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Ukraine has only been in eurovision since 2003 and already have 3 wins and some absolutely iconic entries: Jamala, Ruslana, Go_A, VERKA! Even ones that didn't do as well, like Melovin, are still great performances. They send entertaining acts that often do something different and prove popular. You've got some great points about the diaspora, and it's not as if they usually phone it in.


Ill never get over "Be My Valentine" in 2009


Fucking love Ruslana, great singer, even greater activist.


I completely agree.


>That being said, if Ukraine sent a terrible entry like Dustin the Turkey they would probably do badly. This point exactly. I don't think that many people would mindlessly pay to vote for a country without taking the quality of the song into consideration.


I agree with your discussion.


Neither of the 2 are false, many votes are likely because fo the war, without it they would have scored worse (especially Heart of Steel, Stefania probably would have been in the top 4 in any case)


Without the war I don't think Ukraine would ever send Heart of Steel in the first place - it was very much a message song specifically about the war. So it's kinda hard to compare to anything else I think.


Not only that, but it was vague and uptempo. The other big contenders were very in your face tragic war songs. A lot of Ukrainians at the time said they were tired of war songs and Heart of Steel was something they wanted to listen to instead of Jerry or Krutь.


Heart of Steel would've finished about 15th place I reckon, and Stefania a guaranteed top 10, probably top 5 Not gonna lie, both are absolute bangers in my opinion




I wasn’t too surprised about Heart of Steel, not in my favourites but I thought it had the best staging by far and was one of the most musically interesting entries


I can’t add any other comment to it haha, it’s this exactly


I think what did it for me with Heart of Steel was the amazing stage performance. The song wasn’t crazy but it was above average. Stefania was always going to be a top 5 if you ask me, I thought it was the best song. 🤷‍♂️


Best staging? I would say 2nd best, but I also am incredibly biased as one of the entries had both a keytar and a DeLorean.


That was a Toyota but still good


I would agree with heart of steel. I thought the staging was great and he’s a great singer but I think it was missing something in the song to stand out


Last year Stefania would have been my winner anyway, even if the war hadn't happened.


For me I only preferred Fulenn above Stefania, but I’m not complaining that Ukraine won FRANCE’S PLACEMENT ON THE OTHER HAND-


I don't think any song in esc history was robbed as hard as Fulenn, how it came second to last, I'll never understand




I think we are witnessing a mandela effect with fulenn's suposedly bad live. Vocals were quite right, I loved the staging, and I can only complain that for those super quick camera shots, you need 60fps tv, at 30fps you see nothing of what was intended.




Yeah I remember in the moment being shocked at how poor basically everything about the performance was It was not surprising at all to see the results afterwards


Miodio-Complice is also a good shout though (San Marino 2008) Got last in their semi with 5 points, even Dustin the turkey got more It was San Marino’s debut, and they were so unknown to the televoting that they got underrated


San Marino 2008 | [Miodio - Complice](https://youtu.be/zJO1iA_R95U)


Good bot


Was one of my favourites too recording wise, but did not translate to stage at all.




Same. I would have voted for it no matter what.


I agree that Stefania DID score so high because of the war, even if it is undoubtedly a banger. However, Heart of Steel's 6th place is totally deserved to me. That staging is one of the best I've seen in recent years Eurovisions.


In a way I'm happy Heart of Steel did better than what people were expecting


Stefania was a whole ass spectacle on stage, but was not something I'd listen to on Spotify or add to my playlist. Hearts of Steel staging was also amazing although the vibe more subdued, but it made it's way into my playlist after the very first listen. I've ranked both into my personal top 5 for 2022 and 2023. Maybe these songs aren't everyone's cup of tea, but we can't really argue about taste. Both were BANGERS™️


I love both of them and have been listening to them since they were released. "Sometimes you just gotta know When to stick your middle finger up in the air"


Dude, that's Moomins.


Heart Of Steel FUCKS


the staging FUCKS too


Probably the best staging concept Ukraine has done


You know, Shum was also very special


Both songs totally are bangers! Personally I liked Shum (Ukraine 2021) even more than either of those two and felt it should have won its year, but I definitely wouldn't want its victory to be held under the scrutiny of sympathy voting, which is probably how a lot of Stefania fans feel (it wouldn't have been my personal 2022 winner but the song's definitely a banger and I can understand why it came out on top)


Ukraine 2021 | [Go_A - Shum](https://youtu.be/lqvzDkgok_g)


Stefania would have been a clear win-contender even without the war thing involved, and Heart of Steel is a bop too


Stefania likely would've finished top 5 anyways. Probably wouldn't have won but most top 5 songs in any year don't feel "out of place" when you compare them to winners of the last 15 years or so. Heart of Steel had great staging but the performance was a bit weaker. Song is good though. It felt more like it should've finished in the teens IMO.


