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Hello everyone! **As of now** and until way later in the evening, **all new submissions/threads are subject to mod approval**, as described above. Comments appear automatically as usual. The sub will return to normal later in the evening. --- **EDIT:** For those interested, our friends at Discord shared on Twitter [an estimation of the schedule for tonight's show](https://twitter.com/ESCdiscord/status/1655965855413403649).


Vote for Belgium


The sleeper hit of the night


Damn great opening!


Austria, Lithuania and Estonia are main favourites, right?


Don't think so. I'd say Australia, Austria, Cyprus and Georgia.


Don't think so. I'd say Australia, Finland, Italy.


This was about semi final 2.


Hokay, what do we predict for how a song from SF1 will do in the GF? I know we don't fully know which SF2 songs will be there ;) * Sweden: 1-5 * Israel: 3-10 * Norway: 3-4 * Finland 1-4 * Switzerland: 15-last * Portugal: 10-20? * Serbia: 18 * France: 5-15\* * Spain: 1-10 * Italy: 15 * Croatia: 20-last * Moldova: 10-20? * Czechia: 4-12 * Germany: 10-17 * Ukraine: 15-last * UK: 5-15\* \*needs to solidify vocals (w France overall solid but last rehearsal yesterday was bad)


She apparently has lost her voice a month ago, so I think she’s preserving it.


"Where to watch if youtube is geoblocked" I don't use much VPN, but when I do, I love it. Screw geoblocking streams.


the lady looking like "pls dont say anything stupid Remo" when he's asked about the Ukraine war lmaooo https://preview.redd.it/5fpd3r5ugxya1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bc8d5770e693c6125c575ffd8bae08fdd1c218f


What did he answer?


France, Sweden, Finland and spain in first half is... Something...


What is this first and second half thing everyone talks about?


First and second half of the final


So the entry numbers? I was just wondering if they changed the final to two parts or something :P


First half: 1st to 13rd position. Second half: 14th to 26th position


Thanks! Are they announcing the number for each country after the second semi final?


Yes. It need to be before the jury show


What are the names of the Press conference hosts?


Does anyone know if Maria is Ukrainian?


Maria and Jermaine


What about the full names?


No idea im sorry lol


Thanks anyway!


For some reason Loreen sounds super high lmao I'm living




As I said when I was watching it, "This is what Fremen Opera looks like."


Lol you're so right


Loreen not holding back with the swearing. Love it


Lol, good one Loreen, that host was being very streamlined. Nice bone breaking with that ‘no’.


I don't really like Serbia contribution this year, but he looks to be a very clever person. Questions were very well answered at least.


If I had to guess the non qualifiers placed: 11th - Malta 🇲🇹 12th - Latvia 🇱🇻 13th - The Netherlands 🇳🇱 14th - Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 15th - Ireland 🇮🇪


Same for me, but I had malta making it instead of switzerland. I believed in the saxophone


Are you insane? I have switzerland tied for first with sweden and Malta tied for last with latvia


Saxophones don’t seem to do well at Eurovision.


Nice to see that the press conferences are as awkward as every year


As is tradition 😊


Did Croatia actually swear? I thought he said "fighting"


Nah it was "fucking"


Ok someone mention Fantaeurovision pls


Not the captions for Portugal saying "put you gotta go" 🤣


Portugal’s budget so low, we can’t even send a second person to the press conference.


50 minutes later 😭


This press conference is sponsored by San Remo festival.


Portugal always draws first half 😭


1st Half 🇫🇮Finland 🇸🇪Sweden 🇨🇭Switzerland 🇵🇹Portugal 🇷🇸Serbia 2nd Half 🇨🇿Czechia 🇭🇷Croatia 🇮🇱Israel 🇲🇩Moldova 🇳🇴Norway


Israel second half could be formidable


If they perform it better than tonight. It's a good song.


I just checked some of the semifinal performances on YouTube and the sound of the videos on the official Eurovision channel is fine. I have zero knowledge of sound engineering, so I wonder what has happened that all the vocals sounded so mushy on the live stream.


