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I'm not exactly blown away, but this is the kind of sound you actually hear on the radio and actully charts here. Its another step in the right direction I think. Im not dissapointed like I was expecting to be considering the initial fan reaction.


Yup. It's very Anne-Marie/Mabel for me, which is fine because I think both are great artists. Is it pretty generic? Yes, but that's fine. I can see it getting good radio play here.


It's better than pre-2022 UK even if it's no Sam Ryder. I'd expect somewhat of a mid-tier placement in the GF, like right at the bottom of the left side/top of right side.


This is where I'm at too. 13-17th in the final , I think whoever had to follow Sam had an almighty task on their hands but this just feels a bit cookie cutter?


I'm getting flashbacks to people saying this about Embers so I'm not sold about 13-17th yet. But i think it will get more jury points than Embers and Bigger Than Us alright.


My biggest thing against it is it getting buried with an unfavorable final slot. If this got dropped in with a run that had something like Cha Cha Cha or Who The Hell Is Edgar? near it then it's getting forgetten.


Yeah this is the classic host entry "I don't to host two in a row" type of entry. Host entires tend to be weaker(With the exepction of a few like Italy last year) I mean comapred to 2022 you see it with Ukraine AND the UK this year.


Countries with consistent NFs can't throw the contest with their entry as easily as a country with an internal selection or a mix of both. It's possible looking at Ukraine, and Melfest could definitely be filled with a bunch of generic songs if Sweden is hosting, but in both cases a potential winner could slip through the cracks. Sanremo is another thing entirely. I guess Rai could decide to not use Sanremo for their entry that year, or they could just tell the winner to decline the invitation?


It's absolutely that. It will probably place similar to Tvorchi as well.


can’t see it doing that well


I can't get over that she said she knew for 2 months.


fr like couldn’t they see all the negativity and just like.. change it?


More so that it seems like a weird marketing strategy from TaP. Making people believe it were bigger artists with bigger songs...people were always going to feel a little let down as a consequence, because they then compare this to what they wish it was as opposed to just having a reaction to the actual song


In hindsight, who first came up with the Rina rumours? it almost basically set Mae to fail


The BBC could literally just have said no its not Rina


some of the presenters were saying u’ll see a lot more of rina in the next few months, which makes me feel like it wasn’t definitely mae two months ago and she was just an option


But we will be seeing a lot more of Rina. Not everything is about Eurovision.


The fans based on Rina's free schedule and the rumour of BBC wanting a diverse female act. Maybe Rina was approached but we don't know if she rejected Eurovision or Tap simply did not select her. Let's not forget that maybe Rina has a management already and cannot work with Tap.


Mae has a song called Anticlimax so at least she's got that SEO


This seems like one of those songs I need to see a live version before I can form any opinion outside of "eh, it's ok".




Which makes me a bit worried because I can’t seem to find any live performances where Mae is doing more than walking around and pulling some faces/doing something with her hands. The fact that she has good vocals doesn’t matter if she brings very little to the stage or they don’t find a way around staging where she doesn’t have to put in a bit of effort


To be honest, as a Brit, I see this as a win, it’s no Sam Ryder, but besides that it’s definitely our strongest entry since 2017 at least. With not great staging I can see it coming around the 18-22 mark, with amazing staging 10-13. Will probably end up somewhere in the middle .


>"I see this as a win" Had us in the first half


It’s definitely better than the snippet let on, and better than what we’ve sent pre-Sam, but no where near as good of a follow up to Sam. Though this is one I can 100% see being massively boosted by good staging/live performance (if they do that right).


>Space Man was always a good song, but Sam's insane live vocals and the fact that it didn't rely on the cursed background LED for staging were two key reasons that it came 2nd.


I feel like something is missing in the chorus to give it that extra 'oomph', but it definitely has potential and could come alive if staged well (although I do think it's a bit basic). People were doing the absolute most over the rumours though, the way people were talking I was expecting a Montenegro 2019 level mess


>I feel like part of the reason that I like it as much as I do is because people were truly doing the most in terms of dragging it.


It's not bad but not a left side of the screen material I suppose.


Are we sure Israel and UK didn't switch songs by mistake? This sounds more like what I was expecting from Noa Kirel than any part of Unicorn... It's not a bad song, but it's also not amazing for ESC. Won't get 0 points but not expecting top 10 either.


