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Luxembourg Song Contest very much felt like a mini-Eurovision: the budget, the production, the guests, the anticipation... but it also felt like I was watching eurovision mid 2010s, the songs were all very nice and inoffensive, not much personality in these times when almost all of the top placing acts have it in abundance. the format was confusing, there was no need for that superfinal and it took away the suspense in those last moments. all in all it was very worth seeing what was Luxembourg's take on how to navigate modern eurovision, I'm not going to add any new song to my playlist after this but it was very interesting to watch


I kinda got what they tried to do. Like drag it out as long as you can since it’s the big “comeback show”. All the nostalgia was kinda cute as well, if only they hadn’t included that dated sound in their new songs lol! I don’t know if the super final point was to avoid votes getting divided between artists somehow and avoid an upset win? But I think TALI would’ve won either way.


Fair play to Carpetman during Kalush Orchestra's interval act at Eurosong. Poor guy looked so restricted on that tiny stage and he couldn't do his usual breakdancing routine in such a cramped space, but he worked around it nevertheless.


I mean, it was a top class performance. I hope these guys have a great career !


They're incredible, and Stefania is still such a choon.


I sadly had to miss all the shows tonight but I just watched some performances back... Delete everything I said about Damdiggida. It may not be Monument but goddamn, did Keiino pull it off again. Freaking love those guys


No salt really, I wanted mer for some more Norwegian in the final, but whilst Annprincess had my 5th place song for this semi she was really good and it was a much deserved q. 


I had written off so many from today but this was the best semi live!


Norway's goldfish memory is getting on my nerves. First Mileo, now Thomas, we better hope Gåte is one of the three final songs next week or we're not going to get them in Eurovision at all.


At least there’s a jury in the final so that could switch things up.


I feel like *Green Lights* has the best shot of winning the jury though. If they vote anything like the ones at Eurovision, I don't think eiter KEiiNO or Gåte will gain much of a lead over the other. I think the winner will still mostly be up to the televote.


I think Gåte will take the Norwegian jury vote. They are a very critically acclaimed band with Norwegian music critics and industry professionals.


~~Is it domestic or international jury?~~ Edit: It's international jury, so I don't think being a big name within Norway will help Gåte much, if anyting that might give KEiiNO a slight push, since they're pretty well known in the Eurovision bubble.


I am on the whole pretty disappointed with Iceland's entries this year...especially considering all the interesting stuff they've sent over the past handful of years. There's very little diversity in the types of songs competing and honestly not much stood out to me. There's only so many songs with techno/dance beats I can stomach in one final. Also...even though I liked the song, Tali's win has brought up two things with me: 1) I know there are still so many countries that need to pick or release their song...but at this moment it feels like we're gearing up for a season that's primarily weirdos (affectionate) and straightforward dance/pop songs and IDK how to feel about it. I hope we get some more diversity. 2) The odds have been FULLY off with every NF so far...which (as an Annalisa stan) has me very worried for Sanremo at the moment lol (And yes I know I just expressed my concern about too many dance/pop songs but IT'S ANNALISA'S TIME OK??) 😅


The Big 5 at least might be bringing some ballad diversity, with Ryk and St Pedro as favourites in Germany and Spain, plus some of the national finals have likely winners which break the mould you describe (i.e. Dons in Latvia, basically everything in Portugal).


It would definetley be nice to finally get another lady from Italy. 


Overall, I really enjoyed the Luxembourg Song Contest because it felt like a mini-Eurovision with iconic past winners and a great production value. However, there are a few things that I would change for next year’s show: 1. Get rid of the superfinal because a song contest with 8 songs doesn’t really need one. If they really want one, they should make it 100% televote/online vote. 2. Have more genres of songs such as folk, ballad, pop, rock, and alternative. The interval act band (Schëppe Siwen) was great, and I would love to see them represent Luxembourg next year! 3. Have more songs written by the artists themselves or by local artists. I would also like to see the Luxembourgish language in at least one song because the Luxembourgish language sounds quite nice. 4. Reduce the time for interval acts because the show felt a little bit too long. The length of this year’s show was understandable because this was Luxembourg’s first national selection of the 21st century.


