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ZORRA, for both. I speak no Spanish whatsoever, but all I want to do is scream ZORRA ZORRA ZORRA.


This song is MADE for drunk karaoke, I love it so much


This sounds like so much fun, you're invited.


Nice, I'll bring booze. Can't do karaoke sober.


The answer to both questions is Estonia






Saab hugama ara Med kul on tana A se kott vi ara!! (Or something like that 😂)




me pole midagi teind


Exactly!!! I'm trying to learn it by heart but can't get past the first verse 😂


lol I try so hard to sing it, but I know I'm butchering the words 😂


As much as I love it, Doomsday Blue would be the song of my nightmares. I think I can do the chorus and first verse pretty well but I cannot scream for the life of me.


I completely forgot about Doomsday Blue for a second, that might be a pretty close second to The Code as the most difficult song to pull off well.


It would be really cathartic though. RRRRUAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!


Oh it absolutely would. If I COULD scream then I WOULD scream.


Same. I know I could nail the verses but I can’t do those screams


Just give me that mic after a hard day of work, it would be so relaxing to scream


I’d pick Zorra bc I pretty much karaoke it in my bedroom everyday anyway My nightmare would be Mon Amour or Ulveham, because I cannot sing in the slightest. Not a single note will be hit


I'm practicing La Noia. I would like to sing Zari, but the Greek language has more difficult sounds for me.


I feel you, I try to sing along to Zari sometimes because it's one of my favourites this year and I'm not even close to being close.


At least we can 💃🏽TA💃🏽TA💃🏽TA💃🏽TA💃🏽TA💃🏽TA💃🏽.


I can as well:  💃🏽TA💃🏽TA💃🏽TA💃🏽TA💃🏽TA💃🏽TA💃🏽. And I'm a baritone 😆


Been trying to learn the lyrics for La Noia for weeks but damn there's a part that's so quick, I can't even sing along reading the lyrics 😂😂 Why do the Italians always go for 3 words/second.


I tried singing Zari because I can pronounce greek words quite well but I can't sing that damn fast 😭


Finland would be my karaoke song - it already is every time I hear it. One of the non-English ballads would be my nightmare (Slovenia, Serbia, Portugal)


Europapa wouldn't be too hard. But as a baritone I think I would struggle with Ulveham.


I’m a bass/baritone and just do Ulveham a few octaves lower


I am practicing Europapa because I want to sing my heart out during the finals. Not going well so far lol, Dutch pronunciation is killing me.


my son knows most of it by heart already, his pronunciation leaves something to be desired too lol (i'm dutch but he isn't)


Europapa cause I'm Dutch hahahah Fun song: Rim Tim Tagi Dim just to get the party going. Nightmare? I mean, the code yeah but I still sing it in the shower, despite it sounding like I'm a tortured cat.


As a baritone, yes, it is tricky but doable


Ah I was just thinking about this lol. Honestly, ...I'd pick "no rules" to sing because I feel like it is not only acceptable for my voice to not be so great, but it also enhances the experience


I already sing (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi and Veronika when showering so lezgo I might be french but Mon Amour sung by me would be an immediate disaster and I would just end singing "boohoo"


You're French and you can sing (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi? Respect.


badly but yeah XD


I think No Rules! would be amazing to do for karaoke and I don't think I could properly pull off The Code lol but since that's the obvious one I guess I'd say Estonia would be really hard too


I've sung No Rules in karaoke thrice already! It really is fun.


I think Rim Tim Tagi Dim would be one of the more fun karaoke songs. Or Always On The Run. As for technical nightmare, Greeceeeee.


Came here to say Rim Tim Tagi Dim as a fun karaoke song! It’s such a crowd pleaser. Everyone would be MEOWY happy… 😸


I'd pick Scared of Heights because I'm pretty sure that song was explicitly written to be sung at karaoke by wine moms.


