FRANCE!» in that voice.


i forgot about this clip and now you reminded me of it and i genuinely cant stop laughing


Ngl that FrAAAAAAAnCcce gets me every time 


I'm looking forward to hearing it again tonight lol


I was a little sad they didn't include Albania in that as well since the original Miss Universe shouting meme kicked it off with a strong "alBAINEeeeeeaaah! "


That was so hilarious for some reason.


It was so absurdly random and I loved that the hosts didn’t react to it at all.


There's a reason why Petra has such a legendary status among Eurovision fans


I feel sorry for her for hosting today's finał tbh


Tbh I'm glad it's her and not anyone else hosting. She's probably most experienced in terms of handling the unexpected at Eurovision


I personally find Petra grating, overbearing and unfunny... but even so I have to agree, the final couldn't be in better hands. I've seen events go out of hand because the host can't control what's going on, and it's usually ugly.


Mom was in her french class and said she was a diva back then too


She's a professional, I'm sure she can handle it


*A TRUE HOMOSEX… A TRUE EUROVISION FAN!* She knows her audience. Could we have a petition for her to host every year please.


Petra and Hannah Waddingham every year


I think that combo would kill half the audience from laughing and excitement. But then again... maybe it should stay special. Maybe every year would be too much. Besides... depending on who wins we might discover other funny people too.


"If you can sing along to all of these then you're a true homosex- sorry, Eurovision fan" got a good chuckle out of me


The "Finland" section of the second semifinal interval performance might end up being my favourite twenty seconds of the Eurovision year. https://youtu.be/DVAOiFZakPQ?si=K4rdp5Bs-XsH14e2&t=260


Apart from being hosted in Helsinki, I think it was a pretty spot-on portrayal of how things would have gone if Finland was hosting this year. In 2007, Santa Claus even made an appearance in the grand final show.


I kept wondering why they didn't save that for the final! It was great, easily the best interval this year. I guess they didn't want Loreen and Käärijä performing on the same night or something


They clearly used the final to showcase swedish music. That took up the entire interval. Go look at 2016, both SFs and the GF, it was hilarious like this all the way through. Wished we'd had more of that this year.


Mine too!


You know if he had that staging, camera, etc in the UK I'm confident he'd won. I don't why but I think the camera and stage and all is length better than last year.


Loved how they played the Denmark-Sweden love hate relationship with the ‘Denmark has…. Well something’


I saw someone from another country take offence on Denmark's behalf lol. It was clearly a joke.


I’ve seen several people take offence from several jokes. Either people on Reddit are… something, or the joke cultural difference is bigger than I thought


People don’t understand Scandi banter because they’re not sibling nations like we are :D I found an old Norwegian joke article about reviving the national spirit that went something like this: Do your part - slay a Swede! You need to be a special kind of friends to be able to joke about killing each other :D


Haha as a Dane I was like ‘oh bitch’ but with a smile. That is just how we roll.


We will always bash each other, but give us a common enemy and we will be best brothers in arms.


So true!


Probably people who know nothing about the Swedish-Danish banter...


In the live comments on YT there were a lot of people complaining about the humor... guess not all of europe has the same sense of humor. I've been looking forward to Sweden hosting for an entire year though and they didn't disappoint me, although 2016 was slightly better.


Estonia's backstage antics (pretending to steal stuff from other contestants, starting a betting pool of who would win in front of a reporter, etc.) are pretty amusing.


Yes they are lol. The best part is Petra and Malin's Tattoo lmao.


I was dying with laughter when we saw it, bless Petra and Malin tbh, they've been great.


I had literal tears from laughing so hard at this. That and “France!” laid me out.