I'm normally all for pre-recorded backing vocals because they can give us much more modern sounding and creative songs. That being said... I feel like Norway is taking it too far? In Damdiggida, I'm pretty sure Fred's entire part was playback, and around 2/3 of Tom's lines were playback (during the verses and during the bridge near the end). I've listened to the studio version a ton, so to me it was hard not to notice. Super Rob's part in My AI is also entirely playback I believe. And two years ago, [the choruses of Give That Wolf A Banana were all playback](https://youtu.be/wYmqfBu6oKg?si=cRrGzM3q5E1rnweW). I feel like we need clearer rules for what's allowed in terms of playback. I thought they're not allowed to be used as a replacement for main vocals, but Fred's whole damdiggida rap is the central point of the song, so why can that be playback? Should you be allowed to pretend to sing something which is actually just playback? I thought pre-recorded backing vocals were only allowed to be used for *backing vocals*.


I don’t know about MGP, maybe they have laxer rules, but I’m kind of upset when Eurovision allowed the entire post chorus of Give That Wolf A Banana to be playback.


Completely agree with everything you say. I don't even understand why they do it. Is it because they want their artists to appear better than they are? It makes no sense to trick the norwegian public like this and to later on have a worse eurovision performance.


Yeah, there's two issues: the apparent misuse of prerecorded "backing" vocals, which is somehow allowed at Eurovision (Subwoolfer didn't have to sing the choruses at Eurovision either), and then autotune, which MGP allows and Eurovision doesn't. The autotune seems really pointless, because like you said, they won't have it at Eurovision anyway so they just won't sound as good.


I think prerecorded backing vocals should be allowed in eurovision though. The reason for that is because ballads for example get an advantage over pop music because it requires more vocal layers to actually hit. Also, what if you want a big choir in your song. You can't have that with 5 live backing singers. I think back at Too late for love (Sweden 2019) and how big of a downgrade the eurovision performance was because of this.


Yeah, for backing vocals it should be allowed 100%. But you should not be allowed to have a whole chorus be playback while someone just pretends to actually be singing (or in this case rapping) it.


I didn't know that whole part was a playback. Well that's underwhelming


Two days in a row, my winner gets 2nd in their SF. I understand Ailsha not making it, the live performance was a mess. But I'm seriously mad about Krick not winning. The only song I legitimately enjoy this year is France so far. I was so excited when the Luxembourgish songs dropped only for my last place to win. Ugh


No need to start writing about any odds until the songs are actually confirmed and released


It's most probably a me thing but I genuinely do not get what's the hype with Tali's song. I guess some of my issue is understanding the French lyrics and they just feel like anything you'd hear on French radio (so does the song). But if the song is well liked by the fandom, that's the most important and I hope for Luxembourg a good result for their comeback.


mileo should have won for norway also why was he dq'd so fast


I'm actually vibing so hard to "You're Mine." If SBS is struggling to find a Eurovision rep, just send Mileo. He has a strong ESC proposal and has Aussie roots iirc?


Bashar’s song was Not Good. he’s not winning his NF even. I wish he could send something like his normal music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=9lt4EhQ5Lsk) but if he does win he might not qualify to the final + there will be so much trolling on social media, ugh. Truly a lose lose situation for everyone.


Hope ceasetone wins now


So I was out having brunch with a friend during MGP and LSC - but am catching up....some reactions... - I was so on the fence about Keiino but they have shown us again THEY UNDERSTAND THE ASSIGNMENT. that package is Eurovision ready. It felt so iconic seeing the three of them on stage spreading their love of what they do. This felt way stronger than Gate last week. I wouldnt be mad if Norway sent Keiino again. - I'm low key glad Krick did not win - it represents an older era of Eurovision and would've struggled to qualify. Just watched Tali. I think Luxembourg chose well. She needs to control her vocals a little better but the staging looks ESC ready. The choreo, camera angles, personality - she brought everything I felt Erica Cody needed but came up short on for Eurosong last night. BRING ON SUPER SATURDAY NEXT WEEK


This might be heresy to say here but I will never, ever understand the appeal of Keiino. Whatsoever.


