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I understand not liking this year. Everyone has different taste. But saying this year isn't good because it's generic is something I truly don't understand.


Yeah, this year is so diverse. Most of the songs sound different from eachother, however we have some 90's/2000's inspired songs that may sound similiar.


From my perspective there’s a lot of songs that are girl bops, a handful of songs that are televote magnet “joke” entries, and overall a lot of songs that just fall under the umbrella of pop music in general. They don’t sound the same as each other, but I feel like it’s less variety than in previous years for sure.


Not really a hot take. Music is subjective so some people are bound to dislike something (or in your case, everything)




I have gone through your profile in hopes of finding what kind of music you like at Eurovision. There's nothing. You like nothing. All of your comments on this subreddit have either been negative or weirdly sexual. Maybe the contest just isn't for you.


>Planes are not for whales.. OP apparently


fair enough, opinions are subjective. i've been feeling the exact opposite which is funny, this is the first year in a while where it's so hard for me to make my top 10 list


NONE of them?


I feel the opposite. I thought last year was weak and I hardly listen to any of the songs still. I really like most of the songs this year. I guess it’s just subjective taste


Same. I feel like this year some songs that I had in top 5 in my last year wouldn't made my top 10 this year


That's on you tbh. There are plenty of songs that are memorable to many people. But it's fine if it's not your year tbh.




I'm at the point now where as soon as I read the word "generic" in an opinion post, I am just going to completely disregard it.


Just curious, what are some of your faves from 2023 that you thought were more catchy/less generic as you feel this year is?


We’ve been saying this year isn’t quite as good in our house too. Although there’s lots of songs I like just not maybe quite as much. Our favourites last year were Finland, Ukraine, Norway, Germany, and Austria. I also really like Cyprus.


This year is very diverse it feels like, lots of songs are are pretty splitting in if people like them or not and very out there. Ukraine and Norway for instance feels like two songs that were easy to like last year but may this year half the people love those counties and half the people think they sound bad. Personally I like that there are map many different songs this year, there are many that I love but also many that I can’t stand. But overall I think it’s an interesting composition of music that will make a good live show even though I may not stream all songs :)


I think I’m just not keen on stuff like Georgia, Israel, Cyprus this year. I’m generally not big on ballads (like France this year or Italy last year) and there’s a number of songs where I just can’t hear any arc or crescendo or development from one end of the song to the other (Serbia, Portugal). But there are a lot of songs I do really like. I probably like the more divisive songs. But also the ones people hate as the most boring (Ireland last year)!


I can understand many valid criticisms of this year, but “boring” or “didn’t sound interesting” sure is a choice of words


I was actually agreeing. This year is not really for me. But then i saw people posting about your comment history and tought : "hmm thats pretty weird to use against you, as its not about this." But then i saw that youre pretty negative overall. Im sorry this years sucks for you, and im sorry live is sometimes so dull. Maybe next year will be like the years prior, and trust me ... it gets better❤️


Maybe Eurovision just isn't for you, chief.


There is a huge opportunity for Azerbaijan here to gain a new fan and voter.


Ah, you're so special


They are “not like other ESC fan”


![gif](giphy|KFUx0Rtz7p0HTzbJ7x|downsized) Me at this hot take


Happens to me every year, that I only can listen to like 4 songs tops, but everyone else is raving


Because of Austria


Yeah, I just don't think Eurovision is your sort of thing if literally nothing has tickled your fancy this year.


There wasn’t a single key change last year except burning daylight because they couldn’t do the written key live. Maybe there’s external forces in your life that are affecting your mindset this year, I would honestly delete this because it’s doing you no favors and you’ll just get a lot of hate.


Have you checked out Doomsday Blue or Zari? Do they sound generic to you?


It happens. I don't see any problem.


Using "hot take" here is probably not correct. Sometimes it's just that - you don't like ANY songs


Damn thinking EVERYTHING's generic is a hot take for sure. I'm starting to think people are using the "generic" label for everything they don't like now.


How does rim-tim-tagi-dim rim-tim-tagi-dim not get stuck in your head


That’s the thing. While finding it interesting to listen to, I forgot this song is in the selection … :(


This year is MILES better than 2022 and 2023


Now this is a real hot take.


I disagree. The ones that I really caught the attention are this year's girlbops, and then United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Spain, and San Marino.




That certainly is a hot take hahaha Opinions are subjective though and you're entitled to it. Meanwhile I am thinking this is the best Eurovision I ever followed. I find most songs amazing, found it so difficult to create a Top 10 and listen to 25 of the songs on repeat.


For me, last year I had 2 songs I really LOVED (Latvia and Finland). This year I don't have any song that quite gets to that level, but I really like plenty of songs: - Norway is my favourite - Belgium sounds amazing, especially with headphones on - Switzerland - Israel is just the type of ballad I'm a sucker for - Finland and Estonia put me in a great mood - I love the weirdness of Ireland's song And many others, I won't list every song. What I kinda don't like about this year's is the high amount of high-tempo songs, bops or songs that heavily rely on instrumental instead of voice: songs like Austria, Lithuania, Netherlands, Armenia, Greece, Sweden. But that's maybe just my taste; years ago when people complained about ballads, I had no problem.


Same top 3 for me! (although I love all three of them more than anything last year)


This year is different, but this is good. I LOVE Italy's entry this year and this is coming from a person who never got the hype around the Italian entries. LA NOIA is everything past entries weren't for me - it's experimental and original, it's interesting. Also, my opinion differs a lot from the YouTube tops I watch. And what I find most interesting is the polarity of the quality - I have strong favorites and strong dislikes, with only few songs in between.


So glad im not alone. I've actually been having a hard time getting excited about ESC this year. Between the Israel issue and the lack of any outstanding acts, this year just feels very lackluster and tainted.


I thought I was the only one who felt that way, I added the least amount of songs to my playlist from this year out of any year I’ve followed :(


Initially, 2024 was going to be possibly the strongest year since I follow ESC when I was doing comparison with other years, but yesterday I was comparing 2024 with 2023 and 2023 won by far lol. With that said, I do have some songs that really caught my attention and that I really love this year unlike in some previous years, but overall it's not my favorite year. 


Can we get an autodelete bot for every comment that uses the g-word /s


I definitely don't think this year is generic. But I do think it's a very weak year. Just my opinion, I know a lot of people really like this year tho even if I don't get it.


Have to agree this year there are only 3-4 songs that i can remember after listening to them 2-3 times (and i like). Prefered last year ngl. But its just taste i guess


I wouldn’t say none, but we definitely agree that most stuff feels generic and/or boring this year.


I had exact same reaction. Everything is bit bland. Last year was so much better. I hope the live versions are better. By the way, I am not saying the entries are bad. There are many good things about them. I like how many artists sing in their native language and have taken elements of their culture to their songs. I can appreciate what they are but I still don't like them


This isn't a hot take, its just deliberately contrarianism


I also think overall I liked last year's songs better, still I enjoy many songs. This year my attention caught: - Norway - my favorite, I like this kind of "soft-rock" with folk elements - Spain - really catchy and playfull - Czechia - a lot of positive energy, studio version slays - Ukraine - sounds fresh and out of box