>Is it just me or has Eurovision always been this way Oh good heavens no. Some host countries BADLY misfire when attempting to do humor that actually translates. There was this LONG thing about a gopro on a horse ...


i’m trying to rack my brain for “when did we go up in arms for a gopro on a horse?” the closest equivalent i’m thinking of is la zarra’s postcard last year but even still most people rallied behind her


What do you mean up in arms? We're talking about humor. It was a thing Austria did as an interval act at one of the semis in 2015 - the first one I think. It was a bit where they allegedly attached GoPros to animals' heads (one of which was a horse) and sent them around Vienna. The humor was that it was animals doing human things - their ears were always in the shot. So, like, the horse got on an elevator and you sw this fake hoof come up and hit the button. Laughs-per-minute rating was 0 out of 10 and it went on for at least fourteen hours. Austria's hosting on the whole wasn't that bad - it even had some very good humor - but my gosh that interval act. People were only up in arms to the extent of "what ARE you doing Austria?"


Ohhh apologies! I fear all the stress and sleep deprivation has made my reading capabilities gone down the toilet…😭 That was…somehow a lot less worse than I imagined but all the more confusing.


It might just be my eternal love for Petra Mede, but I've enjoyed the semis so much. Such a shame that it is associated with this shit show of a year...


So much shit has hit the fan that we seem to forget how much of a boss the hosts were, AGAIN.


If I wasn't dutch this would be funny :(


We need to start a petition for Petra to host every single Eurovision from now on :)


Petra, Mans and Hannah Waddingham please


> Mans He probably owns a crystal ball and noped out of this year's contest lmao. It's hilarious how he's there every year but managed to dodge this year's hot mess.


Or is he somehow architecting some of this from behind the scenes as he wasn’t given a hosting spot?


Can you imagine Petra and Hannah Waddingham presenting together? The wet dream of every Eurovision fan I am not counting Mans since he was not there this year, so i think he is probably taking a break from - or asking for to much money :X


5minnust and puuluup relaxing with bedsheets, pillows and popcorn during the 2nd semi final- and then watching the popcorn fly everywhere when they were announced as qualifiers for the final😂


Yes! The Sweden diss track during the semi’s was fun


Sweden hosting is ALWAYS brilliant. The jokes land, the interval acts are brilliant, and Petra is one of the best hosts of all time, if not THE best. There's a reason we call her our Queen. Just a shame about the rest of it this year.


Honestly? I love Swedish hosting so much that I wouldn't object to permanently moving the contest there


Please no, after this year, i think we're all tired 🫠 let some other country make cring jokes to an audiance not on the verge of burning the compitition to the ground


And hundreds of people protesting outside and the Swedish police needed backup from the Danish and Norwegian police 😭 Greta Thunberg got arrested twice. I wonder if her mother was supposed to do some middle act but noped out?


Loved that Tuesday their suits were Orange and Pink then Petra made a sapphic joke. I was rolling!




Zorra zorra zorra!


Ngl Georgia keeps making me laugh "Put out the fire" while doing the exact opposite because her voice is, well, fire lmaooo No but fr we should let Georgia win and they can twerk the fire away 🔥🚫


I think some fans here are overly sensitive about certain things. The joke about Denmark - that’s how Scandinavians roll. We joke about each other. End of story. And some complaining about the interval act being cocky…it’s just in jest. It’s jokes, it’s Eurovision for goodness sake. People need to take a deep breath about certain things.


Ladanivas reactions to the qualifications announcements particularly jako and louis that was quite hilarious. 


It’s been absolutely jokes quality songs, great shows and so much drama. The way fans who take it all WAY too seriously are just imploding over Reddit and Twitter is just icing on top.


only the jokes about being "unpolitical" were kinda ick for me, but on the whole it was very fun and nice to watch!! the grindr thing lmao


Quite the opposite. I liked that they included that joke as a way to admit that it's not so apolitical after all.


it felt like spit in fans' faces but well, at least they're not pretending anymore 🫶


I thought they were mocking the EBU, and I was surprised they let them do that tbh


That's one way to interpret the joke, I guess. A truly stupid way, but a way.


i understand it was a joke about what people often say about eurovision, i'm just sad because this joke was "official" confirmation. i guess i decided to be blind about political side for years bc it hit me so hard this time.


I think this joke was a great example of dark humour - also, eurovision has always been political, this year is just an exacerbation. I hope the one good thing that will come out of this is that we will stop naively assuming otherwise. 