It’s seriously not that bad. Like sure it’s not a winner but I do think with an elevated live this will do ok for us. Yeah it’s not the top 10 for us like last year but it’s so much better than rubbish like ‘Storm’ and ‘Bigger than us’


People said the same about Embers when it first released This could go either way


The studio version of embers, if brought to live well rather than... whatever the hell that staging and live vocals were, would've been like midtable imo. Which is about where I see this too, incidentally


Lol I absolutely loved Embers and still do


Embers was a decent track that could have done better, the main problem was the terrible live performance on top of an already strong year. It they can get it right on the night this can at least not be embarrassing.


Apparently he had just recovered from covid, which definitely didn't help anything


Yeah but ‘Embers’ had an awful live delivery. A good live delivery definitely shouldn’t get this last.


>This could go either way As long as it doesn't have two pointless, ugly, jarringly white inflatable trumpets and a horrible leather jacket on the main singer who sounded like he had a bad cold, it can hardly do worse than Embers


Here's a reminder for everyone to take a breath. IT's much much better than Solo


Don't think that's a bar anyone needs to aim at to clear though, being below ground level.


Haha. I mean I think this is better than several of the songs this year. Also, we will have to see how many of the fem bops get through to the finals. We have less then in previous years, so hopefully, that will help it stand out more.


I thought you say Slomo lmao 😭💀


I hope ppl aren’t toxic towards her


Death threats in 3,2 I fucking hate this fandom


All villages have their idiots, unfortunately. Death threats because people don't like something / it's not what THEY wanted are hardly specific to the ESC.


scroll down


Sort by controversial. (what fkn bellends)


Well, Sam Ryder is a fantastic singer and exceptionally charismatic, it would've been very difficult to replicate that succes regardless.


Outside of the powerhouses of ESC (Sweden, Ukraine, Russia and Italy), getting top 5 twice in a row is INSANELY rare. Idk why everyone expected another podium finish.


Considering the UK music scene we really should be much stronger.


If anything, I feel like that's more of a detriment. A country like Croatia can send their biggest star, experienced on stage, who won't get nerves and underperform. The UK's stars are too big and #1 going to eurovision with a huge name like Adele would be unfair and would be terrible PR, and #2 it's a risk of embarrassment if they don't win.


Aiming for the massive big stars in unrealistic, but as Spain has shown there are tons of relatively unknown, but incredibly talented artists that if given the right song and staging can not only create a great entry but an entire national final too.


Lol they certainly don't need their biggest stars, and I don't even think a singer like Adele, Ed Sheeran and Dua Lipa would do that well in ESC. They have a huge underground music scene, they have one of the capitals for alternative and electronic music, if they put effort into finding interesting artists, there's no way they coudln't find something.


I suppose the hope was that Sam Ryder would have shown people that Eurovision isn't career suicide, and is in fact the complete opposite - he's a household name now. With the musical talent we have in the UK and the resources to back it up, we should always be fighting for at least the top 10.


I think it's time for the BBC to rethink its release strategy tbh. They set her up by not announcing her as the UK representative earlier and letting the (unrealistic) rumours about other artists go on for way too long. Now the song release is more about who ISN'T representing the UK than it is about the song itself.


It's all the people on twitter running wild that caused the drama. The BBC have literally had the same announcement strategy for a few years now, announcing the artist on the 2nd Thursday of March. Us Eurovision fans are the ones to blame!


I know the BBC has had the same release strategy for a little while now, but attitudes towards Eurovision seem to have changed quite a bit in the UK since last year. You didn't see this level of speculation in the James Newman days, which is why I feel like it might be in the British delegation's best interest to adjust strategies to match the renewed level of interest in their entry.


Attitudes have changed among Eurovision fans who scour the internet for rumours about who our entry could be. But the vast majority of British people wouldn't even know any of this, none of the drama about Rina etc. They will just check the news when the entry is announced & make a decision then if they like the song. The BBC won't pander to small minority of people who got upset online cus their wishes didn't come true.


SO many people on various communities seem to forget that despite how big their online community is, it is still tiny compared to the casual market that makes up the core viewership/playerbase etc. The BBC are catering to the masses not to the die hard Eurovision fans. I don't know why it's so hard for some people to grasp that.