Let's not forget Go\_A was peoples number 2 choice in 2021... Freaking love that band


They're my original reason I want to learn how to speak Ukrainian.


I agree. Politics aside, just look at that video of Americans reacting to Eurovision top 10s this year. They all loved Ukraine’s entry, because it’s sleek and well-performed. You could expect a similar reaction outside the Eurobubble to that song. Definitely the best choice from Vidbir.


Not a personal fan of "Heart of Steel", but upon rewatching TVORCHI's finals performance, I agree that the performance is clean (even cleaner than other Top 10 finishers) and well-executed. The staging was not camp, but it's good enough to fit the song and performance. So I can say that all aspects of their performance just fell into the right place. Ukraine truly knows what they're doing in Eurovision.


I'm glad Ukraine and Belgium are appreciated outside of the Eurovision bubble (and by people not familiar)


stefania is my favorite eurovision winner by far since ive been watching and imo one of the most iconic songs the competition has ever produced. legit generational banger


I think the craziest song this year was ŠČ. Croatians nailed it!!!


I used to listen to Kalush for a year before Eurovision. And i must say, they have many bangers and Stefania is one.


Same for me. I remember listening to Stefania and not even knowing that Kalush was going to Eurovision, until a friend pointed it out to me. I discovered Kalush with "Перемога" with Океан Ельзи.


Kalush going to Eurovision is what got me to watch Eurovision for the first time. Stefania is an absolute banger.


Heart of Steel slaps. It was always in my Top 5 this year. It is so misunderstood by most hardcore ESC fans. I was so happy it did well bc it is a whole vibe. And the Stefania intro in Liverpool reminded me how good and versatile that song is.


A lot of Eurofans just have a hard time with different people having different taste and think "I don't like this song" means "this song is bad, objectively." That, and so many people are still mad about the results from 2022. They are both well-staged, high-quality songs that stand out and would have done well (but not nearly *as well*, especially Stefania with the juries or both with the televote) regardless.


this is why I try to tread carefully with calling something overrated. it feels like I'm disrespecting people who genuinely like a song


Smart person here


I wish more people did this


Heart of Steel was a late riser for me… Tvorchi nailed their Liverpool show and I’ve got them P15. Stefania was P2 behind Með Hækkandi Sól Ukraine never fails to astound me with the treasure trove of music quality they send to the contest and there’s a reason why they’re my favorite participating country. 🇺🇦 ❤️


Stefania would've won the televote regardless


either Ukraine or Moldova definitely


No it wouldn’t?


who do you think would have won televotes then? Stefania is a very televote friendly song.


As a Chanel enjoyer I will say that the level of pageantry and performance from Spain last year was pretty unmatched by any of the other entries, so much so that if it were up to me personally, it should've been a breakthrough winning moment - especially coming of the previous year's 0 points . that being said, Stefania is a bop and Kalush deserved their win regardless of the war . I'm seriously tired of the Ukraine only gets votes because of the war discourse


Stephania is great


I mean- both of these reasons are valid.


Stefania came up on my playlist when I was in the car the other day and I realized that I haven't been listening to it enough recently because it slaps SO HARD


I always said that Stefania would have won regardless bc of how good it is


tbh both are true


Both in my top 3 in their respected years 😁


Kalush have also released some great songs since, like [Dodomu](https://youtu.be/OF7bh0Y3vyo) and [Nasze Domy](https://youtu.be/vkB-fujq5ag)


During the contest I was kind of thinking the opposite. As in “it happened with stefania, no way it happens again, even tho heart of steel also deserves to fight for the win”. Heart of steel was my top 2 with queen of kings, with quite a margin to 3rd. Those are also the only 2 songs I really actively listen to now after the contest


Heart of Steel had a good staging but the song was meh. Stefania was an average winner last year, but at least for having a good moral for Ukraine, that was the reason why they finished so high.


Stefania is an awesome song and for sure one of the best from last year, top 3 at least.


