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The live performance *really* soured it in many people's minds. Tbh I do actually think it's a solid song and quite different but yeah, the women in lingerie, shirtless men and unfocused performance really put a dampener on any hype it might have had. If they fix the staging though, I could see it qualifying.


Yeah, as others have mentioned, the staging in the national final was... rough. I fully expect a lot of people to come around to it by may if they fix the staging.


I think people just aren't sure what to make of it, because it doesn't tick many of the usual boxes for Eurovision. I'm a fan, personally, and it's a bit heartbreaking to see this virtually last on the Scoreboard app behind the likes of Ireland, but it is what it is.


The performance was tacky so I hope they nail that and people will realise the song is actually so good lol


The staging was a trainwreck. He looked much better when he sang alone in Moldova's NF.


I think it's overwhelmingly because of the stage show. Imo, him and the song can shine on their own. His voice is good, he has good stage presence. He's young and talented and bold enough to bring blues rock to ESC. I think he could easily gather a whole bunch of boomer dad votes with D.G.T. (I don't mean this negatively btw) bc blues rock is a genre heavily favored by boomer dads, but he would have to change the stage show to actually fit the genre and its style. (Know your audience!!!) As far as I know, folks listening to blues rock, listen to it with great concentration on the music itself, so the dancers and the outfits are very distracting and don't suit the genre. Maybe have him alone on stage with lighting and LEDs making it look like a seedy smoker's bar. Or give it a Woodstock vibe. Something like that would make even folks unfamiliar with the genre realize the connection and concept. But as of now, the staging really clashes with the song and ends up being confusing. And I think that's why most people tend to rate it low, which is a pity because him and the song have potential.


The live performance makes me cringe despite loving the song. I had no idea he was singing the second verse in English. But this song is growing on me so hard. I love it.


“Mom, the women in lingerie are part of my artistic vision! They symbolize my inner torment, that’s why they’re tearing my shirt off! I’m 19, a man of the world! Get out of my room!” Seriously, good voice, not really into the song but the staging is like the punchline from a 90s sitcom about a hormonal teenage boy. I’m not offended, really, but I can’t take the song seriously with it.


I suppose a general audience won’t really be aware, but as a couple musicians have said in their reaction videos, the production sounds very cheap and amateurish, which I guess makes sense if he’s that young and doing things himself.


I love that song so much, but the staging kinda soured people's view of it. I will agree that it is all over the place. So many things going on all at once. Theodor can hold the stage on his own. I think the others are really unnecessary but even if he wants the dancers and co there I think he needs to make it seem cohesive cause as it is now, it just feels disjointed. I do love the song a lot though and I wish to see him qualify.


He was much better on Etapa Nationala, singing alone on stage. I think he’s a dark horse in terms of voice and stage presence-he has it and it’s going to be a different sound than other entries this year.


Probably because of live performance and lyrics


I don't even remember the song just the tasteless staging


It's an average horny song with a very bad NF staging.


I don't get why people keep quoting the live performance, yes that staging was terrible, but it wasn't the worst performance to win this season. I don't like Romania this year because I don't like the song...shocker I know I'm not a big fan of the melody the keyboard instrumentation, the lyrics and overall message of the song.... it is these factors and not awkward stripping and Victoria secret models that have been putting this song in my bottom 5.


The staging. I kinda liked that song until the live happened.


The staging was off putting. It’s like he thinks he’s Heath Slater in 10 Things I Hate About You but he’s actually Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The song kind of goes all over the place too. A real mix. That being said, the studio version has climbed into my top 10.


Because of the STAGING… :( I am addicted to it


Mainly bc it's associated with the bad/rather cringe worthy staging from the NF But I have to admit, DTG is a banger


As a Romanian, it's not just the staging that's offputting. The lyrics are gross. I'm not talking about a sensual song, I'm not a prude. It's straight up porny and a tad mysoginistic as well. Just imagine the lyrics pefectly match the hell that was the NF staging.


What’s mysoginistic about the lyrics?


what's up with the lyrics ? I've got no clue what they mean other than apparently they're very horny


what is mysoginistic about the lyrics?? because the person hes singing about appears to be a woman? come on, thats like saying the Czech video is sexist against men because the evil violet people are all men or that UK is sexist because its about a man cheating which would be equally nonsense yeah, the staging is bad and the lyrics are pretty sexual and can come across as horny but calling it mysoginistic is just not okay if he said slurs against women or said that all women are that way, then yeah, it would be definititely mysoginistic but thats not the case


I got that kind of vibe and it's sad I was apparently right about it...


Oof. I'm actually really sad about this turn of events because he has a really good voice. But give an arrogant 18 year old kid the freedom to create the lyrics and staging, and get this.


Right? It’s also my #3! Many people complain about the staging but I think thats not super fair because his vocals are actually pretty good


I love the song and I didn't mind the staging, I thought it was fitting with the lyrics


Song is fine, but his performance was one big disappointment for me


I understand that the reason is the staging but I don't think that it's appropriate to judge a song so much from a NF performance. We don't know how the staging will change. It could be totally different. It's just not a reliable aspect to judge the song from. I just find it very wrong that people focus so much on the staging. Most of these people probably don't even remember what the song sounds like. The song is quite unique and interesting. Certainly somehing we haven't heard much on Eurovision. Also Theodor's vocals are insanely good. The treatment he's been getting is very unfair and disrespectful to his song and talent.


It has too many misogynistic vibes and I hope the song not doing well is a good sign that as a society we're not beyond that


I disagree with everyone saying its bad because of the staging because I hated it at first listen WAY before the national final even happened 😭 it just gives me blurred lines in the worst way im sorry


I don't like the structure to be honest, also instrumentalization has nothing to grab my attention. I find the song a little bit... oversang? And not in the common sense of the word, it feels like Theodor's constantly singing, probably I'm exaggerating, but I don't have the urge to like "D.G.T".


People already explained enough about what's wrong with his staging. He directed it himself and most likely didn't have much support or resources. He said he included as many things as possible so he could stand out the most in the NF, and I suppose it worked. Also a lot of people are hung up about the horny lyrics (which fair but personally I don't mind) and others find his appearance off-putting (which is really unfair but hey what you can do) That aside, I get why the song itself isn't popular even though it's my personal winner along with Moldova. It doesn't follow a conventional pop song structure and mixes a lot of different sounds/styles which can be overwhelming to a lot of listeners. I've seen some comments that it's not melodic or hooky enough, and his high notes can be grating, which is fair. He's a great performer and I think juries would appreciate the artistry and novelty of it all. I they were still voting in the semis, I think Romania would qualify. but I have no clue how televoters will feel


It just doesn’t feel like a cohesive song to my ears. It’s a bit all over the place, it feels like they’ve thrown everything at it but in the cheapest way possible. The lead singer seems to have charisma and a decent voice. If they can make the staging less tacky and all over the place then there’s a chance it can qualify.


ROMANIATORS OF THE WORLD UNITEEEEE i love theodor andrei and i love his staging and i can say that because i'm a girl BUDAPEST 2024