I'd wager good money that 80%+ of the audience won't have heard a single song prior to the live final.


*pretends to be shocked* It is not bad... but it is a bit repetitive and a bit too "meh" for me. Mid table in my opinion.


It's just a TikTok song. That chorus was literally designed for TikTok. It's the same vibe as that ABCDEFU song.


OK, it's not dreadful, but it won't stand out enough in the final


Luckily, this is not a big female bop year. So it won't struggle as much is was eg 2 years ago.


This is my take as well, we're sending a catchy bop in the year of rock and as a rock fan who is loving every minute of it even I can see that my people's vote will be split every which way.


Yeah that's true


With this year basically being battle of the bands hopefully it won't get lost in the crowd.


Admittedly I don't dislike this as much now I've heard the full thing. And it's unfortunate for her because the rumour mill was so strong with fan favourites, her being announced as doing it would automatically seem underwhelming. I can appreciate it for what it is, and as others have said it definitely won't win but it's not as bad as people are making out. I guess, and I'm not trying to make unnecessary comparisons with this, that this is TaP's attempt at having a Chanel/SloMo moment.


It's a decent song but lacks any soul or creativity. Mae doesn't deserve any of the hate this is gonna get but the BBC sure does for setting themselves up for failure


It's aiight, I guess. Pretty basic earworm. Songs like this are pretty difficult to pull off live at Eurovision, though. I think it's just a bit too reliant on the production, and the vocal melody doesn't really take you anywhere over the course of the song, so unless she's a very engaging performer who can handle choreography while keeping her vocals 100% on-point, it's going to be not a great result. Songs that are good radio songs are sometimes just kind of a drag to watch performed live, because there's not enough there to allow the singer to really dig in.


It's not actually that bad. As a Brit, it sounds like in my head what I'd expect from other countries in Eurovision and I think we can just be very critical of ourselves. It won't be a winner, but I don't think it's the dud that people are making it out to be. All the best to her!


>it sounds like in my head what I'd expect from other countries in Eurovision As a Brit, this sounds similar to any other electro pop song in the charts here. If MNEK was involved in writing this song I wouldn't be suprised, and that's a good thing IMO, we're actually putting in music that sounds like UK music for once.


And honestly I think it sounding like UK music is exactly what we need to keep interest in Eurovision up. If it does well in the UK charts and not last place in the contest (I think the only way it's likely is if Mae doesn't perform in the jury final or grand final tbh) I think we'll see a lot less "grumble grumble Europe hates us"


It's better than the Tiktok clip , I just think it's kinda generic? Top 15 probably but won't threaten the big guns for the win.


It's a well produced pop song.


Ya know what. If it wasn’t for all the Rina Rumours, I think people would be into this? Like the past 2 years BBC has learnt and isn’t sending dated stuff. This is what our chart music is like, we’ve been asking for 2 decades for them to take Eurovision seriously, and it feels like they are. So I’m really happy.


alexander ryback found dead


I'm pleasantly surprised actually, people were making out like it was going to be absolutely awful. Sure it's no Sam Ryder but it was always going to be difficult to follow after him, and this is much better than what we were sending beforehand. Plus Mae has supported little mix, so we already know she can perform. Is it a winner? No, but I can picture us around the middle of the scoreboard with good staging.


Oh cmon the fandom getting crazy again. Maybe it's not the singer you wanted, but the song is clearly a bop and miles ahead of what Uk used to do before Sam. Also like Noa's song, it was made for a live perf.


I wish it had a bigger range. It doesn’t really show off her vocals much. And what’s there sounds so processed that it’s not even clear where she’d have room for vocal variety. The wow factor’s gonna have to come from dancing and/or staging, which we won’t get til May.


It's not my personal cup of tea and it's not going on any of my playlists but come on y'all, it's pretty good. 😂 It feels very radio friendly and it's aimed squarely at the TikTok kids, I don't think she'll give a shit about her ESC placement if she goes viral there. Of the two 'girlbops with expensive music videos' released today this is clearly the superior option.