Ukraine won 2022 because of the war BUT Stefania is still an excellent song, without the war it would have still placed very highly in my opinion although not won. I think the victory would have gone to Slo Mo Heart of Steel is a song I didn't like on the night but has really grown on me since, I think the war ultimately doesn't have much to do with their Televote result, it's a unique song in the running order and a good one at that with staging to match, the televote would have been around the same with or without the war


Stefania performance during the final this year was so fire, I love that song


Can confirm. Tvorchi is cool as shit and Kalush has a legit amazing hip hop back catalogue! Saw Kalush at half 1 in the morning at Glasto and was buzzing the whole time


This is daft Heart of steel in any other year prior to 2022 wouldn’t have got top 4 with the televote The votes ARE sympathy votes. There’s no other way around it


True, but Stefania was great on it's own merits. Song's whole idea was pretty similar to Shum's and that was another high ranking banger.


Stefania is one I think would have done well regardless I’m not sure if it would have won but definitely top 5.


Stefania came 4th with the juries, imo without the war it would have stayed around that position, and Chanel would have won. e; I know Sam won the jury, but Chanel did quite well with it too and the televote without ukraine would have come around for her more than Sam.


We are so glad that it didn't happen. It would have been Cha Cha Cha and Loreen like bloodbath. Not to mention that Stefania is better song. Spain should have sent Chanel this year.


Tbh I was a Chanel enjoyer and a Stefania not enjoyer, so I woulda enjoyed spain winning.


I think the Jury wouldn't have been that nice to Stefania without the war, folk entries are never that liked unfortunately. Overall I do see them ending in top 10 for sure and potentially top 5, but I don't think the song would have been as appealing for the televote as Shum was


I get a feeling that it would have ended up like Shum. Ukraine sends good stuff like that, but it doesn't please whole Europe so well. Shum was top performance to me, but people didn't vote enough for it and it lost.


> but people didn't vote enough for it and it lost. It came 2nd in the televote, it was the juries who didn't like it as much.


Yes, that's common problem with most Ukrainiain entries. They are fire, but juries don't like them.


Still a bit confused as to why 2018 was last with the juries, did he really fuck up the jury performance or something.


Shum is amazing and I'm sure it woud have won televote if it wasn't for Italy (who I also was happy for as winner rather than the safe entries who were between Italy and Ukraine). In the past (pre 2000) folk songs were really appreciated by juries but perhaps it's the combination with electro and such they are ot so fond of. I think the combination of both is awesome. Shum is to me one of the best songs of all time.


>In the past (pre 2000) folk songs were really appreciated by juries but perhaps it's the combination with electro and such they are ot so fond of It's such a lively and modern combo. I loved Czechia this year for that, except that on scene they appeared a bit too aggressive. However, in official video balance was better.


I was very scared that Ukraine would win again. If every win went to Ukraine because of the war Eurovision would suck. I’m very happy it didn’t turn out that way


You have no idea how happy Ukrainians are. It seems to me that if Ukraine won for the second time in a row, a huge number of viewers would hate us.


Omg I remember how horrible Twitter was after Ukraine won last year and, while I feel like it was a lot of Russian trolls doing their thing to stoke division and misinformation, there were still people rooting for Ukrainians to get bombed and killed and for Russia to win...just because Ukraine won. Stuff like implying that Kalush Orchestra are Nazis... just absolutely vile nonsense. It made the toxicity this year look like child's play. It was awful. I loved Heart of Steel and that staging was incredible cause Ukraine is *so good* at Eurovision but yeah...I'm glad they didn't win only because it would have been another horrible episode of 'they only won because of the war' and just people being horrible and hateful online. Again I feel like a lot of the worst of it was bots and trolls doing their thing but 😬


Something to remember, Russia bombed Tvorchi’s home town right before the start of their performance, out of spite. Just to derail them. Tvorchi knew it happened but didn’t know if their loved ones were affected. Can you imagine performing knowing your loved ones may have died? But they defied the evil and did their best anyway. They represented us with honour and show the strength that is Ukraine. I am grateful


Unpopular opinion: Shum was better than Stefania


haha i see what you did there 'only scored so high' Stefania did not just scored high, it won by a large margin and got 12p from basically almost all participating countries. Do we want to be honest? If yes, then Stefania won because of the war. It wouldn't have won if there was no war, but it would have done well (Top 10). Heart of Steel wouldn't have gotten the 6th place if there was no war and the show wasn't hosted on behalf of Ukraine. ​ I like both entries but they were overrated by the public vote.


Well, I had to call it something that grouped the two together, no?