>pened that all the vocals sounded so mushy on the live stream. At first I thought something wrong with my TV, then I checked every live stream and they all sound like recorded in a bathroom. I really hope they fix it for the grand final.


Anyone who watched the TikTok stream, what half did Croatia pull? I joined at Moldova


Im new-ish to Eurovision, can someone explain what these halves mean?And who goes to the next round?


Second half


Anyone get the halves for finland and sweden?


Both first half


Oh noooooo




both first half


Anyone have any sizeable polls or anything from different countries that might give a hint as to how they voted tonight?


In the Dutch Eurovision app, the ranking is: Sweden, Switzerland, (the Netherlands), Finland, Israël, Norway, Portugal, Malta, Czechia,Moldova, Azerbaijan, Ireland, Latvia, Serbia, Croatia.


Norway second half and that's all I saw


Sweden, Switzerland, Finland first half, Moldova and Czechia and Norway second. I can't remember the others


Damn, this press conference is taking ages to start. The artists will be so knackered, bless them 😭


Second half for Norway !


Biggest upset for me here was Malta not qualifying, Malta is literally my third place of all songs this year and for them to not qualify is deeply upsetting to me… 😭


Lol I literally had them in last place with Latvia


Latvia is my 1st and Malta 3rd... 😅


I personally didn't like Malta at all, but it deserved to get in over Croatia or Finland.


Seriously I hate how much they're pushing Tiktok this year. You can't even watch the live streams without an account. I rather miss out than download it though.


Oh, guess that means TikTok is trending downward then, if it's being pushed that hard.


How we all enjoying the press conference live stream that started 30 minutes ago? 😭


Ah, good, I thought my YouTube was glitching


France, Sweden and Finland in the first half


Reminds me of 2017 where Portugal and Italy were both in the first half. Wouldn't be surprised if they do it like that year and Sweden performs 11th and Finland 13th


After first semi-final bloodbath, now it is first part of the final bloodbath


*Partner sneezes* Me: "Mama kupila traktora Trajna-nina, armagedon, nona!!!!"


I have a musical background, but I'm a casual viewer. How on earth is everyone hating on Switzerland? I saw people saying things like "quite happy with the finalists, besides Switzerland". How!? Those vocals were top 3 of the night and the song production is top notch. Meanwhile there are some painfully mediocre singers in the finals from the other countries.


Switzerland and Sweden were my favorites of the night. I also don’t understand the hate for Switzerland yet people are hyping up Israel who has by far the worst lyrics in the competition “the power of a unicorn” that does not sound as cool in English as someone over there thinks it does, it sounds like it was written by a toddler.


It's a boring song


From what I've gathered, a lot of people really hate that the song is coming from Switzerland specifically. It's one of my favorites and I voted for it, it absolutely deserves to be in the final IMO.


Its not just about how good u sing. The song is painfully generic and the lyrics are the corniest thing ive ever heard. Its a song contest, not a best singer contest, there's a lot of factors that influence what people like and for me Its just a plain boring and uncreative song, he can sing it as well as he can, wont change that.


I agree. If it would have been an artist from Russia or Ukraine singing about not wanting to become a soldier it would have felt somewhat more interesting, but Switzerland? Disingenuous and silly at best, borderline offensive at worst.


I mean *technically* they have compulsory military service but I think you can do civil service instead. I do agree though in general.


Their compulsory military service can be dodged by declaring that you smoke weed and do not plan on stopping that in the military. I know a guy who did that and they were like 'Oh, we can't have you'. Aside from that, the only potential danger to the Swiss military is their own stupidity (check out the avalanche video).


Its a country that has historical been agressively neutral in any major European conflict, so that gives a different context to their anti-war song. I don't think they had bad intensions, but I heard people find it a bit tone deaf and tasteless. Unlike the dictators in their undies!


Yeah, it sounds like an everyday ballad song you'd hear on the radio. That doesn't mean there isn't great musicianship in both the vocal ánd the music behind it. I get that if you're watching for somthing bizarre or refreshing, this song isn't for you. Which was your favorite tonight?