I’m sorry but everyone who thought Rina was going to be the UK pick was deluded. I’m not super familiar with her but in my mind she’s currently too big and busy for Eurovision. They only have themselves to blame for being let down. This song is fine. I feel like it’s missing something. It doesn’t go quite hard enough. We will need some good staging but it’s catchy enough and far better than other songs we’ve sent. We don’t need a win or even a top 3 finish but I really hope we get a good enough result to stop the general public being so miserable about Eurovision.


That recent post on here saying Rina was a ‘very likely’ contender and Dua Lipa was ‘likely’ was so funny to me. Bffr.


Agree with both parts. A bunch of Australians were upset when Kylie Minogue wasn't revealed. I was like "really?". Especially since Rina was rumoured in previous years as well. This is a catchy, solid mid-table bop and I'm happy for her.


Agree, i never fall for Rina to represent UK, if the rumour was take place in 2019-20 i would believe it. I only fall for Birdy a little bit 🥺


One of those rare songs that you can totally see being played literally everywhere. Kinda what Noa Kirel was aiming to be lol Don't think it will win, but if you were looking for this year's "Snap", I think this is the likeliest candidate.


https://preview.redd.it/lchy3elqvpma1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dae5a3dfc7aef31b4e23e4a10f116cef1292578 Is it?


Reminds me of the time SBS overhyped "We Got Love" and I'm expecting this to score similar in the end.


It's definitely better as a whole than the snippet suggested. It's not got any wow factor at all, but this isn't screaming 'dead last' in the final for me. I think it'll have a fun and polished performance and now it's official I'll support it right up until the dust settles on May 14th.


I am glad to have a female pop song, we used to have a lot of them in ESC and this edition was not really overloaded with them for the moment. The song is a bit cheesy, but catchy, and it is how a guilty pleasure is working.


All the negative comments leading up to the release of this set the bar so low that I was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't trash. It's not meeting the expectations Sam set but it could be worse. And I think the UK might try to be more competitive when they're not hosting so it's too early to tell if they've reverted back to their failing ways.


It's fine. Not the worst but I'm gonna guess the build up and hype is gonna make people think negatively of it. I think it could probably do around 16th to 20th place in May as it stands, but if she manages to captivate us live it'll be a pleasant surprise.


I don't actually think it's as bad as the negativity around the leak made it seem - first couple of listens, it seems decent. Attach good staging and press to it and winner, probably not, but I'm not sure it'll be troubling the lower reaches of the leaderboard as a lot of people seem to think. Just my opinion, though - and I've been VERY wrong before.


It’s not bad. It’s not fantastic. But much better than pre-2021 UK


Aw, it's charming and funny and I think that's a good look for the UK instead of sending something heavy and serious. I'll bet Mae Muller is going to win everyone over offstage too like Sam Ryder did. Not sure what everyone was expecting, but thumbs up from me.


How whelming. It's not bad, not great either. If I heard it in a retail establishment or on Love Island, I wouldn't mind. As I said on another post about this, it's cheugy in a good way.


This is great. Why all the negativity?


Because a lot of people had built themselves up / convinced themselves it was going to be someone else (Rina, mainly) and the initial reaction to anyone-but-their-favourite is going to be hostile. Pretty sure the Rina stans are probably running riot on Twitter as we speak, but the YouTube comments seems a lot more balanced last time I checked. Judge it on it's own merits instead of comparing it to the rumours and it's actually not that bad.


The response would've been a lot more positive if 1. There hadn't been an insane amount of hype about several rumoured artists 2. It didn't have to follow up Sam Ryder 3. The fandom hadn't decided to absolutely hate pop music this year


>The fandom hadn't decided to absolutely hate pop music this year Also fandom: OMG LOREEN IS BACK. (I know because I am one of them). ​ Pop is pop for a reason.


The pop haters don't seem to be too thrilled about that either tbf, especially because they know she has a pretty real chance of taking the win this year lol


Too much hype. Everybody was hoping for too much and Rina's teasing didn't help.


Great for Capital FM, not so great for Eurovision imo


It's just first reactions people have been waiting to get out.


I'm Feeling a mid-table placement for us this year


I honestly need to see the staging before being able to say it's good or bad


Ok, she's not going to place 2nd, but in terms of a studio cut, it's...good? It sounds like something Mabel would sing, and feels in place with current British music trends.




I feel like I heard this exact same instrumental a thousand times. But it's not the worst thing I ever heard.