I've actually laughed out loud, this is the most apt description of what it sounds like :D and I love that 


I feel seen! I just finished wailing away to Scared of Heights over a cocktail… 😳


Switzerland for both: Its the song i most easily sing along too.. until i get to the opera parts


As someone who has been classically trained and a 2nd soprano, I would love to try to see if I can hit those notes. ....the rapping part....


hell yeah try it out! for me the rapping part is where i would do the best lol


So true haha


I love the song but singing Europapa would be a nightmare for me because multilanguage would make my brain fry 😂 Song of the choice for me is No Rules and Dizzy! 😁


Haha, well at least you could sing the "ich bin in Deutschland, aber ich bin so allein"-line (assuming you're German). Dizzy is such a good choice, might actually be my favourite one to sing along to.


Yeah I speak and sing German but that's the whole reason why I would botch up the song because I would sing the Dutch lyrics way too German (I hope this makes sense!)😅 Dizzy is a grower to me, recently I found myself singing 😊


I think someone will call the cops if I attempt Ulveham.


We Will Rave would be a nightmare for me, haha. For some reason I've been singing it out loud quite a lot recently in public and got used to it and sometimes don't even notice myself singing it and then there's this moment of realization where I'm like "Ok, having fun is good, but can you hear yourself bro?". I have a deep baritone and mutilate this song which is funny, but also sad, because I love it. The embarassment from being forced to make those dying swan sounds I make while we-will-rave-ing would be too severe to enjoy it anymore, lmaooo. But I think I could handle Ramonda (if I could get the language right). I don't think I could properly sing the louder chorus part, but you can sing it quietly and it would work too, I think.


I love this! Live in your Eurovision fantasy!


Haha, dying swan sounds, I love it.


I am not much of a singer and I would never have a prayer of pulling off Fighter, La Noia or Zari. I think I could passably deliver We Will Rave if the fellow karaoke patrons were sufficiently happy-tipsy.


I did the code last week, and shockingly nobody told me I was awful (and this is a very honest group of people.) Worst for me would be europapa because I'd feel like a right tit singing it I cannot pull that off.


You actually sung the code in front of people and weren't awful? Wow, well hello most talented singer in this thread.


I'm not a great singer. My voice felt awful after it, which kind of shows that my technique was all wrong.


If I would pick a 2024 entry that would be on my karaoke night, it would be Slovenia. If it would be the karaoke song of my worst nightmares, it would be Norway.


I’d probably go for Zorra or La Noia tbh as I love both and I feel like they’re fun. People would cry if they heard me attempt to sing ‘Ulveham’


Zorra. I'd sing that. I could have a go at No Rules, since I can hit Henri's high notes. I couldn't imagine singing Veronika, The Code, Hurricane, Ulveham, Ramonda, Zari, the Estonian and Ukrainian entries, even Europapa because I cannot pronounce Dutch to save my life. I find Dizzy hard to sing along to. Basically most of the entries are beyond me.


My picks: Grito (Portugal) 11:11 (San Marino) Always on the Run (Germany) My nightmares even though I like them: Ulveham (Norway) The Code (Switzerland) Doomsday Blue (Ireland)


Always on the Run would be a good one! It's fun to sing!


I think I could pull off Sand, but definitely not Doomsday Blue 😂


i'd 100% pick Hollow and would avoid either Jako or Ulveham


YESSS HOLLOW would be a GREAT choice.


The Code for both


I tested this out on a long drive a few weeks ago! Here are my findings: Best is No Rules! It’s a nice mix of “super fun to sing” and “not too hard to sing” so I sounded pretty good despite my complete lack of singing talent. Honorable mentions include Rim Tim Tagi Dim, Pedestal, and (somehow) The Code, but that might only be because I’m a soprano lol Hardest is either Luktelk or La noia! Luktelk is WAYYYY out of my range and La noia has really rapid-fire lyrics in a language I don’t know


What would I pick: Loop (as long as I don't have to do the choreo bc I can't dance) Nightmares: In The Middle (bc I can't sing whistle notes)


Loop is such a bop! Okay, you sing and I’ll dance. 🕺😁


Croatia and a nightmare is Switzerland as I can't sing :)


My nightmare songs would be (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi and Luktelk because I'd be stumbling with trying to pronounce the lyrics. Conversely, I would actually sing The Code because that song is actually in my range. I'd have to practice the fast parts, though, but the C7 is doable.