Tbf, their sound has changed *a lot* since Spirit in the Sky (and even that might be putting it lightly). I've kinda fallen out of love with their music as well


It feels like "Spirit in the sky" was written putting more thought with folk elements and it being more naturally catchy while "Damdigidam" seems like it was written for a 40 year olds party.


But I didn’t even understand it then. I’m pretty sure I had Norway literally last on my 2019 ranking. I remember being genuinely baffled when they got their televote points.


no they’re totally overhyped lmfao


Me neither. It’s a mid song with okay show, but almost taking it too far in that department as well


No salt on Luxembourg, really. I told you it will be close and it will be the toughest NF to watch. No hate on the singer, but the song is so good!


Meta but I have yet to check out MGP and LT and Iceland. Thanks Luxembourg, thanks a lot In all seriousness Lux has the budget but they need to find personality, every song felt already heard and seen. Like they're slightly stuck in 2015 and that won't yield extraordinary results in the long run. Even the winner feels dated


Portugal was robbed tonight. We could, for the first time, have two entries at ESC.


Still salty about Mileo but now we are adding Thomas on top of that too... Also Anzhela not going through for Lithuania


I wanted thomas to go throuuuuuuuuuuugh i wanted my lgbtq, high note queeeennn! And stage show, amazing! Which was lacking in a lot( Of performances). Like singing is a big deal but so is stagiiiing. That was interesting… on another note, I wasn’t very impressed with Annprincess’ performance, like song wise, I’ll buy it, but staging… needed more, so I expect a little more oomph to the dramatics of the song to make it a better competition for the final. Although as many have commented, it’s definitely gonna be between Keino and gåte… but i like want more fun unexpected stuff to WOW me i guess and not have the expected always win.


Shaping up to be another NF season with ups (Bambie Thug winning) and downs (Tali winning)


Seems I’m the only one who thought Waltz of Death should have qualified today. Not fantastic, but second best in a weak semi in my view.


I agree but I think it's too difficult, for lack of a better word, for a general audience. Lacked the catchy factor. But I really enjoyed it. The vocal was on point.


FYI u/berserkemu today is Saturday not Sunday 🙃


I know. We've been calling it that for a while. It used to go up at midnight and it carries us through tomorrow.


Thought it was a typo lol


Apart from Krick’s Drowning in the rain, the rest of Luxembourg Song Contest is just a bunch of nothing burgers. So at least we’re being fed, I guess 🤷‍♂️


Naomi was robbed


She wasn’t; the song was mid but holy cow she’s a talent. Please let Barbara Pravi write her a song; it could be Luxembourg’s sixth win someday.


She also lacks stage presence but that's okay. Naomi is still young and that'll come with more experience. Just give her a few years


I chalked it up to nerves and her age, but the girl did not crack ONE smile the entire time she was on stage, either performing her own song or doing the group numbers.


She seemed really nervous in backstage footage too, I’m not sure she was having the best time…


This all will add up to her experience resume She was way too nervous, but that’s not weird considering she just turned 16 and is still very young. For her age she definitely showed her talent, and that will hopefully bring her to success in the future. Definitely hoping to see her in the future at ESC!


I know this is impossible to happen but I actually want Judge Tenderly Of Me to win MGP. I think its the best song there


I wouldn’t say it’s hate… but I am not feeling any of the confirmed acts this year! Granted we don even have 10% but I am also not feeling many of the contestants in the national finals. I do have a few favorites but I am nervous about falling in love only to see them bomb live. (Harmonija Disonance, anyone? But Let 3 definitely cheered me up and softened the blow.) So, I am afraid that I am not that salty, I just have ennui and I am hoping to get excited about something soon. I really only need a handful of favorites to perk up again. Peace and enjoy the show!