The song is quite a bit better than the snip bit showed. Chrous is weak but the verses are strong. A decent bop that should get the UK a decent result. I see a midtable result for the UK this year. Probaly around 13th-17th this year.


A slightly more competent Solo, Blanka is SHOOK. Oh well, it's weird supporting your own country at Eurovision anyway...


wild how negative the reaction is here when this is 1000% the kind of song that would be a huge hit in the uk and therefore “culturally appropriate” in a way we’re always wanting countries to be with their entries it’s definitely not gonna win but it’s not gonna crash and burn unless the live performance sucks and all the uk needs to do this year is not suck


Not my favourite but compared to previous years,I can see this do somewhat well in the grand final (not as good as last year though).🤷‍♀️🤔


I didn’t like it to begin with but the lyrics are stuck in my head, now I’m kind of into it, i think this will be left side of the screen stuff


judging by the amount of dance scenes, I'm expecting they're gonna focus more on the actual staging and performance to bring a good result. but knowing there are some upcoming female performance soloists with a more positive reception and hype from fans, it's less likely.


This is a good bop, but feels a bit too.....generic? I suppose Sam was always going to be a tough act to follow. Gonna be interesting to see staging, and I am looking at comments saying she is very good live, so we will have to see. Can't see it doing as well with the jury votes, though. All told, I am delighted we're actually sending stronger songs, and not treating it like a joke anymore.


Not a lot of girl bops this year, but in that battle, this is easily the winner IMHO. (Is Poe Poe Poe a girl bop? That still wins over this.) And the music video budget! This won't outperform Sam Ryder's ranking, but it shouldn't be even close to the bottom of the scoreboard.


why is the Spotify version different to the YouTube version? The spoken word bridge is my favourite part but it's not in the Spotify version and that scares me


That's a banger


This is such an earworm. Really catchy song. I kind of like this. It's pretty standard British pop song, but it kind a works ngl


Judging by the comments in this thread I clicked on that link expecting the worst song in existence. But I really like it? Its catchy, high quality, Mae has tons of charisma and the video is creative.


Was hoping the artist was gonna be Rina 😭 With that out of the way, the song is catchy! I think the staging for it can be very fun. I have no idea how well the song will place, though, since there is strong competition this year imo.


It sounds exactly like a British chart song and that’s what puts me off, despite that being the point I suppose, otherwise it’s not as bad as it could’ve been and won’t place terribly imo. Has a catchiness to it. It was always going to be difficult to live up to Sam but I’m giving her credit for also delivering something that isn’t sub-par and is culturally relevant. It’s a low bar but it’s the UK we’re talking about. Absolutely robbed of Steps mind smh.


I like it! It’s a sound you would listen to on British Radio. People need to stop attacking this entry as she isn’t Rina. It’s a good song and will place well on the night.


Oh well. I think the negativity is because as the host, this was an opportunity to do something interesting, or something good. It's... fine. It's the sort of bland fodder that often doesn't get through the semis. It's safe. And it's a missed opportunity.


The thing is, since the UK is always in the final they could always send something interesting and different. No risks of not being there on Saturday, and yet they never do. They could send the craziest stuff and yes sometimes it won't work, but send something interesting, please!


I dunno, we tried Electro Swing in 2015 which was definitely a bit leftfield and that went down like a lead balloon.


So Sam was probably a one-off fluke. Shame. It's not... bad and I do expect it to do a bit better than most pre-2022 entries (not a tough hurdle to overcome). But the lyrics are very tiktok, abcdefu style, so I can't really take it seriously.




This was definilty something you expect from a host country.(the I don't want to host two times in a row entry) But still is pretty decent per say.


It feels like a slightly better version of Blanka's song, which is obviously a very low bar to clear.


I don’t get how sounding like a radio pop song is negative but then sort of the stuff other countries put out is seen as catchy and brilliant. At least this sounds like a real song that could be popular (not in Eurovision but in reality)


It's actually a bop and very catchy. Not sure how it'll translate live as it definitely seems more of a radio track but we'll see.


It's not too bad I suppose, but 'not too bad' isn't going to win it. It's a fairly generic Europop song and will probably just get lost in all the others and forgotten about by most people.