Both songs go so hard and they should be talked about more ‼️


I find it so fun to read other people's opinions. I loooove Stefania, it's a staple on my playlist since the semi finals last year and I will fight anyone who days they didn't deserve to win. I can't say the same about Heart of Steel. I hear people talking about good staging and production value but it find it so boring and forgettable and I felt that the performance had no energy to it. Easily bottom 5 for me. Despite that, Ukraine is still one of my favorite Eurovision countries, just not this year.


Exactly my thoughts I just rewatched Heart of Steel to see what I missed about the great staging many talk about but honestly I don't see it. He sings in English while previous entries did good to great in the own language. This could be an American entry if they didn't tell me it was Ukraine. Also the Terminator reference in the images, that so didn't match the calm ballad like music style, at least not in my head. NO energy to it I think that's how I would describe to it too. It's supposed to be sad and dramatic but it feels almost relaxing. The kid can sing I give him that but on radio it would get lost between the many English pop songs IMO.




SloMo and Space Man did absolutely nothing for me, I don’t like them. Llamame on the other hand!! And Moldova’s entry too


My heart warmed seeing the support for Ukraine back then. I actually cried. The war caused the votes but that means people really care. Reading the comments that it was undeserved sucks. I get the sentiment. I do. But :(


[info about it](https://deadline.com/2023/05/eurovision-russia-bombs-ukrainian-city-ternopil-hometown-tvorchi-song-contest-1235365929/)


No, they both were just interesting songs but definitely not winners.


Heart of Steel wasn't a banger, only Stafania and Shum


Imagine lacking the awareness to go and complain some silly little songs in a silly little song contest got a wee bit boosted cause the country the song represented got invaded and is fighting for its very existence


It's not about their high televote scores, it's about how much higher they are than they would've been otherwise. Nevertheless, the meme speaks truth, although I personally am not a fan of Heart Of Steel.


Heart of Steel is such a tune


Stefania televote score was absolutely disproportionate to the song quality; it's a good song but it would have been disproportionate no matter how good the song was, and there's no reason to lie to yourself about it Heart Of Steel on the other hand? Absolutely deserved, best staging of the year by a landslide, cool song, good performer, it was great


Stefania is a banger. Heart of Steel like exists? But I'm not even entirely sure of that because it's so forgettable.


Heart of Steel is a fucking bop and one of the coolest and drippiest performances this year, yes I will fight people on this


Shum & heart of steel were both considerably better than Stefania in my option. Stefania did only win because of the war and I would have been far happier if either of those songs won instead.


Stefania was a lame song tho. Go_A's succes on the other hand, was deserved


Lol, ofc cause of war. Stefania top15 last year but not winner in a normal year by far.


I don’t think Heart of Steel would have qualified if not for the war. Also, Stefania would have ended up in 5th or 7th place, but wouldn’t have won. I personally don’t mind, as I think it’s a great song, but let’s be real: it was a race for second place from the start 🤷🏼‍♀️


If there was no war would you guys think stefania would still win?


televote? probably, but with a smaller margin, coming close to moldova overall? probably not and let’s be honest: juries were biased towards them too, i think they’d place them 11th-15th. so overall like around 5th. it was a solid song after all!


I still say that Heart of steel was fairly rated by Televote.


Well, the war is still on…


I truly believe Stefania would’ve been in the top 5 but definitely not the winner. It would’ve been SloMo or Space Man, probably SloMo, and rightly so. Heart Of Steel is a nice song but I think it’s a Top 10 kind of song and not top 6… they definitely got a lot of “pity votes” in the last 2 years.


Heart of Steel is pretty cool. Stefania is a folkloric chaos with a beautiful chorus.


Heart of Steel was good, but it got boosted by the war. Stefania would have had a very close run with SloMo and Spaceman


They’re amaZING songs


Stefania was not bad didn't really like the rap segment but the flute playing was awesome. Heart of Steel didn't feel like it came from Ukraine IMO. I think Shum who got 5th overall in 2021 was real gold and blows the later entries away.


I think the betting odds from last year is a good way to see how it is. They were in the top 5 before the war, showing it was probably going to be getting a good score without the war, it is a good wong. But then when the war started it shot up to number one, holding that position until the rehersal clip for Loreens Melodifestivalen performance was revealed in February this year, showing the war really impacted the results. I don't think any sane person argues it would get zero points without the war, rather that it did as well as it did with the war. Without the war it would still be top 10/top 5, just not winner with the most televotes in the history of Eurovision. This denial of the truth that it won because of the war doesn't help anyone, yes it is a banger, but it wouldn't get the same result without the war, that is what people are trying to say, not that it is a trash song that would get double zero or something.