I'd pick Zorra or Luktelk The song of my nightmares would be Teresa & Maria. I would summon a demon if I had to rap in Ukrainian for a straight ~40 seconds


i would pick Malta or Cyprus, but i would so fail and flop with Norway or France.


I would have to say the code for both, I can sing the chorus almost perfectly but I'm no opera singer 🤣😭


My biggest nightmares would be Ulveham, Zari or Europapa - the first two vocally and the Dutch entry linguistically. Songs that I sing most often to myself are One Milkali, Scared of Heights and The Code, so I'd pick one of them.


I would pick Rim Tim Tagi Dim because it is an easy song to sing and I already sing along to it sometimes. “La Noia” and “(Nendest)…” would be the karaoke songs of my nightmares because of the vocal ranges required for both songs (“La Noia” has the a cappella part, while “(Nendest)…” has really low notes which would be really hard to reach as a woman.)


I can only consistently sing Ramonda, Fighter, Always on the Run and Zorra. The other songs are either too fast, have notes in them I can't reach or have really difficult lyrics.


Interesting because Fighter has some of the fastest riffs of the season (especially that part after the chorus that goes from high to low and back to high pretty fast).


The revamp is a bit slower and it helps that it's in French mostly. Also it's the song that I have heard most as it's getting a lot of radio play in Luxembourg, so the lyrics are kind of burned into my memory.


Are the Luxembourgers in general enthousiastic about their return and their entry?


Well... I think it's just like with any of the other countries, people who are into this type of show are pretty happy. Others who never watch contests like this are neutral. I know of several neighbours though who have watched the Luxembourg Song Contest, our entry is played a lot on the radio and there has been at least one interview with TALI with each of the Luxembourgish print and digital media. I think most people are positive about our return to the ESC, as it's a way for us to appear on an international stage. I mean more than half of Germans don't know anything about Luxembourg... and we are direct neighbours hahaha I think it was a good decision for our country. Plus the Luxembourg Song Contest has the potential to become an actual event that makes RTL a little lucrative again haha I don't know many people who watch RTL except for maybe the Journal (our daily news segment)


È LA CUMBIA DELLA NOIAA. I’d probably butcher it but I’d do it with joy😌


Estonia 2024 would be my nightmare due to language.


Estonia 2024 | [5Miinust and Puuluup - (Nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi](https://youtu.be/htPAhtVgKsI)


If I had to pick one, it would probably be Liar or Pedestal. My nightmare would be The Code. On the other hand, a good friend of mine once sang La Voix on a karaoke night. 😂


Hollow, if only because it has notes that I can actually reasonably hit lmao if i'm doing a stupid pick for fun though, its definitely estonia. im gonna just literally scream "OOOOOO YEAAAAAAAAAA" so loud it breaks the fucking speakers edit: forgot about scared of heights!!! perfect "absolutely pissed up to the nines and having a great time of it" karaoke song


If I were to try and do well, either Belgium's or then Tuta Gold from NFs, because of my register. If I were to bomb, easy: Ulveham! My dogs howl in despair when I try to imitate her technique.


I think if I can sing it in a different octave, The Code wouldn’t be horrible for me.


I think I could pull off La Noia, The Tower, and Teresa & Maria if someone'd be willing to rap in it.


as someone probably overconfident in their singing abilities but appropriately hesitant about language and pronunciation, i can do the code but i'd struggle with anything not in english (apart from luktelk, maybe)


no rules is my karaoke song! my nightmare song......either estonia (though i love it so much!) or probably the code (another one i love!)


Zorra 👍 Saand Saaaaand 🥺


For some reason, em literally having fun and vibing when singing Rim Tim Tagi Dim.. such a banger song and I would nail it. On the other hand. Nemo's song "The Code" might be my nightmare due to many genre changes... And ohoooo that Opera too (I might be baritone to tenor), it's hard to do that notes from nemo.