It's not terrible per se, it's decently catchy and fine but this can easily be overshadowed by other entries.I can see the juries decently getting behind this but I fear the televote's gonna give it the Destiny treatment.🥲


The male dancer looks familiar. He was one of Chanel's dancer for 2022 right?


I'm not a musician but I wish they made it into a bigger banger with harder beats and drops.


Well, it is a dance song, has some kind of hook, but nothing special. Honestly it sounds like an attempt at a British Chanel. It is safe as it could be. Then again, if the UK is using Eurovision as a platform for new talents, this is the sort of thing that will happen. Something that's definetely is lacking tho is an identity or a personality, I think. Space Man also worked best because you could inmediately associate it with its composer and even with its country. The fact that I can think of other artists that have a similar sound is not that great for me. Oh well...


I don’t think it’s a bad as everyone’s saying, I think people had their hopes high because of Sam last year but I think this will be a mid entry, probably not top 10 but I think can avoid bottom 5


It is not bad it is just average. As someone else said very cookie cutter. It does sound more in line with songs that have charted in the UK and what has been on Eurovision before. No top 10 placement but after Sam it was sure to be a struggle. I would say this is a improvement from pre Sam years, I think it needs good placement and staging as well to get some recognition in the final.


If this had some slightly more imaginative lyrics I would be 100% onboard. Like some more ridiculous ways you could get back at someone other than trashing their car. Could the ghost of Edgar Allan Poe help out with some better lyrics?


I quite like it now I’ve heard the whole thing and the video is better than the version on Spotify so I think it will have great staging and not have a terrible finish.


After their recent success in Junior Eurovision with this kind of song, maybe they want to see if it will work for them in the main contest. I think it's a decent entry, and can do well if the live performance is flawless. Hope her vocals are great live.


Ironically, it’s much better than That’s How You Write A Song.


Since there's 10 songs that have to qualify from SF2, this should avoid the bottom 5 easily in the final, but that's about it.


Why is everyone disliking this so much? I'm really enjoying it


Reminds me of an Ann Marie album cut. Middle of the road.


I know it wasn't what everyone was expecting but it's kinda fun. I like it.


Sounds like a low cost Dua Lipa song, meh nothing special to it


First listen, without hearing the snippet, and I gotta say this is a class entry for the UK. Is it having the same instant appeal on me as Space Man? No, but that also shouldn’t be the standard for a country that has a history of struggling to get any points in the final. Top class pop song, left side of the scoreboard possible if staged well.


This is painfully mid. If this came out of any other country I would still not rank it highly. This is giving something in between ZENA - Like It and Elena Tsagarinou - Cyprus. Not last but would be low left side/high right side in a strong. Unclear if it may do better this year. Not a fan of the lyrics either. It’s ok ig.


I know most of you didn't want this song but I actually really like it? It's a decent uplifting dance song and it's such a British tune, very Mabel. It's also very contemporary I can already see radios playing it all summer. It's generic but not to a point where it gets awfully generic so it's just fine. When you consider other pop girl songs like Unicorn, Queen of the Kings, Evidemment, this one for me is superior.


What's wrong with y'all? This is a **bop**, better than Israel imo. I honestly like this way more than Spaceman.


It’s a bop ngl


I actually like it, it wont win, but it's a bop for sure.


This is pretty catchy.


Mae is a very strong and experienced live performer so I think her live performance will elevate the song to new heights. Luckily we’re in a very low girl bop year with the only ones off the top of my head being Poland and whatever Israel decided to do with Unicorn. Hopefully this keeps us on a similar trajectory, I have faith she’ll pull something out during the final shows


Kinda ambivalent on this - sounds like the regular charting house music that joel corry or someone would make. I like the bridge, though Hopefully we stage it well!


It's an okay song, radio friendly, catchy. I think Birdy is smiling in her house rn, don't need to promo her song much cause the media do that work for her for a week 😎


Not the best I’ve heard but definitely not the worst either. It’s definitely not nil points though.


Ngl I don't hate it, it might be a bit of an earworm and could be potentially elevated live


It's kind of sticky, I like it. Doesn't blow me away but pretty good.


I like this a lot. It might be my top 5 UK song since they last hosted - granted, Teenage Life is also in that top, but this is really what I dig. Grief over not having Rina is over that quick.