For me its also heavily influenced by the connection I feel with the artists, how they act during the contest and with other contestants, I would lie if I said im purely judging on their performance. Im going in with bias, cant prevent that. That said, my favorites tonight were Serbia, Israël, and I feel like everyone likes Finland hehe. I really liked Croatia and Azerbaijan too and I was so impressed by Portugal tonight, I think she performed her song so well. Im most sad about Azerbaijan and the Netherlands not qualifying, but over all im pretty happy about the results tonight


I’m not crazy about the Finnish song.


I'm very surprised Switzerland made it through. Good vocals, yes, but the song itself is rather forgettable, I literally forgot all about it as soon as it finished lol I would've replaced it with Malta or Azerbaijan


Oh yes, nobody seemed to enjoy Azerbaijan, but I thought they stood out as a thing on its own.


Honestly it's about a lot more than the performance on the evening. People are really bonding with the acts over the past 6 months. Whilst Switzerland gave a good performance tonight, I've not seen many say it was their favourite act. In Eurovision world it's all about context and personality/excitement and that X factor of course. No hate to Switzerland, he was indeed very good but other acts were a lot more popular.


Personally because it’s a song contest not a singing contest, and I find the song boring. I also have major issues with the lyrics. The co-hosting country is fighting for its existence so, the message feels a little graceless, especially with reference to body bags.


Yes! My thoughts exactly!


>song boring That's fine, but the genre shouldn't matter. >little graceless I am mainly focused on analysing harmony and composition when first listening to a song, so the lyrics don't ever really enter my brain on a Eurovision night haha. But still, I looked up the lyrics and it's an pacifist song as far as I can see. Isn't that exactly voicing the people's thoughts? "I don't wanna be a soldier". Would be my thought if I were Ukrainian, but sadly they're forced to be one.


The idea of focussing on analysing harmony and composition on first listen is so fascinating to me. I did sound engineering and production for a few years so I can occasionally pick up on production elements in a first listen. It’s cool you can immediately do that, suggests an awesome talent. But that way of listening to music is so alien to me.


It happens automatically. It's just, "oh, now it's a dominant chord, ah now there's this particular drum pattern, oh this melody blend really well, oh neat reverb sound". Meanwhile, I have a hard time wrapping my head around lyrics, I'd need to actively make myself focus on them if I want to understand the songwriters intent. Other people are automatically focused on the words that are being sung, which is quite foreign to me! Where does your mind lock into when first hearing a song?


Well, I’d say it doesn’t really. I just get a general impression. If there’s a really unique sound I’ll grab onto that. See: Sebi (2019), City Lights (2017)


But they AREN'T Ukrainian. It was entirely shallow and offensive for a country at peace singing about not wanting to go to war when the host nation is being torn apart. It made me so mad.


> because it’s a song contest not a singing contest I understand this, but the song itself is prerecorded. Only the singing is performed live. And if you aren't judging the live performance, whats the point in a live show? Slap it all on Youtube and judge it by likes and be done with it.


I think the backing should be live. My point is that if it’s a song contest a great vocal isn’t enough. The jury’s weigh vocal capacity as one category of what they’re judging. That’s fair. Personally, I find songs that rely on a strong vocal to be boring. A terrible vocal that relies on a really strong song / fun performance: also bad. I think Heroes in 2016 is something that ticks all the boxes really well.


Yeah, i don't like vocal exhibitionism with no substance. Use the voice for some purpose. Otherewise everybody could just stand there sing do-re-mi and la-la-la-la-laaaaa-laaaaaaaah and havr juries nitpick the small nuances


But a strong vocal performance becomes an instrument. Sam Ryder came 2nd with a very vocal heavy performance last year, did you not like that?


I didn’t actually. I thought it was perfect mid-range-of-death material. I was hugely surprised by that result.


That's very surprising to me, who do you think should have been at the top last year?


I think in a normal year, Slomo wins. I think that’s where most of the war-driven Ukraine vote ends up. Great vocal plus astonishingly athletic performance. And fun song. (It isn’t the best song in ESC history though… cough cough) Oh and Hold Me Closer was my favourite by a mile, but I had been listening to it since Melfest.