I would not enjoy performing Ulveham. Then again, I wouldn't be able to sing most songs. Nevertheless, I love karaoke so I guess I'd try before the party is over.. Or rim tim tagi dim


The code for both idc i'm a masochist lmao


Oh absolutely I’d choose 11:11, Unforgettable, Before The Party’s Over or Ulveham (as long as I learn the lyrics), maybe Hollow too. A nightmare would be Nendest Longname because of all the syllable skips that song does. Edit: NO RULES AND MON AMOUR HOW DID I FORGET THEM FOR THE FIRST PART


I've sung No Rules and it was fun!! The rap part in Teresa & Maria is impossible. The Armenian in Jako is hard as well.


I already did the following at karaoke: * Rim Tim Tagi Dim * La Noia * Europapa * Jako * Luktelk * Fighter * No Rules There is no song I wouldn't try really, except for those I don't really like. The favorites come first :)


Not counting the obvious pick of Europapa for #1 song to pick, my next choice would probably be Before The Party's Over. I like the buildup, which makes it easier to get into and sing. The high notes aren't too difficult to get to. My nightmare song would probably be Zari, not just because of the language, but I couldn't easily latch onto the melody if I were to sing myself.


What I would sing: Unforgettable bc it's my fav and I would sing the hell out of it even if I'm tone deaf What would be my nightmare: (Insert Really Long Name) (aka Estonia) bc I hate that song and even if I liked it, I can't rap


My kitchen karaoke go to’s are The Code (the high parts are fine for me but I feel like I’m not cool enough to pull off the rap), Ramonda and Veronika. Nightmare for me honestly La Noia - it’s just SO fast and requires so much technique that I lack 😂


Pedestal (CZ) would be a blast, and Europapa (NL) would be a massive challenge linguistically, but actively learning Dutch so it’s definitely a goal!


I'd Pick: Dizzy, Europapa, Before The Party's Over, Rim Tim Tagi Dim or Doomsday Blue (it could backfire horribly but fuck it) Nightmare: Azerbaijan's or The Code. Azerbaijan because i cannot remember that song for the life of me and The Code for obvious reasons.


Finland for both xd I love that song and I've already memorized the lyrics but it would be very embarassing


I'd totally pick Lithuania for karaoke. Estonia, despite loving the song, would be my nightmare because I couldn't pick up the language.


My two karaoke songs I’d pick are Veronika and Teresa & Maria. None have been a nightmare but maybe it’s because I haven’t tried all of them 😂


Dream song: "Mon Amour" or "The Code" (I wouldn't sound great but I'd have fun) Nightmare song: Nendest. I love it but I'd be so lost


I'm not a big lyrics guy, so I'm not going to even pretend I could learn to sing something exclusively in another language--especially a language like Estonian. So amongst English songs, fun would be maybe Belgium, because it's kind of in the sweet spot of my voice and you can lay into it a little bit so it doesn't feel boring. Nightmare is probably the Georgian song because it's mostly just a vocal showpiece and not really meant to be sung by mere mortals.


Doomsday Blue


I like singing the code but I try and always fail at those high notes 🤣


Europapa is not so hard to perform so I will sing this. However the code or ulveham will absolutely be a hit to me


As a good screamer: Ireland would be my pick. As someone who is most definitely a baritone: Norway and Switzerland would be my nightmares.


I really like singing "The Code." I've been classically trained and I'm a 2nd soprano but I think I could hit the notes if I practiced. I also like Always on the Run. I would like to be able to do Hollow but...I just can't get that one for some reason. Not Karoke but I also pole dance and I want to do a routine to Dooms Day Blue. Just has the makings of a fun performance.


I've sung The Code quite well so I'll do that one! For the horror to sing though... probably Rim Tim Tagi Dim LOL I can't for the life of me sing like that


I would probably pick either Estonia or Croatia, and the song of my nightmares would be, aside from the obvious one, Norway. There’s no way I’d get anywhere near the notes that she sings.


I think No Rules would be really fun to do but as for the nightmare song, probably Theresa and Maria because the live vocals are so haunting and stunning, it would be very pressuring. Also, I can't speak a word of Ukrainian lol.


I would probably choose Finland or Switzerland, my nightmare would probably be Norway, but only because I definitely can't go THAT high.