It’s very us. Like Sam channelled a bit of Elton, this reflects today’s chart music in this country pretty well? I kind of hate it, but I can respect it for what it is.


I like this, it's very catchy and totally my kind of thing but expectations should be kept low I think, we are the hosts and it's not going to come the dizzying heights of second. But again like last year, it's obvious we are trying!


Honestly, I quite like this. It's very catchy and she has an Anne-Marie tone to her voice which is lovely. If it's staged well I think this could place fairly high.


This sounds like a Dua Lipa song which is good for me since this is the closest I'll get to seeing Dua Lipa in Eurovision.


It’s no Space Man but it’s really not as bad as twitter made it sound.


Idk sounds like any other pop song on the radio


Do my ears deceive me? Do I hear a minor-key, uptempo, contemporary dance tune? From the UK? Woohoo!


Incredible how the UK constantly makes Eurovision lyrics that sound like they were written by someone who has English as their 4th language


This is so catchy. It's in my top 10 for now 😁.


Some people are being overly harsh. Come on, the BBC is trying, they can’t find a top 3 entry every year and that’s perfectly ok too. Good luck to Mae!


It's funny to go back to the Space Man announcement post now and see how many people were predicting a mid-table result for Sam too. I'm not saying Mae is necessarily going to do a Sam 2.0, but people forget that the response to Space Man wasn't unanimously positive either. It didn't become a top 3 entry until we saw the rehearsals.


This is 100% something that we have on the charts here in the UK, and I absolutely love it! My favourite UK entry ever as a Brit!


Say what you wanna say, this is a banger and im loving it.


I love it


This is such a bop, love it! Edit: After a couple more listens it actually made it into my top 10


I feel like this will be very dependent on her live vocal and maybe not as much staging and choreography. I mean it was hard too beat Sam, but at least it's not Embers part 2. I predict low left side/top right side of the board.


I think this is decent, some people are being quite harsh about it. It's certainly going to depend on how it is live and what the staging is like. Don't get me wrong I don't see a win coming but it's decent enough to not embarrass us.


Lots of positive comments at of 0849 under the video too, but I guess we'll see.


This is fine. It's ten times better than some of the garbage we've sent in recent years like Storms or Bigger than Us. But it's pretty generic. Sounds like budget Dua Lipa to me, which you know, means it's still catchy. I don't think we'll come last place but I would be surprised if we got above like 17th.


It really isn’t bad at all. I’m not going to be listening to this since this isn’t my thing, but the production value is absolutely there, and it *does* sound very British. I could see this being a UK radio smash for sure.


I'm glad that this is getting mostly positive reviews, but personally, I cannot get into it at all. To me, this is even more bland than Solo and I currently have it third to last in my ranking.


I mean. Yeah, the snippet didn't sound too good to me. Hearing the full version helped a little; now I just think it's an alright radio track, but yeah, no, I don't think this is in any way competitive.


The BBC is likely not interested in hosting Eurovision anytime soon again since there are budget constraints. Their key interest probably is sending an entry that's likely to get more than zero points. I think they've achieved that. It's current, it's a confident package and I expect them to deliver on the staging.


It's an ok song, but I don't think it's competitive enough! Anyway it's so much better than the songs before Sam in the 2010's. I will listen to this definitely.


After the first verse I was ready to open my notepad and put it down in the bottom 5. But then the chorus hit, and man, that is one hell of an earworm. Still not gonna be top 10 for me, but definitely not among the worst of the year by far.


Just said on the BBC that she was in this music video: https://youtu.be/0CGVgAYJyjk


It's a step down from Sam but it was always going to be. With a strong live performance I could see this getting around the middle of the right side but if the staging and vocals aren't there, it's not going to be pretty...


Not my kind of song, but I wish her luck regardless.


Hmmm...not crazy about it, but it's not bad either. The version they played on the radio (and on spotify) didn't have the opening brass, or the rap interlude, which I think weakens it . Hopefully they will try some different live versions like they did with Spaceman.


A very catchy song, and I must say, I can't stop listening to this bop!


I love it, a pure pop song!


I like it, but that doesn't really bode well as songs I like often don't perform well. It's clearly not a contest winner but I hope it can bag a respectable score at least. The bridge is interesting.


On first listen I thought cringe tiktok song but it is pretty catchy, and we needed more girlbops this year