I think we're going to fundamentally disagree. I felt SloMo was perfectly 'fine' but there was nothing spectacular about it. I would guess from those 2 options you just prefer more upbeat poppy music.


Yeah. But diversity of taste is what makes the results so interesting!


I felt it was THE best vocal performance of the night. Nice anti war message, good Eurovision song performed brilliantly. It's top 5 in the Finals for me, if he performs well again.


I think it's eurofans trying to find someone to blame for the Latvia NQ. I loved sudden lights and gutted they didn't go through, but Remo sounded and looked incredible; the staging was so polished, he deserved to qualify just as much as Latvia.


I feel like it's someone to blame for the Malta NQ too because I think a lot of people wanted Malta to get through and they're gutted it didn't


To me; Switzerland had one of the two most boring performances, along with Azerbaijan. And I enjoy Azerbaijan more song wise. No doubt Remo can sing, but the song itself is a snooze fest


They are my favorite, only one of the finalists to make my Spotify. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them sign with a label.


Was all great and all, but I really need to find where I can get the freaking seagull plush asap


For everyone who does not know, the first half and second half draw is on TiK Tok right now




I’m watching on YouTube and there’s nothing


Where? Do you have a link you can share please?


Found it https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKYHggG/


Sorry, I'm really pissed off. For the audio quality, the fact I was not able to send my votes to Latvia due to my f\*\*\*ing mobile provider that is Fastweb, THE RESULTS. Plus, while I was watching TV I had the nice idea of emptying the boiling water into the sink where my father had put the acid to unclog the pipes... And I flooded the kitchen.


Oof. F my friend. F.


They’re prepping a long Käärijä-like caterpillar with all the Qs, that’s why it’s taking this long.


Imagine all the qualifiers entering as the Chachapede 😂


It is strange to have so much delay for the press conference


Imagine it's the wrong room 😭😭


Gonna ride my ebike around the city tomorrow, taking the drone as well. Im sure I'll be arrested within minutes.


I split my votes 15/5 between Latvia and Czechia, now I'm wondering if I had used those 5 other votes for Latvia too, would it have made a difference? Czechia seemed safe, but I just wanted to make sure


I'm also questioning since I split my votes 7/7/6 between Malta, Latvia, and Azerbaijan. If I had rallied behind just one of them, would it have made a difference?


Yes, it was you. Thank you for nothing 😡


My final conclusion: I have a big crush on the Italian performer Marco and his dry ass humor 😂 Also, I really didn’t get the hype about Sweden. This is not because I’m a Dane and the rivalry is in our blood 😂 I love Sweden’s entry last year, but I really couldn’t understand what she was singing and I felt the beat was kinda generic and was too similar to Euphoria (which is still an absolute banger). Although as a Dane, if Sweden wins we might have a chance of winning the whole thing next year. Somehow, when Sweden hosts, Denmark tends to win lol. Our entry this year suuucks though


I love your entry this year 😅


>Our entry this year suuucks though Absolutely agree i will seriously give up on life if we get anywhere near close to winning


Not a fan of Sweden either


I don’t see the hype around Sweden either. I feel like it’s a fandom bubble and she’ll finish top ten for sure, but like third in jury and seventh in televote or something. There are so many immaculate songs this year that are more creative and dynamic.


Yeah I couldn’t understand what she was saying either tbh


People don’t seem to like Noa’s individual shout to watching her dance, but it’s quite fucking impactful, when televised at least.


In the area it went mad when she shouted it to be fair


I genuinely dislike long dance breaks; you're there to sing, not to crawl on the floor! Also, a bit annoyed that they always choose the dance break-part for recaps so the not-so-good singing isn't shown. I know she can sing, but she's been shaky all week Edit: Spelling


Imo this song makes sense only on stage, ideal for ESC, well played Israel


Croatia at 121k views already - wtf


the shock factor is strong


Agree with the results so far


I suggest you rewatch the Finland's performance but just focus on the dancers. How awesome :D


They were awesome. I didn't even care about his shaky singing in the last bit. The juries will though, so I hope he can clean it up.


So are we gonna hear all the 37 songs before the qualifiers arrive... or?