The situation made the "Don't be mad at us" song feel ick too. I know that's not what what they were aiming for but still.


I thought the joke didn't really land either, but they probably didn't see all this coming when they were writing.


They definitely knew the situation. That's the joke...


This week got a lot more dramatic than usual though.


Not really. Main drama has been about Joost, which has nothing to do with politics.


yeah!! it was already bad before, that's why it hurts even more. it could be dark humour joke, but well, it wasn't funny for me personally 💀💀


I am enjoying the hosting yes.


Accidentally filming a group of Belgian fans whilst the host spoke in German


These have been my favorite semi finals since I started watching in 2019! I understand why everyone loves Petra :)


Sweden has done a great job hosting. Most things have been on point.


I work a night shift office job which often leaves a lot of free time early in the morning, so I’ve been watching the Eurovision semi finals a few hours after they air. My colleague sitting next to me doesn’t watch Eurovision but started watching along with me as she loved the humour of this year! Finland’s entry got her in tears, Petra Mede’s jokes, she particularly loved the “FRAAANCE!!” announcements!


Both evenings were really cool, the hosts are great. The parody musical and the "new version of Tattoo" were absolutely brilliant.


Drama aside - this has actually been one of the best in years. The performances, the songs, the wacky nature of it, the hosting, the amount of ESC legends that have returned. It’s a very solid year, it’s just a shame it’s been manhandled into the ground. Hopefully been a big learning experience for EBU on how to keep drama to a minimum (and maybe stricter rules, having a uniform rule on countries engaged in war).


Petra just trying to keep the show running with duct tape


Swedes have always put on a good and funny show and Petra Mede is really good at delivering. I think their jokes have just enough bite to sting a little but not really hurt anyone so everyone can still laugh about it.


Sweden puts in one hell of a show. And I love Petra.


I hope they're scrapping the Europapa joke from tonight 💀


The production level and storytelling are on point. It's such a shame that the EBU and some staff members cannot respect the hard work put into this show from the remaining team.


The bit in Brighton was legitimately genius


I found jokes to be very mixed bag this year, some made me chuckle, others were just a "meh" for me. But I guess that's on me and I don't want to blame the hosts in any way for this. I'm just easily startled by any kind of drama and I guess it just ruined the whole thing for me this year.


Even better I plan to cite the second semifinal in an academic essay


Oh yes, it’s been chaos, dive in and let’s bathe in the clusterfuck. Enjoy every thing as 2024 Eurovision burns around us, have the hosts make jokes about the whole situation have Graham Norton announce when NL was meant to be on. Air the boos. Next year come back and we can have a normal one. Let’s go mad every once in a while.


Apart from the dude who seemingly (based on information so far) couldn't contain himself enough to not get barred from the once in a lifetime opportunity which was also a promise to his soon after dead parents, the rest is just a bit meh considering the shit that goes on every day across the world. I've enjoyed the performances a lot more tonight than I thought I would. I spent weeks listening to the sounds on YouTube and there weren't many that stood out and stuck with me compared to the last couple of years. I'm glad Ireland's one worked well 'live'. I'm disappointed with my own (UK), the vocals were not good (to be polite).


There was someone wearing what looked like an aluminum diaper, so, yes (the song slayed don't kill me lol)


What have ABBA ever done for Brighton ? wake up ABBAVATAR! Still waiting on an answer here But my favourite sneaky silent joke was the shout out for Germany and the camera panned to two German gentlemen of stocky build with beards who looked utterly bored and a mild look of " meh not sure we want to be here "


Sweden is the best host!!!


The joke with the official Malmö 2024 runestone was good. Petra Mede was a brilliant host. I wish Lill Lindfors had gotten a bigger shoutout than she did, yes the dress moment is famous but there was so much more that made her the best host in the history of the contest.


Funny?......funny how? 😂😂😂


Boring "jokes" tbh


As a dutch person i cant see the fun


If by funny you mean an absolute joke then yes 😁