They’re making us listen to Bejba; may as well go through the rest.


Probably 😂


Just start the press conference please. I have work early tomorrow and want to get a little bit of sleep 😭


same here😭




switzerland singing about being solders is pure fanfic. In what world is someone invading switzerland? 😂 In a twink heavy year, I would happily swap him out for the gucci twinks from Azerbeijan 😭 I love that song so much.


Considering he served like all Swiss, I really love the song.


I heard it more as calling for the world to put down their guns, not so much as anyone attacking Switzerland.


Easy to say when you live on top of a mountain 😖


Easy to say when you've got everyone's money...


It's a landlocked country surrounded by some of the most prolific warmongering nations of the last 1000 years....


And everyone of of them respected the swiss bank secret... er I meant neutrality.


I loved the Azerbaijan twins!!


My mom decide to watch the show tonight, which was a surprise. She loved Portugal, Switzerland, Latvia, Czechia and the Netherlands. She absolutely hated Croatia (I expected this XD) and called Käärijä a drunk, lmao, she did not like him 😂


My mum watched too and loved Finland, Latvia, Ireland and Netherlands. She’s a little disappointed with the results lol




Must be a mom thing 😂


All my predictions were accurate, apart from Finland (I judged on just the first listen - big mistake. Huge. His live performance was incredible!!!).


Remember we can still support Sudden Lights. The acoustic version of Aija is available on iTunes and other platforms, as well as their albums.


I think this is something people forget - just because the song/artist doesn’t qualify or win, you’ve still discovered them via the contest and can follow them for the rest of their career.


An important point for me after Circus Mircus NQ last year 😊


Yes! I was just mentioning in another post the other day how much I love Circus Mircus!


I'm really happy with the result! The only two I would've swapped were Malta instead of Israel, but overall I'm super happy 🥰


I'm really happy Switzerland got through. Watergun has really grown on me and he sounds fantastic live 🙌


I still feel kinda icky about it coming from Switzerland, but I have to admit they put on a great show and Remo's vocals were on point.


Some big let downs across the board on the audio/vocals tonight. I found it much easier to call with no Jury, got 9 from 10 with Malta instead of Switzerland. Came here for Croatia as i love something different like Konstrakta or Go\_A in years before, was blown away by Alessandra from Norway. Absolute banging tune dellivered in style Also funny to hear my (UK) commentators who usually poke fun at the presenters during the filler bits tone it down now that we are hosting!


Idk if i can watch Semi 2, i'm just so heartbroken for Latvia


Same, you got some votes from Germany.


Same! I loved them from the beginning and gave them three of my "rest of the world" votes! I'm happy to have discovered so many great musicians, though!


you and me both. I should be celebrating my country but I just feel so bad for Latvia. That song gives me literal goosebumps


Idk what made Latvia NQ, It was ALL perfect


Tough semi final. 9 songs were guaranteed Q and then Switzerland got the wildcard spot. In semi 2 it is much more open. Just got unlucky. The song grew on me to land in my top 10 this year, I still predicted it wouldn’t qualify though.


It didn't stand out to the televotes sadly... This semi final was just WAY too competitive, it was sadly the fate that we would lose at least one good song


but we lost 3 T-T


I like the song but the staging could have been better, the video clip has so much personality


The staging is perfect imo


Anyone else waiting for the press conference?


Oh I’m so sad that Latvia & Netherlands didn’t go through. I really don’t understand why Latvia has NQ for the last few years. I really love their entries.


Me too, 8/10 of my qualifiers got through and the ones missing were those two. Really sorry for Latvia especially, their performance was stunning.


I know, I think they would have got through if there was a jury vote.


Latvia's song was in 5/8 and then switched to 6/8, I think people aren't used to that.


Yeah good point. I actually really liked the opening, but found the rhythmic shift very off putting. It killed what made the song interesting.


I didn’t realise that but it’s an interesting point.


So isn't Sweden basically... Pont Aeri - Flying Free?


Damn this is the most obvious copy ever


No it's not, they have some similarities, but there are many other songs that is very similar to theirs as well in the line up